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where and when you would like to go there

  how you would go there
  ith whom you would go there
and explain why you would like to go to this place.

I have a great desire to visit

on summer holiday to dispel the extreme heat of the sun.

I can walk along the sandy beach to enjoy the fresh air of the wind and the salty taste of
sea water. -> all my daily stress and hardness set aside.

I can drop by some local shops in the centre for window shopping and then try some local
cuisine like Nem lui, Banh xeo. DA Nang

has accquired a reputation for its seafood which are both delicious and reasonable.
Tourist Attraction

What: Da Nang

Why: 1,5 hours to fly; worth-living city + spectacular /spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ/ scenery + local /kwɪˈziːn/ cuisine

What: 4 days, 3 nights, Dragon Bridge, Administration Tower, Linh Ung Pagoda, Ba Na Hills -> /ˈbreθ
ˌteɪ.kɪŋ/ breath- taking

most impressive place: Golden Bridge -> a aerial walkway

/ˈkoʊ.stəl/ coastal city -> walk along the beach after having dinner

food:  /suːˈpɝːb/ superb: Nem lui, banh xeo -> local  /ˌspeʃ.iˈæl.ə.t̬ i/ specialities

Why: a  /blæst/ blast trip, share memories with family. It such a worth-living city beacause of its
peaces, cleanliness and beauty

 hope that can comback

A review

Where: youtube channel named Ha Linh Offical

What: university -> lipstick (information: color, … )

title: “Collection of worth-buying lipstick in2022”

share her personal experiences with the prt, its pros and cons

swatches directly, suggest right shade for each skintone

 can buy the ….

 /ˈlʌk.ʃɚ.i/ Luxury Item

- A /ˈbæθ.tʌb/ bathtub
- what does it look like
- why wants this items:
-  /rɪˈdʒuː.vən.eɪt/ rejuvenate


- App: Tiktok
- when & where
- why started
- why stopped: using too much -> go out to enjoy outdoor, friends
- explain feeling : feel so “liberated” from the bad influence, save money

Recent new story

- what: catching fire to an iPhone 7 plus -> heartbreaking news for the iphone lovers
- where read / heard

Something you own

- laptop

Tv program

- How I Met Your Mother


- interpreter

House you would like to live in the future

 what it would look like

 how big it would be
 where it would be located
and explain why you would like to live there.

I currently /ˈkɝː.ə live in our house which is a 2 storied building. But in the future, I would like to live
in a farmhouse  /ˈfɑːrm.haʊs/ in my hometown. The house would be a small one with 4-5 rooms in it.
But there would be plenty of trees, gardens, ponds  /pɑːnd/ and open spaces in front of the house. I
want to live close to nature rather than living in a cramped  /kræmpt/metropolitan  /ˌmet.rəˈpɑː.lə.tən/
building. The house would be built with woods /wʊdz/, leaves, some modern materials and tin. There
would be a big veranda  /vəˈræn.də/ in front of the house. Trees would be all around the house.

This would not be a very big house in terms of the size of the rooms. But definitely, the total farmhouse
would be well over 1 acre /ˈeɪ.kɚ/. I would not require a very big house because I won’t have different
types of furniture /ˈfɝː.nɪ.tʃɚ/ and showpieces /ˈʃoʊ.piːs/. I will have only the necessary household
appliances  /əˈplaɪ.əns/ and furniture.

This house would be located in our hometown which is in Phuc Tho district /ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ Hanoi city. We
already have a house there but I would convert /kənˈvɝːt/ it to a farmhouse ˈfɑːrm.haʊs/ in future when
I will start living there.

Currently, I am living in a metropolitan city and leading a busy life. I do not wish to live in this crowded
and busy city after my retirement. I have a plan to take early retirement and then build a farmhouse in
my hometown that would allow me living in a place which offers fresh air, clean environment,
pollution-free living and healthy and fresh food. This is the main reason I want to live there. Secondly, I
already have a house there and converting it to a farmhouse would not be that difficult. Finally, I don’t
want to live an idle /ˈaɪ.dəl/ life after my retirement and building a farmhouse and living there would
allow me to get involved in many works that I won’t be able to do at my current living place.

dream job

what the job is

what it involves
why you picked it
and explain why you are interested in this job.

