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Nicholas Gilman

AIA Design Framework Vernacular

Vitruvian Principles
Principles (Izba)
AIA – “both beauty and function in AIA – “both beauty and function in
Balance” Balance”
Vitruvian - “contain elements of Utility
and Attractiveness” - Structures design for their
Design for Integration - Both represent a balance of Function but achieve an element
Vitruvian principles of Beauty through ornamental
carvings and millwork on front
façade of structure
AIA – “Accessible, walkable” AIA – “Design process promotes…social
Vitruvian – “Utility – faultless, equality”…”promote human
unimpeded use through the disposition connection”
of the spaces”
Design for Equitable
- Izba’s all roughly the same size
Communities When assessing this AIA principle in and place close to street to allow
program, it falls within Vitruvian communities to gather on
principle of Utility or Commodity porches in the evening fostering a
sense of community
AIA – “build Resilience…reduce AIA – “design help users become aware
Maintenance” and connected with projects place and
Vitruvian – Soundness (Firmness)
Design for Ecosystems - Timber structure, locally sourced
Durable materials will minimize as well as locally source timber
structures fatigue and required for wood fire stove for cooking
maintenance and heat – fosters connection to
regional ecosystem.
AIA – “can water systems maintain AIA – “Efficiency and Consumption”
Function during emergencies” “Handle Rainfall Responsibly”

Vitruvian – Commodity Principle

- Izba were not equipped with
Design for Water Responsible function of water systems plumbing minimizing
and watershed will meet commodity consumption. Gabled roof
when design for this principle returned water earth, no
impermeable surface surrounding
AIA - “Provide abundance while living AIA – “Provide abundance while living
within means” within means”

Vitruvian – “Utility (Commodity) – - Small structures were expertly

allocation of each type of space is manipulated to maximize
properly oriented, appropriate, and function and utility within very
Design for Economy comfortable” small footprint. Ex. Stove served
and building heat
When Vitruvian principle of commodity source/cooking/bed/steam bath
is applied to this Framework Principle,
the space is designed appropriately to
provide abundance and balance living
within means
AIA – “Passive design strategies to AIA – “powered by Renewable Energy
contribute to projects performance” Source”

Design for Energy Vitruvian – Firmness – Choice of - Only energy source is timber for
building materials will affect heat stove, meets renewable
transfer coefficients for thermal requirement
Nicholas Gilman

AIA – “provide for greater occupant AIA – “considering Physical and Mental
comfort” Well-being”
Design for Well-Being Vitruvian – “Utility (Commodity) – Stove’s use as a steam bath was for
“allocation of each space type of space both physical and mental well-being
AIA – “Informed Material Selection” AIA – “project celebrate local
“how long will the project last” materials”
Design for Resources Vitruvian – Soundness (Firmness) – Izbas constructed from locally sourced
Materials…have been chosen with timber logs.
care. Durability
AIA – “Passive survivability” AIA – “Passive survivability”

When Vitruvian principle of commodity Izba requires no utilities and just

Design for Change is applied to this Framework Principle, require stocked wood for survivability
the space is designed to maintain
livable conditions on loss of utilities
AIA – “strategies promote a sense of AIA – “previous projects…refine design
discovery and Delight” process”

Vitruvian – Meets principle of Delight The stove in the Izba is an example of

Design for Discovery design improving on its previous
iterations, by continuing to add
function…ex. Addition of use as steam

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