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YEAR 2022/2023

Praise be to the presence of God Almighty who has given His grace and guidance so
that my group can complete the task of a paper entitled Pancasila as an Ethical System
on time.The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the duties of a lecturer in the
Pancasila Education course. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight about
Pancasila as an Ethical System I thank Mr Dr. Ahmad Samawi, MHum as a lecturer in
the Pancasila Education course who has given this assignment so that he can increase
knowledge in the field of Pancasila Education. I also thank all those who have shared
some of their knowledge so that we can complete this task.We realize that the paper we
are writing is still far from being perfect. Therefore, we ask for criticism and
suggestions for the perfection of this paper. And we hope that readers can add to their
knowledge of the papers we make.

Yogyakarta,21 Desember, 2022

In everyday life, especially in agriculture, is closely related to the use of pesticides.
Along with the progress of the times, the human need for agricultural products has
increased so that the use of pesticides has also increased and caused soil pollution.
This paper aims to provide knowledge about the description of soil pollution by
pesticides, their impacts and ways to deal with this pollution. Analysis of soil
contamination from observational data was then carried out with descriptive
analysis, obtained results of soil pollution in the area being severe/severe,
evidenced by soil pH that is not too low, and still allows plants to grow in the soil.
right and asked the farmer to do it reducing the use of pesticides plant. Community
knowledge about the proper use of pesticides can reduce the risk of soil
contamination and help keep the environment healthy.

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya bidang pertanian, berkaitan erat dengan
penggunaan pestisida. Seiring kemajuan zaman, kebutuhan manusia akan produk
pertanian meningkat sehingga penggunaan pestisida pun meningkat dan
menyebabkan pencemaran tanah. Makalah ini bertujuan memberi pengetahuan
mengenai gambaran pencemaran tanah oleh pestisida, dampak dan cara
penanggulangan pencemaran tersebut. Analisis terhadap pencemaran tanah data
pengamatan kemudian dilakukan analisis deskriptif, diperoleh hasil pencemaran
tanah di daerah tersebut berat/parah, dibuktikan dengan pH tanah yang tidak
terlalu rendah, dan masih memungkinkan tanaman tumbuh di tanah
tersebut.Upaya mengatasi dengan adanya penyuluhan penggunaan pestisida yang
baik dan benar serta meminta petani untuk melakukannya pengurangan
pengunaan pestisida. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penggunaan pestisida yang
baik dan benar dapat mengurangirisiko pencemaran tanah dan membantu
menjaga lingkungan tetap sehat.
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................1
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................................2
1. Background........................................................................................................2
2. Formulation of the problem ..............................................................................2
3. Research purposes.............................................................................................2
4. Benefits of research...........................................................................................2
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................3
5. Definition of Pollution.......................................................................................3
6. Definition of Soil Pollution...............................................................................3
7. Definition of Pesticide.......................................................................................3
8 Classification of pesticides based on how they work ........................................4
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION.........................................................................................5
9. Overview of Soil Pollution................................................................................5
10. Pollution Impact..............................................................................................5
11. Countermeasures.............................................................................................5
CHAPTER IV CLOSING .............................................................................................6
12. Conclusion......................................................................................................6
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..........................................................................................................7

1. Background
At this time, economic growth is increasing supported by adequate
technological advances. The current dynamics of national development, on the one
hand, contribute to improving the quality of people's welfare, but on the other
hand it also raises concerns about the declining quality of the environment. This
concern is quite justified, because the facts show that the environment in this
country, especially the land has not been spared from threats and pollution due to
Indonesian farmers, especially farmers in the area of Gang Kandang Pedati,
Ambacang Market, use pesticides in excess of the recommended dose. Public
knowledge and understanding about the dangers of pesticides that are used
excessively is needed, for this reason, here the author will explain the meaning,
impacts, and ways to overcome soil pollution due to excessive use of pesticides.

2. Formulation of the problem

1.What is the description of soil pollution by pesticides?
2.What are the impacts of the use of pesticides?
3.How to deal with soil pollution due to pesticides?

