E-Book - Ein55 Global Top 10 Stocks - Updated Version 2020

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Ein55 Global Top 10 Stocks

Dream Team Portfolio

(Updated Version 2020)

By: Dr Tee Tong Yan

Investing Educator
Visit Blog for Stock Updates: www.ein55.com

Email: ein55.tee@gmail.com
Table of Contents

1. Personalized Stock Investment Portfolio .................................. 2

2. Ein55 Global Top 10 Stocks ....................................................... 6
2.1 ICBC (HKEx: 1398) ............................................................... 6
2.2 Berkshire Hathaway Class-B (NYSE: BRK.B) ......................... 8
2.3 Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS) .................................................... 10
2.4 US S&P 500 Index ETF (NYSE: SPY) .................................... 12
2.5 Café de Coral (HKEx: 0341) ............................................... 14
2.6 Public Bank (Bursa: 1295) ................................................. 16
2.7 Hongkong Land (SGX: H78) ............................................... 18
2.8 CapitaLand Mall Trust (SGX: C38U) ................................... 20
2.9 Genting Singapore (SGX: G13) .......................................... 22
2.10 Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4) .................................................... 24
3. Summary of Actions ............................................................... 26
Appendix: Free Investment Courses by Dr Tee ........................... 28

1. Personalized Stock Investment Portfolio

There are over 40,000 stocks in the world, a smart

investor has to carefully choose 10 global blue chip stocks
aligned with own unique personality as investment portfolio
to grow the wealth.

Figure 1. Stock investment team formation

There are many similarities between football team

formation and investment portfolio strategies. We adopt a
trading or investing strategy aligning to our unique
personalities. As a coach of own stock investment portfolio
team, besides the goalkeeper (cash or safe fund), an
investor needs to find 10 key players of stocks at different
positions, eg 4-4-2 formation strategy (see Figure 1):

4 Defenders: 40% stocks in defensive investing / dividend
investing / indices ETF investing / long term investing

4 Midfielders: 40% stocks in growth investing / undervalue

investing / medium-term trading

2 Strikers: 20% stocks in crisis investing / cyclic investing

/ momentum trading / short-term trading

Each of the stock may require different strategies in

trading and investing, depending on the unique needs and
personalities. “Defenders” are stocks suitable for longer
term investors with strong focus in passive incomes such
as steady dividend payments, having lower risks and
gradual growth in return. “Strikers” are stocks suitable for
more aggressive traders, aiming for high capital gains over
a shorter term, sometimes could be a cyclic stock under
sector crisis with significant price correction or a stock with
strong momentum to rise in a short term due to speculation
or strong business. “Midfielders” are stocks in between
Defenders and Strikers, having moderate capital gains and
passive income over a medium term of investment, could
be a growth stock with strong and sustainable earnings or
an undervalue stock with significant price discount below
the valuation of good assets.

For retail investors, having 10 stocks in a portfolio could

help to minimize 75% of unsystematic risks related to
business and operation of specific stocks. Investing in a

large number of stocks more than 30 is only suitable for
large institute or professional funds with resources to
monitor many stocks closely. For retail investors, instead
of increasing the number of stocks more than 10, the limited
resources could be optimized by filtering selected
fundamentally strong stocks which will help to minimize the
unsystematic risks further. In addition, a smart investor
may only invest in growing sectors with higher demand in
products or services, over several countries with growing
economies. This is an integration of stocks from Level 1
(business) to Level 2 (sector) to Level 3 (countries) to Level
4 (world).

A smart investor could generate unique dream team

portfolio of 10 global stocks with 10 investing strategies
aligning with own personality, following Ein55 styles of
investing (www.ein55.com) developed by Dr Tee. A sample
portfolio is shown in Figure 2 with 10 global and local stocks
in 8 growing sectors (Bank, Property, REIT, Food &
Beverage, Casino, Consumer, Oil & Gas, ETF) which will
be discussed in details in Sections 2.1-2.10, applying Ein55
Optimism as investment clock, waiting patiently to buy low
in global financial crisis and sell high in bullish market to
maximize the capital gains. These 10 sample portfolio
stocks are further diversified over 4 countries: 4 from
Singapore, 3 from USA, 2 from Hong Kong, 1 from Malaysia.
Strength, risks and opportunities of each stock and
suggested strategies will be explained in later section.

