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Federal Democratic Republic of




Ministry Labor and Pharmacy Version I

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skill Ethiopian Occupational Standard November 2021

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) System. Within the policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government,
technology transformation by using current international standards and international best
practices as the basis, and, adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a
pivotal element. TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and anticipated
future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian National TVET
Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian Standards, which define the current and future
occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific occupation using distinct
Unit of Competences without taking TVET delivery into account.

The whole package EOS document for an occupation is an integrated set of nationally endorsed
core generic Unit of Competences organized in to different qualification levels built one upon the
other below or side wise to make full occupational profile.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the Ethiopia
Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a standard format

that comprises:

 Occupational title and NTQF level

 Unit title

 Unit code

 Unit descriptor

 Elements and Performance criteria

 Range and Variables

 Evidence guide
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Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor/curriculum developer in
determining the candidate training and assessment.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the occupation with all the
key components of a Unit of Competence:

 Chart with an overview of all Units of Competence with their Unit Codes and Titles

 Detail contents of each Unit of Competence

 Occupational map providing the TVET providers with information and important
requirements to consider when designing training programs using this standards and show a
career path

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy
Occupational Code: HLT PHS3
HLT PHS3 01 1121 HLT PHS3 02 1121 HLT PHS3 03 1121
Provide Motivated Provide First Aid and Apply Infection
Competent and Emergency Response Prevention Techniques
Compassionate service and Workplace OHS

HLT PHS3 04 1121 HLT PHS3 05 1121 HLT PHS3 06 1121

Use Pharmaceutical Detect and manage Assist Extemporaneous
Calculation Techniques Pharmaceutical Health Preparations
and Terminologies Hazards and Act

HLT PHS3 09 1121

HLT PHS3 07 1121 HLT PHS3 08 1121
Perform Community
Provide Information on Apply Computer and
Mobilization and Provide
Nutritional Supplement Mobile Health Health Education

HLT PHS3 10 1121 HLT PHS3 11 1121

Apply Basic Health Apply 5S Procedures
Statistics and survey

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HLT PHS4 01 1121 HLT PHS4 02 1121 HLT PHS4 03 1121
Dispense Pharmaceuticals Apply Pharmaceuticals Apply Good Dispensing
Supply Chain Principles

HLT PHS4 04 1121 HLT PHS4 05 1121 HLT PHS4 06 1121

Conduct Small-Scale Enhance the Use of Provide Counseling
Compounding of Traditional Medicines Service on Beauty Care
Pharmaceutical Products

HLT PHS4 07 1121 HLT PHS4 08 1121 HLT PHS4 09 1121

Practice Auditable Manage Pharmaceutical
Manage Community
Pharmaceutical Services Health Service
Transactions and Services

HLT HES4 10 1121

Prevent and Eliminate


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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Unit Title Provide Motivated Competent and Compassionate service
Unit Code HLT PHS3 01 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
effectively perform professional duties and responsibilities with
motivated, competent, compassionate, respectful and caring manner by
applying basic principles of professional, ethical and legal aspects of the

Element Performance Criteria

1. Apply 1.1. Ethical principles and issues of the profession are identified and
professionalism executed
and ethical 1.2. Professional code of conducts are identifies and executed
practice principles 1.3. Professional values are recognized and demonstrated
1.4. Adherence to ethical principles of the profession is maintained and
1.5. Professional practice are maintained according to applicable
2. Apply humanistic 2.1. Patients concern are understood and implemented
care to clients 2.2. Patient and clients feelings and emotions are considered
2.3. Patients innate needs are addressed and communicated
3. Demonstrate 3.1. Positive, respectful and collaborative working relationship
effective health (rapport)is established
care 3.2. Compassion concern for the patient should be recognized,
communication anticipated and expressed.
3.3. Proper information is gathered and effectively elicited in order to
facilitate accurate diagnosis and management
3.4. Appropriate non-verbal communication is used
3.5. Patient concern is actively listened and responded to in respectful
3.6. Clients are effectively informed, educated and counseled
3.7. Effective interaction with other people working within the health
system is established
3.8. Therapeutic instructions are provided compassionately
3.9. Non-violent communication techniques are used and implemented
4. Provide respectful 4.1. Health care practitioners are listened to and patient and family
care for clients perspectives and choices honored
4.2. Patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural
backgrounds are incorporated into the planning and delivery of care
4.3. Complete and unbiased information are communicated and shared
with patients and families by the practitioner in in an affirming and
useful manner
4.4. Patients and families are made to receive timely, complete, and
accurate information in order to effectively participate in care and
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4.5. Patients and families are encouraged and supported in participating
in care and decision-making at the level of their choice
4.6. Patients, families, health care practitioners, and hospital leaders
have been collaborated in policy and program development,
implementation, and evaluation; in health care facility design; and
professional education and the delivery of care.
4.7. Patient’s rights to access care, transfer and continuity of care are
5. Perform with legal 5.1. Legislation and common laws relevant to work role are understood
and ethical 5.2. Policies and procedures are respected and practiced
framework 5.3. Confidentiality of individual’s record is ensured.
through 5.4. Disclosure of patient‘s information to another person is prevented
responsibility and without patient‘s consent.
accountability 5.5. Ethical issues and ethical dilemma in the workplace is recognized
5.6. Patients who are not able to communicate in case of emergency
or other conditions are handled.
5.7. Patient-specific data are released to only authorized users.
5.8. Ethical standards related to patient privacy rights are publicized.
5.9. Assessments are conducted and solutions on privacy
issues/problems recommended.
5.10. Training programs for health care providers and other staff on
privacy and confidentiality of patient information are conducted
5.11. Unethical conduct is recognized and reported

Variable Range
Professional values May include, but not limited to:
 Responsiveness,
 Compassion,
 Trustworthiness,
 Integrity,
 Honesty etc.
Clients  Child and families
 Children and young people
 Individuals living in the community
 People seeking advice and assistance
 Patients
 Patient families
 Women childbearing age groups
Innate needs May include, but not limited to:
 Need to be respected
 Need to be treated
 Affection
 Care
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Effective interaction May include, but not limited to:
 Teamwork,
 Respect,
 Politeness
Therapeutic instructions May include, but not limited to:
 Instructions respecting patients dignity
 Instructions consulting patients feelings and demands
 Cooperative instructions
Non-violent May include, but not limited to:
communication  Communication that empowers individuals to achieve greater
empathy for others by developing their own sense of their
feelings and needs
 Communication used to heal:
 emotional wounds,
 develop emotional intelligence,
 resolve conflicts, and
 create win-win solutions
Patient privacy rights May include, but not limited to:
 Respect and Dignity, confidentiality, access to own medical
record, care, transfer, and continuity of care, information,
 Sanctity, dignity, culture, values, beliefs and rights of patients .
 Access to services
 Confidentiality
 Dignity
 Informed choice
 Privacy
 Right to express ideas and opinions
 To lodge a compliant
Confidentiality of client May be ensured by:
information  Adherence to Privacy Act /or law
 Information disclosed to an appropriate person consistent with
the responsibility of this position
 Legal and ethical requirements
 Secure location for written records
 Privacy of work area
Tools May include, but not limited to:
 Patient's Right Regulations
 Ethiopian health law regarding patient rights
 Information release policies and guidelines
 Proclamations on health issues
 Regional/local rules and regulations
 Medico- legal issues
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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills in:
Competence  Understand patients concern and serve humanistic care to
 Application of effective health care communication
 Respecting for and facilitation of patients‘ and families‘
participation in decision and care protection of individual
medical records from unauthorized access and disclosure
 Marinating integrity with professionalism
Required Knowledge and Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Attitude  Compassionate , respectful and caring health workforce
approached and implementation strategies
 Organization‘s policy and procedures for ethical and
professional practice
 Difference between ethical and legal problems
 Importance of ethics in practice
 OHS requirements
 Relevant standards and codes of practice in the profession
 Adherence of ethical principles
 Relevant legislation and jurisdictions
 Patient dignity and respect
 Patient involvement Decision making
 Professional roles and responsibility
 What schedules and policies exist for routine authorization
 How to deal appropriately with individual users
 Legislative and regulatory processes
 Legal terminology
 Confidentiality, privacy, , procedures, and monitoring.
 Release of information policies and procedures
 Professional and practice-related ethical issues
Required Skills Must demonstrates skills in:
 Demonstrate and adherence to Compassionate, caring and
respectful patient care and treatments
 Effective health care communication
 Team work
 Follow organization policies, protocols and procedures
 Ethical requirements (professional ethics)
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices.

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Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Unit Title Provide First Aid and Emergency Response
Unit Code HLT PHS3 02 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to recognize
and respond to life threatening emergencies using basic life support,
provide first aid response, management of casualty(s), the incident and
other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Assess and 1.1. Basic principles of first aid are addressed
identify client‘s 1.2. Hazards in the situation that may pose a risk of injury or illness to
condition. self and others are identified, assessed and minimized
1.3. Immediate risk to self and casualty's health and safety is minimized
by controlling any hazard in accordance with work health and safety
1.4. Emergency situation is recognized and hazards to health and safety
of self and others are identified
1.5. Vital signs and state of consciousness are checked and monitored in
accordance with guidelines.
1.6. History of the event is obtained.
1.7. Safety equipment and aids required for emergencies are selected,
used, maintained and stored in good order
1.8. Options for action in cases of emergency are identified and
1.9. Organizational emergency procedures and policies are correctly
1.10. Occupational health and safety procedures and safe working
practices are applied
2. Provide first aid 2.1. Communication style to match the casualty‘s level of consciousness
service is adopted
2.2. Available resources and equipment are used to make the casualty
as comfortable as possible
2.3. Basic ABCDE rules of life are applied.
2.4. The casualty is responded to in a culturally aware, sensitive and
respectful manner
2.5. Relevant first aid procedures are determined and explained to
provide comfort
2.6. Consent is sought from casualty prior to applying first aid
2.7. First aid management is provided in accordance with established
first aid principles and procedures
2.8. Clinical first aid equipment are correctly operated as required for
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client management according to manufacturer/supplier‘s
instructions and procedures
2.9. Client care techniques are implemented in accordance with
procedures and techniques applicable to standards.
2.10. Safe manual handling techniques are used consistently
2.11. Casualty's condition is monitored and responded in accordance
with established first aid principles and procedures
2.12. Casualty management is finalized according to casualty‘s needs
and first aid principles
3.1. Options for action in cases of emergency and group control
3. Prepare, evaluate
strategies for evacuation are identified
and act in an
3.2. Occupational health and safety procedures and policies are correctly
3.3. Clients and other individuals are removed from danger.
3.4. Assessed and evaluated potential hazards are reported and
4.Communicate 4.1. First aid assistance from others is sought in a timely manner and as
details of the appropriate
incident 4.2. Ambulance support and/or appropriate medical assistance are/is
requested according to circumstances
4.3. Observation of casualty's condition and management activities
accurately is conveyed to ambulance services/relieving personnel
4.4. A communication style is adopted to match the casualty's level of
4.5. Details of casualty‘s physical condition, changes in condition,
management and responses are accurately assessed and reported to
management in line with established procedures
4.6. Confidentiality of records and information is maintained in line with
privacy principles and statutory and/or organization policies
5.Refer client 5.1. Relevant client history is documented according to standard
requiring further guidelines.
care 5.2. Documentation for referral procedures is ensured.
5.3. Appropriate information to individuals involved in referral is
conveyed to facilitate understanding and optimal care.
5.4. Maintain client care until responsibility is taken over by staff of the
receiving health institutions during referral.
5.5. Client confidentiality is maintained at all times and levels.
6. Evaluate own 6.1. Feedback is sought from appropriate clinical expert
performance 6.2. The possible psychological impacts on rescuers involved in critical
incidents is recognized
6.3. Participation is done in debriefing/evaluation to improve future
response and address individual needs

