Culminating Activity

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1. What are the 3 things you learned about this course?

Firstly, I learned about the methods and usage of the disciplines of social sciences in significant
development fields. Secondly, I learned to determine the relationship between gender ideology
and gender inequalities. Lastly, I learned how to analyze social inequalities in terms of class
conflict. – ANN

First, I learned about understanding the fundamental theories and concepts in social sciences
such as culture, society, power, inequality, social change and globalization. Second, I learned
about examining historical and cultural context in which social phenomena occur, including the
influence of social, economic, and political factors and understanding how they shape the
society we live in. And lastly, I learned that the DISS subject is very important to study because it
helps us people to understand how to analyze not only our own behavior but also the behavior
of our peers. -VHEAH

2. What do you like the most about this course?

This course explores different concepts and theories that enable us to comprehend the complex
issues in the society. Additionally, this subject also deals with human behavior and students with
mental health may benefit from it.

This course is diverse and fascinating, encompassing a wide range of human behaviors and
phenomena. These include areas such as sociology, psychology, economics, political science,
and anthropology, among others. What I like more about this course is that this provide
valuable insights into the ways in which people interact with each other, form and maintain
societies and make decisions.

3. What do you like the least about this course?

The discipline of social sciences is among the most complicated of subjects because this subject
requires a lot of time since it deals with broad topics, theories and concepts.

It can sometimes involve complex and abstract concepts that are difficult to understand.
Additionally, some may view social science theories and findings as subjective or open to
interpretation, leading to debates and differing opinions. Finally, this subject can also highlight
societal problems and inequalities, which can be difficult to confront and potentially
4. Is there anything about this course or the organization of the course, material that could be
adapted to help your learnings.

This subject should be given at least 3 hours to discuss its topics. Teachers covering this subject
should provide sufficient and vividly detailed learning materials to students since we would be
venturing into somewhat unfamiliar social studies territory.

The structure and ideas of social sciences and theories aimed at understanding human behavior
and society. Social scientists rely on various methods, including surveys, experiments and
content analysis, to collect and analyze data. The findings of these studies are influenced by
cultural and historical context, making it important to understand these influences in order to
properly interpret research. Social sciences often take an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on
insights from fields such as psychology, sociology, economics and political science.
Understanding the connections and overlap between these disciplines can provide a more
comprehensive understanding of social phenomena. Finally, many questions in the social
sciences have important implications for addressing social issues and shaping public policy,
making it crucial to understand the policy implications of research findings.

5. How are things during the classes in this course?

The classes are totally fine but the topics are difficult. Some theories seem repetitive.

During the classes in this course it was fun, enjoyable, and exciting because I am able to learn
more about this course. Although pandemic occurred during our classes in this subject I still
managed to study and understand this course with the help of distance learning method,
teachers and of course internet.

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