Figure 2. Sample 10 global and local stocks in a portfolio

Stock investment is not just what to buy, the mastery of

investment clock is crucial, knowing when to buy and sell to
maximize the profit. In general, Buy when Optimism
<25%, Hold or Wait when Optimism 25-75%, Sell when
Optimism >75% (see sample Ein55 Optimism in Figure 3).

The systematic risks related to economy cycles or mega

trend of market cannot be diversified with more number of
stocks. Instead, a smart investor would apply Ein55
Optimism with alignment to Level 1-4 share prices and
stock indices levels. There are more than 10 trading and
investing strategies for each of the positions of 10 stocks in
a portfolio: What to Buy, When to Buy, When to Sell.

2) Ein55 Top 10 Global Stocks

2.1) ICBC (Hong Kong, HKEx: 1398), Industrial and

Commercial Bank of China

Defender / Midfielder Strategies: For long term investing,

collect stable dividend payment as passive income with
China and Temasek protection. Maximize dividend yield
when buying stock at low optimism. For medium term
trading, apply Ein55 Optimism to buy low sell high every
few years for quicker capital gains.

Figure 3. Ein55 Optimism (0-100%) of ICBC

ICBC is the largest bank in China and also the whole

world (based on current share price and valuation). The

business with stable growing fundamental is supported by
strong economy in China with large population. Temasek
is a major shareholder, providing stability to the share
prices, an additional shield of defense for investors. With
declining or stable US interest rates, the outlook for global
banking and finance stocks is neutral as the net interest
margin (NIM) will be limited to help the global banks to grow
in earnings until the next global financial crisis.

Current Ein55 Optimism of ICBC is moderate at 57%

(see Figure 3), in addition to hold for stable 5% dividend
yield, an investor also has an option to sell the stock at high
optimism (>75%) first, buying back when share price drops
to below 25% Optimism in future, aiming to maximize the
dividend yield. Since global stock market has been
correcting down from high optimism, an investor has to take
note of the signals of global financial crisis which would
affect the global banking and finance stocks significantly.
Crisis is an opportunity if an investor knows when to buy a
strong fundamental stock at price with low Ein55 Optimism.

ICBC is a bank stock, cyclic in nature due to volatile

China / Hong Kong stock market and economic cycles.
Therefore, besides being a “Defender” stock (dividends
only), it may also be considered as a “Striker” (capital gains
only) or “Midfielder” (capital gains and dividends) for trading
in medium term, following trends to long or short, gaining
from average 65% profit from medium-term volatility of
share prices with cyclic investing every 2-3 years.
2.2) Berkshire Hathaway Class-B (US, NYSE: BRK.B)

Midfielder Strategy: High-growth fund for capital gains

with Warren Buffett wisdom when buying at low optimism

Figure 4. Ein55 Optimism of Berkshire Hathaway Class-B

Warren Buffett is the richest investor in the world.

Berkshire Hathaway represents an average performance of
Buffett’s investment portfolio. Berkshire Class-A stock is
very expensive, over US$300,000 for 1 share, mainly
suitable for high net worth individuals or big funds with long
term investment strategies as the stock did not pay dividend,
there was no change in number of shares, all the retained
earnings for decades are accumulated and reflected in its
growing share prices. Berkshire Class-B stock is a more

affordable option for retail investors, pro-rated at 1/1500
price of the Class-A stock, about US$222 / share currently.

Berkshire Class-B allows an easy way for retail investor

to diversify over a portfolio of strong fundamental stocks
owned by Warren Buffett. Despite Berkshire is a growth
giant stock, it is still susceptible to systematic risk of
economy cycle. During global financial crisis in 2008-2009,
Berkshire share price was halved due to excessive market
fear. An investor who follows Ein55 Optimism to buy below
25% Optimism, the current share price has gone up over 3
times, currently at high optimism of 70% (see Figure 4).

