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Cytometry Part B (Clinical Cytometry) 94B:189–195 (2018)

Original Article
Flow Cytometric Osmotic Fragility Test:
Increased Assay Sensitivity for Clinical
Application in Pediatric Hematology
Olga Ciepiela,1* Anna Adamowicz-Salach,2 Agata Zgodzin
3 1
Magdalena Łazowska, and Iwona Kotuła
Department of Laboratory Diagnostics and Clinical Immunology of Developmental Age, Medical University
of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Students’ Scientific Group at Department of Laboratory Diagnostics and Clinical Immunology of
Developmental Age, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Background: Osmotic fragility test (OFT) is widely considered as a sensitive indicator of red blood
cells’ sensitivity to the hypotonic solution. It is often used as a screening test for the diagnosis of hered-
itary spherocytosis (HS). Nowadays, the osmotic fragility test based on flow cytometric analysis (FCM
OF) is widely used in laboratory practice. The purpose of this study was to optimize the assay sensitivity
and to validate its clinical application in the diagnostic screening of childhood anemias.
Methods: The study was conducted on 175 children suffering from various types of anemia (including 30 chil-
dren with proven hereditary spherocytosis, HS) and 16 healthy subjects. All children were aged between 3 months
and 17 years, including 94 boys and 97 girls. FCM OF was performed on every subject according to two different
analysis time patterns (hemolysis was analyzed for 214 or 300 s) using Cytomics FC500 flow cytometer.
Results: Significant higher sensitivity was demonstrated by the tests carried out according to the longer
analysis time pattern (90.0 vs. 83.33%). The level of specificity of both the analysis patterns was similar.
When an extended analysis time was used, the percentage of red cell survival levels in HS patients were
significantly lowered compared to the same cases analyzed with shorter incubation times and all other
non-HS anemic cases (9.31 6 4.69 vs. 35.59 6 15.30%, P < 0.05). During the shorter analysis time,
the values obtained were 13.76 6 7.92% for HS and 48.18 6 19.04% for non-HS, P < 0.0001. The
300-s test is very useful in distinguishing thalassemia patients from patients with other types of anemias
(94.74% sensitivity and 90.12% specificity) and provided the values of remaining red blood cells as
70.46 6 12.29% for thalassemia and 27.16 6 13.01% for nonthalassemia subjects, P < 0.0001.
Conclusion: Flow cytometric osmotic fragility test with a longer (300-s) analysis time demonstrated an
increased sensitivity in detecting HS in anemic children. V C 2017 International Clinical Cytometry Society

Key terms: Key terms: flow cytometric osmotic fragility test; flow cytometry; hereditary spherocytosis;
osmotic fragility; thalassemia

How to cite this article: Ciepiela, O., Adamowicz-Salach, A., Zgodzi nska, A., Łazowska, M. and Kotuła, I. Flow
Cytometric Osmotic Fragility Test: Increased Assay Sensitivity for Clinical Application in Pediatric Hematology.
Cytometry Part B 2018; 94B: 189–195.

*Correspondence to: Olga Ciepiela, Department of Laboratory Received 5 June 2016; Revised 11 January 2017; Accepted 13
Diagnostics and Clinical Immunology of Developmental Age, Medical January 2017
University of Warsaw, Zwirki i Wigury 63a; 02-091 Warsaw, Poland Published online 19 January 2017 in Wiley Online Library (wileyon-
Conflict of Interest: Authors declare that they do not have any con- DOI: 10.1002/cyto.b.21511
flict of interests.