Variable Range
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Hazards May include, but not limited to:
 Source or situation with the potential for harm in terms of human
injury or ill-health, damage to property, the environment, or a
combination of these.
 Relevant hazards may be classified under the headings:
 biological hazards
 chemical hazards
 physical hazards
Risk May include, but not limited to:
 Environmental risks
 Exposure to blood and other body substances
 Risks associated with the proximity of other workers and bystanders
 Risks from body position
 Risks from equipment, machinery and substances
 Risks from vehicles
 Risks from first aid equipment
 Risk of further injury to the casualty
Vital signs May include, but not limited to:
 Blood pressure , pulse rate, respiratory rate and temperature, RBS
History of the event Includes present history and may be elicited from:
 Client
 Bystander
 Primary care givers
 Medical (health) personnel
 Evidence at the sight
Resources and May include, but not limited to:
equipment  AED (if available)
 Bronchodilator and spacer
 First aid kit
 Resuscitation bag and mask
Basic ABCDE rules  Air way, breathing, circulation, Disability and Exposure
Establishing first aid Must include:
principles and  Airway management
procedures  Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
 Control severe bleeding
 Provide assistance with self-administered medications, such as
insulin, bronchodilator
 Care of the unconscious person such as: hypoglycemia
 Prevent hypothermia
Client management Will need to take into account:
 Location and nature of incident
 Environmental conditions
Casualty's condition Must include, but is not limited to:
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 Severe bleeding
 Unresponsive
 Unstable vital sign
 Airway obstruction
 Severe allergic reaction
 Choking
 Abdominal injuries
 Burns – thermal, chemical, inhalational, electrical
 Cardiac arrest
 Chest pain
 Drowning
 Envenomation – snake, spider, insect and marine bites and stings
 Environmental impact such as hypothermia, hyperthermia,
dehydration, heat stroke
 Injuries: cold and crush injuries; eye and ear injuries; head, neck and
spinal injuries; chest injuries, minor skin injuries; needle stick
injuries; soft tissue injuries including sprains, strains, dislocations,
 Medical conditions, including
 cardiac emergencies,
 epilepsy,
 diabetes,
 asthma,
 shock,
 stroke and
 other respiratory conditions
 Poisoning and toxic substances (including chemical contamination)
 Substance misuse – common drugs and alcohol, including illicit
Relevant client Includes:
history  Pre-existing conditions
 Allergies
 Current medication or treatment etc…
Documentation May include, but not limited to:
 Incident reports
 Referral reports and Case management records
Appropriate clinical May include, but not limited to:
expert  Ambulance officer/paramedic
 Appropriately qualified health care professional

Evidence Guide
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Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  Explain essential knowledge across the range outlined to
confirm physical health status
 Perform initial check up, provide basic care and meet referral
 Apply OHS standard requirements and codes of practice.
 Demonstrate first aid knowledge and skills in line with
 Perform first aid procedures
 practice first aid skills using prepared and improvised materials
 Implement hazard identification, assessment and control.
 Deal with contingencies
 Communicate with others
Required Knowledge and Demonstrate knowledge of:
Attitude  Awareness of stress management techniques and available
 Basic anatomy and physiology related to first aid and emergency
 Absence of:
 normal breathing
 response/consciousness:
 choking/airway obstruction
 severe bleeding
 shock
 chain of survival
 duty of care requirements
 Procedures and equipment used for basic life support, as
specified within authorized limits
 First aid techniques
 Evaluation of client psychology
 Use of safe working practices.
 Emergency network
 Evacuation procedures.
 OHS standard requirements and codes of practice
 Organizational and legal policies and procedures in the event of
an accident/incident.
 Local call out procedures to access emergency services
 Practical first aid skills using prepared and improvised
 Hazard identification, assessment and control of emergencies
 First aid procedures for:
 airway management

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 bleeding control
 casualty that is unresponsive/unconscious and not breathing
 chest pain
 infection control as it relates to standard precautions
 respiratory distress, including asthma
 severe allergic reaction
 shock
 How to access emergency response support services/personnel
 Need to be culturally aware, sensitive and respectful
 Own skills and limitations
 Privacy and confidentiality requirements
 Relevant workplace hazards
 Understanding of the use of an Automated External Defibrillator
(AED), including when to use and when not to First aid
management, based on a risk assessment relevant to the
workplace or community setting of:
Social / legal issues including:
 duty of care
 confidentiality
 importance of debriefing
 need to be culturally aware, sensitive and respectful
 own skills and limitations
Understanding of:
 basic work health and safety requirements in the provision of
first aid
 basic principles and concepts underlying the practice of first
 chain of survival
 infection control principles and procedures, including use of
standard precautions
 priorities of management in first aid when dealing with life
threatening conditions
 procedures for dealing with major and minor injury and
 The use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED),
including when to use and when not to use
 The causes of asphyxia due to body position
Required Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Communicate effectively and assertively in an incident
 Assess vital signs and response of casualty
 Make initial client check up and use of safe working practices
 Apply first aid principles
 Provide first aid service
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 Implement basic client care procedures
 Refer client requiring further care
 Perform emergency network.
 Handle evacuation procedures.
 Ensure legal responsibilities and Duty of Care.
 Use communication skills and equipments
 Apply local call out procedures to access emergency services
 Practice first aid skills using prepared and improvised materials.
 Undertake hazard identification, assessment and control.
 Call an ambulance and/or medical assistance according to
relevant circumstances and report casualty(s) condition
 Demonstrate management of:
 Anaphylaxis using adrenalin
 Airway opening techniques
 Choking management
 Avoiding asphyxia due to body position
 Bronchospasm using bronchodilator and spacer device
 Cardiac arrest using single or two rescuer procedure,
including the demonstration of a seamless changeover
between operators
 External hemorrhage
 Fractures, sprains and strains using arm slings, roller
bandages and other appropriate immobilization techniques
 Unconscious casualty including using a recovery position
 Demonstrate:
 ability to call an ambulance
 consideration of the welfare of the casualty
 safe manual handling
 site management to prevent further injury
 understanding of causes contributing to asphyxia due to
body position
 Demonstrate correct procedures for airway opening
 Demonstrate proper management of choking
 Demonstrate correct procedures for performing CPR using a
manikin, including standard precautions
 Demonstrate infection control, including use of standard
 Evaluate own response and identify appropriate improvements
where required
 Make prompt and appropriate decisions relating to managing an
incident in the workplace
 Plan an appropriate first aid response in line with established
first aid principles,
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 Report details of emergency incident and first aid provided
 Provide assistance with self-medication as per subject‘s own
 Call an ambulance and/or medical assistance, according to
circumstances and report casualty's condition
 Demonstrate first aid for mass casualty management principles:
 assess and minimize danger
 check for response
 maintain casualty's airway, breathing and circulation
 Demonstrate:
 consideration of the welfare of the casualty
 control of external bleeding
 correct procedures for CPR on a resuscitation manikin
 implementation of standard precautions
 safe manual handling of casualty
 Identify and minimize hazards to health and safety of self and
others in the immediate workplace or community environment
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Unit Title Apply Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS
Unit Code HLT PHS3 03 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude required for workers to
comply with infection control policies and procedures. All procedures
must be carried out in accordance with current infection control
guidelines to ensure the workplace is safe and without risks to the health
of employees, clients and/or visitors.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Apply infection 1.1. Basic components of disease transmission are
prevention identified
techniques 1.2. Essential elements of infection prevention are
1.3. Universal precaution and standard precaution are applied
1.4. The application of additional precautions is demonstrated when
standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent
transmission of infection
1.5. Contamination of materials, equipment and instruments is
minimized by aerosols and splatter
1.6. Instrument processing is performed
1.7. Infectious/hazardous waste materials are safely disposed according
to waste management policies and procedures (3S'si.e sort, shine
and set in order)
1.8. Personal protective barriers are prepared and used
1.9. Proper hand washing techniques are applied
2. Establish and 2.1 Appropriate participative processes are established and maintained
maintain in accordance with OHS legislation, regulations and industry
participative standards
2.2 Issues raised through participation and consultation are dealt with
promptly and effectively
2.3 Information to employees about the outcomes of participation and
consultation is provided in a manner accessible to employees.
2.4 Systems are established and monitored for keeping OHS records
to meet regulatory requirements, allow identification of patterns of
hazardous incidents, occupational injuries and diseases within the
area of managerial responsibility.
3. Assess and control 3.1. Organizational procedures for hazard identification, assessment
risks and hazards and control of risks are developed.
3.2. Identification of all hazards is made at the planning, design and

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evaluation stages of any changes in the workplace
3.3. Procedures for selection and implementation of risk control
measures are developed and maintained in accordance with the
hierarchy of control.
3.4. Inadequacies in existing risk control measures are identified in
accordance with the hierarchy of control and provide promptly
resources enabling implementation of new measures.
3.5. Protocols are followed for care following exposure to blood or
other body fluids as required
4. Limit 4.1 Clean and contaminated zones are demarcated and maintained in
contamination all aspects of health care work
4.2 Records, materials and medicaments are confined to a well-
designated clean zone
4.3 Contaminated instruments and equipment are confined to a well-
designated contaminated zone
5.1. Personal protective clothing and equipment are worn
5. Clean
environmental during cleaning procedures
surfaces 5.2. All dust, dirt and physical debris are removed from
work surfaces
5.3. All work surfaces are cleaned with a neutral detergent
and warm water solution before and after each
session or when visibly soiled
5.4. All work surfaces are dried before and after use
5.5. Surface covers are replaced where applicable
5.6. Cleaning equipment are maintained and stored

