Oral Inglês - Guião

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Script: Characters’ description

Because the film depicts real-life events and most of the characters are real people, describing
them involves not only what is shown in the movie but also the characteristics they had in real

Our main character is Nelson Mandela, also referred to as Madiba or Tata. The former South-
African anti-apartheid president it’s portrayed by Morgan Freeman (an actual close friend of
Mandela). The story starts on Mandela’s first day in office; however, it still showcases the 27-
year imprisonment, which is used to highlight the endless compassion, strength, and
lgenerosity that Mandela had.

Right off the bat, Mandela faces a host of problems. He was given over the reigns of a country
with a poor economy, rife with violent conflict, teetering on the edge of outright civil war. He
knew that a leader cannot govern effectively unless there is national unity and, despite his
family’s disagreement and resentment, believed that his best chances for success lay in the
Rugby fields, so he starts to develop a close relationship with the captain of the Springbrooks,
François Pienaar, played by Matt Damon.

As it's shown in the scene we've recreated, Francois, although raised in a racist environment,
becomes an ally of Mandela when the president calls him in for tea and expresses his desire to
unite the country through rugby.

He is very hard-working and stands up for what Mandela is doing even though many of his
peers harbour prejudice against black South Africans and eventually leads the team to victory
in the 1995 Rugby World Cup, the first major tournament held in post-apartheid South Africa.

Other relevant characters in the movie are Jason Tshabalala, Brenda Mazibuko and Chester

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