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Ma’am bella prelims 2nd year second sem

Exposition – is a writing technique used by a Methods of defining terms

writer when his/her intention is to explain
something, to analyze an idea and tto classify a There are two methods of defining terms:
thing. simple and extended definition

Education in the Philippines is provided by Simple definition

public and private schools, colleges,
- bearing in mind its three parts: species
universities, and technical and vocational
(term to be defined), genus (the class
institutions. Funding for public education
where it belongs), and differentia
comes from the national government.
(characteristic of the term)
Commission on higher education(CHED)- - commonly used in technical writing
supervises and regulates colleges. whether formally, semi-formally, or
Technical educational and skills development
authority(TESDA) – for technical vocational Expanded definition
institutionsregulates and accredits technical and
- done by stipulation, operation,
vocational education programs.
explication, cause and effect, and etc…
For the academic year 2017-2018
informal definition - do not follow pattern, the
83% attended public schools only objective is to give meaning to a word that
is unfamiliar or explain the special meaning of a
17% attended private schools or were home- familiar word.
process description includes sequence,
By law, education is compulsory for thirteen
instructions, and procedures
years (kindergarten and grade 1-12). That are
groupinto three level: cellulose- made up fibers
 Elementary school (kindergarten-grade lignin- the natural glue
 Junior high school (grades 7 – 10) pulp – the first process to make papers
 Senior high school (grades 11-12) from trees
Kindergarten start at age 5
kraft – know as chemical pulping
Institution of higher education may be Technical writing is the process of
classified as either public or private interpreting and translating dense and
college or university difficult information for easy
Education may be subdivided into two
comprehension of the potential users of
types: state universities and college and
such information.
local colleges and universities
Products of technical writing: every word makes a clear
contributuion to that purpose.
Business letter. Type of written
communication. 3. Use language that is simple,
concrete, and familiar.
Contract. Is a written argument between
two people under mutually agreed terms. 4. at the beginning and end of every
section of your report. Check your
Monograph. Is a detailed essay or book on according to this principle: “First you
very specific topic. tell the reader what you’re going to
Printed action memo. Is a ready- format tell him, then you tell him what
memorandas that only require a checkmark you’ve told him. “
on appropriate box that contain message. 5. Make your report attractive.
Graphic aids. Are drawings, sketches and Purposes of technical writing
illustrations that aid the readers in
understanding the presented data. 1. It serves as basis for management
Instructional manuals. Are written to guide
the readers. 2. it furnishes needed information.

Brochures. Are pamphlets or flyers. 3. It gives instruction.

Proposals. Are written suggestion on how 4. It records business transactions

to make the company or organization more through proposals.
productive and successful. 5. It procures business proposals.
Memoranda. Are inner-office written 6. It serves as basis for public relations.
communication, used to disseminate
information. 7. It provides reports to stockholders
of companies.
Five Important Principles in 1.To inform- providing the audience with
Good Technical Writing factual information.
1. Always have in mind a specific 2.To instruct- to give information in the
reader, real or imaginary, when you form of direction , instructions, procedures
are writing a report. Always assume so that readers will be able to do
that he is intelligent, but something.
3.To persuade - convince audience to draw
2. Before you start to write, always the desired conclusions from the provided
decide what the exact purpose of information.
your report is, and make sure that
every paragraph, every sentence,
Properties of technical Writing 5. Arrangement of materials. This
pertains to how ideas should be
1. Subject matter. In writing technical
organized in chronological, spatial,
papers, you must ask the question,
spinal or logical order, from general
“what will I write about?”
to specific to general, and use
the subject matter is an essential illustrations to present the
element in technical report winning. Some information.
examples of this are description of a
process, writing about a theory, or Writing can be group in five basic
submitting a policy. types
2. Audience. When thinking about the Technical Writing. Conveys specific
audience, ask “whom am I writing information about a technical subject to a
for? Or who are my intended specific audience for a specific purpose.
reader?” this is a properly which Creative writing. Is fiction ----- poetry,
pertains short stories, plays, and nnovels ---- and far
3. Expression. This property refers to different from technical writing.
two basic modes in which a Expressive writing. Is subjective response
technical report has to be liberated - to a personal experience ---journals and
--writing it or reading it. Your diaries --- whereas technical writing might
expression of the content will be objective obseravtions of a work- related
depend on your awareness of your experience or research.
audiien’s/reader’s psychology and
your style in writing to be able to Expository writing.”exposes” a topic
reach your audiien’s/reader’s analytically and objectively, such as news
understanding. reports. Like technical writing, the goal of
expository writing is to explain or reveal
4. Style. This refers to how the knowledge, but expository writing does not
material is written. A technical uses necessarily expect a presonse or reaction
clear, specific point of view, from the reader.
objective, technical writer uses
clear, specific point of view, Persuasive writing. Depends on emotional
objective, impartial, and use appeal. Its goal is to change one’s attitudes
illustrations tto present the or motivate him/her to actions.
Communication is business Communication in organization
- Effective communication is the key to Rosalles et al.(2009) – is Comprised of people
business who are committed to a common goal and are
- Is a two way process that follows the ready to share information and resources in
common communication process. pursuit of a desired goal.