Variable Range
Infection prevention May include, but not limited to:
 Hand washing
 Personal protective barriers
 Proper handling of sharp items
 Proper processing of instruments and materials
 Environmental cleanliness
 Proper infectious-waste disposal
 Aseptic technique
Additional precautions May include, but not limited to:
 Special ventilation requirements
 Additional use of PPE
 Dedicated equipment (e.g. to each client or as appropriate to work
 Use of a special facility
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Standard precautions May include, but not limited to:
 Aseptic technique
 Personal hygiene practices especially washing and drying hands (e.g.
before and after client contact)
 Use of PPE
 Techniques to limit contamination
 Surface cleaning and management of blood and body fluid spills
 Safe handling of sharps
 Safe disposal of sharps and other clinical waste
 Appropriate reprocessing and storage of reusable instruments
Minimizing May include, but is not limited to:
contamination  Protecting materials, equipment and instruments from contamination
until required for use
 Ensuring instruments used for invasive procedures are sterile at time
of use
 Cleaning all environmental surfaces
Participative May include, but not limited to:
Processes  Regular information sessions (using clear and understandable
language) on existing or new OHS issues
 Formal and informal OHS meetings
 Meetings called by OHS representatives
 Health and safety committees
 Other committees such as consultative planning and purchasing
 Other means and processes for raising requests and concerns as well
as contributing suggestions and reports to management
 Documented issue resolution processes
 Easy access to relevant written workplace information
OHS records May include, but not limited to:
 Audit and inspection reports
 Agendas and minutes of meetings of OHS Committees, work group
and management meetings
 Training records
 Manufacturer's or supplier's information
 Hazardous substances registers
 Plant and equipment maintenance and testing reports
 Workers compensation and rehabilitation records
 First aid/medical records
 Workplace environmental monitoring records
Organizational May include, but not limited to:
Procedures  Hazard management policies and procedures (these may be
integrated with quality, care or other documents or be separated as
OHS policies and procedures).
 Communication, consultation and issue resolution procedures
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 Human resources management procedures such as grievance
procedures, induction programs, team meetings, management of
performance levels
 Job procedures and work instructions
 Post incident/injury management such as first aid, critical incident
debriefing, compensation and return to work
 Other related procedures including waste management, security
Hazard Is defined as:
 something with the potential to:
 cause injury or disease to people,
 damage property
 Disrupt productivity.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skill on:
Competence  Communication and persuasion knowledge and skill on
infection prevention
 Developing, implementing and maintaining organizational OHS
policies and procedures
 Managing and controlling risks and hazards
 Listening and responding quickly
 Techniques of infection prevention
Required Knowledge and Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Attitude  Techniques of infection prevention
 Chain of disease transmission
 Universal precaution and standard precaution
 Understanding and interpreting relevant laws and guidelines
that affect the operation
 Working with risk assessment and/or other technical specialists
in a team environment
 Risk control strategies
 Collecting and analyzing data from the workplace
 Problem Solving
Required Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 Apply techniques of infection prevention
 Apply proper hand washing techniques
 Apply proper instrument processing techniques
 Identify potential risks and hazards and manage timely
 Communicate and persuade employees, officials and
 Listen and take appropriate prompt measure
 Plan, organize, implement and monitor work place OHS
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 Manage, analyze and interpret data

Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,

including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Use Pharmaceutical Calculation Techniques and
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT PHS3 04 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit involves basic knowledge, skill and attitude required in
pharmaceutical calculation related to computing the correct
quantity of medicine for a specific prescription or regimen. This
unit shall also cover knowledge on pharmaceutical terms and
abbreviation commonly used in practice.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Use dimensional 1.1. Unit conversions are familiarized.
analysis to convert one
unit to another 1.2. Metric systems are used to appropriate purpose.
1.3. Appropriate operational equation is used for dimensional
1.4. Complete dosage is computed using dimensional analysis.
1.5. Enlargement and reduced formula are familiarized
2. Describe 2.1. Pharmaceutical terminologies are understood.
terminologies and 2.2. Common medical terms and conditions are familiarized.
medical terms 2.3. Different types of dosage forms are distinguished.
3. Use of equipment, 3.1. Common equipment, tools and glassware used in the
glassware, and tools pharmacy setting are familiarized.
3.2. Specific parts and its functionality are known.

Variable Range
Pharmaceutical May include, but not limited to:
terminologies  Abbreviations found in instruction to patients found in
prescriptions include:
 AC – Before Meal
 PC – After Meal
 PO – Per Orem, Oral
 NPO – Non Per Orem
 PR- Per Rectal
 AQ – Aqueous – Water
 BID – twice a day
 TID – thrice a day
 QOD –Every other day
 QD- once a day

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 QID – Four times a day
 Gtt- Drop
 PRN-As needed, as necessary
 Abbreviations used in dosage forms include:
 tablet – tab
 capsule – cap
 suspension - susp
 Sustained Release-SR
 Intravenous – IV
 Intramuscular – IM
 Subcutaneous -SC
 Enteric coated –EC
 Intrathecal-IT
 Abbreviations used for medical terminologies include:
 BMI – Body Mass Index
 N/V – Nausea and Vomiting
 BP – Blood Pressure
 TB – tuberculosis
 HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
 AIDS- Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
 PCP-Pneumo Cystic carini Pneumonia
 COPD-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
 DM- Diabetes Mellitus
 PUD- Peptic Ulcer Disease
 GERD- Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
 AMR-Antimicrobial Resistance
 MDR-Multi Drug Resistance
 Abbreviations in medications include:
 ASA – Acetyl Salicylic Acid /aspirin/
 INH – isoniazid
 ORS-Oral Rehydration Salt
 Abbreviations used in practice include:
 DOTS – Directly observed therapy short-course
Medical terms May include, but not limited to:
 Condition may be:
 Drug
 Medicine
 Indication
 Adverse drug reaction
 Side effects
 Toxicity
 Allergic reaction
 hypersensitive reaction
 Antimicrobial Resistance
 hyper/hypo glycemia
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 hper/hypo tension
 Contraindication
 Drug interaction
 Fever
 Diarrhea
 Nausea and vomiting
 Pain
Dosage forms May include, but not limited to:
 Solid may be:
 Tablet
 Powder
 Suppository
 Modified-extended release
 Immediate release
 Sustained Release
 Capsule
 Pessary/ Vaginal tablet
 Liquid may be:
 Solution
 Suspension
 Emulsion
 Parenteral may be:
 Intravenous
 Intramuscular
 Subcutaneous
 Intradermal
 Semi-solid may be:
 Gel
 Ointment
 Cream
 Paste

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills competence to:
Competence  Use dimensional analysis accurately to convert one unit to
 Use pharmaceutical and medical terminologies in daily
 Use common glassware, tools and equipment in daily routine
 Use enlargement and reduction formula in daily routine task.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Ratio, Percentage and proportion
 Conversion factors
 Reduction and enlargement formula
 Systems of measurement
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 Dimensional analysis
 Dosage forms
 Pharmaceutical abbreviations
 Common medical terms
 Terminologies in therapeutic category
 Common glassware
 Common equipment used in retail pharmacy setting
 Introduction to use of computer for point-of-sale
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Basic mathematical operations
 Reports circumstances/situations under which referral to the
pharmacist and/or other pharmacy staff is indicated
 Language, literacy and numeracy skills appropriate to the role
and workplace requirements
 Communicating effectively
 Follow good pharmaceutical laboratory practice principles
 Maintain a healthy and safe working environment
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Unit Title Detect and Manage Pharmaceutical Health Hazards and Act
Unit Code HLT PHS3 05 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skill and attitude of
pharmaceutical service safety and risk assessment and
management programs including toxicology, poisoning and
compliance with occupational health hazards of Pharmacy.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Manage Occupational 1.1. Hazard, incidence, and injury in pharmaceutical service or
and Health work place are detected, investigated and reported to meet
Safety(OHS) risk, legislative requirements and inform future preventive
exposure and hazards in strategies
Pharmaceutical service
1.2. Hazardous drugs and major health concerns in health care
facilities including disposal of hazardous medicines,
exposure, risk assessment methods are identified
1.3. Ensure processes are put in place so that hazard
identification and risk assessment procedures are according
to pharmaceutical procedures, legislative and regulatory
1.4. Ensure processes are put in place to identify and address any
OHS implications of either proposed or implemented
changes to the workplace, work processes or organization
of work
1.5. Expert advisors consulted as required
2. Manage 2.1. Relevant pharmaceutical hazard recoding and reporting
pharmaceutical OHS formats, legislations, standards, codes of practice, guiding
information and material are identified and accessed
2.2. Hazard, exposure, risk of pharmaceutical services are
detected and evaluated
2.3. Drug information, adverse drug and toxicological evidences
are utilized to evaluate the implementation of safety
measures in pharmacy work context
2.4. Pharmacy related OHS information are collected to provide
information on OHS requirements, trends and risk controls
2.5. Records and record keeping processes are reviewed to
ensure that legal requirements for pharmaceutical OHS
record keeping are identified and addressed
2.6. Processes for ensuring pharmaceutical OHS records are

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accurately completed, collected and stored in accordance
with legal requirements and workplace procedures
3. Manage pharmaceutical 3.1. Safety measures in pharmaceutical services and compliance
OHS participative with legislative requirements and organization procedures
processes are ensured
3.2. Information related to pharmaceutical hazards provided to
employees are evaluated to ensure it is in a readily
accessible and understandable format
3.3. Processes for ensuring that workgroup members have an
opportunity are implemented and monitored either directly
or through their representative, to contribute to decisions
that may affect their health and safety
3.4. Processes are evaluated to address pharmaceutical OHS
issues to ensure raised consultation are resolved promptly
and in line with organizational procedures and legislative
3.5. Information about the outcomes of consultation are
promptly provided in a format and medium that is readily
accessible to employees
4.Manage OHS 4.1. Inputs from individuals and workgroup are considered in
continuous identifying and implementing pharmaceutical OHS
improvement process improvement
4.2. Pharmacy related OHS priorities determine in consultation
with appropriate managers and stakeholders
4.3. OHS action plans are developed by taking account of
priorities and training needs
4.4. Achievements are monitored against the OHS plans and
plans updated accordingly