As an investor, one has 3 possible options for investing

in Berkshire stock. Firstly, assuming a buy & hold long term
strategy, one may continue to hold the stock despite at high
optimism but using the strong fundamental to overcome the
next global financial crisis. This option is only suitable for
those who have strong investor mindset, bought the share
at low optimism price last time. Secondly, an investor may
adopt cyclic investing approach, selling Berkshire stock first,
buying back at <25% Optimism in future. This option is
suitable for those investors who know how to integrate
trading and economy cycle investing into overall strategy.
Finally, a smart investor has the choice of buying better
stocks than Warren Buffett, i.e. focusing on a few best
component stocks of Berkshire to achieve higher growth
than Berkshire but still enjoying the protection by Warren
Buffett as a major shareholder of these few stocks.
2.3) Walt Disney (US, NYSE: DIS)

Midfielder Strategy: Investing in defensive entertainment

business with consistent growth for capital gains,
maximizing the return when buying at low optimism.

Figure 5. Walt Disney business with intangible assets

You are tortured with turning upside down, but still

willing to pay to exchange for this experience. This is the
glamour of Disneyland, a defensive recession-proof
entertainment business, which you could profit through
investment partnership with Walt Disney stock, a nearly 100
years old business.

There are many mega theme parks in the world, why

there are so many people fascinate about Disneyland? The
newest Disneyland is located in Shanghai, overwhelming
response, a new gold mine and cash cow for the company.

Disney’s power is with its intangible asset of brand (see
Figure 5), for so many years, from watching Disney
cartoons to movies and all kinds of Disney related products.
Everyone of us still has a childhood dream which becomes
real only in the world of Disney.

Walt Disney stock price has been falling for a few years
from its peak of $120, currently at Ein55 Optimism of 55%,
corrected near to its fair price. A strong fundamental stock
bought at peak price could be considered as risky from
Ein55 Optimism point of view as the downside is more than
the upside. Even at mid optimism of fair price, it may not
be suitable to buy for a smart investor as there is no
discount given as safety margin. A better action is to wait
for the future opportunity, let the discounted price comes to
us one day. In the last stock market cycle, an investor could
apply Optimism Strategy developed by Dr Tee to buy Walt
Disney at $24 (25% Optimism) in year 2009, selling at $120
(75% Optimism) in year 2015 with potential gain of 5 times.

Walt Disney is a global giant stock worth consideration

during crisis at Level 3 (country/regional crisis) or Level 4
(global financial crisis) for investing. The earning per share
over the past 10 years is consistently growing. It may not
be a surprise if this brand could exist for another 100 years
because our children will pass this unique memory to future
generations who may continue to pay for this childhood
dream. We should learn when and what price to buy Walt
Disney for trading or investing with Ein55 Optimism.
2.4) US S&P 500 Index ETF (US, NYSE: SPY)

Defender Strategy: Long term investing for capital gains

with sustainable growth in US economy, maximizing return
when buying at low optimism during global financial crisis.

Figure 6. Unique characteristic of ETF

Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is getting popular among

the investors, total global asset value has exceeded US$3
trillion. ETF has the best DNA of both stocks and
investment funds (see Figure 6). ETF is an investment fund
which can be traded like stocks, having the stability of
investment funds (risk diversification over a large portfolio)
and flexibility of stocks (buy / sell in stock market) with
minimal fund management fee. It is also easier to monitor 1
ETF, comparing to monitor the entire index with hundreds

of component stocks. Famous ETFs providers are SPDRs,
iShares, PowerShares, ProShares, Vanguard, etc. For
stocks ETFs, it could be related to stock indices, sectors or
a group of stocks selected by the fund managers, either
actively or passively managed.

S&P500 stock index is a common fund of choice for ETF

because this is an investment on US, No 1 economy in the
world, through 500 top US stocks. SPY is a popular ETF
by SPDR on S&P500. Currently S&P500 is declining from
historical high price, long term Ein55 Optimism is
moderate high at 84%, not suitable for investing as the
downside is more than the upside. Stock indices investing,
especially on major economies (eg. US and China) or
growing economies (eg. Hong Kong and Singapore), is a
safer way of long term or even lifetime investment with
condition that the ETF is bought during regional (Level 3) or
global (Level 4) financial crisis, using the market fear to
create price discount, then growing patiently together with
the recovery of global economies.