C 2017 International Clinical Cytometry Society


Table 1
Diagnosis and Types of Tests Used for the Disease Confirmation of the Enrolled Children
Diagnosis Confirmation tests
Hereditary spherocytosis CBC, EMA <81.5%, clinical evaluation
(n 5 30, 11 boys, 19 girl) age 7.1 6 6.1 years
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia CBC, DAT positive
(n 5 13, 7 boys, 6 girls) age 7.1 6 6.1 years
Thalassemia CBC, Hb electrophoresis
(n 5 19, 13 boys, 6 girls) age 9.2 6 6.4 years
Iron deficiency anemia CBC, ferritin <61.4 pmol/L, TIBC > 77 mmol/L
(n 5 32, 16 boys, 16 girls) age 6.1 6 5.3 years
Anemia associated with chronic renal failure CBC, urinalysis, serum creatinine and urea, GFR <60 mL/min/1.73m2
(n 5 6, 5 boys, 1 girl)12.7 6 4.3 years
Anemia of chronic disease CBC, transferrin <1.88 g/L, ferritin >561 pmol/L, CRP >3 mg/L
(n 5 17, 8 boys, 9 girls) 9.3 6 5.4 years
Anemia of undefined etiology CBC
(n 5 58, 24 boys, 34 girls) 8.8 6 5.3 years
Healthy CBC, CRP <3 mg/L, physical examination
(n 5 16, 8 boys, 8 girls) 10.3 6 4.7 years

CBC, complete blood count; EMA, eosin-50 -maleimide binding test; DAT, direct antiglobulin test; Hb, hemoglobin; TIBC, total
iron-binding capacity; CRP, C-reactive protein.

INTRODUCTION our aim was to validate the flow cytometric osmotic fra-
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is an inherited deficien- gility test and to propose an extension of analysis time
cy of the cytoskeleton proteins in erythrocytes plasma to improve the diagnostic value of the test.
membrane (1,2). The main diagnostic tests are complete
blood count (CBC) with mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC) and red blood cell distribution A group of 175 children with different types of ane-
width (RDW), osmotic fragility test (OF), and eosin-50 - mia (decrease in Hb concentration below the reference
maleimide test (EMA) (3). Most often patients suffering value) and 16 healthy children after physical examina-
from HS have high MCHC and RDW, normal mean cor- tion was enrolled to the study. Their diagnosis and types
puscular volume (NCV) of red blood cells, high osmotic of tests used for the disease confirmation are presented
fragility, and significant fluorescence decrease in EMA in Table 1. This study was approved by the Ethical Com-
test. Recently, a flow cytometric method for OF assess- mittee at Medical University of Warsaw, no. KB/71/2015.
ment has been introduced (4,5). This assay is easy to For the flow cytometric osmotic fragility test, appro-
perform and needs usage of saline, deionized water, and priate volume of peripheral blood collected in tube con-
flow cytometry (FCM), which helps to identify and taining K3EDTA was suspended in 1100 mL 0.9% NaCl.
select the red blood cells electronically, thanks to their The volume of blood was calculated according to the
physical properties. For this test, no fluorescent dyes equation that allowed collecting similar number of cells
and detectors of fluorescence were required. from every specimen. The equation was as follows:
Osmotic fragility of red blood cells describes the cells’ V ðlLÞ5 RBC =106 , where V is the volume of blood col-
ability to incorporate hypotonic solution. Due to their lected for the analysis and RBC the number of red blood
surface-area-to-volume ratio, regular RBCs can incorpo- cells in 1 mL of the analyzed sample.
rate hypotonic solution in limited quantities without Next 10 mL of primary suspension was then sus-
damaging the cells. Spherocytes, which have low pended in 1100 mL of saline in a cytometric tube. The
surface-area-to-volume ratio, easily hemolyze in the solu- secondary suspension was analyzed with the flow
tions with <0.9% NaCl. This property forms the basis cytometer Cytomics FC500 (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA,
for the development of a method to measure osmotic USA). The red blood cells were gated in a forward scat-
fragility. The flow-based method is based on counting ter/side scatter cytogram in logarithmic scale. The
the red blood cells that remain intact after incubation events acquisition was performed using a cytogram with
with hypotonic saline for a predefined time and ratioing time versus forward scatter in logarithmic scale. After
this value with a baseline count made in normal saline. 30 s of analysis, the cytometer was paused, 900 mL of
Despite its ease of performance, it is necessary to assess deionized water was added to the tube and the analysis
the reference ranges for the studied population and for was continued as shown in Figure 1 (1,6).
the laboratory equipment used. Due to some variations in the literature regarding the
There are few reports on the use of flow cytometric proposed sample incubation time, two different patterns
osmotic fragility test showing impressive values for spe- of events acquisition were performed. According to the
cificity and sensitivity. However, studies that describe first pattern of analysis, the test took 300 s equally divid-
the flow cytometric osmotic fragility test (FC OF) do not ed into nine gates of 30 s each (Fig. 1A). In the second
indicate its performance accurately enough (1,4). Thus, pattern of analysis, the whole test took 214 s divided into