Variable Range
Hazard  Is a source or situation with the potential for harm in terms of
human injury or ill-health, damage to property, the
environment, or a combination of these
Risk  In relation to any hazard, it means the probability and
consequences of injury, illness or damage resulting from
exposure to a hazard
Hazard identification Is the process of identifying sources of harm and may be
 At design or pre-purchase of equipment and materials
 At commissioning or pre-implementation of new processes or

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 Before new forms of work and organization of work are
implemented before changes are made to workplace,
equipment, work processes or work arrangements
 As part of planning major tasks or activities, such as
equipment shutdowns following an incident report
 When new knowledge becomes available
 At regular intervals during normal operations
 Prior to disposal of equipment, buildings or materials
Expert advisors  Include persons either internal or external to the organization
 Safety professionals
 Ergonomists
 Occupational hygienists
 Audiologists
 Safety engineers
 Toxicologists
 Occupational health professionals
 Pharmacists
 Other persons providing specific technical knowledge or
expertise in areas related to OHS including:
 Risk managers
 Health professionals
 Injury management advisors
 Legal practitioners with experience in OHS
 Engineers (e.g. Design, acoustic, mechanical, civil)
 Security and emergency response personnel
 Workplace trainers and assessors
 Maintenance and trade persons
Standards May include, but not limited to:
 Documents produced by EFDA, MoH and other OHS
regulators or industrial bodies, that prescribe preventative
action to avert occupational deaths, injuries and diseases,
 Standards that is advisory in nature only, except where a law
adopts the standard and thus makes it mandatory. They may
be called up as evidence in court or other enforcement
Codes of practice  Are documents generally prepared to provide advice to
employers and workers, of an acceptable way of achieving
standards Codes of practice/compliance codes may:
 Be incorporated into regulations
 Do not relate to a standard
 They might be called up as evidence in court or other
enforcement action.

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OHS information  Requirements under OHS legislation, regulations, standards,
codes of practice/compliance codes and guidelines
 Rights and responsibilities
 Information on hazards including MSDSs
 Collated information on hazard incidents and injuries
 Investigation and audit reports
 Outcomes of hazard identifications and workplace inspections
 Risk assessments
 Risk controls
 Workplace OHS policies and procedures
 Work procedures
 Training records
Risk controls  Include the devices and methods to, where practicable,
eliminate the hazard or, where this is not practicable,
minimize the risk associated with the hazard
OHS records May include, but not limited to:
 Hazard, incident and investigation reports
 Workplace inspection reports
 Incident investigation reports
 First aid records
 Minutes of meetings
 Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) and risk assessments
 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and registers
 Plant and equipment operation records including those
relevant to registered plant
 Maintenance and testing reports
 Training records
 Environmental monitoring records
 Health surveillance records
Consultation Includes processes for:
 Seeking information or the opinions from one or more people
prior to decision-making.
 Consultation should particularly include those who may affect
the outcomes or be affected by the decisions made but may
also include specialist sources
OHS action plans  Include documented plans developed within the workplace to
implement a systematic approach to OHS management and
 Actions that support an integrated strategy to address
deficiencies, meet obligations or provide for improved
 Allocated responsibilities
 Timeframes

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Stakeholders  Are those people or organizations who may be affected by, or
perceive themselves to be affected by an activity or decision
 Managers
 Supervisors
 Health and safety and other employee representatives
 OHS committee
 Employees and contractors
 The communities
OHS legislation  Includes pharmaceutical related OHS Acts and regulations
Guidance material  Is an advisory technical document, providing detailed
information for use by unions, employers, management,
health and safety committee members a representatives, safety
officers and others requiring guidance
 Advises on ‗what to do‘ and ‗how to do it‘
 Has no legal standing
Other sources of OHS Include persons, organizations and references where knowledge
information about OHS may be obtained
These sources may be:
 Internal, including:
 Hazard, incident and investigation reports
 Workplace inspections
 Incident investigations
 Minutes of meetings
 Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) and risk assessments
 Organization data such as insurance records, enforcement
notices and actions, workers compensation data, OHS
performance data
 Reports and audits
 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and registers
 Employees handbooks
 Employees including questionnaire results
 OHS advisors
 Manufacturers‘ manuals and specifications
 External, including:
 Regulatory bodies and OHS Acts, regulations, codes and
guidance material
 Other relevant legislation
 Databases such as national and state injury data
 OHS specialists and consultants
 Newspapers and journals, trade/industry publications
 Internet sites
 Industry networks and associations including unions and
employer groups
 OHS professional bodies
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 Specialist advisors
 Research information
Legal requirements for Include that specified under OHS legislation and regulations for:
record keeping  Serious incident and injury reporting
 Registered plant
 Hazardous substances and dangerous goods
 Environmental monitoring
 Health surveillance
 Privacy legislation
Participative processes May include, but not limited to:
 Inform employees and other stakeholders of OHS
 Seek their input
 Offer opportunity for stakeholders to participate in decisions
that may impact on their health and safety
 Participative processes may also be referred to as
‗consultative processes‘, however ‗participation‘ implies
a higher level of involvement
Organization policies and Include policies and procedures underpinning the
procedures management of OHS related to including:
 Hazard, incident and injury reporting
 Hazard identification, risk assessment and control
 Consultation and participation
 Incident investigation
 Quality system documentation
Incident  includes any event that has caused or has the potential for
injury, ill health or damage
Other workplace hazards May include, but not limited to:
 Occupational violence
 Stress
 Fatigue and Bullying
Risk assessments Involve analyzing a hazard to:
 Identify factors influencing the risk and the range of potential
 Effectiveness of existing controls
 Likelihood of each consequence considering exposure and
hazard level and combining these in some way to obtain a
level of risk
Hierarchy of control Is the preferred order of control measures for OHS risks:
 Elimination – controlling the hazard at the source
 Substitution e.g. Replacing one substance or activity at the
 Engineering e.g. Installing guards on machinery
 Administration — policies and procedures for safe work
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 Personal Protective Equipment e.g. Respirators, ear plugs,
face mask
OHS induction Includes the processes by which new employees are introduced
to, and acquainted with their job and the new workplace,
including familiarization with:
 Hazards and risks associated with the work,
 Risk control measures,
 Welfare facilities and
 Emergency response procedures

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  The individual being assessed must provide evidence of
specified essential knowledge as well as skills
 Evidence gathered by an assessor to determine competence
will include:
 written or verbal responses to scenarios and case studies
 reports from persons who have been involved in the
management processes
 portfolio of workplace documents
 Evidence of performance over time must be obtained to
inform a judgment of competence
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Hazard identification procedures for Pharmaceutical Services
 Major hazardous drugs, chemicals and other toxicants related
to the pharmaceutical service working environment
 Guidance material including codes of practice/compliance
codes relevant to Pharmaceutical services
 Legal and practical requirements for pharmacy related OHS
 Legal requirements for pharmacy related OHS record keeping
and reporting
 Legislative requirements for consultation related to
Pharmaceutical services
 Principles of risk assessment
 Relationship between OHS and sustainability in Pharmacy
working place, including the contribution of maintaining
health and safety to environmental, economic, workforce and
social sustainability
 Sources of pharmaceutical OHS information both internal and
external to the Pharmaceutical workplace
 Systems for identifying skill needs, for example:
 identifying additional training needs of learners
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 performance reviews
 training needs analysis
 The difference between hazard and risk
 The hierarchy of control and its application
 The roles and responsibilities of employees, supervisors and
managers in the workplace
 Understanding of OHS legislation and regulatory
requirements relevant to the particular industry/type of work
 Workplace specific information including:
 Awards and enterprise agreements that impact on the
particular workplace
 Designated person(s) for raising OHS issues
 Hazard identification procedures relevant to the hazards in
their workplace
 Hazards of the particular work environment and how they
cause harm
 Organization procedures related to OHS including hazard,
incident and injury reporting, hazard identification, risk
assessment and control, consultation and participation,
incident investigation, record keeping
 The characteristics and composition of the workforce and
how they may impact on the management of OHS
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Manage OHS processes for a small organization or group(s)
of persons undertaking a range of work
 Apply an action planning process
 Assimilate information from a range of sources to evaluate
effectiveness of processes
 Communicate with supervisors, other managers, staff, OHS
inspectors and expert advisers in a range of contexts, and
using a range of media and formats.
 Conduct effective meetings
 Develop solutions to complex pharmaceutical OHS problems,
utilizing information from a range of sources
 Relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
 Take into account and support staff to use opportunities to
address waste minimization, environmental responsibility and
sustainable practice issues
 Use language and literacy and conceptual skills to analyze and
evaluate OHS information
 Use technical skills to access OHS information
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,

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including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III

Unit Title Assist Extemporaneous Preparations
Unit Code HLT PHS3 06 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skill and attitude required for
small scale compounding of non-sterile pharmaceutical products
from fixed formulas

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Element Performance Criteria
1. Prepare for production 1.1. Correct dress code, safety and personal hygiene procedures
process are followed
1.2. Preparation areas are maintained according to EFDA
guidelines for the preparation of pharmaceuticals
1.3. Work area and equipment are cleaned correctly
1.4. Inventory levels of raw materials and disposable equipment
are maintained
1.5. The confirmed and formulated compounding order/master
batch sheet is obtained and clarified from pharmacist
1.6. Production work sheet is prepared from formulated
compounding order/master batch sheet
1.7. Compounding work sheet is interpreted and appropriate
product batch number assigned
1.8. Compounding/manufacturing machinery is checked and set
1.9. Production work sheet is prepared from master batch sheet
and compounding order formulated
2. Obtain and process 2.1. All materials listed on the worksheet are acquired according
raw materials to stock levels and stock requisitioning procedures
2.2. Raw materials are checked to ensure they have been
released from quarantine for use by authorized persons
2.3. Raw materials are verified against compounding work sheet
and raw material batch numbers recorded
2.4. Raw materials are weighed and measured in designated
weighing area
2.5. Appropriate authorization/checks are obtained at designated
3. Compound products 3.1. Pharmaceutical preparations are complied with Ethiopian
National Guidelines
3.2. Standards are used for operator safety when cleaning,
setting up work station and transference of all materials
3.3. Approved raw materials are allocated to appropriate
machinery, where required
3.4. Raw materials are incorporated according to batch
3.5. Product is compounded according to method on work sheet
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and in compliance with standard operating procedures for
any machinery use
3.6. Required authorization/checks are obtained at designated
3.7. Product is monitored and any necessary
pharmaceutical/compounding adjusted to ensure product
complies with work sheet specifications
3.9. Checking procedures are performed and finished product is
inspected for deviations
3.10. Product is packed using appropriate packaging
devices/machinery as specified on the work sheet, and
following approval from an authorized person
3.11. Containers/Units are labeled according to labeling
specifications on the work sheet
3.12. A retention sample and/or quality control sample are
packed and labeled if specified on the work sheet
4. Complete production 4.1. Equipment and compounding area are cleaned and
process disposable equipment are disposed safely
4.2. Equipment records and/or logs are completed
4.3. Documentation are completed and forwarded to appropriate
4.4. Product is placed in quarantine area under appropriate
storage conditions, where specified
4.5. Documentation are completed and forwarded to an
authorized person
4.6. All discrepancies are reported to an authorized person
4.7. Final clearance is obtained from an authorized person
5. Participate in quality 5.1. Product sample and relevant documentation are submitted to
control quality control, where specified
5.2. Product quality control results are recorded and filed
6. Store and transport 6.1. Products are stored according to manufacturing
released products
6.2. Released product(s) is/are obtained from quarantine store
6.3. Released product(s) is/are packed into appropriate delivery
6.4. Product is delivered to store/dispensary/client care area by
appropriate means
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6.5. Receiving area personnel are advised of any special storage
6.6. Records and/or work sheets are completed and filed