Current high optimism SPY is more suitable for short

term trading, especially whenever a critical resistance (eg.
3000 points) is broken upward. However, both the entry
and exit should be aligned with short term trading. One
should not enter as a trader, exit as a long term investor as
the opportunity cost is too much to hold for many years for
the ETF to recover back to the peak prices.

2.5) Café de Coral (Hong Kong, HKEx: 0341)

Midfielder / Striker Strategy: Long term investing in cash

cow of Food & Beverage sector with consistent earnings
growth. Maximize capital gains as a striker when buying at
low optimism during the recovery phase.

Figure 7. F&B business of Café de Coral in Hong Kong

In a vacation trip to Hong Kong with family a few years

ago, Dr Tee also took the opportunity to study Café de Coral
through actual involvement as a customer of their business
(see Figure 7). This strategy is called Personal Analysis
(PA), also applied by Peter Lynch, the best Fund Manager,
who identified the best businesses through daily life
observations. Daily life observation is a powerful PA
investing technique when combined with Fundamental

Analysis (FA) to confirm Café de Coral indeed has strong
earnings and cash flow records.

During the trip, since we were hungry, we have decided

to go around the Nathan Road near Mong Kok area. We ran
across Café de Coral (大家乐), a local Hong Kong fast food
restaurant chain. We could not even find a seat at 6pm,
business was so good. Then we walked further, there is
another branch, manage to find a seat after waiting. We
ordered baked rice, the portion is so big and the taste is
good, although it was prepared in about 5 min. The
business continued to be good, full house until 7:30pm
when we left. We walked further, seeing a few more Café
de Coral. It seems to be more popular than McDonald in
Hong Kong, so many branches and business are good.

Café de Coral has increased in share price by more than

10 times in the last 18 years. Ein55 Optimism of this giant
fast food stock is low at 9% at current share price, partly
due to political economy in Hong Kong and huge correction
in Hang Seng Index. However, this low optimism is not
aligned with Level 4 (world stock market at high optimism),
therefore only suitable for trading plan, not yet for long term
investing. The short-term trend has turned positive due to
fading fearful emotion. An investor could integrate trading
skill into investing strategy, do not catch the falling knife
(buying low may get even lower), safer for entry with
confirmation in price recovery.

2.6) Public Bank (Malaysia, Bursa: 1295)

Defender Strategy: Defensive growth stock for long term

investing with capital gains when buying at low optimism.

Figure 8. Investing in Public Bank with forex SGD/MYR

Due to slowdown in economy in Malaysia, combined

with Oil & Gas crisis and falling of Ringgit currency, many
giant stocks in Malaysia are at attractive low price. Public
Bank is a growing bank, second largest in Malaysia, share
price went up 5 times from $4 to $20 in the last 15 years
while earning per share (EPS) went up about 3 times
consistently over the same period with strong ROE.

Following traditional value investing principle, it is hard

to buy growth stocks below the intrinsic values, unless there
is a major market crisis. Public Bank share price is below
the critical support of RM20 (Ein55 Optimism of 4%) due
to weak Bursa stock market while the earning is still growing.

Public Bank is a defensive stock, suitable for long term
investing, share price correction during global financial
crisis is relatively less than other global giant stocks. While
waiting for the giant stock to recover, the Public Bank pays
about 3% dividend yearly to shareholders, which is
comparable or better than interest rate of fixed deposit in
bank which has no capital appreciation. One should learn
to take calculated risk, investing in bank stocks (as a
partner of bank), instead of lending money as cheap loan to
bank (as a customer of bank), because the difference in
long term investment return is tremendous: average of 15%
yearly return in stock investment (bonus of 3% dividend) vs
yearly return in fixed deposit return of 3% in Malaysia banks
and 1% in Singapore banks. A smart investor would treat
bank stock as a new form of fixed deposit.