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry


FIG. 1. Flow cytograms presenting pattern of analysis. Cytograms forward scatter in logarithmic scale versus time were divided into eight gates, 30
(A) or 22 (B) s each. Analysis presented in (A) last for 300 s and in (B) for 214 s. Arrow points to a break during acquisition when water was added
to the suspension of erythrocytes. [Color figure can be viewed at]

eight gates of 22 s each. After the first gate, where acqui- used to compare the values of RRBC for patients and
sition of nonwater-treated cells was performed, an control groups. A P values of <0.05 was considered as
ungated region that lasts for 30 s is placed. This break in being significant for all statistical analyses.
acquisition was necessary for water addition (Fig. 1B).
The results of the test are expressed as a percentage
of residual red blood cells measured with the primarily
proposed Eq. (4), which is as follows: The mean values of the remaining red blood cells in
the 300-s pattern of analysis for HS was 9.31 6 4.69 vs.
ðY 1ZÞ=2 35.59 6 15.30% for all non-HS samples included in the
% RRBC5 3100%; study (Table 2). At the cutoff value of 17.3%, RRBC sen-
A3 1:1
2 sitivity of the test was 90.0%, and the specificity 84.6%.
Area under curve from ROC analysis was 0.9444,
where RRBC is the remaining red blood cells, A the P < 0.0001 (Fig. 2A).
number of cells in the first gate, Y the number of cells For shorter analysis time, obtained values of remaining
in the next to last gate, and Z the number of cells in the red blood cell percentage for HS patients were
last gate. 13.76 6 7.92 vs. 48.18 6 19.04% for other (non-HS)
Statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPad samples, P < 0.0001 (Table 2). The ROC curve analysis
Prism 6 software. The receiver–operator curve (ROC) showed a sensitivity of 83.33% and specificity of 87.65%
was used to assess the specificity, sensitivity, and area at a cutoff value of 23.34%. The AUC was 0.9222,
under curve (AUC) values. A Mann–Whitney U test was P < 0.0001 (Fig. 2B).

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry


FIG. 2. Results of analysis of HS subjects. The ROC curve and range of values of %RRBC for flow cytometric osmotic fragility test performed
according to 300-s pattern of analysis (A). The ROC curve and range of values of %RRBC for flow cytometric osmotic fragility test performed accord-
ing to 214-s pattern of analysis (B). The bar “non-HS” includes all non-HS subjects (anemic and healthy) enrolled to the study. [Color figure can be
viewed at]

Moreover, we made a comparison of the FC–OF had negative (EMA fluorescence >81.5%) result. Inter-
results and EMA test results for children with HS. For estingly, those four children had a positive result for
the study group of 30 HS individuals, EMA test result FC–OF (12.38 6 4.69% RRBC), and children with
was 75.02 6 10.72% for control red blood cells fluo- negative FC–OF test had a positive EMA test result
rescence. The sensitivity of the EMA test was 86.7%, (73.05 6 6.77% of control red blood cells
four children, despite clinically confirmed disease, fluorescence).

Table 2
Values of Remaining Red Blood Cells Percentage (%RRBC) for Different Studied Groups According to 300-S and 214-S Pattern
of Analysis
300 s of analysis 214 s of analysis
HS 9.31 4.69 <0.0001 <0.0001 14.64 8.78 <0.0001 <0.0001
Thal 70.45 12.29 <0.0001 <0.0001 74.60 12.45 <0.0001 <0.0001
AIHA 19.93 7.16 0.0354 0.0016 37.80 15.61 0.4424 0.7558
IDA 34.89 14.25 0.3056 0.7083 43.16 18.39 0.9588 0.5894
CKD 19.76 7.29 0.1562 0.0193 46.83 20.71 0.7012 0.4463
ACD 30.10 12.90 0.7747 0.1962 45.99 18.51 0.6017 0.3713
Anemia of undefined 30.98 9.98 n/a 0.1201 47.85 17.75 n/a 0.1945
Healthy 36.82 10.05 n/a n/a 39.84 10.42 n/a n/a

