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Preparatory Examination 2023
Subject: PHYSICS- Science Paper-1
Date: 06-02-2023 Time : Two Hours
Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section-A and any four questions from Section-B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. ( )
SECTION- A (40 Marks)
(Attempt all the Questions)
Question: 1
Choose the correct answer [15×1=15]
i) If S.I unit of moment of force is Nm, then 1 kgf m is equal to _______
a) 98N
b) 9.8 Nm
c) 980 Nm
d) 9.8 x 105Nm
ii) The correct relationship between kinetic energy and linear momentum is _______
a) P = 2mK
b) k2 = 2pm
c) p2= 2mK
d) p2 = 2mv
iii) A body of mass 4 kg is moving with a velocity of 4 ms-1.If its mass is doubled and velocity is tripled
,then the ratio of its initial and final kinetic energy will be _______
a) 1:3
b) 1:18
c) 1:9
d) 1:6.
iv) Which of the following has the least ionization power?
a) α - rays
b) β - rays
c) γ - rays
d) None of these
v) The source of ultraviolet light is _______
a) Electric bulb
b) Red- hot iron ball
c) Sodium vapor lamp
d) Carbon-arc- lamp

vi) An object AB is placed in front of a convex lens at its principal focus as shown in figure.

Which of the ray diagram below correctly depicts the refraction through the lens L?

a) c)

b) d)

vii) Two sound of same loudness and same pitch produced by two different instruments differ in their ;
a) Amplitude
b) Waveform
c) Frequency
d) All the above
viii) When you increase the loudness of the ringtone of your mobile phone ,the frequency of ringtone
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains same
d) Cannot be determined
ix) From the given graph, find the resistance of the conductor.

V in volt

a) 2 Ω
b) 10 Ω
c) 5 Ω
d) 4 Ω

x) The magnetic field lines inside a current carrying solenoid are: _______
a) Circular and they do not intersect each other
b) Circular at the ends but they are parallel to the axis inside the solenoid
c) Along the axis and parallel to each other
d) Perpendicular to the axis and equidistant from each other
xi) Which of the following statement is true about line segment CD on the graph given below?

a) a solid is melting with constant temperature

b) a solid is melting with rise in temperature
c) a liquid is heating with rise in temperature
d) a liquid is boiling with rise in temperature
xii) The magnetic strength of an electromagnet can be increased by
a) Increasing the strength of current
b) Increasing the number of turns of the coil
c) Placing magnetic material core
d) All the above
xiii) The wave length of light in medium A is 600 nm. The wave enters medium B of refractive index 1.5
with respect to medium A.
Select the correct option from the following
a) The wavelength of light becomes 1.5 times the initial wavelength
b) The wavelength of light decreases
c) The wavelength of light becomes half of initial wavelength
d) The wave bends away from the normal
xiv) Ice _________ on melting. Wax __________on melting
a) Expands, contracts
b) Contracts, expands
c) Expands, expands
d) Contracts, contracts
xv) The wavelength range of white light is_________
a) 4000 nm to 8000 nm
b) 400 nm to 800 nm
c) 40 nm to 80 nm
d) 4 nm to 8nm

Question: 2

i) A pulley system has a velocity ratio 4 and an efficiency of 70 %. Draw a labelled diagram of this pulley
system. Calculate the mechanical advantage of the system and the value of the effort required to raise a
load of 400 N. [3]
ii) A man can open a nut by applying a force of 150 N by using a spanner of length 0.4 m .What should be
the length of the spanner if he is able to open it by applying a force of 60 N? [2]

iii) a) Where is the centre of gravity of a uniform ring situated?
b) The position of the centre of gravity of a body remains unchanged even when the body is in a
deformed state. Write whether the statement is true or false. [2]
iv) What is the nature of each lens and its focal length if its power is:
a) +2D?
b) - 4D? What is the nature and focal length of each lens? [2]
v) Identify the following wires used in a household circuit:
a) The wire is also called the phase wire.
b) The wire is connected to the top terminal of a three pin socket. [2]
vi) a) Name the waves used for echo depth sounding.
b) Give one reason for their use in echo depth sounding. [2]
vii) a) Which part of an electrical appliance is earthed?
b) State a relation between electrical power, resistance and potential difference in an
electrical circuit. [2]
Question: 3
i) An object is placed in front of a converging lens at a distance greater than twice the focal length of the
lens. Draw a ray diagram to the formation of the image. [2]
ii) a) An electric bulb is marked 100w, 250v. What information does this convey?
b) How much current will the bulb draw if connected to 250v supply? [2]
iii) When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a mechanical force.
What should be the angle between the magnetic field and the length of the conductor so that the force
experienced is :
a) zero?
b) maximum? [2]

iv) How much heat energy is required to bring 3kg of water at 25oC to its boiling point?
[Specific heat capacity of water is 4200Jkg-1oC-1] [2]
v) State any two precautions to be taken while handling radioactive substances. [2]

