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Let’s Explore…

1. Identify
the intangible aspects in technology.
 Examples of intangible assets include patents, copyrights,
customer lists, and developed technology such as computer
software, licenses or franchises. Intangible technology includes
the “know-how” needed to effectively use export-controlled. Items
and data and is also export-controlled.
2.Differentiate under ware from hardware and software aspects.
Name other educational technology devices other than computers
and Internet.
 The main difference between hardware and software is that
the hardware refers to physical components of a computer
while the software refers to a set of instructions given to a
computer to perform a certain task. Hardware is physical.
You can see it, touch it and break it. Your personal computer
is hardware. Your smartphone is hardware. They are like
cars or buildings. You cannot copy it at one second. You
cannot move it in the speed of light. Software is digital. You
cannot see it. Yes, you can see the source code, but it’s the
screen that makes you see those characters. You cannot
touch it. It’s the output of virtual images. It’s rather like
writing. Sometimes, I think what our body to us is hardware
to a computer, what our thoughts to us is software to a
computer. Without hardware, nothing can find a carrier.
Without software, those disk, memory or currents are like
3. Why
is technology in education necessary in teaching and learning?
 It is necessary because the main aim of School and Education is
to prepare students for the future. And in a world where
technology is developing at an incredibly fast pace, we students
need to be equipped with the ability to handle technology. Now, let
me be clear, to do this I don’t expect teachers to hand students
devices and let us do whatever we want. No, we have to be taught
or at least given the chance to do something productive with the
devices. We need to be able to realize the capabilities of a device
and how and what to use it for. Another important thing Students
need to learn is the ability to use the internet. We need to
understand that the internet is extremely useful when used the
right way. And we need to be especially taught to use it

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