Locker, 2006 –persuade costumer to buy; and Basic functions:

bill them for sale.
- To inform
Steimle (2017) – many entrpreneurs become - To persuade
more estranged from their teams, turn off - To promote goodwill
partners, and lose deals all because they lack
basic education. Formal and informal channels of
Custodio et al,2013 – understanding the communication
requirements of good business communication, Formal channel of communication
developing good communication skilss, and
understanding the channels of communication - Follows the usual pattern of an
in yur organization will ensure success in your organizational chart where the superios
career. are classified from the subordinates
through connecting the lines
Tagpermpoon, 2008 – wirting is the most
difficult skill because it covers a great deal of Informal channel of communication
knowledge as well as principles of organization
- follows an unstructured channel of
to produce a good composition.
communication where lines and
patterns of the organizations are vague.
4 bodies of law that are relevant to Pre writing techniques:
technical communication 1. Keep a writer’s journal by recording
personal experiences, perceptions,
1. Copyright law – covers the protection
and ideas
of the rights of the author
2. Do free writing
2. Trademark law- pertains to federal
3. Brainstorming by listing ideas as
protection (different from registered
quickly as they occur
4. Cluster by drawing lines and cicle to
3. Contract law – covers written
show connections between ideas.
warranties or their implied warranties
5. Ask questions using the news’
4. Liability Law – pertains to
reporter 5 Ws- who? What?
responsibilities or oblihgations of
Where? Why? When? And how?
writers especially claims they made on
6. Read with focus.
their paper.
7. Listen with focus.
Do’s of technical communication 8. Observe by noticing details around
you through the senses.
 Abide by relevant laws. 9. Imagine. Probe your imagination for
 Abide by the appropriate corporate ideas, often use a “what if?”
or professional code of coduct approach
 Tell the truth
Writing stage
 Be clear
 Avoid discriminatory language -The writing stage is the part where we begin to
 Acknowledge assistance from write our first draft.
Do’s and don’ts of writing a first draft
Don’ts of technical communication 1. Don’t overanalyze your writing
 False implications- assuming the 2. Do feel free to followe the of ideas
outcome of a project or making 3. Don’t exaggerate details
sweeping generalizations 4. Do work on the details as much as
possible to keep the story fresh in your
 Exaggeration- expressing situations in
extreme proportions
5. Don’t worry yet about how good your
 Euphemisms- writing about situations
writing is
in seemingly god conditions even
6. Do have fun!
though they are not.
 Don’t mislead your readers

Pre writing stage

-First stage in writing process.Composes or

supplies information pertaining to:

a. Purpose of the paper

b. Choice of topic
c. Gathering information
Re-writing stage

- The stage is also known as the “revision” stage.

We revise to ensure that:

1. The content of the paper is relevant
2. There is organization and coherence in the arrangement of the ideas
3. Grammar and mechanic are clearly observed

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