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ISSN: 2579-5821 (Print)

ISSN: 2579-5546 (Online)

URL address:
DOI: 10.20956/geocelebes.vxix.xxxx


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Dear Editor-in-Chief of Jurnal Geocelebes,

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Geocelebes. In this paper, I/we report on / show that _______. This is significant because
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1. Authors diversity (choose one): all authors are Indonesia/ various country/ all authors are one
country outside Indonesia
2. Count of words (including abstract and references):
3. Count of total references:
4. Count of primary references (journal article):
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6. Citation style (choose one): APA/ others
7. How to write the citation and references (choose one): using reference manager software
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I/we suggest these reviewers* to review our manuscript:

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In this cover letter, I/we also agreed copyright transfer agreement and publishing ethics statement that:
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[Your name]

© 20xx Dept. of Geophysics Hasanuddin University

ISSN: 2579-5821 (Print)
ISSN: 2579-5546 (Online)
URL address:
DOI: 10.20956/geocelebes.vxix.xxxx

Jurnal Geocelebes Vol. X No. X, April/October 20XX, xxx - xxx

The Title Should Be a Brief Phrase Describing the Contents of the Paper
and Reflect Important Findings of the Article, 12 – 15 words (Times New
Roman 14 Pt, Bold)
1st Author Full Name1, 2nd Author Full Name2*, 3rd Author Full Name3
Name of Department, University/Institution, Postal code, Country.
Name of Department, University/Institution, Postal code, Country.
Name of Department, University/Institution, Postal code, Country.

*Corresponding author. Email: corresponding_author@email

Manuscript received: xx; Received in revised form: xx; Accepted: xx

The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state
the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, and point out major findings and conclusions.
The Abstract should be 150 to 250 words in length. Complete sentences, active verbs, and the third
person should be used, and the Abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature
should be used, and abbreviations should be avoided. The abstract must include introduction,
objective, method, significant finding, conclusion, and implications. No literature should be cited.
Following the abstract, about five keywords that will provide indexing references should be listed.
Abstract must be written in English (academic writing) using Times New Roman, 11 pt, Spacing 1.
The word limit for the submission is 3000 – 8000 words (including of footnotes and abstract). The
manuscript must be written in English (academic writing). We suggest the authors use proof-readers
software such as Grammarly or others. The authors can use manual proof-readers from legal
institution too before make submission.
Keywords: List three to five pertinent keywords specific to the article; The keyword must be different
with word in the title.
Citation: Author, F., Author, S. and Author, T. 2022. Paper title. Jurnal Geocelebes x(x):xxxx-xxxx, doi:

Introduction a. What is the problem that must be

solved (problem statement)?
Introductions should be kept short. Good b. What people have done to solve
introductions should include: (i) brief existing problems, from time to time
statement of the problem that justifies (state of the arts)?
doing the work or of the hypothesis on c. What escaped the attention of previous
which it is based; (ii) the findings of others researchers or what the potential is
that will be challenged or developed; and available and not yet explored by other
(iii) an explanation of the general approach researchers?
and objectives. The aim of the d. What concepts are offered to fill the
introduction should be to excite and "blanks" or something that has escaped
interest the reader (including editors and the attention of previous researchers?
reviewers). e. What is to be achieved from this work?

A good introduction must answer the When the author submits the manuscript,
following questions: the editor wants to see that the author has
provided a perspective that is consistent

© 20xx Dept. of Geophysics Hasanuddin University

ISSN: 2579-5821 (Print)
ISSN: 2579-5546 (Online)
URL address:
DOI: 10.20956/geocelebes.vxix.xxxx

