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CSESSCHENTE = (TOM io '50, will be treated as malpractice. or equations written eg, 42+8 aportant Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross hines on the remaining blank pages. ee 2 Any revealing fidence, apes a crakear end Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Maragement and Economics ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. 2. Use of Discrete compound interest factors handbook tables is permitied. Module-1 a Define management and explain the function to be performed by managers to at air the set goals, (10 Marks) b. Define planning and briefly discuss the steps involved in planning. (10 Marks) OR 4 Discuss the functional areas of management. (12 Marks) b. Explain the steps involved in rotational decision making. (08 Marks) Module-2 Write a note on principle of organization. (12 Marks) b. Explain Maslow’s need hierarchy theory in brief, (08 Marks) OR a. Explain the terms MBO and MBE (10 Marks) b. What is controlling and explain the steps in control process. (10 Marks) Modute-3 &. Explain the law of demand and law of supply with suitable examples. (08 Marks) b. Explain the 72 rule of present worth. {04 Marks) S. A'man wishes to have e future sum of Rs.50 lakhs for his daughters education for 10 years from now. What is the single payment that he should deposit so that he gets the desired amount afler 10 years. The bank offers 12% rate of interest, compounded annually (08 Marks) a Detine engineering economics and briefly explain microeconomics and macroeconomics. (10 Marks) b. A man is planning to build his house. He plans to invest Rs.40,000 per year for the next 10 years. The bank offers 12% interest rate compounded annually. Find the maturity value of his account atter 10 years. (10 Marks) Module-4 Explain future worth method of comparison. (06 Marks) Explain IRR (Intemal Rate of Retum) and MARR (Minimum Acceptable rate of Retum). (06 Marks) Machines in oF Following are the estimates of two altemate investment made in two different 4an industry, Find out which machine has the fastest payback period, (08 Marks) 10 18MES1 OR Rs.10 crores was generated by the management of an engineering college for the construction of its new mechanical science block. Annual maintenance of the block is estimated to be Rs.10 lakh. In addition Rs, 12 lakh will be needed every 10 years for painting fand Hoyer repairs. If the budget granted has to take care of perpetual maintenance, how much of the amount can be used for initial construction costs? Deposited funds can eam 6% rate of interest compounded annually. Assume that taxes and inflation do not come into picture. (12 Marks) ‘What are the various method of comparing the worthiness of engineering projects. Explain any one method. (08 Marks) lodule-S ‘What are the various components/causes of depreciation? (05 Marks) . Explain how selling price is fixed for a product and show all the components of cost. (05 Marks) - An investment of Rs.8,000 is made by Suresh for his manually operated pen machine. Its salvage value after $ years is Rs.1000. Find straight line depreciation expense? Find the book value at the end for each year and aiso. Find the depreciation fund collected at the end of 4" year. 0 Marks) ‘OR Differentiate between estimation and testing. (05 Marks) Explain briefly the objectives of costing, (0S Marks) - A.cost iron component, as shown in figure below is to be manufactured. Estimate the selling price per piece from the following data : Density ofmaterial = 7.2gm/cc Costofmolten metal = Rs. 20/kg Process scrap 20% of net weight ‘Scrap retum valve = Rs6hkg Administrative overheads ~ Rs.30/hhour Sales overheads = 20% of factory cost Profit = 20% of factory cost Other expenditures are as follow : are aa , | Labourcost per | Shot overheads pee anti Tanefpioce mimes: | "yout is Ra. Rs fnour | Moulding and paring “Js | 20 0 Shot blasting 5 10 ne ap See Featling and inspections | on 10 40 Fig.Q10(c) All dimensions are in ‘mm’ (10 Marks) vueee 2of2 VTV Question PAPER Sovution (Feb mon Sy) ww AR eee Setjat: Mansfimert pond Economics