There is additional advantage for Singaporeans to

invest in Malaysia stock market from forex perspective (see
Figure 8). SGD vs Ringgit has stabilized around 1:3, this is
the second weakest time of Ringgit in the past 20 years
(since Asian Financial Crisis in 1997). This implies that
Ringgit has higher potential to grow. If one could buy a
Malaysian giant stock at low optimism, holding until high
optimism of stock price one day, likely the Ringgit will be
stronger at that time. We could have double advantages,
enjoying higher potential upsides of both low optimism of
Malaysian stocks and low optimism of Ringgit (high
Optimism of SGD).

2.7) Hongkong Land (Singapore, SGX: H78)

Midfielder Strategy: Safe undervalue stock for capital

gains with significant price discount below valuation of good
assets, protected by property market in Hong Kong, China
and Singapore with increasing populations.

Figure 9. Undervalue properties of Hongkong Land

We could apply discounted asset strategy to buy good

business with strong assets at undervalue price. One
simple method is to buy strong property stocks with low
Price-to-Book ratio (share price divided by net asset value).
Hongkong Land is a property stock listed in Singapore with
commercial properties in Hong Kong, Singapore and China
(see Figure 9). Currently Price-to-Book ratio is around 0.35,
at its historical low, owing to lower share price and

consistent growing net asset value but weaker earning
capability. If an investor owns Hongkong Land at current
share price, it is as good as owning a portion of Hongkong
Land properties at 65% discount. This is a combination of
value investing (buying at discount) and growth investing
(company with growing business, share price went up 6
times over the past 16 years).
However, a trader or investor needs to apply optimism
strategies to know the investment clock, when to buy and
sell Hongkong Land. Due to cooling measures of property
in Hong Kong and Singapore with slowdown in economy,
the market sentiment has corrected Hongkong Land to low
optimism. In the past 1 past year, Singapore and Asian
stock markets have been bearish, the Ein55 Optimism of
Hongkong Land has dropped to an attractive level of 11%.
Hongkong Land has been under both Level 2 crisis
(bearish Singapore property market) and Level 3 crisis
(Hong Kong Hang Seng Index at low optimism) over the
past few years, buy low may get lower for undervalue stock,
more suitable for medium term stock trading, technical
analysis should be integrated before entry as a trader.
Undervalue stocks with good assets (eg. property or
cash) are considered very safe investment, especially with
65% discount in price to book ratio. If Hongkong Land goes
bankrupt (although it is unlikely), a smart investor would be
profitable because after liquation, the value of company is
still more than the share price paid at 35% of valuation.

2.8) CapitaLand Mall Trust (Singapore, SGX: C38U)

Defender Strategy: Long term investing with passive

incomes from consistent dividend payment of REIT rental
incomes. Maximize the REIT dividend yield when buying at
low optimism and hold for long term afterwards.

Figure 10. REIT properties of CapitaLand Mall Trust

There are over 30 REITs in Singapore, a popular

investment option for retirement through passive income.
By law, 90% of disposable income from REITs must be
redistributed back to shareholders through dividends.
However, not all the REITs are profitable, an investor could
lose money if choosing the wrong one, eg. pursuing the
highest yield REIT. REIT is an integrated investment
between stock market and property market, knowledge of
both markets is required to be successful.

In general, a good REIT should have strong
fundamentals and DPU (Distribution per Unit) should grow
over the time. At the same time, we could also profit from
good REITs through capital appreciation of share price and
net asset value of properties. A good REIT investor not only
knows how to choose the REIT, but also masters the
investment clock to buy / sell / hold the REIT.
CapitaLand Mall Trust (CMT) is one of the Top 10 REITs
in Singapore, owning 70% of the shopping malls in
Singapore (see Figure 10), business is supported by the
Singapore economy and purchasing power of increasing
population over the decades. The DPU, dividends and
operating cashflow are increasing over the years, current
dividend yield is about 5%. At the same time, an investor
could have profited 3 times in capital gains of share price
from IPO holding till now.
Ein55 Optimism of CMT is 47% currently, implying the
upside is about the same as downside for its share price in
long term perspective. When Optimism is below 25% for
CMT (Level 1), aligning with Level 2-4 low optimism, it will
be an ideal time to become REITs investor. The dividend
yield could be significantly increased if an investor could
wait patiently for this REIT giant to fall down in share price
during the next regional or global financial crisis. After
buying low, when the REITs have recovered again, an
investor will have an option to sell high to take profit for
capital gains or hold long term for passive income.