Variable Range
Raw materials May include, but not limited to:
 Active ingredients
 Agents considered excipients, that are required for bulking,
stabilizing, coloring, sweetening, preservative and flavoring
the final product
Batch numbers  Can include any combination of numerals and digits as
specified in standard operating procedures that can uniquely
identify an individual product or batch for recording and
identification purposes.
Compounding May include, but not limited to:
 Trituration
 Aggregation
 Grinding
 Dissolution
 Mixing
 Emulsification
 Suspending
Product May include, but not limited to:
 Formulary drugs; dosage form like solutions, suspensions,
creams, ointments, pastes etc.
 Routine handling products and products requiring special
handling e.g. cytotoxic and its spill management, refrigerated
and frozen items, light sensitive material and flammables
Containers/Units May include, but not limited to:
 Bottles (medical and poison)
 Glass jars
 Tubes
 Syringes
 Miscellaneous individual client unit devices
Labels May include, but not limited to:
 Typed
 Written
 Electronically produced
Storage conditions May include, but not limited to:
 Correct temperature
 Humidity
 Light
 Secured
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 Ventilated
 Ambient
 Isolated/segregated
 Correct storage of hazardous substances
 Secure and safe storage for controlled drugs
Raw materials, May include the range of raw materials, compounding
compounding equipment equipment and packaging devices to be used is specified by the
and packaging devices batch/work sheet
Equipment and used in May include, but not limited to:
compounding may be  Balances
disposable or non-  Meters
disposable and  Gauges
 Measuring cylinder
 Beakers
 Mixers
 Pumps
 Spatulas
 Ointment slabs
 Filters
 Extractors
 Syringes
 Needles
 mortar and Pestle
 Autoclaves
 Gloves
 Masks and Goggles
Dosage forms May include but not limit:
 Solid dosage forms; e.g. powder, granules
 Semisolid dosage forms; e.g. ointment
 Liquid dosage forms; e.g. solution, suspension
Product packing May include, but not limited to:
 Bulk containers
 Client ready units
Quarantine period May be defined as time taken to obtain confirmation of
suitability of product/batch for human use.
Cleaning methods May include, but not limited to:
 Washing
 Sweeping
 Wiping
 Disinfecting
 Soaking and De-scaling
Special storage conditions May include refrigeration and inflammable store

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills on:
Competence  The individual being assessed must provide evidence of
specified essential knowledge as well as skills
 Observation of workplace performance is essential for
assessment of this unit
 Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the
required range of situations relevant to the workplace
 Where, for reasons of safety, space, or access to equipment
and resources, assessment takes place away from the
workplace, the assessment environment should represent
workplace conditions as closely as possible
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Basic hygiene and the importance of maintaining a clean
working environment and equipment
 Basic principles of manufacturing processes
 Chemical and physical properties of raw materials in relation
to formulation and compounding
 Compounding of a product according to a work sheet
 Correct disposal of drug residues etc.
 Identification and handling of products, including:
 formulary drugs and non-formulary drugs e.g. clinical trial
drugs and special access scheme drugs
 products with the required integrity as well as those whose
integrity has been compromised e.g. damaged, contaminated
or deteriorated stock
 routine handling products and products requiring special
handling, e.g. cytotoxic and its spill management,
refrigerated and frozen items, light sensitive materials and
 Infection control policies, guidelines and symbols and their
relevance to working in a hospital pharmacy
 The rationale for applicable legislation, organization policy
and in-house Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), relating
to small scale compounding/manufacture of pharmaceutical
 Labeling requirements for compounded products
 Maintenance of principles and procedures of clean work
 Nature and use of different dosage forms
 OHS policies, guidelines and symbols and their relevance to
working in a hospital pharmacy
 Packaging methods, container materials and principles for
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 Personal hygiene and protective clothing
 Pharmacy computer systems
 Preparation of worksheets
 Principles and procedures of formulae calculations, weights
and measures
 Principles and procedures of maintaining security of
pharmaceutical products
 Principles of handling and storage of hazardous materials
 Principles of record keeping and required documentation
 Processes for dilution, suspension, incorporation and
 Purpose of batch numbering and expiry date on medicines
 Purpose of information shown on medicine packs, e.g.
product name, batch numbering and expiry date
 Sources and types of contamination – microbial, cross-
chemical, physical, environmental and corrective strategies
 Storage requirements and rationale for different types of
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Complete and file documentation
 Compound raw materials correctly and safely to achieve a
quality product
 Perform quality assurance monitoring
 Prepare, process and manufacture quality pharmaceutical
products from fixed formulae
 Produce a product free from microbial or cross
 Refer issues identified outside scope of practice to an
authorized person
 Transport and store product according to National Guidelines
for the Preparation of Pharmaceuticals in Hospitals
 Use personal protective equipment when necessary
 Work in a safe manner
 Work in accordance with relevant organization policy,
legislative requirements, industrial awards and agreements
and in-house SOPs
 Assemble, maintain, clean and use all equipment used in
manufacturing process in a correct and safe manner and
ensure a clean work environments
 Calculate drug and non-drug stock requirements for
 Complete required documentation
 Compounding a product according to master batch/work
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 Select and maintain appropriate equipment for manufacturing
 Take into account opportunities to address waste
minimization, environmental responsibility and sustainable
practice issues
 Use available resources and prioritize workload
 Use literacy, numeracy and oral communication skills
required to fulfill the position in a safe manner as specified
by the health care facility
 Use problem solving skills
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III

Unit Title Provide Information on Nutritional Supplement
Unit Code HLT PHS3 07 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit involves knowledge, skill and attitude to provide
advice to customers and other sales staff on a range of health and
nutritional product and services, their characteristics, features,
technical information and storage requirements.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Develop product 1.1. Relevant sources of information are accessed.
knowledge and
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identify health and
1.2. Health product range identified are stored according to
nutritional products relevant product information.
1.3. Comparison between products are done.
2. Provide information 2.1. Product information (name, strength, use, precautions,
on nutritional storage condition, direction for use and possible adverse drug
products. reactions) are accurately conveyed to customers
2.2.Complementary products are recommended to clients
2.3. Products are correctly identified to assist customers'
purchase decisions.
2.4. New products are promoted to customers according to
promotional guideline
3. Advise on health and 3.1. Customer is accurately advised of proper use of products,
nutritional services services and complementary therapy, and counseling service
is provided where applicable.
3.2. Customers are questioned to determine nature of the problem
and solutions are offered accordingly,
3.3. Appointments are scheduled to provide complementary
therapy, counseling, where applicable.

Variable Range
Relevant sources of May include, but not limited to:
information  Store or supplier product manuals
 Brochures
 Product labels
 Product seminars
 Reliable Product related videos and website
Relevant product May include, but not limited to:
information  Type
 Purpose
 Basic production methods
 Features and benefits
 Price
 Warning
 Storage requirements, and Shelf life
Complementary products May include, but not limited to:
 Herbal/homeopathic/aromatherapy products
 Other natural and traditional remedies
 Massage oils
 Personal hygiene products
 Natural make up products
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Product May be:
 Local
 Imported
Customers May include, but not limited to:
 Those with routine or special requests including dietary
 Regular and new customers
 People from a range of social, cultural or ethnic backgrounds
and physical and mental abilities
Storage policies and  In regard to selling health and nutritional products and
procedures services
Storage of health and May include, but not limited to:
nutritional product range  Food supplements
 Nutritional supplements
 Vitamin and mineral supplements
 Complementary medicines/therapies
 Bulk/prepackaged/refrigerated/ fresh produce
 Organic food and/or Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
Legislative requirements May include, but not limited to:
 Occupational health and safety
 Consumer law
 Food safety regulations
 Trade practices and fair trading acts
 Waste disposal
 Hazardous substances and dangerous goods
 Environmental protection

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  Consistently apply storage guidelines which comply with
consumer law and legislative requirements regarding the
selling of health and nutritional products and services
 Continually update and apply product knowledge in
regard to current store health products and services to provide
comprehensive advice to customers and staff.
 Consistently advise customers and inform sales team
members of major characteristics of products, including,
product type, purpose, features and benefits, price, basic
production methods and storage requirements.
 Consistently advise customers on store health products
available, and schedules appointments with complementary
therapists where applicable.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
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and Attitude  Regulatory policies and guidelines, in regard to:
 health and nutritional product and service range,
 Relevant legislation and statutory requirements
 Relevant pharmacy codes of practice in product
procurement and dispensing
 Relevant occupational health and safety
legislation/regulations/codes of practice
 Trade Practices and Fair Trading Acts
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Interpersonal communication skills
 Organizing and providing health and nutritional services to
 Handling customers with special dietary needs
 Literacy skills in the following areas:
 reading and interpreting product labels
 reading and understanding store policies and procedures
 Numeracy skills in relation to: pricing, estimating and
weighing products
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Unit Title Apply Computer and Mobile Health Technology

Unit Code HLT PHS3 08 1121

Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skill and attitude required to
select, use, and maintain new technology in Pharmacy. This
technology includes the effective use of computer software,
organize information and data. Besides,