with aim and scope this journal. The disclosure of state of the art that is given
author needs to explain the concepts scientific criticism so that the author can
offered and the novelty of the research find a new differentiator, is enough to give
based on quotations from several original the impression to the reader that it is
and important works from several journals, indeed "new". Next, describe how the
including the most recent review articles. concepts / ideas / ideas offered have
A review article is very important to read convincing scientific value.
because it provides an overview of the
development of the field up to the last The final paragraphs
article. The author can search deeper by What you want to achieve from this work
looking for the original paper contained in (objectives) and introduce the method.
the bibliography of a review article. Please the objectives states clearly. Please
The introduction should be concise but paraphrase the implication in abstract in
meaningful. Although the introduction the last sentence in this paragraph.
requires an explanation of "state of the art"
until the article is written, do not draw far Materials and Methods
back. A long and excessive introduction
will make the reader stop reading. An In this section, the authors must provide
introduction can be presented in the review of the cutting-edge theory/ method
following structure. which used in method and discussion. The
authors can use figure, equation, or table
The 1st paragraphs following this template. The geology
The 1st paragraph writes down the issues of condition of research area is including in
concern to researchers today. Problems this section.
must be objective, not from an author's
perspective. Do not let something The method section is written based on the
"considered a problem" by the author, but question "how was the problem solved". If
not a problem for the field of study. a manuscript proposes a new method, all
information about the new method must be
In the following paragraphs presented in detail so that the reader can
reproduce the experiment. However, the
What people have done to solve the author does not need to repeat the details
existing problem (state of the art). In this of an established method, just use
context, the author also needs to limit the references and supporting material to show
problem to stay focused. How the methods the established procedure.
and results reported by previous
researchers need to be written in this It is important to note that methods must
section. After the state of the art is be written in the same order in the results
awakened, focus on "what has escaped the section. The order of writing methods must
attention of previous researchers?", Giving also be logical according to the type of
wise scientific criticism of the advantages research. The method for one type of
and disadvantages of the methods or research will be very different from other
results of previous studies. Furthermore, studies. For example, writing survey
what concepts are offered in order to research methods is very different from
contribute to solving the problems that laboratory test research methods that
have been written before. This is what is involve a lot of equipment and materials.
called "novelty". However, there is no The method section can be created with
need to state in the sentence that this several separate subtitles such as materials,
concept is "novel", "first time", "first", tools, and data collection procedures.
"paradigm change", and so on. The

© 20xx Dept. of Geophysics Hasanuddin University

ISSN: 2579-5821 (Print)
ISSN: 2579-5546 (Online)
URL address:
DOI: 10.20956/geocelebes.vxix.xxxx

The mathematical equation must use the thousand words. Therefore, figures and
"Equation Editor" and be given the serial tables are the most efficient way to present
number in (1) (2), (3) and so on. Such as: the results of research. Figures and tables
𝑛 must be presented with high quality/
(𝑥 + 𝑎 ) = ∑

( )𝑥 𝑎
𝑘 𝑛−𝑘
(1) sharpness.

Table 1. Table formatting. All images should be made in high quality

Organic Matter JPEG format, at least 300 dpi with sharp
Potential Rock-Eval colour settings. A good illustration to
Pyrolysis present the results of the study is presented
S1 S2 in Figure 1. Please write all information in
Poor 0 – 0.5 0 – 0.5 0 – 2.5 table and figure in Times New Roman
Fair 0.5 – 1 0.5 – 1 2.5 – 5
Good 1–4 1–2 5 – 10
font, as used by the whole text of this
Very Good 2-4 2-4 10 - 20 manuscript template. The table and figure
Excellent >4 >4 > 20 number must be mentioned in paragraphs
who is explain it. When referring to a table
Before writing the manuscript, the first or a figure in the text, no abbreviation is
step that must be taken is to prepare used, and "Table" or "Figure" is
Figures and Tables that are processed from capitalized. The authors can use table and
the results of the study (if any). Keep in figure in result and discussion section too.
mind that a Figure and Table are worth a

Figure 1. Image caption contain brief descriptions of maps, graphics, illustrations, charts, or photographs. If the
image consists of several parts, present each part with the notation: (a) a description of the first part, and (b) a
description of the second part. (source image is written at the end of the caption, year. Ex: Massinai et al., 2023).

Results and Discussion The results section should provide details

of all the experiments that are required to
The authors can use this section or divided support the conclusions of the paper. There
into 2 sections (Section Results and is no specific word limit for this section,
Section Discussion) based on the authors’ but details of experiments that are
style. Results and discussion can be made peripheral to the main thrust of the article
that contains research findings and and that detract from the focus of the
explanations. article should not be included. The results
should be written in the past tense when
describing findings in the authors'

© 20xx Dept. of Geophysics Hasanuddin University

ISSN: 2579-5821 (Print)
ISSN: 2579-5546 (Online)
URL address:
DOI: 10.20956/geocelebes.vxix.xxxx

