Assignment On Diabetes

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"DIABETES" A Summary submitted (6 the Bundelkhand Univereily in paiial fulfillment for the award. of the degtoe, of Bachelor in Microbiology fewer DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY BUNDELKHAND UNIVERSITY, JHANSI (U.P) INDIA 2022 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF SUBMITTED TO:- SUBMITTED BY:- Dr. Pratibha Arya Shaivya Bajpayee (Professor in Food, Microbiology Health and hygiene) 1st-Semester ACKIOLMLEDGEMENT Lamvery grateful to all those whe have helped me, as AT have Baished oy project on toe and eFfectuely, tn all keumility ard appreciation, Lam everwkeloed to recognize my abpth to ail those who have helped me to bring those tdeas into good ase, Taoudd like to thank oy teacher Mes Pratibha Arya too, She managed to ye me suppor? and excouragement and directed ov. on differen? topies, Ard with the aid Skom her helpful adbice, Seedback, and metwation t kecame able Fo execute these projec? actwities, hast but not least, Lalso want to thank my Friends ake helped a lo? to gather dierent details, gather information, or dvect? me to form immediately to sake this project. Gwen their hectic schedules, they offered me various designs to kelp this project special. DIABETES Diabetes: An Overview :- FS you have djabetes, your body isa'? able to property process ard use glucose from the Sood you eat. “here are bt SStreat types of chaketes, each with ASSevent causes, but they all shave the common problem of having Poo muck glucose in your bloodstream, Theatments include medications and/or insulins. Some types of chabetes can be prevented y adopting a healthy Usestyle, Whatis chabetes? Diaketes happens when your body isn't able to take up sugar Cylucose? into és cells and use it for energy. this results in a build up of extra sugar in your Moodstream. Mismanagement of dhabetes can lead to serious CONSEQUERCES, CAUSING damage To a wick range oF your boal's ovgans and tissues — including your deart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. Why ts ay blood glucose level high? Now does tis Aappen? The process of digestion includes breaking dowa the Sood! you cat into various deren? autrieat sources. Whea you cat carbohydrates (Sor example, bread, rice, pasta, your body breaks tis dewa iate sugar (glucose, When glucose is ia your Koodstream, rt aceds kelp — a” hey” — to ge? into res Siad okstination where i? 8 used, kick is tastae your boat's cells Cealls make up your booy’s tissues acct organs), Tis kelp ov "hey? is iasalia, dasuliais akormonc mack by your pancreas, an organ located bekind your stomach, Your pancreas releases tasulia tate your Moodstream, Insulin acts as the “hey” that unlocks the cell wall “ober,” which allows glucose to cater your boay's cells, Glucose prowraes the “fuel” or energy tssues and organs need to properly function. AS you have chabetes: Your pancreas doe sa’? make. any insula or enough rasalia, Or Your pancreas makes iasulia but your booly "5 cells clon’? respond to and can’? use ft as it normally heute! A¥ glucose can’t get into your body's cells, rt stays fa your Meodstream and your Mood! glucose level rises. What are the abSSereat types oF chabetes? The types oF chabetes are: “Type | ofabetes: This type ts an autotomune disease, meaning your beay attacks self. In this cast, the iasalia-preduciag cells ta your pancreas are destroyed. Up to 1O% of people who have ahabetes have Type. 20's usually chagnosed ia childern and young adults Chat can aevelop at any age. £8 was once better haown as “juvenile” ctabetes, People with Type | ofabetes aced to take iasalia every olay. This 8 why itis also called iasulia-aependent afabetes. Type 2 chabetes: Lirth this type, your bool either dbesa’t make enough insulin or your body's cells doa’? respond aormally to the iasulia, This is the most common type of chabetes, Up to 15% of people arth ohabetes have Type 2. 2% usually cccars ia attdlehe- aged and older people, Other common names Sor Type 2 tacluat aolult-onser dtabetes and tasulta-resistant dhabetes, Your parents or granoparents may have called 1 “having a touch of Sadar. Prechabetes: This type is the stage before Type 2 dhabetes. Your beod glucose levels are higher than normal but aot kigh encagh to be of Flerally chagaosed arth Type 2 habetes. Gestational chabetes: This type okvelops ta some. women during ther pregnancy, Gestational ohabetes asually goes away after pregnancy. Nowtever, £ you fave gestational chabetes you're at higher rish oF akveloping Type 2 chabetes later on ta tS. tke gets ctabetes? What are the rsh Saetors? Factors thet increase your rish df¥er alepeaatag oa the type of dhabetes you ultimately akvelop. Fish Seetors Sor Type | chabetes include: Having a Family history Caveat or sibliag> of Type | ofaketes. Anjury to the panceeas (such as by inktetion, tumor, surgery or accident, Presence of aatoantibootes Cantibodies that aistakenly attach your owa body's issues on organs), Plysical