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Activity I: Have a research and make an assessment of how the Philippines’ international relation and
internationalization with other countries affect the sovereignty of the nation.

- Trade Openness
- Financial openness
- Migration
- Economic growth and development
- Inflation
- Poverty alleviation and income inequality


Instruction: Discuss briefly each.

1. What remnants of the Westphalian system can still be felt at this day and age? In what sense
has the world gone beyond the Westphalian system?
ANS. The dominant remains of the Westphalian system up until today is the concept of

2. What are the differences between liberal and socialist internationalism? What are their
strengths and weaknesses?
Liberal internationalism:
Free trade agreements to open markets for corporations.
Removal of barriers to trade, like border controls and differing food safety standards.
Removal of anti-competitive state intervention, like subsidies to undercut foreign markets.
Strong property protections for foreign investors.
Spreading democracy and human rights.

Socialist internationalism:
Foreign aid to help the global poor.
Transnational regulation of markets.
Slower opening of markets to avoid massive lay-offs of workers.
Inclusion of labor protections in free trade agreements.
Spreading democracy, human rights and social welfare.

The strength of liberal internationalism is faster economic growth.

The strength of socialist internationalism is more equitable growth, less social unrest, and an
increased ability to regulate transnational corporations.
The weakness of liberal internationalism is the intensified transactions within states making
them interdependent giving imperialist countries controls each border because of free trade.

3. Do you think internationalization erodes the sovereignty of states?

ANS. No, because each state has its governing bodies, regulations, and rules, in my opinion. No
other state has the power to impose or even influence certain states.

Activity I: Cite some measures or solutions that can be considered applicable in order to achieved or
maintain adherence to global norms and foster international order by all nations.

- Activities are undertaken under this theme aim to improve the global governance of economic
factors – including trade, financial flows, labor, and intellectual property – by fostering
innovation as well as by maximizing these factors to advance global peace, security, and justice

Instruction: Discuss briefly each.

1. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global security?
ANS. Threats from poverty, disease, and environmental breakdown (the threats to human
security identified in the Millennium Development Goals) threats from conflict between states.
threats from violence and massive human rights violations within states. threats from terrorism.

2. Discuss briefly the functions of the five active organs of the United Nations.
ANS. The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of
the United Nations. Comprising all 193 Member States of the UN, it provides a unique forum for
multilateral discussion of international issues including peace and security.
The Security Council has primary responsibility, under the United Nations Charter, for the
maintenance of international peace and security. It is for the Security Council to determine
when and where a UN peace operation should be deployed.
The Economic and Social Council may make or initiate studies and reports with respect to
international economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and related matters and may make
recommendations with respect to any such matters to the General Assembly to the Members of
the United Nations, and to the specialized.
The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the UN. The Court has two
functions: To settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted by States,
and. To give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and
specialized agencies.
The Secretariat assists in decision-making in Government by ensuring Inter-Ministerial
coordination, ironing out differences amongst Ministries/Departments and evolving consensus
through the instrumentality of the standing/adhoc Committees of Secretaries
3. What makes the United Nations ineffectual when it comes to military conflict / military
ANS. As mentioned the UN Security Council is tasked with authorizing international acts of
military intervention. Because of the P5;s veto power, it is tough for the council to release a
formal resolution much more implement it.

4. What is global governance?

ANS. The goal of global governance, roughly defined, is to provide global public goods,
particularly peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets
and unified standards for trade and industry.

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