Element Performance Criteria

1. Identify different parts
1.1. Different parts of computer are identified.
of computer and
perform basic 1.2. Basic computer starting operations, peripheral connections,
computer skills power cable plugging, are checked and appropriate
procedures are performed
1.3. Username, password, privacy and security related
conditions are operated and various computer applications
are configured and operated
1.4. Desktop icons and application widows are created or
opened, directories and subdirectories are created and
1.5. Various applications are utilized, files are created,
documented and accessed via different paths
1.6. Different accessories, storage devices, printers are added,
utilized and basic settings are customized
1.7. Printing, internet browsing, file sharing applications are
2. Select and use
2.1. Appropriate technology and software applications are
Pharmaceutical selected to achieve the requirements of the task
service related
technology 2.2. Workspace, furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit the
ergonomic requirements of the user
2.3. Technology is used according to organizational
requirements and in a way which promotes a safe work
3. Process and organize 3.1. Files and records are identified, opened, generated or
amended according to task and organizational
3.2. Input devices are operated according to organizational

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3.3. Data is stored appropriately and applications are exited
without damage to or loss of data
3.4.Manuals, training booklets and/or on-line help or help-desks
are used to overcome basic difficulties with applications
4. Maintain technology 4.1. Pharmaceutical new technology and consumables are
identified and replaced in accordance with manufacturer‘s
instructions and organizational requirements
4.2. Routine maintenance is carried out and/or arranged in order
to ensure that equipment is maintained in accordance with
manufacturer‘s instructions and organizational
4.3. Equipment faults are accurately identified and action taken
in accordance with manufacturer‘s instructions or by
reporting fault to designated person

Variable Range
Parts of computer May include, but not limited to:
 Input device
 Output device
 Storage device
 CPU(Central Processing Unit)
 Telecommunications device
 Connecting device
Technology May include, but not limited to:
 Computer technology, such as laptops and PCs
 Digital cameras
 Zip drives
 Modems
 Scanners
 Printers
Software applications May include, but not limited to:
 Email, internet
 Word processing, spreadsheet, database, accounting, or
presentation packages
Organizational May include, but not limited to:
requirements may  Log-on procedures
Relate to procedures  Correctly identifying and opening files
 Locating data
 Saving and closing files
 Occupational health and safety policies, procedures and
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 Storing data
 Manufacturer‘s guidelines
 Legal and organization policy/guidelines and requirements
Input devices May include, but not limited to:
 Keyboard
 Numerical key pad
 Mouse and Scanner
Routine maintenance May include, but not limited to:
 Regular checking of equipment
 Replacing consumables
 ―in-house‖ cleaning and servicing of equipment according to
manufacturer‘s guidelines
 Periodic servicing by qualified or manufacturer approved
Legislation, codes and May include, but not limited to:
national standards relevant  Award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial
to the workplace instruments
 Relevant legislation from all levels of government that
affects business operation, especially in regard to
occupational health and safety and environmental issues,
equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-
 Relevant industry codes of practice
Storage of data May include, but not limited to:
 Storage in directories and sub-directories
 Storage on cd-roms, hard disk drives or backup systems
 Appropriate storage/filing of hard copies of computer
generated documents
Technology consumables May include, but not limited to:
 Printer ribbons and cartridges
 Cd-rom
 Zip disks
 Print heads
 Toner cartridges and Backup tapes
Equipment faults or May be identified or anticipated by:
problems  Routine checking of equipment
 Preparation of a maintenance program
 Encouraging feedback from work colleagues
 Regular back-ups of data
 Keeping a log book of detected faults
 Regular occupational health and safety inspections
 Checking that repairs have been carried out

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Evidence guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  Selection and application of functional software applications
to produce workplace documents
 Application of occupational health and safety procedures for
set up of workstation, operation of computer, changing toner
cartridges and other work with plant and substances
 Access, retrieval and storage of required data
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
and Attitude  The relevant legislation from all levels of government that
affects business operation, especially in regard to
occupational health and safety and environmental issues,
equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
 The organization‘s policies, plans and procedures, especially
in regard to file-naming and storage conventions
 The correct log-on and shut-down procedures for computer
 Organizational it procedures including back-up and virus
protection procedures
 Basic technical terminology in relation to reading help-files
and manuals
 Methods of detecting faults in and solving problems with
business technology
Underpinning skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Literacy skills to identify work requirements and understand
and process basic, relevant workplace information; follow
written instructions;
 Communication skills to request advice, receive feedback
and work with a team
 Problem solving skills to solve routine problems
 Keyboarding skills to produce basic workplace documents
 Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resources implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and ohs practices.
Methods of assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/written test
 Observation/demonstration with oral questioning
Context of assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III
Unit Title Perform Community Mobilization and Provide Health
Unit Code HLT PHS3 09 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
undertake health education, advocacy and community mobilization
on identified health issues.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Conduct health 1.1.Assessment and gap identification activities are performed
education and according to organizational manual
communication 1.2.Community and all available resources are organized as per
content requirement
1.3.Target group identification is done according to organizational
1.4.Health education plan is prepared as per the requirements of
target group organizational guideline.
1.5.Methods and approaches of health communication are designed
according to organizational manual
1.6.Health education service is provided as per the requirements of
target group
1.7.Monitoring of service utilization and evaluation of behavioral
change are noted in accordance with organizational manual
1.8.Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information
are developed, promoted, implemented and reviewed as
required in accordance with workplace guideline
1.9.Work related network and relationship are maintained as
1.10. Different approaches are used to meet communication needs
of clients and community.
2. Rain model families 2.1.Better performing in mom to mom groups in their day today
activity is identified
2.2.Space and time for training are established with consultation of
appropriate personnel and community representatives
2.3.Necessary resources are identified and collected as per the
training plan
2.4.Training is provided according to MOH guideline
2.5.Correct and faulty posture in different activities is explained.
2.6.Follow up and monitoring are carried out in accordance
with workplace guideline
2.7.Well performing model household is evaluated and certified in
accordance with workplace guideline
3. Plan and Undertake 3.1.Advocacy plan is prepared to address an identified health issues
advocacy on identified as per organizational work guideline
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health issues 3.2.Community representatives are consulted to determine current
health needs and priorities.
3.3.Influential community representatives and health development
armies are identified and consulted to disseminate IEC-BCC
3.4.Continuous advocacy services are organized and provided in
partnership with the stakeholders
3.5.Feedback from community consultation and advocacy is used as
a basis for planning
3.6.Developmental and acquired Spinal health problems are
3.7.Prevention methods of spinal problems are explained

Variable Range
Stakeholders May include, but not limited to:
 Bodies taking part in the activities, like:
 Schools
 Agriculture sector
 Women‘s association
 Youth association
 Development partners
 Local NGO
 Religion organizations
Community mobilization May include, but not limited to:
 Sensitization/awareness
 Discussion
 Steering group
 Community representative
 Campaign
 Community conversation
 Community involvement in planning and implementation
Different activities May include, but not limited to:
 Lifting
 Pulling
 Carrying books and others
 Sitting
 Standing
 Sleeping
 Reading
 Typing
 Phone communication
 Watching
 Breast feeding position
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Developmental and May include, but not limited to:
acquired spinal health  Scoliosis
problems  Exaggerated lordosis
 Exaggerated kyphosis
 Degenerative disc diseases
 Degenerative spine diseases

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  Communicate and convince the community and decision
 Work with decision makers, community health
development armies and volunteers
 Mobilize and solve an identified community health issues
including spinal health and posture.
 Disseminate relevant health information to address
community needs
 Adopt relevant communication techniques and strategies
 Demonstrate effective communication skill
Required Knowledge and Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Attitude  Behavioural change models
 Advocacy and community mobilization
 Local community traditions, values, cultural beliefs and
 Relevant policies, laws and regulations, workplace norms,
procedures, programs, guidelines and professional ethics for
advocacy and community mobilization
 Major health problems in the community
 Different activities that can affect spinal health.
 Corrective methods for spinal problems
 Decision and community perceptions on health issues
 Planning, implementation and evaluation of advocacy and
community mobilization
 Adopting relevant communication techniques and strategies
Required Skills Must demonstrate skills on:
 Plan and manage Maternal, Neonatal and child health
Demonstrate skills to:
 Communicate, advocate and persuade community on
identified health issues
 develop supportive social networks and forming strong
coalitions and joint ventures
 Mobilize community on the identified health issues
 Demonstrate effective communication skill
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 Demonstrate of listening skills, negotiation skills
 Conduct meetings, writing and reporting results
 Adopt relevant communication techniques and strategies
 Demonstrate correct and faulty posture in the community.
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Requirements  Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III

Unit Title Apply basic health statistics and health survey
Unit Code HLT PHS3 10 1121

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Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
apply basic health statistics and health survey methods to improve
community health related activities

Element Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for the 1.1. Characteristics of health statistics are identified
application of health 1.2. Scales of measurement are explained
survey 1.3. Basic principles of health statistics are applied
1.4.Rates and ratios are calculated
1.5. Basic principles of health survey are applied
2. Undertake data 2.1.Types of questionnaire are identified
collection 2.2. Questionnaire is prepared and made available
2.3. Questionnaire is pre-tested, modified and amended
2.4. Necessary personnel are trained on data collection procedures
2.5. The necessary equipment/materials are identified to execute
data collection
2.6. Members of community are informed about data collection
dates and time
2.7. Community leaders are invited to support data collection
3. Compile, interpret 1.1 Necessary health data are collected as per organizational
and utilize health data guideline
1.2 Information collected is classified or sorted out on the basis of a
clear understanding of the purpose for maintaining the database
1.3 Diagrammatic presentation of data are prepared
1.4 Steps to maintain confidentiality are followed according to
prescribed procedures are taken.
1.5 Vital events are continuously and consistently collected and
updated timely in accordance with organization procedures and
1.6 Data are prepared and utilized according to prescribed
procedures and guidelines.
4. Prepare and submit 4.1.Reports are prepared using standard reporting formats
reports 4.2.Reports are disseminated responsible bodies
4.3.Updates and reportable diseases are communicated to
concerned bodies according to prescribe procedures and
5. Take intervention 5.1.Discussions are made with key stakeholders regarding the
measures health problems
accordingly 5.2. Briefing materials throughout the consultation process are
provided to identify and clarify issues of interest/concern to
stakeholders and own organization
5.3. Feedback is provided to the team leader or work team on the

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results of the consultation process
5.4. Positive contributions are made to activities that develop an
understanding of the factors contributing to the health problem
of the community
5.5. Further information and data are collected when needed for
better interventions