SECTION- B (40 Marks)

(Attempt any four from this section)
Question: 4
i) A glass slab is placed over a piece of paper on which VIBGYOR is printed with each letter in its
corresponding colour.
a) When viewed from above, will the images of all the letters be in the same plane?
b) The letter of which colour will appear to be raised maximum? Give reason for your answer. [3]
ii) Copy and complete the ray diagram for the image formation of an object AB kept in front of the glass
prism. Critical angle for glass is 42o. [3]



iii) In the diagram, AO is a ray of light incident on a rectangular glass slab.

a) Complete the path of the ray till it emerges out of the slab and mark all necessary angles.
b) How are i and e related to each other? [4]

Question: 5

i) A convex lens forms an image 16 cm long of an object of 4cm length, kept at a distance of 6cm from the
lens. The object and the image are on the same side of the lens.

a) What is the nature of image?

b) Find the position of the image.
c) Find the focal length of the lens. [3]

ii) a) Name the invisible radiation just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum?
b) State a property and one use of the rays. [3]

iii)The diagram below shows object AB placed on the principal axis of a lens L. The two principal foci of
the lens are F1 and F2. The image formed by the lens is erect, virtual and diminished.

a) Copy the diagram and show the image formation with the help of two rays starting from A.
b) Name the lens used. [4]

Question: 6

i) Figure shows a pulley system. The upper two pulleys are fixed and the lower two are movable. [3]

a) Copy and complete the diagram and label it.

b) What is the velocity ratio of the system?
c) How are load and effort of the pulley system related?
ii) On a see-saw two children of the masses 30 kg and 50 kg are sitting on one side of it at a distance 2m
and 2.5m respectively from its middle. Where should a man of mass 75kg sit to balance it? [3]

iii) A boy of mass 40kg climbs up a flight of 30 steps each of which is 20 cm high in 2 minutes and
a girl of mass 30 kg does the same in 1.5 minute. Compare:
a) The work done
b) The power developed by them [ g=10ms-2 ] [4]

Question: 7

i) A pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a gun
simultaneously. He hears echo from the cliff after 8 vibrations of the pendulum. If the velocity of sound
in air is 340 ms-1. Find the distance between the cliff and the observer. [3]

ii) An atomic nucleus P is composed of 84 protons and 128 neutrons, the nucleus P emits an alpha particle
and is transformed into a nucleus Q.
a) What is the composition of Q?
b) The nucleus Q emits a beta particle and is transformed into a nucleus R.
What is the composition of R?
c) Does the composition of ‘R’ change if it emits gamma radiations? [3]

iii) The ratio of amplitudes of two waves is 4:5. What is the ratio of their,
a) Loudness
b) Frequencies
c) State the conditions for resonance of two sound waves.
d) State one way by which the shrillness of sound can be increased. [4]

Question: 8

i) Two resistors of 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in parallel to a cell to draw 0.5A current from the cell.

a) Calculate the current in each resistor.

b) Calculate the potential difference. [3]

ii) A nucleus Pu emits an alpha particle and changes to U which emits beta particle and then a gamma
particle to change into 23593Np. Write the above nuclear changes in form of an equation starting the
atomic number and mass number of each nucleus. [3]
iii) a) Current rating of a fuse is rated 8A. Can it be used with an electrical appliance rated 5Kw, 200V?
Give reason.
b) Name two safety devices which are connected to the live wire of a household electric circuit. [4]

Question: 9

i) In a laboratory experiment 0.02 kg water at 70oc was poured into a copper calorimeter of mass 0.16 kg
initially at 15oC. After stirring, the final temperature reached to 45oC. Specific heat capacity of water is
4200 Jkg-1oC-1.
a) What is the quantity of heat released per kg of water per 1oC fall in temperature?
b) Calculate the heat energy released by water in cooling from 70oC to 45oC.
c) Assuming that the heat released by water is entirely used to raise the temperature of calorimeter from
15oC to 45oC.Calculate the specific heat capacity of copper. [3]

ii) Some ice at 0oC is heated at a constant rate and its temperature is recorded after every few seconds,
till steam is formed at 100oc. Draw a temperature time graph to represent the change.
Label the two phase changes in your graph. [3]

iii) You have been provided with a solenoid AB

a) What is the polarity at the end A?

b) Give one advantage of an electromagnet over a permanent magnet.
c) State two ways to increase the strength of a solenoid. [4]


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