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Let’s Explore…

1.How will you differentiate device from material. In the table below, give the

Materials Devices
Acetate transparency Projector, Printer
Filmstrips Projector
16 mm motion picture Camera, Cellphones
Audiotape; cassette tapes Tape Recorder
Video tape Video tape recorder
Slide Projection Screen
Computer-assisted-instruction Computers
Book, journal, map of the Library

2.Do resources, technique, and strategy mean the same thing? Explain.
 No, because resources are information, tools or devices that motivate
students and give information or assistance with questions. An example of
resources is interactive white boards, digital cameras and scanners. While
technique, technique is a way or style of doing things, whereas technology is
the application of scientific principles behind the working of gadgets. And
strategy, the importance of strategy is the process that helps you set an ambition
for your business' future and determine how best to achieve it. It is the overall plan
which consists of objectives, principles and tactics relating to use of technologies
within a particular organization.
3.Make a listing of familiar key terms from the definitions of educational
technology. The first one is done for you.

Instructional media Organized effort

Process-integrated Application
Development Evaluation
Instructional system Facilitation of human learning
Individual learning Organization
Integrated process Implementing
Learning technology Systematic way

4.From the given definitions of Educational Technology, make a graphic organizer

indicating the concepts that are similar and different. Label each concept

Instructional media
Process-integrated Organized effort
Instructional system Individual learning
Learning Organization
technology Evaluation
Facilitation of Implementing
human learning Application
Systematic way Development
Integrated process

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