Variable Range
Health statistics Health statistics include, but not limited to:
 Measure of morbidity and mortality
 Measure of fertility
 Measure of central tendency
Health survey Health surveys generally include measures of risk factors, health
behaviors, and non-health determinants or correlates of health such
as socioeconomic status.
Rates and ratios Rates and ratios include but not limited to:
 Prevalence rate
 Incidence rate
 Morbidity rates
 Mortality rates
 Proportion
Data Rates and ratios include but not limited to:
 Prevalence rate
 Incidence rate
 Morbidity rates
 Mortality rates
 Proportion
May include, but not limited to:
 Vital events
 Surveillance data and may be:
 Qualitative
 Quantitative
Types of data required about the target group may include, but not
limited to:
 Demographic characteristics (e.g. Age, sex, ethnic
composition, residence, education level achieved)
 Patterns of behaviour
 Lifestyle
Database system may include but not limited:
 Disease surveillance reporting formats
 Health registries created for different health issues (Tb,
Malaria, HIV/AIDS, and Trachoma etc.)
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 System of activity reported in the region.
 May be organizational procedures manual
Prescribed procedures
Vital events May include, but not limited to:
 Birth
 Marriage
 Divorce and Death
Standard reporting May include, but not limited to:
formats  HMIS reporting formats
 Immediately reportable disease formats
 Weekly reportable reporting formats and others
Updates May include, but not limited to:
 Briefing major activities accomplished as needed
Reportable diseases May include, but not limited to:
 Rabies
 Cholera
 Neonatal tetanus
 Anthrax
 Yellow fever
 Measles
 Dysentery
 Typhoid fever, etc.
Key stakeholders May include, but not limited to:
 Representatives of relevant health agencies operating in the
local community
 Community advocates or change agents
 Representatives/leaders of the target population
 Population health professionals/supervisors
 Zonal, woreda and health center health service planners
 State or local health service providers
 Other health and/or non-government organizations
Health problems May be identified through one of the following ways:
 Consultation with supervising population health professional
 Position/job description
 Policy documents/legislation detailing national, state or local
health goals
Consultation process May take the form of one of the following:
 Interviews (personal, phone, formal or informal)
 Nominal group process
 Questionnaires
 Delphi method
 Focus groups and Forums
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Feedback May include, but not limited to:
 Written reports
 Brief commentary or summary presentations
Relevant resources May include, but not limited to:
 Human resource or data collectors
 Questionnaires
 Registration books
 Survey formats
 Annual public health reports
 Existing epidemiological/socio-demographic data
 National population health and health promotion agencies
and organizations
 General practitioners/primary care service
 Local health authorities
 Target group representatives
Ethical considerations that May include, but not limited to:
guide data collection and  Privacy and confidentiality
consultation processes  Responsibility to help a community respond to needs they
identify which might not necessarily coincide with stated
priority health needs

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  Collect vital events and disease surveillance.
 Collect and utilize population health data
 Maintain health profile of the community
 Compile and report health data
 Conduct consultation and communication to identify
community health needs
Required Knowledge and Demonstrate knowledge of:
Attitude  Basic statistical concepts and procedures
 Causes and appropriate interventions or solutions
 Population health data collection, compilation, interpretation
and utilization
 National and local health goals, targets and priorities
 Evidence-based practice
 Equity issues in population health
 Basic statistical concepts and procedures.
 Survey methodology
 Report writing
 Consultation and communication to identify community
health needs

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Required Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Collect data that needs to be entered into the health database
 Collect vital events and surveillance data
 Compile, interpret and utilize data
 Prepare and submit reports
 Communicate with clients and colleagues
Resource Implications Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices..
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level III

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Unit Title Apply 5S Procedures
Unit Code HLT PHS3 11 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required by an
employee or worker to apply 5S procedures (structured approach to
housekeeping) to their own job and work area and maintains the
housekeeping and other standards set by 5S. The unit assumes the
employee or worker has a particular job and an allocated work area and
that processes in the work area are known by the individual.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Develop 1.1 Discuss quality assurance procedures of the enterprise or
understanding of organization
quality system 1.2 Understand the relationship of quality system and continuous
improvement in the workplace
1.3 Identify and relate to workplace requirements the purpose and
elements of quality assurance (QA) system
1.4 Explain the 5S system as part of the quality assurance of the work
2. Sort needed items 2.1 Identify all items in the work area
from unneeded 2.2 Distinguish between essential and non-essential items
2.3 Sort items to achieve deliverables and value expected by
downstream and final customers
2.4 Sort items required for regulatory or other required purposes
2.5 Place any non-essential item in a appropriate place other than the
2.6 Regularly check that only essential items are in the work area
3. Set workplace in 3.1 Identify the best location for each essential item
order 3.2 Place each essential item in its assigned location
3.3 After use immediately return each essential item to its assigned
3.4 Regularly check that each essential item is in its assigned location

4. Shine work area 4.1 Keep the work area clean and tidy at all times
4.2 Conduct regular housekeeping activities during shift
4.3 Ensure the work area is neat, clean and tidy at both beginning and
end of shift
5. Standardize 5.1 Follow procedures
activities 5.2 Follow checklists for activities, where available
5.3 Keep the work area to specified standard
6. Sustain 5S system 6.1 Clean up after completion of job and before commencing next job
or end of shift
6.2 Identify situations where compliance to standards is unlikely and

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take actions specified in procedures
6.3 Inspect work area regularly for compliance to specified standard
6.4 Recommend improvements to lift the level of compliance in the

Variable Range
Elements of QA  corrective action
system  mission statements
 monitoring procedures
 SOPs
 work instructions
 PDCA concept
5S 5S is a system of work organization originally developed in Japan
based around housekeeping principles. A close translation of the five
stages in the housekeeping approach is:
 Sort
 Set in order
 Shine
 Standardize
 Sustain
Japanese terms:
 Seiri - eliminating everything not required for the work being
performed (sort)
 Seiton - efficient placement and arrangement of equipment and
material (set in order)
 Seison - tidiness and cleanliness (shine)
 Seiketsu - ongoing, standardized, continually improving seiri,
 Seiton, seison
 Shitsuke - discipline with leadership

Items in the work Includes:

area  Tools
 Jigs/fixtures
 Materials/components
 Plant and equipment
 Manuals
 Personal items (e.g. Bags, lunch boxes and posters)
 Safety equipment and personal protective equipment
 Other items which happen to be in the work area
Sort Sort involves keeping only what is absolutely necessary for the
processes in the work area. Sort includes:
Ministry Labor and Pharmacy Version I
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skill area ofOccupational
Ethiopian all non-essential equipment
Standard and 2021
Non-essential items are those not required to either produce product,
conduct process or operations, or make required adjustments to
equipment during process or operations
Set in order After removing unnecessary materials, the remaining materials must
be those that are required immediately for either the machine or the
job at hand. All of these materials/change/parts etc must have an
assigned location on the production floor.
Locations should be clearly marked and labeled to show what
belongs where. assigning required equipment and materials
appropriate locations in the work area
Shine includes:
 keeping the work area clean at all times
 this should be carried out to a regular daily schedule against
allowed time and, on most occasions, at the end of a job
Standardize Once 5S is established, standardizing activities help maintain the
order and the housekeeping standards. Standardizing may use
procedures and checklists developed from a procedure.
Standardizing includes:
 Activities that help maintain the order and the housekeeping
 Using procedures and checklists developed from a procedure
 OHS measures such as signage, symbols / coding and labeling of
work area and equipment
Procedures Procedures may include:
 work instructions
 standard operating procedures
 formulas/recipes
 batch sheets
 temporary instructions and similar instructions provided for the
operation of the plant
 good operating practice as may be defined by industry codes of
practice (e.g. good manufacturing practice (GMP) and responsible
care) and government regulations procedures may be:
 written, verbal, computer based or in some other format
Sustain includes:
 making sure that daily activities are completed every day
regardless of circumstance
 cleaning up after a job
 undertaking inspections, including:
 informal inspections carried out often, at least weekly
 formal inspections carried out at least monthly
 generating continuous improvement actions from daily activities
 following up specific actions to generate continuous improvement

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competence in this unit must be able to
Competence provide evidence of the ability to:
 Identify own tasks and responsibilities and relate them to
organization and customer requirements
 Identify and explain the stages of 5s
 Implement 5s in own work area
 Identify waste (MUDA) in the work area
 Routine practice of 5S as part of their job
Required Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Operations and processes relevant to own job
Attitudes  Basic principle of quality assurance system and its elements
 Quality procedures and continuous improvement (kaizen)
 Meaning and application of 5s steps to own job and work area
 Principles of efficient workplace organization
 Purposes of 5s
 Methods of making/recommending improvements
Required Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Communicate with others to clarify issues during 5S
implementation, communicate results and contribute suggestions
for improvement
 Visualize operations in terms of flow and contribution to customer
 Plan own tasks in implementation of 5S
 Implement 5S in own work area according to instructions
 Identify waste (MUDA)
 Organize, prioritizing activities and items
 Read and interpret documents describing procedures
 Record activities and results against templates and other prescribed
 Working with others
 Solving problems
Resources Access may be required to:
Implication  Workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
 Specifications and documentation relating to planned, currently
being implemented, or implemented changes to work processes and
procedures relevant to the candidate
 Documentation and information in relation to production, waste,
overheads and hazard control/management
 Reports from supervisors/managers
 Case studies and scenarios to assess responses to contingencies

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Methods of A holistic approach should be taken to the assessment.
Assessment Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a combination of the
following to generate evidence:
 Demonstration in the workplace
 Workplace projects
 Suitable simulation
 Case studies/scenarios (particularly for assessment of
contingencies, improvement scenarios, and so on)
2.1. Targeted questioning
In all cases it is expected that practical assessment will be combined
with targeted questioning to assess underpinning knowledge.
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting. Assessment of performance must be undertaken in a
workplace using or implementing 5S as competitive systems and