Today I am going to talk about the job I would like to do for my future career. I will tell you what the job
is, what it involves and why I’d like to do it.

The career I hope to have in the future is that of an interpreter.

An interpreter /ɪnˈtɝː.prə.t̬ ɚ/ is someone who is fluent in at least two languages. It is their job to help
people communicate with one another, even though they do not have a common language. The
interpreter converts spoken language from one language to another. To do this job well involves
listening to, understanding and memorising content in the original language, then reproducing
statements, questions and speeches in a different language. I think the job would be very difficult, but
very interesting to do.

The reason I have chosen this job is that I think I have the skills to help me to do it well. I am studying
English, and although I am not yet fluent in two languages, I think I will be by the time I
graduate /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ət/ . My first language is Vietnamese, and now my first major in Hanoi university is
studying Japanese and the second major is English. I love English more than Japanese so that why I
decided to learn two languages at the same time. In addition, I really enjoy meeting new people, I am
interested in their opinions and ideas. Really, I am quite nosy /ˈnoʊ.zi/, so I find it fascinating listening to
what people have to say. I also enjoy helping people, so it would be important to me to communicate
really accurately  /ˈæk.jɚ.ə what individuals are trying to say to one another to help them work
together effectively.

I am really interested in this job because it will allow me to work using my English language skills, and I
love to speak English. In addition, it may give me opportunities to travel, or to work in a multi-national
company where I will meet new people from all over the world, and learn about their cultures and
experiences. I also think if I am good enough at my job, I will get the opportunity to develop a good
career which is well paid, enjoyable and interesting. /ˈɪn.trɪ.stɪŋ/

I know I will have to work very hard to achieve my goal but I think it will be worth it in the end!

unusual hobby

 what you did, and where you did it

 when you did it
 who you did it with
and describe why it was something unusual or interesting.

Not sure, if the story, I am about to tell here, is unusual or interesting, but I find it both amazing and
fascinating because I think that it’s a great experience and may be some people don’t know about it

I and one of my close friends had the chance to join the festival named "japanese cultural week" that
was held by our jananese department. It was the first time that I knew about this festival. In the first day
of the festival, I saw many stalls such as food stall is a stall that sold japanese snack,clothes stall allow
students to rent yukata ( a tranditional Japanese clothing), and many stalls which helped students to
learned more about Japanese culture. But, the especial point here is, I saw many students dressing like
characters in animation. We called that act was cosplaying.

I watched a lot of animation but I have never known about this types of dressing-up. From the time I
saw ppl wearing costumes the same as the character I like, I truly want to be a cosplayer. So the next
day, I immediately  /ɪˈmiː.di.ə rented a costume of the character named Shizuka, and I also rent a
makeup artist, and then I came to the festival again in disguise  /dɪsˈɡɑɪz/.The thing that make me very
happy is that many students came to me and asked if they can take a photo with me. I just felt tired in
the end of the day because of laughing too much! This was the happiest day in my life

Anyway, it was something really unusual and interesting because I have never really communicate with
such a lot of people before! I can imagine that I was a famous star.

admired teacher
  •  where you met him/her
   •  what subject he/she taught
   •  what was special about him/her

and explain why this person/teacher has influenced you so


I consider myself exceptionally  /ɪkˈsep.ʃən.əl.i/ fortunate /ˈfɔːr.tʃən.ət/ to have been taught  /tɑːt/ and
guided by some excellent teachers throughout  /θruːˈaʊt/ my academic life. Among them, I would like
to talk about Mrs Thuy, who has been an extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːr.də teacher, an exceptional
mentor, and who has had a great influence on my studies.

I met Mrs Thuy for the first time when I was at grade 10. She was our math teacher. Initially, we thought
that she would be a tough  /tʌf/ teacher and we would have to be very polite  /pəˈlaɪt/ in front of her.
We got this impression mostly because of her serious look and tidy dress-up. But soon we found that
she was a very friendly person and we did not have to be "very polite" to her.