Code: 1EMES! — Semeativs © Medele A a: Befinitin of the Momeprons Te wamoge io b frecoat pte dampourd te coo ndinelee und paw & On gone & eee Conch of Manefroee’ * @ Planning ( Bigorntotn (Staton. © Dine a Cvdrolling . Plepag: Plaming che begining of tle pra the wamegen Planning lees Grtern ape poke, Ipennlls ine orn emphanir berg eo nee wep srb- sytem, VIL, eyvilenmertlel Suboysten , Conepe ve Sulocgp ters amd the tend Subsypten. Planwinge Ly bun prtelleclint pew rhe fagpinan a marry BAL Bee geting Ue Orgweisigs — Orgmvig’e Ue pr i dawhidycong od ph of the pron, rhe be poral, duping od dig Moje 218 ea keting tliat cia pope og mealing Bete MN effesty tagdiw ww putconnpls hued tain rjben orgeong es prs TT bn alae Lange raselotes ih peop, ony fee cont? with all Stel hug Elling ond besping Hae postions povided 6 fe de argonaiseorn sternite Aled psth Ue nigit por L tte. Stablong phe of the Gechig: Di necting uu a vital managesiel ofoenekon . fe offedive urplomentaba~ of awe pdnirirbabive dlorision, plaorieg, onganaising dnd Sbophing ote nat meng The womey gmat Abonntas acer by GMB doaction to i: Gi opdors cle wy oye « ie aad, ond patenting empbyer Lerdcltiog | Contaallong the Loman of . otinndorde coving an Ue plas , raithea eo do ensuing adaguali proper ord SAtinfackotg prrfoher ant. 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Coton prow bom Aloo Ua ae the b i “ on bao of rohit te plas voitl be Sma las ore fomm : Tle planning prone Cm be clamifred o, @® Bntond ad Cntu~d promites « © Tomyzle ad Juste gible prmires. © Svcs Ube and pon~cortre Welle prem | (WD Bending + floming pod by open ree vy Wa ters slp i planning procen putes thane infnie e chaue of purd Dre bo feloos: (D rhaed tina ra develepmvl” of pea predt (D Tine peapired be Reaver copttt © Lenglt. e coronittres alrsadis mode. level 6 @) th fous chp im planing ote fs abana ob Gusie prin, For tasteme, techewicel brew-bers way be Seond be ongegn a foneige Leobruicion ob by traning ste Abroad, Eva bolt ee O ¢ Ord — Sclotling couse of Athor G cle fefkh stip Od io te Ovalmal Ue pltanaive rw Us dig gf Ge prs Owd ae avd te Sela book Cowme f aston: () Doveleping te dnivetive plan acto daaso vp Ue appeeprnl plewe fe Ae Sues ave ortanisaren. Thuse ne “te pare pobschs abe eae ew the barie pla» Ona nat prepared inde Orrdiendly : (vi) Cotatvetong and daphyeg patho plans feprpenl” Coma rent aee Darel, om A (i) Masonsing and cooling te rngn oy the fuel stip bn plomring, “Tho tte hp tte Confers cic ertapitionn to Ue Aorigred plow. 2 &. (D) Prednttion Momegivaeet (Bs Cnmasiel mramegnel™ () Hum sm Repoudiee Mamas! (SM) rotating in gonegernee lS a) Ni pkowtele Momagononl” B). Saqpy tate owes (vi) Paunpentatio Manregorsel® (wii), Bolen Mamogonent Mosbeline roanofonnk iy Oan paki pstene Ue Vatdnn wBlbals of prjing onal bboy “Me produst go ther ue ge better gales. MosLviale yeamagumect i» Nel at wowegoeet ONS pra, tle well agpived & produ om puritebilfg , Pracumooet presen, ainda Ue tnd tine beg dna Shply stats wos wp tab Coe hel’, Bevis, Ue Selatan of aleomnalicos ded Ha pags, tot Gling O' Speke Ob extive. 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That pronmndy dm encentive sheold bg anked 4 Supealiot A Reasonable numbeh of sib erdinalia As die enentives ot the Avighen (wets howe liniltd Line, only onengtorally Compiler povblors Sheotd be Acfenred ds them ond Arviine paabbon Ghontd be dealt vstl log tle Snkeordnrelia sa doen daveb Me chain of Cormand tb “the gle poh Ue Lime of austerity Us tla of Ceromand. db. [iu \ . / Bysie PAY Sevegtcar NEEDS Phy srolagied pred, fie Use patil asin orbel Us baat plysoesy of He. fo e peed of fred, alin, pir el. thre needs mut be at Lunt pestis eoinfied du ovtinusd cravel, Be resils rail pre te raede a feab beth erovenialy aad pryshelegraty Seer Looe pasda nie amedehid nite gw peer ond — rteeplomee by hom. cthoe cum be Befuud 0 dove ond Affedhe veh » feline ending, to Moots, peng Set 4 satioky thee py nieds divs. One Ur wed a SAlingeed cue were be A Vwretivati rmatvaicg fee 4a babe (Momagerent hy Ob) ecres Mansgennerd be objextves hon cenp orld” Sligs wo follows: i) objextives ui) Traskeg preogee 2? Bvalwaling Aull - (i) Setting gbjeneer* This sap deplete "dap dan" Grew appropiate planning premioes , dirst the lop eruodives woe? ond dectde Ue Ago aeal * doely onnt. ifsc ) S io specs pes (i) Tasting Peyn : Ain Ue specific. pperaod he indhdival manage And ae me Aevdeo “Us prropen agnat shele (ii) Lecyeling = Oxgamired leads a2 Ee Digwesne Semking of progam cen tepelitn. of -the eyele th pion of objectve, Aslor, proxke bd olbedew f Lryowen for the oveoll Ong an ationat loved LLrog. wil lw, team lev be Dadrrdiad. level. MBE ee (Manegement ai Eraceptan) | mee tian & fom ow enieep trovolly Su rn lanictians from ls ploraa gad standords. 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Given dali: new Cc Eplie Sim = @ 50, 20,000)” Ne Duster = 10 yes pe Satteent pel 1271 CLompourded avnvally) = Olr ‘ Bobbins trerten ts CPormnes indled ) Agreed $ Pez _F = G9, 60, 60 +t)" Tee) Pp 24.16, 10,325/° Cans) —_—_—— ered b'. By USING Lorpouno TABLE » Fe 52,90,09°) teow. yu eae GF Te per. pe & Chie» in) an Paserereve Ce/e rr) ec) Pe 6,12, 09/7 (Ans) ———_—_— 23 6 a Enaineeaing Econmmaucs | jnsealng eLonowiin cheat vith todo thelr Crest’ am. enable one be “Ue Clore wie olepiziens toAarda trndaniamels ing alae ound [or repioriaing bemodls do buster ll naka nian a Mi cRe EConD mics ° Ihio vp Ue stroly of the roils , Tk focunes om Srftly tht definuiner geo) Mid 4 yess. yo fowl = ga Jovel c on 04 _ B.| Mle * = amb unoek mic B= a < 2.2) Rh c Thmye He —_— PasssT- Pry wae PALIO> of MACHINE A % $a. Gren: Gemuslid fot AGES Rs, 10,90, 000 > cove! Mpindemorntes AMC Bs, Jo,00, 000) fpsefnnye ote orm] Cy te bY. (Posure No tenes 4 ncflaton) Selntiin Csenh, dind A. Az Ff Civ)’ AS (iyo, 000 | 284 Citect) Ae $1,041] TAC = 10,00,09 + aieur[- = Jo,41,0 /- ee Gptline ae (7) = [8,00,0°, 0° ~ aa) 0.06 Pe g 12 15,988 | SNS Py 1. 2 Dy, B NG 15, 9% [7 , BZ, hw Como tevttnnn OF 6.26%) fats 3) 3b. Merioos of Comencing THE twaminess of = Erg iveeainG PRoSeCTS () Pravet prostt Melted (D Pebive pooh Mathes (® Ant Eapanrrleod (rettel - @® Lake 4 polmw~ Milind (@ Fy beak Cuoparioen MalLed 1 I Prove nae cammprrrere Oo Presprit vor meted * [Ret Nn ee pte wrode bebieen Cotermivolesl proposes do wows svete” puttomes. Coteumbnctia. meng Cheb Ue cle javslwed arses ond at the Sone Dione, wer Ue tive Aatizan [Nat pret wale tls > buh och of Conls 4b provet ae wordaliy oy] preset wort medal, Me prerert seondl of Cort {los etn nL Value today , novelly Auprearded ovo Bw. O tan a Cook feu diinghan. Ts growl posto Aue. 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Pro com Sorep = raf, ae net aseights crop vebinn Vals + 2.6 [ky Adi jwintvatine gyvrbasde + fr.30 [haur. _Qohe» ovabacde F Lor/. pals cot. Prost = dor: + em coy _——— ie -: reece, ——— ah Olen Prpurdliner: . - Engovner SHAT oveaHeAn¢ Opeennen Tine lect ae C6. [low) Moulding Paring 1S oy 60 Bt bleating 5 Ie Ke Batting & mayors 6 Io ue | | 34 Solan. i) Volume = 7 t Dee (= noses) + + (Rxe"a) + (eee) 2 Fit on acces /) buge 2 Volume %¢ Qomily = HAxt? = Bite gen. a Bilr key iii) Pres eigite of Miterd e 6nd. = 6thh 7 (ote, ley ty obs'/. Step) [eens cost pa pee )) Manldan fund paring 2 IE Ko0 = %, 5 fpiew i) [-ohot blasting = £-% ta 40-885 fp i) Rg aes = B= Be pam Cot f motte = 6 1h by x Psa] by # Metre. ge Serag retin voles = 204 ley X66 fag? 6144 Birante protatel Goh = Dr.08 — GIA = By, (EFI Binet Anbovts conn Movkding # flat ouatlyt Fils ec S +4.833+ J oy 6-897 ——_— ho Ovuheds: Mavldineg “Ex a B15 [ese . SlAt Lasting & Erbe = 6.8.83 fice. iy Sf oc bh. eee. Petting = Ex Go 2 te [pices Forelbiy ovubeods = ISP 333FY = 22.33 Adwvinibohin Ottheds = IStS46 9,433 oo — 3 Dmc= QB : C Peat Metival t_, > 6 = Patwe Cot. DLC = Boyet loboa Got Parte (ost = DMCEDLE = 116s436 6.833 = 193.569 RAS CoE ae OCS Fnulig Cr power. = 17.2,669422,33 = 144.899 —_——_ Offsee Cat = Fraley Git + Adimm Osebends = 1458194 Ny = |$8-899 ———— Srl wrteod note. fret Got = Bex 144.899 228-999 Fbtel Co = Office Catt Gelin Ovtnads = [58-09 +.38.999 Lee AXA 199.84 a f atures Encino, We neces I? Haliyab5e132 ws

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