2.9) Genting Singapore (Singapore, SGX: G13)

Striker Strategy: Profit from high net worth gamblers with

recovery of casino business in global economies, protected
by probability investing in a nearly monopoly business.

Figure 11. Investing with probability on Genting Singapore

As we know, casino has unfair advantage of over 51%

chances for all the games, therefore even a gambler has a
49% winning rate, over a long time with many times of
gambling, the survival rate could be very low. However, in
the world of stock market, we could reverse the situation,
playing the role as a casino with unfair advantage on us, if
we know how to position the right strategy using probability
investing (see Figure 11), aligning with our personalities.

Genting Singapore has suffered huge correction in
share price to about 30%-50% of the peak price over the
past decade due to slowdown in casino sector. Weaker
Malaysian Ringgit and anti-corruption in China have further
reduced the gamblers from these 2 main markets. The
earning of Genting Singapore has been growing gradually
over the past few years, helping to stabilize the business.
Genting Singapore is a cash cow, financially strong with
strong sponsor of Genting Berhad, parent company in
Malaysia. Casino is nearly a monopoly business with few
licenses, future earning is protected by probability of games
and increasing population and tourists. Global casino is a
cyclic business, a gambler may stop gambling for a period
of time but not permanently. When global economy has
improved, the gamblers would come back again to support
the casino business due to instinct. For trader and investor,
the only question is what price to buy for casino stocks?
Genting Singapore has been recovering from low
optimism in casino sector crisis over the past few years,
Ein55 Optimism recovers gradually to 32%, undervalue at
current share price, owing to bearish stock market in the
past 1 year. Genting Singapore is more suitable for cyclic
trading, as long as the price trend is still positive. Similar to
a casino business, Ein55 Optimism is a probability
calculator, we could evaluate the reward to risk ratio, safely
considering a good stock if we could wait for the giant to fall

2.10) Keppel Corp (Singapore, SGX: BN4)

Striker Strategy: Recovery of oil & gas to profit from short

to mid-term capital gains, business protected by Temasek
with property assets as strong foundation.

Figure 12. Oil & Gas crisis is opportunity for Keppel Corp

Every crisis is an opportunity. We have learned to be

greedy when others are fearful. However, not everyone is
mentally prepared to buy low and sell high following one’s
personality. When a business is in crisis, the stock price is
like a falling knife, one could get hurt when enters too early,
buy low and may get lower, emotionally affected with the
endless falling prices.
For example, over the last few years of crude oil crisis,
stock prices of global oil & gas stocks were significantly

corrected. Some of the weaker stocks (eg. Swiber, Marco
Polo Marine, Ezra, etc) could not even survive through the
winter time of Oil & Gas as their revenue is mainly related
to crude oil industry. Therefore, a smart investor would not
simply buy low for share price because even a stock at 1
cent per share could become zero when it goes bankrupt,
the remaining asset after liquidation is not even sufficient to
pay back the debt, leaving nothing to the shareholders.
Keppel Corp is also an Oil & Gas crisis stock but it is a
giant stock which could last through the crisis, base on the
survival of the fittest, it could be a big winner when the crude
oil recovers again (see Figure 12). It is sponsored by major
shareholder, Temasek, as well as having business
diversified in property market, providing stability to
company business, unlike other Oil & Gas stocks which
only depend on crude oil with concentration risk.
Major oil producer countries in OPEC and Russia are
aligned to stabilize the oil price through control of oil supply.
The political actions so far have helped to reverse the falling
crude oil price, global Oil & Gas stocks have started to
recover over the past few years. Recently, Temasek offers
partial acquisition of Keppel Corp at $7.35 share price. As
a result, Ein55 Optimism of Keppel Corp is recovered to
19%, but it is still considered undervalue offer price. A
smart investor may position this crisis stock as a striker to
maximize the return, profiting from the lower optimism of
crude oil price and diminishing market fear of this sector.