3. Research purposes
1.Knowing the description of soil pollution by pesticides
2.Know the impact of the use of pesticides
3.Know how to control soil pollution due to pesticides
4. Benefits of research
1.Increase the reader's knowledge about the dangers of excessive use of
2.Provide an understanding of the dangers of pesticides to the soil
3.Increase the reader's knowledge about how to deal with soil pollution due
to pesticides

5. Definition of Pollution
Pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things, substances, energy
and/or other components into water or air. Pollution can also mean
changes in the composition (composition) of water or air due to human
activities and natural processes, so that the quality of the water/air
becomes less or cannot function according to its designation.
Environmental pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things,
energy substances, and/or other components into the environment or
changes in environmental arrangements by human activities or by natural
processes so that the quality of the environment drops to a certain level
which causes the environment to become less or unable to function
according to its designation (Basic Law on Environmental Management No.
4, 1982)

6. Definition of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is a condition where man-made chemicals enter and
change the natural soil environment. This pollution usually occurs due to:
leakage of liquid waste or industrial chemicals or commercial facilities;
waste; as well as industrial waste that is directly dumped onto the ground
in an unqualified way (illegal dumping). 3. According to RI Government
Regulation No. 150 of 2000 concerning Control of soil destruction for the
production of biomass: "Soil is one of the components of land in the form of
the top layer of the earth's crust which consists of mineral and organic
materials and has physical, chemical, biological properties and has the
ability to support human life and other living things."

7. Definition of Pesticide
Pesticide literally means pest killer, derived from the word pest and
sida. Pest covers pests and diseases broadly, while sida comes from the
word "caedo" which means to kill. In general, pesticides, especially
synthetic pesticides, are biocides which are not only toxic to intruding
1. Eradicate or prevent pests that damage plants, plant parts or
agricultural products.
2. Eradicate weeds.
3. Kills leaves and prevents unwanted growth.
4. Regulate and stimulate the growth of plants or parts of plants
5. Eradicate or prevent external pests on pets/livestock.
6. Eradicate or prevent water pests.
7. Eradicate or prevent animals and micro-organisms in households,
and in means of transportation.
8. Eradicate or prevent animals that can cause disease in humans.
8. Classification of pesticides based on how they work
In agriculture, pesticides can be used in various ways, including the
a. Spraying
Spraying is the most widely used method of pesticide use by farmers. It
is estimated that 75% of pesticide use is done by spraying. In spraying the
pesticide solution (pesticide plus water) is broken down by a nozzle (spuyer)
or atomizer into spray droplets or droplets. The dosage forms (formulations)
used by spraying include E.C;W.P; WS or SP. While spraying with ultra low
volume (Ultra low volume) used the ULV formulation. By using
b. Fumigation or Fogging
Fumigation is the spraying of pesticides at low volume with fine droplet
size. The difference with regular spraying is that what is mixed with pesticides
is diesel oil and not water. The mixture is then heated so that it becomes a kind
of smog which is then exhaled. Fogging is widely used to control warehouse
pests, plantation pests and disease vectors in the environment, for example to
control malaria mosquitoes. Example: Atrazine
c. Dyeing (Dipping)
is the use of pesticides to protect plants (seeds, grafts, cuttings) from
pests and diseases. Dyeing This is done by dipping the seeds or cuttings into
the pesticide solution. Example: Carbofuran

9. Overview of Soil Pollution

The picture obtained from soil pollution is a situation where man-
made chemicals enter and change the natural soil environment. Soil
pollution can occur due to excessive use of pesticides. Excessive use of
pesticides will cause the soil pH to drop, the soil becomes acidic so that its
fertility decreases. In addition, the toxic pesticide content will settle in the
soil and be dangerous if human contamination occurs.

Soil pollution that occurred in the study area was relatively mild, this
was evidenced by the soil pH which was not too acidic (in the range of 5.5-
6.2) and the soil conditions which were not too dry. It was reported that the
environment around the research object had never had skin disease or
other diseases that might occur due to the use of pesticides. The land area of
the study area is not too large so that the use of pesticides is not on a large

10. Pollution Impact

The use of fertilizers and pesticides in large quantities causes soil
and groundwater pollution with various levels of toxicity. There are several
other negative effects of inappropriate use of synthetic pesticides, namely:

1.Pollution of water and soil which will eventually affect humans and
other creatures in the form of contaminated food and drink.
2.The death of natural enemies of pests and pathogens will lead to
resurgence, namely pest attacks that are much heavier than before.
3.Possibility of secondary pest attack. For example: regular spraying
of synthetic insecticides to control armyworms (primary pests) can kill
other insects such as walang sembah which are predators of aphids
(secondary pests). As a result, after armyworms can be controlled, it is
likely that the plants will be attacked by aphids.
4.Useful and beneficial death insects such as bees are very versatile
for pollination.
5.The emergence of immunity/resistance of pests and pathogens to
synthetic pesticides.
6. Soil fertility in fields that use pesticides decreases from year to

11. Countermeasures
Remediation is an activity to clean up contaminated soil surface.
There are two types of soil remediation, namely in situ (or on-site) and ex-
situ (or off-site). On-site cleaning is cleaning on site. This cleanup is cheaper
and easier, consisting of venting (injection) cleaning.
Off-site cleanup involves excavating the contaminated soil and then
transporting it to a safe area. After that in a safe area, the land is cleaned of
contaminants. The trick is that the soil is stored in an impermeable
tub/tank, then the cleaning agent is pumped into the tub/tank.
Furthermore, pollutant substances are pumped out of the tub which are
then treated by a wastewater treatment plant. This off-site cleaning is much
more expensive and complicated.

Bioremediation is the process of cleaning up soil contamination using
microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). Bioremediation aims to break down or degrade
pollutant substances into less toxic or non-toxic materials (carbon dioxide and
Bioremediation is the process of cleaning up soil pollution using
microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). Bioremediation is the use of micro-organisms to
reduce pollutants in the environment. Bioremediation is a process.decomposition
of organic or inorganic pollutant waste. Which includes pollutants, among others:
-Heavy metals,
-petroleum hydrocarbons, and
-halogenated organic compounds such as pesticides, herbicides, and others.
Soil pollution due to pesticides in the aisle of the pedate bazaar market
itself can be overcome by socializing the use of pesticides according to good and
correct doses to farmers, this is because the pollution that occurs is not on a large
scale. large/too heavy requiring bioremediation/remediation solutions.
12. Conclusion
Soil pollution is the entry of man-made chemicals that change the natural
properties of the soil. Pesticides are one of those chemicals that can contaminate
the soil. Penetration of pesticides in the soil can have a detrimental impact on both
soil, plants and humans and animals. To avoid this, we must prevent this pollution
by reducing the use of pesticides and using them according to the rules. If there has
been heavy soil pollution, take countermeasures with remediation and
Definition of Pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things, substances,
energy and/or other components into water or air. Pollution can also mean
changes in the composition (composition) of water or air due to human activities
and natural processes, so that the quality of the water/air becomes less or cannot
function according to its designation. Environmental pollution is the entry or
inclusion of living things, energy substances, and/or other components into the
environment or changes in environmental arrangements by human activities or by
natural processes so that the quality of the environment drops to a certain level
which causes the environment to become less or unable to function according to its
designation (Basic Law on Environmental Management No. 4, 1982) 2.2 Definition
of Soil Pollution Soil pollution is a condition where man-made chemicals enter and
change the natural soil environment. This pollution usually occurs due to: leakage
of liquid waste or industrial chemicals or commercial facilities; waste; as well as
industrial waste that is directly dumped onto the ground in an unqualified way
(illegal dumping).
According to RI Government Regulation No. 150 of 2000 concerning Control
of soil destruction for the production of biomass: "Soil is one of the components of
land in the form of the top layer of the earth's crust which consists of mineral and
organic materials and has physical, chemical, biological properties and has the
ability to support human life and other living things."
Definition of Pesticide Pesticide literally means pest killer, derived from the
word pest and sida. Pest covers pests and diseases broadly, while sida comes from
the word "caedo" which means to kill. In general, pesticides, especially synthetic
pesticides, are biocides which are not only toxic to intruding bodies:
1. Eradicate or prevent pests that damage plants, plant parts or agricultural
2. Eradicate weeds.
3. Kills leaves and prevents unwanted growth.

Sudarmo, subiyakto. 1991.

. Yogyakarta : Kanisius.Sumampouw, OJ.
Diktat Pencemaran Lingkungan
Karya Ilmiah Pencemaran Tanah
. .
Pencemaran Tanah
Penggolongan Pestida

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