stress Csuck as surgery or illaess>. Exposure to illnesses caused by viruses, Fish Seetors Sor preatabetes and Type 2 chabetes aclu: Fantly history Cparect or sibling? of prectabetes or “Type 2 chaberes. Being Bleck, Mspanic, Nate American, Asian- American race or PaciSe Estander. Maving orerwcight/ obesity. Wavicg kigh Hood pressure, -Maving low NDE cholesterol Che. “good!” cholesterol and high triglyceride level. Being physteddly inactve. Being age 45 or olakr, Maing gestational chaberes or giviag birth to « baby weighiag more than 9 pounds, Maving pelyeystie ovary syndome, Having @ history of kear? abscase or stroke, Being a smoker, Fish Sectors Sor gestational atabetes taclaak: Fantly history Cparect or sibling? of prectabetes or “Type 2 dhaberes. Being ASttean-American, Mspanic, Native American or Asian-American, ~Meving overweight! obesity before your pregnancy, a ne ee What causes habertes? The cause of chabetes, regaraless of the type, iS having too muck glucose circulating ia your Koodlstrean. Nowever, the reason why your Mood glucose levels are high ders alpeactag oa the type oF ahabetes, Causes of Type | dhabetes: This is an immune. system akscase, Your body atiachs and destroys fasulia-produciag cells ia your pancreas. Wrtkout tasulia to allow glucose to enter your cells, fucose baildls up ia your Moodstream, Genes may alse play a role ia some patents, Also, a virus onay tigger the. tomune system attack, Cause of Type 2 chabetes and preataberes: Your body's cells clon’? allow insulin to work as rt should to let glucose into tts cells. Your body’ s cells kave become resistant to insulin. Your pancreas can’? 4eep up and make enough iasulia to overcome tis resistance, Glucose levels rise ia yout bloodstream, Gestational ohabetes: Normones produced by the placenta during your pregnancy make your body's cells more resistant to insulin. Your pancreas can't make enough tasulia to overcome this resistance. The puck glucete remains tn your bloadsébvean. What are the symptoms of dhabetes? Symptoms of ctabetes tacluae: increased thirst. Weak, tired Seliag. Blurred vistoa. Nambress or tagliag ta the hands or Set, Slow -healiag sores or cuts. Unplanned weight loss. Freguent ariaeton, Freguert unexplained taftetions. Dry mouth, Other symptoms ta women: Dey and iteky shin, and Sreguent yeast taftetions or urinary tract iastctions. da men: Beereased sex dee, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle strength. Type | ofabetes symptoms: Symptoms can develop guichly — over a few weeks or months, Symptoms begin when you're young — as a child, teen oF young adult, Aabitional symptoms include nausea, vomiting or stomach pains and yeast infections om ariaaty tract taseetions. Type 2 chaketes anc prectabetes symptoms: You. may not have any symptoms at all or may ner notice Them since they ckvelop slouly over several years. Symptoms usually kegin 70 develop when you. ‘re an adlul?, but prectabetes and Type 2 chaketes is on The rise in all age groups. Gestational ohabetes: You typically all no? notice symptoms. Your obstetrician all Fes? you Sor gestational chaketes ketween 24 and 2% weeks of your pregnancy. Now is dlaketes managed? Diaketes afSte?s your whole body. To bes? manage dhahetes, you'll need to take steps to manage your risk Suetors, including: Heep your Mood glucose levels as near to normal as possible by Sblloaxng a ate? plan, taking prescribed medtcation and. lacreasing your actwity level, Meinrain your ood cholesterol CMDL and kdk levels) andl Friglgeericte levels as near the normal ranges as pos site. Diagnosis and treatment Early chagrosis can be accomplished trough relatuely inexpensite testing of blood glucose, “Theatment of diabetes imotves diet and plysical acturly dong with lowering of Heed glucose and the laels of other known rish Sectors that damage blood vessels, Tohaces use cessation is also important to atcid complications. Anrterventions that are both cost-saving and Feasible in low- and middle-income countries include: -Hood qlacose control, particalarly in type | dabetes, People a¥th type | chaketes reguire insulin, people with type 2 chaketes can be treated with oral medication, Lat may alse reguire insali blood pressure control; and foot care (patient self-care by maintaining Soot Aygiene} wearing appropriate Footwear; seeking professional care Por alee managements ard regular examination of Stet by health professionals), PREVEN-TIONS: ikestyle measures have heen shown to he e$eetive in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 chaketes. To help preven? Fype 2 dhaketes and rts complications, people should: -ackieve and maintain a healthy bocly weigh?) ~te physically actwe ~ doing at leas? 3O minutes of regular, moderate-intensity activity on most etays. More actuity is reguired Sor weigh? controls ~eat a healthy det, avoiding sugar and saturated Sais; and -avoid tobacco ase ~ smoking increases the rish of diabetes and cardiovascular disease,

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