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How to play Carcassonne

1. Overview: Carcassonne is game where players make cities, by placing, matching and
connecting different tiles: towns, roads, monasteries, and fields. Players can place
meeples on the tiles. Meeples are tiny wooden figures: they can be blue, yellow, red,
green and black.

Map - Meeples-

2. How to play - Each player has eight meeples. The game starts after the first
player places the start tile anywhere he wants - which has a darker back (The
standard tiles have a whiter back). Then the player has to put a meeple on the
tile if they want to.

3.The roads. One of the players has to put a road tile, that can be connected with
other tile and they have to match too. After placing a tile, on the map you
can place a meeple on the tile, but only if it’s not occupied by another
meeple. When the game ends and the points go to the scoreboard, one tile
with road is one point. The meeple that is putted on the road is called
thief. The player can get his meeple back if he completes the road.

4. The cities: To make a city the player has to get a tile with a sity and when his
turn come again, he can make the city larger if he get a tile with a city again.The
tiles had to be connected and have to be matching. When a player get a city with
a shield it gives the player 4 points per tile. Each tile without shield in a
completed city is worth 2 points. If its not completed you get one point per tile
with city. The meeple that is putted on the city is called knight. The player can
get his meeple back if he completes the city.

5. Monasteries- When the player place monastery and then place a meeple on the
map it gives them one point, but if the monastery is surrounded by other tiles, it
gives the player nine points and the player can get the meeple back from it. The
meeple that is putted on the monasteries is called monk.

6. Game end and final scoring- The end of the game comes when they are no more
tiles. For the final scoring- roads: one point per tile, cities; if it is completed it
gives the player two points per tile without shield, but if the tile has a shield then
it gives 4 points per tile, monasteries: one point per tile, but if its all surrounded
the player get nine points per monastery.

Then all the points go on the scoreboard and the player who has the most points
wins the game.


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