3) Summary of Actions

Summary of actions for 10 sample stocks discussed are

given in Table 1. The Optimism values are updated as of
Nov 2019, actions should be adjusted in future with new
Optimism as the investment clock. Knowledge can only be
converted into fortune when a smart investor knows how to
take actions aligning with own unique personality.

Table 1: Summary of Optimism Investment Clock

No Stock Stock Country Sector Strategy Opti-
Name Ticker mism
1 ICBC HKEx: HK / Bank Defender, 57%
1398 China Midfielder
2 Berkshire NYSE: US Many Midfielder 70%
Hathaway- BRK.B
Class B
3 Walt Disney NYSE: US Entertain Midfielder 55%
DIS ment
4 US S&P500 NYSE: US Many Defender 84%
5 Café de HKEx: HK / F&B Midfielder, 9%
Coral 0341 China Striker
6 Public Bank Bursa: Malaysia Bank Defender 4%
7 Hongkong SGX: SG Property Midfielder 11%
Land H78
8 CapitaLand SGX: SG REIT Defender 47%
Mall Trust C38U
9 Genting SGX: SG Casino Striker 32%
Singapore G13
10 Keppel Corp SGX: SG Oil&Gas, Striker 19%
BN4 Property

The key of stock trading and investing is to match our
goals with our personalities, there are at least 10 different
strategies to choose for 10 different stocks. When Ein55
Optimism Strategies are combined with Fundamental
Analysis (value investing & growth investing), Technical
Analysis (support / resistance / trends), and Personal
Analysis (mind control of greed and fear), it is very powerful
when one is able to take the right action (Buy, Hold, Sell,
Wait or Short) at the right time aligning with own personality.

The author is grateful to educational partners: iFAST, CIMB
Securities, City Index, CMC Markets, Lim & Tan, Phillip Securities, UOB
Kay Hian, Maybank & Kim Eng Securities, KGI, Shareinvestor.com,
SIAS, Capitaland, Investing Note, Share Investment Magazine, Wealth
Directions, Cyberquote, Ein55 graduate and mentors, blog readers and
workshop audience for supporting the Ein55 investing education
programs to guide the general public towards the right path of

All financial instruments including equity and derivative investment
involve risk. Transacting in financial instruments is inherently risky and
uncertain. Past results are not indicative of future perform. No system
or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or
ensure freedom from losses. The author, SMARTS Enterprise LLP,
Ein55 Pte Ltd and partners shall not be liable to the reader or participant
for any damages, claims, expenses or losses of any kind (whether
direct or indirect) suffered by the reader or participant arising from or in
connection with the information obtained from the publications,
newsletters, blog, forum, courses or trainers.

Appendix: Free Investment Courses by Dr Tee

The unique Ein55 LOFTP Strategies developed by Dr

Tee provides a special advantage to know which
investment (stock, forex, property, commodity, bond, etc) to
buy safely, when to buy, when to sell, including option of
long term holding. So far over 30,000 audience have
benefited from Dr Tee high quality free courses to the
public. Take action now to invest in your financial
knowledge, starting your journey towards financial freedom.

Author / Speaker: Dr Tee Tong Yan

Dr Tee holds a PhD specialized in
computational simulation. He possesses 20
years of trading/investing experience with in-
depth knowledge in stocks and various major
investment markets. He was a corporate Vice
President, now the founder of a consulting
firm. He has achieved financial freedom,
spending most of his free time in life mission
to educate the public towards the right path of investing.
He is the founder of www.ein55.com investing blog with
applications of Ein55 Styles of investing, sharing his experience
extensively with over 800 investment articles, conducting over
200 trading/investing seminars using unique LOFTP Strategies
(Level, Optimism, Fundamental, Technical, Personal Analysis).
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various investing seminars.

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