The P1 indicates statistical significance of difference between %RRBC in patients from analyzed group and all others. And P2
indicates statistical significance of difference between %RRBC in patients from analyzed group and healthy controls. HS, hereditary
spherocytosis; Thal, thalassemia; AIHA, autoimmune hemolytic anemia; IDA, iron deficiency anemia; CKD, chronic kidney disease;
ACD, anemia of chronic disorders. All P values <0.05 were bolded.

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry


FIG. 3. Results of analysis of thalassemia subjects. The ROC curve and range of values of %RRBC for the flow cytometric osmotic fragility test per-
formed according to 300-s pattern of analysis (A) and the ROC curve and range of values of %RRBC for the flow cytometric osmotic fragility test per-
formed according to 214-s pattern of analysis (B). The bar “non-TH” includes all nonthalassemic subjects (anemic and healthy) enrolled to the
study. [Color figure can be viewed at]

When comparing the thalassemia subjects with other flow cytometry-based evaluation of osmotic fragility. In
(nonthalassemic) children included in the study (Table this study, we analyze different patterns of test interpre-
2), FC OF reached 94.74% sensitivity and 90.12% specif- tation and indicate that longer time of analysis allows to
icity at a cutoff value of 48.01% RRBC and with AUC of obtain more accurate results with higher sensitivity and
0.9731 in the longer time pattern of analysis, specificity.
P < 0.0001. The second pattern of analysis at a cut-off The sensitivity of the test in detecting HS was compa-
value of 60.54% RRBC gave 84.21% sensitivity and rable with values obtained by other studies which were
80.23% specificity, with AUC of 0.8934, P < 0.0001 100% (1), 93.9% (5), 91.3% (8), and 85.7% (9), respec-
(Fig. 3). tively. However, it is worth mentioning that those stud-
Interestingly, there was a significant difference ies were performed mostly in adult patients suffering
between %RRBC in shorter and longer time analysis pat- from HS. Very similar sensitivity of FC OF test was
tern only in patients with chronic kidney disease reached in another study performed from the whole
(P 5 0.047) and anemia of undefined etiology blood collected in a capillary tube (2). The main differ-
(P < 0.0001). The smallest difference in %RRBC ence between the present study and the other studies is
between 300-s and 214-s pattern of analysis was found the choice of reference group. In this study, we com-
in thalassemic and healthy subjects. pare the flow cytometric osmotic fragility test results
with different groups of anemic children, believing that
DISCUSSION screening for HS is more frequently performed among
A flow cytometry-based diagnosis of HS is still under children with anemia rather than among the healthy
research and development. Recently, Agarwal et al. (7) children with no symptoms. We found that FC OF has
have published a paper that presents a new application high level of significance in distinguishing HS patients
of eosin-50 -maleimide test based on the analysis of EMA from other anemias. The results stay in line with the
footprint, which indicates the position of EMA-stained observation made by Park et al. (5).
red blood cells in the cytogram with respect to EMA Due to the discrepancies in the described time of
fluorescence and cells size (forward scatter). Similarly, a analysis in papers, where the studied test was used, we
new test proposed by Won and Shu (4) describes the decided to analyze two patterns of tests that were