She never made things complicated  /ˈkɑːm.plə.keɪ.t̬ ɪd/ and tried over and over again to explain
something to us. She had a unique way of teaching and could explain complex  /kɑːmˈpleks/ topics
very easily. Thus everything we learned from her was interesting, and that's why we remember most of
the theories /ˈθɪr.i/ and techniques /tekˈniːk/ of math she taught us.

I would say she has had a great influence on my education because she helped me build a strong
foundation in mathematics. My major in college was about languages, but in order to pass the entrance
exam, mathematics was the most important subject at that level. I have always been good at math, and
that's mainly because of Mrs Thuy - who had a major role in making the subject interesting to me.
Before I learned math from Mrs Thuy, math was even intimidating  /ɪnˈtɪm.ə.deɪ.t̬ ɪŋ/ to me, and I
considered mathematics to be a complex and uninteresting subject. But her teaching and influences
changed my way of thinking about math, and later on, math became one of my favourite subjects for
which I admire this teacher greatly.

things that is important to you

 what is it and who gave it to you

 what is the speciality of it
 would you ever give it to someone else
and explain why it is important to you.

The laptop I own is very important to me. I spend almost 6-7 hours on this laptop which is even higher
than the time I spend with my friends! My father bought me this laptop 2 years ago when I got admitted
to the university. I have done some configuration /kənˌfɪɡ.jəˈreɪ.ʃən/ upgrades, but the main parts of the
computer have remained almost the same as they were when I purchased  /ˈpɝː.tʃəs/ it.
I browse the internet on this laptop and thus get lots of help related to my studies and assignments. I
maintain social networking, update my blogs, play video games, watch movies, listen to music, learn
and practice the graphics designing and programming and many more things on this computer. This
computer has become an inevitable /ˌɪnˈev.ə.t̬ ə.bəl/ part of my life and I can hardly think of a day
without this computer. The references and helps I get from the internet regarding my studies are
unmatched /ʌnˈmætʃt/. This saves a lot of time and helps me do better in the exams as well.

This computer is the main source of information and entertainment for me. I send important emails
and check incoming emails which help me do important communications. Every time I am confused
about something, I just search it online. The result is gratifying  /ˈɡræt̬ .ə.faɪ.ɪŋ/ and it helps me learn
more. In short, this is the most necessary tool that I own.

favourite subject

 what is it
 why you like/liked it
 your experience of this subject
and explain why it is/was your favourite subject.

This is indeed  /ɪnˈdiːd/ a great topic to talk about and the credit goes to you for allowing me the time to
think and talk about it.

Math has always been my favourite subject in my school days and my interest in math helped me
profoundly /prəˈfaʊ to understand other science-related subjects more accurately. Although
now I studying languages but I will not have been admitted to Hanoi university without my
understanding and love for mathematics.

I liked mathematics because I was good at it! My mother is an Math teacher in high school and I have
always felt curious about her passion for mathematics. In my academic years, I was not a top scorer, but
my grades in maths were always high. I remember spending more hours solving mathematical
problems than memorising poems and reading literature. Thus when I was in high school, I was good at
maths and it's natural that I spent more time doing maths than other subjects.

My mother has a great influence in developing my interests for maths. She painstakingly  /ˈpeɪnz
ˌteɪ.kɪŋ.li/ explained mathematical formulas,  /ˈfɔːr.mjə.lə/ their usage  /ˈjuː.sɪdʒ/ and practical
implications to me and thus I started loving this subject from my early childhood. I was lucky to have
some great teachers during my academic years who also were my motivation to do well in mathematics.

I could solve mathematics as I had a solid foundation in it from my childhood. I was often asked by my
class teachers to explain a certain math problem to them. This also grew my confidence and in high
school, I was persuaded that I can solve any math problems from our textbooks. As you know, young
people often like the subject they are good at and spend more time reading and understanding it. This
was also the case for me and math has always been my favourite subject in my academic years.

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