experiments. Previously published Conclusion

findings should be written in the present
tense. The section may be divided into A conclusion section must be included and
subsections, each with a concise should indicate clearly the advantages,
subheading. Results should be explained, limitations, and possible applications of
but largely without referring to the the paper. Although a conclusion may
literature. Generally, research results are review the main points of the paper, please
presented in figures or tables, but can also do not replicate the abstract and discussion
be in the form of descriptions for certain statement as the conclusion. The
cases. The author can explain speculation conclusion should state the answer/
and detailed interpretation of data not in solution of the objectives stated in
the Results but should be put into the introduction, as well as the well-articulated
Discussion section. outcome of the study. The conclusion
should write in narration form, and do not
In this section, the author must respond write it in numbering form.
"what is meant by the results obtained and
claimed as research findings". This section Acknowledgements
is the part that seems easy to write, but is
the hardest part to get it right and this is An acknowledgement section presented
the most important part of an article. Most after the conclusion and should be brief.
of the manuscripts received serious The authors should first acknowledge the
attention from editors and reviewers source of funding for the research. The
because the discussion was weak and author can also express his thanks to
many were even returned for editors, reviewers, proof-readers, or
re-submission or rejected. technicians who help prepare equipment
set-ups or others who assist in surveys.
In this part of the discussion, the author
Author Contribution
needs to make a "discussion" in
accordance with the results of the research For transparency, we encourage authors to
presented, but do not repeat the results. explain their individual contributions to
The author needs to compare the the research and paper.
significant results of the study with the
results of previous studies (some of which Conflict of Interest
are contained in the introduction). Maybe,
a research result clarifies the results of All authors must disclose any financial and
previous studies, improve, or even personal relationships with other people or
contradict. Whatever the outcome, the organizations that could inappropriately
author must make a "dialogue" with the influence (bias) their work.
results of other researchers, based on the
existing grand theory. If the findings turn References
out to be different from other people's
findings, this may be extraordinary, and in Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not
turn, the author must face it and convince allowed. The authors should ensure that
the reader that this finding is true or better they have written entirely original works,
than the previous one. Although this truth and if the authors have used the work
also sometimes does not last for a long and/or words of others that this has been
period of time, because it will be perfected appropriately cited or quoted. Editorial
with new truths reported by other Team checking manuscript by using
researchers. That is science work process. Turnitin app. If it is found plagiarism

© 20xx Dept. of Geophysics Hasanuddin University

ISSN: 2579-5821 (Print)
ISSN: 2579-5546 (Online)
URL address:
DOI: 10.20956/geocelebes.vxix.xxxx

indication (more than 25%), the board will Geocelebes, 6(2), 152–165.
reject the manuscript immediately.
All publications cited in the text should be Hokuriku Broadcasting, M. (2021).
presented in a list of references following Earthquake swarm on Noto Peninsula
the text of the manuscript. In the text, the expert “M6-7 in the Vicinity” (in
citations should be referred to by author's Japanese). News.
name and year of publication enclosed in
parentheses. However, list names of the p?cd=29789630
first author and all co-authors should be Massinai, M. A. (2015a). Geomorfologi
mentioned. References cited together in Tektonik. Pustaka Ilmu.
the text should be arranged Massinai, M. A. (2015b). Melihat dari
chronologically. The list of references Dekat Keindahan Parangloe,
should be arranged alphabetically on Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan.
author's names and chronologically per HAGI Georesonansi Edisi 02, 50–51.
author. Minimize the use of personal Massinai, M. A., Virman, Massinai, M. F.
communication; do not include I., Lasmono, P. G. D., & Tambing, F.
unpublished observations, manuscripts that (2021). Geophysical investigation for
have not been received for publication, groundwater in the hard rocks of
publications that are not reviewed by Abepura Area, Papua. AIP
reviewers, or gray literature. Prioritize Conference Proceedings,
articles in English and articles from 2360(030004), 1–4.
reputable journals. The number of
references is at least 20 references. The Mokhatab, S., Poe, W. A., & Mak, J. Y.
references used should be a minimum of (2019). Chapter 18 - Utility and
80% journal article and a minimum of Offsite Systems in Gas Processing
80% up to date reference (maximum of 10 Plants. In S. Mokhatab, W. A. Poe, &
years). J. Y. B. T.-H. of N. G. T. and P.
(Fourth E. Mak (Eds.), Handbook of
The author must use reference Natural Gas Transmission and
management software, such as Mendeley Processing (Fourth Edi, pp.
or EndNote. Make a list of references and 537–578). Gulf Professional
citations in text that fit the APA style. Publishing.
Example of writing references in APA
style of article journal (Gainiyu et al., 5817-3.00018-6
2022) and (Nurwahida & Hernawaty, Nurwahida, & Hernawaty. (2020).
2020), proceedings (Massinai et al., 2021) Pendugaan Lapisan Akuifer Air
book (Massinai, 2015a), review book Tanah dengan Metode Geolistrik
(Mokhatab et al., 2019), website Resistivity Konfigurasi Schlumberger
(Hokuriku Broadcasting, 2021), newspaper di Berbagai Wlayah Indonesia. Jurnal
or magazine etc. (Massinai, 2015b), and Teknosains, 14(1), 1–10.
thesis such as bachelor, master or PhD.
(Ramdhan, 2012). 14i1.10589
Ramdhan, M. (2012). Analisis Kegempaan
Gainiyu, S. A., Shobowale, O. A., & Sesar Sumatera Menggunakan
Sikiru, Y. K. (2022). Investigating Relokasi Gempabumi Metoda
Seasonal Variations of Soil Thermal Double-Difference. ITB.
Properties (STPs) Under Different
Land Use Patterns in Abeokuta,
Southwest Nigeria. Jurnal

© 20xx Dept. of Geophysics Hasanuddin University


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