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry


carried on for 300 and 214 s. We also studied the pat- of FC–OF which are significantly lower compared with
tern of analysis lasting for 110 s, but the results were the costs of an EMA test account for performing FC–OF
not reliable at all and did not allow distinguishing primarily to EMA as a screening test for HS diagnosis.
between studied types of anemia. The discrepancies Moreover, the turnaround time of FC–OF is <30 min,
that we found concerning the different times of analysis and the procedure of EMA staining including selection
that were mentioned in the description of the test are of proper control samples takes >2 h. Since the specific-
shown in the figure. Won and Suh described that the ity of both tests is similar and they could complement
acquisition lasts for 204.8 s, but in the same paragraph each other, we suggest to perform both tests for every
they add that it lasted for approximately 2 min. These patient suspected of HS.
two time values are totally different, and readers cannot Some studies indicate that flow cytometric osmotic
get clear information regarding the actual time of sample fragility test could be useful in thalassemia diagnostics
analysis. Additionally, a picture illustrating the test per- (6). We found that FC OF test presents even better labo-
formance contains eight gates for, according to the ratory parameters (AUC) in screening for thalassemia
authors’ instruction, 11 s each. Based on the figure with than HS. The high utility of the test in thalassemia diag-
eight gates and a time-break in acquisition for water nosis was also found by Farias and Freitas (11). In our
addition, the whole analysis should last for approximate- study, sensitivity of FC OF for thalassemia diagnostics
ly 110 s, but in the picture the time of analysis is given was 94.74%, while Mohapatra et al. (6) reported 98.33%
as 204.8 s (4). In the present study, we decided to ana- for b- and 100% for a-thalassemia traits. The high utility
lyze the time of analysis similar to the one performed by of FC OF for thalassemia screening makes this test very
the other study, 214 s and longer with 300 s, as we promising, especially in communities with high frequen-
observed a difference in results between both patterns cy of a or b chains of hemoglobin mutations. It is easy
in preliminary studies. Park et al. also introduced a mod- to perform and is much cheaper than electrophoresis of
ification of the primarily proposed scheme of FC–OF. hemoglobins or molecular diagnostics. The flow cyto-
They modify the equation used for calculation of the metric osmotic fragility test could be referred when a
result by removing a dilution factor from the denomina- primary screening test—a complete blood count—
tor. The authors state that it allowed to shorten the time presents typical results for thalassemia. Interestingly,
of obtaining the final result of the test and did not influ- prolonged incubation time on FC–OF did not influence
ence the diagnostic value of the analysis (5). the %RRBC in samples from thalassemic children. The
The cutoff value of the percentage of residual red decreased osmotic fragility of red blood cells in thalasse-
blood cell for HS screening mostly depends on the stud- mia was reported previously several times. This phe-
ied group and the analyzer used. In our study, the cutoff nomenon is explained by high surface area-to-volume
values were different for both the times of analysis. Due ratio in target cells widespread in peripheral blood of
to the higher specificity and sensitivity of 300-s analysis thalassemic subjects (12,13). The difference in sensitivi-
pattern, we chose a threshold of 17.3% for distinguish-
ty and specificity of the FC–OF in thalassemia diagnosis
ing between the HS and non-HS individuals. It is less
results mostly from the increased osmotic fragility of red
than what Tao et al. (23.6%) (9) or Crisp et al. (22.8%)
blood cells from the reference group (children with all
(2) indicated. The cutoff value in different experiments
other anemias) after longer incubation in a hypoosmotic
might depend on the severity of the disease of enrolled
environment and not the osmotic fragility of the studied
subjects. Shim et al. found the correlation between
(thalassemic) group.
residual red blood cells percentage and severity of the
The flow cytometry-based tests for the screening of
disease. The more severe the disease is, the lower is the
red blood cells disorders, since eosin-50 -maleimide bind-
number of residual red blood cells that remain in
ing assay was introduced by King et al. (14), are still
the suspension. The authors found higher sensitivity of
under development. The osmotic fragility assessment
the test when the result is expressed as a ratio between
was easily transferred from spectrophotometry to flow
the healthy individual and patient’s %RRBC, compared
to only using the %RRBC of the studied subject (8). cytometry (4). Modifications of the analysis are continu-
We found that the sensitivity of the FC–OF test for HS ously under development (15). The present study
diagnosis is comparative with the sensitivity of EMA test focused on the choice of the most suitable time of analy-
in our studied group. Interestingly, patients with nega- sis to obtain the most reliable results. What we found is
tive EMA test had a positive FC–OF and those with nega- that the elongation of analysis time increases the sensi-
tive FC–OF had a positive EMA. Both tests need small tivity of the test. It is also more reliable according to the
volume of blood (5–15 mL of EDTA anticoagulated sam- area under the curve obtained in the ROC analysis.
ple), and they could be performed from one sample col- LITERATURE CITED
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Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry

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