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Unit Title Dispense Pharmaceuticals
Unit Code HLT PHS4 01 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
assist with the administration of dispensary requirements, using
knowledge of more advanced aspects of dispensing and
dispensary information requirements.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Apply basic
1.1. The required basic knowledge on anatomy is obtained.
knowledge of Anatomy
1.2. Works are done with a basic understanding of anatomy.
1.3. Related knowledge of anatomy is applied with drugs
mechanism of action.
2. Apply basic knowledge 2.1. The required basic knowledge on physiology is
of Physiology obtained.
2.2. Works are done with a basic understanding of
2.3. Related knowledge of physiology is applied with drugs
mechanism of action.
3. Apply basic drug 3.1. An understanding of the major drug groups is applied
knowledge 3.2. Basic understanding of drugs in each group and their
expected effects, including adverse effects is applied
3.3. An understanding of drug- interactions and
incompatibilities is applied
3.4. Common medication form abbreviations are used
4. Apply 4.1. An understanding of the basic principles of
Pharmacotherapy pharmaceutical care is applied
principles 4.2. Common patient monitoring parameters are understood
4.3. Drug therapy problems are identified
5. Perform dispensing 5.1. Dispensing processes are completed using dispensary
process administrative systems according to organization
procedures, regulatory requirements and legislation
5.2. Barcode technology is used for the dispensing process in
line with national guidelines
5.3. Drugs are located in dispensary according to legal and
product specific requirements
5.4. Dispensing data is entered accurately into dispensary
information system in accordance with national and
regional legislation
5.5. Confirm accuracy of client details and dispensing data
are entered
5.6. Approval or authority numbers are confirmed for
medicines requiring approval
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5.7. Client medication profile for clients are created and
maintained using prescription, pharmacist only medicines
and/or other medications
6. Maintain dispensary 7.1 Dispensary system information is updated as required
information 7.2 Dispensary system information is backed up to ensure
secure data according to organization protocols
7.3 Clinical data required for reporting and claiming systems are
7.4 The pharmacist is informed of relevant changes to the data
stored in the dispensary information system
7.5 Confidentiality of dispensary information is maintained
7. Perform the duties of a 8.1 The roles and responsibilities are complied with within the
pharmacy assistant legitimate scope of practice of a pharmacy assistant
(hospital pharmacy activities).
8.2 The facilities are made participatory with an understanding
of the roles and relationship with pharmacists, technical
staff, clerical staff and store personnel
8.3 Work activities are consistently conducted in a manner
consistent with the expected qualities and attributes of a
health care professional
8.4 Issues outside scope of practice are referred to the
appropriate person

Variable Range
Basic knowledge of May include, but not limited to:
anatomy  Central and peripheral nervous system
 Cardiovascular and renal system
 Gastrointestinal system
 Respiratory System
 Endocrine System
 Integumentary system
Basic knowledge of May include, but not limited to:
physiology  Central and peripheral nervous system
 Cardiovascular and renal system
 Gastrointestinal system
 Respiratory System
 Endocrine System
 Blood
 Integumentary physiology
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Major drug groups May include, but not limited to:
 Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents
 Anti-virals, anti-bacterials, anti-protozoals, anti-fungals, anti-
 Anti-coagulants
 Anti-depressants
 Sedatives and hypnotics
 Anxiolytics
 Antipsychotics
 Anti-epileptics
 Anti-diabetic agents
 Anti-gout agents
 Corticosteroids
 Diuretics
 Gastro-intestinal agents
 Anti-histamines
 Cholesterol and lipid lowering agents
 Anti-asthmatic agents
 Hormonal preparations (e.g. Contraceptives)
 Drugs acting on the Heart
 Anti-hypertensive‘s
 Osteoporosis preparations
 Vitamin and Minerals
 Biological products (e.g. Vaccine)
Drug-interaction May include, but not limited to:
 drug-drug interaction
 drug-food interaction
 drug-disease interaction
 drug-herbal interaction
Pharmaceutical care May include, but not limited to:
 Assess the patient‘s drug therapy needs and identify actual
and potential drug therapy problems
 Develop a care plan to resolve and/or prevent the drug
therapy problems
 Implement the care plan
 Evaluate and review the care plan
Drug Therapy Problem May include ,but not limited to:
 Unnecessary drug therapy
 Needs additional drug therapy
 dosage too high
 dosage too low
 Adverse drug reaction
 ineffective drug therapy
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 non compliance
Monitoring parameters May include, but not limited to:
 Hematology tests(e.g. CBC)
 Organ function tests
 Urinary analysis
 Stool examination
Accuracy of client details May include, but not limited to:
 Name, current address, date of birth, age, weight, gender,
Body Mass Index
 Concessional/entitlement numbers and categories e.g. Pension
 Allergies, medical conditions and other medications taken
 Name of client‘s prescribers
 Community based health insurance numbers
 Units/Inpatient, outpatient, emergency etc./
Client medication profile May include, but not limited to:
 Date of birth
 Approximate weight and height of the patient
 Any known chronic medical conditions or incapacities
 Allergies or history of adverse drug reaction
 Any known and relevant lifestyle factors e.g. History of drug
dependency, use of non-pharmacy healthcare services or
 Other medications including OTC, complementary products‘
prescription, etc.
 Restricted drug approvals
 Card number
Prescription May be for:
 Inpatients
 Outpatients
 Extemporaneous preparations that do not have a fixed
formulae, for specific clients, need to be mixed and provided
e.g. dermatological preparation, pediatric formulations
Medication form and May include, but not limited to:
related abbreviations  Commonly used abbreviations for dispensing instructions,
routes of administration as per Ethiopian national drug
formulary abbreviations
Standards Must include:
 Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association‘s (EPA) code of ethics
 Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) professional
practice standards
Dispensary May include, but not limited to:
administrative  Updating patient records – demographic details, entitlement
computerized tasks numbers

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 Maintaining prescriber records
 Maintaining medication/drug records
 Maintaining dispensing/prescription records
 Maintaining supply of cautionary and advisory information
ready for use
 Financial management reports – number and value of
prescriptions dispensed
 Drug usage reports
 Stock control reports
 Government claims
 Management accounting – customer accounts
 Backing up system and maintaining security – daily, weekly
and system backups
 Printing consumer product information

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  The individual being assessed must provide evidence of
specified essential knowledge as well as skills.
 Observation of workplace performance is essential for
assessment of this unit.
 Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over the
required range of situations relevant to the workplace
 Where, for reasons of safety, space, or access to equipment
and resources, assessment takes place away from the
workplace, the assessment environment should represent
workplace conditions as closely as possible
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitude  Basic sciences like Anatomy and Physiology.
 Basic knowledge of Pharmacotherapy techniques
 Circumstances/situations where referral to a pharmacist is
 Drug groups, including:
 Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents
 Anti-coagulants
 Anti-depressants
 Anti-epileptics
 Sedatives and hypnotics
 Anxiolytics
 Anti-diabetic agents
 Anti-gout agents
 Anti-histamines
 Anti-hyper tensives
 Anti-asthmatic agents

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 Cholesterol and lipid lowering agents
 Corticosteroids
 Diuretics
 Gastro-intestinal agents
 Drugs acting on the heart
 Hormonal preparations
 Osteoporosis preparations
 Anti-virals, anti-bacterials, anti-protozoals, anti-fungals,
 antipsychotics
 Vitamin and Minerals
 Biological products (e.g. Vaccine)
The following factors affecting drug groups:
 Blood pressure
 Breast feeding
 Geriatric
 Pediatric
 Pregnancy
 The following terms:
 Bioavailability
 Bioequivalence
 Drug absorption
 Drug distribution
 Drug elimination
 Drug half-life
 Drug metabolism
 Drug-drug, drug – food and drug - herb interactions and
 Charging for pharmaceuticals e.g. organization policy
 Different types of medication orders and their different
labeling requirements, including:
 inpatient items
 outpatient
 Dosages and administration methods for commonly used
 Drug schedules and their different dispensing/
handling/recording requirement
 Factors affecting the administration of drugs and
 Hygiene and the importance of maintaining a clean
working environment and equipment
 Identification and handling of products, including:
 Formulary drugs and non-formulary drugs e.g. Clinical
trial drugs and special access scheme drugs
 Products with the required integrity as well as those

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whose integrity has been compromised e.g. Damaged,
contaminated or deteriorated stock
 Routine handling of products and products requiring
special handling, e.g. Cytotoxic and its spill management,
refrigerated and frozen items, light sensitive materials and
 Personal hygiene and the use of protective clothing
 Pharmacy dispensary systems
 Policies, standards and guidelines, pharmacy codes of
practice, legislative and regulatory requirements in
regards to performing dispensary administrative tasks
 Prescribing conventions, and abbreviations and medical
terminology used for instructions for the use of medicines
 Principles and procedures of maintaining security of
pharmaceutical products
 Principles of calculations, weights and measures and
knowledge of pharmaceutical calculations using SI system
 Procedures and rationale for validating prescriptions
 Requirements to be satisfied for a complete, unambiguous
and valid prescription and actions to take if validity is
 Hospital or health facility in-house computer system
 Procedures for dealing with returned goods
 Relevant reference material
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Assist pharmacist effectively in the preparation of
prescription requirements
 Follow instructions and complete tasks accurately and
 Refer issues identified outside scope of practice to the
appropriate person
 Identify Drug Therapy Problems (DTPs) and referred to
 Work in a safe manner
 Work in accordance with relevant organization policy,
legislative requirements, industrial awards and agreements
and in-house SOPs.
 Communicate and interact appropriately with colleagues,
healthcare practitioners and clients
 Identify and select correct product with reference to form,
dose, strength, brand and quantity
 Identify discrepancies/deviations and refer to the authorized
 Identify drugs by generic and proprietary names, or readily
access the information
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 Prepare and process information regarding dispensary
 Source, extract, record and disseminate dispensary
administration clinical information
 Take into account opportunities to address waste
minimization, environmental responsibility and sustainable
practice issues to:
 Use available resources and prioritize workload
 Use dispensary information technology system
 Use literacy, numeracy and oral communication skills
required to fulfill the position in a safe manner as
specified by the health care facility
 Use problem solving skills
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Unit Title Apply Pharmaceuticals Supply Chain Management
Unit Code HLT PHS4 02 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit equips students with the knowledge, skills and attitude
to enable them implement the national supply chain system (the
integrated pharmaceutical logistics system): recording and
reporting on stock levels and usage of pharmaceuticals, ordering
pharmaceuticals from PFSA, receiving and storing
pharmaceuticals, issuing pharmaceuticals between and within
facilities, maintaining adequate amount of pharmaceuticals.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Describe Medical
1.1. The types and purposes of different medical supplies are
supplies and reagents
1.2. The types and purposes of different reagents are identified.
2. Describe the logistics 2.1. The purpose of a health logistics system is described.
cycle 2.2. Some of the major activities within logistics and the
range of people who are involved in logistics activities
are identified
2.3. The components of a logistics system are listed and the
interrelationships of these components as they relate to
the logistics cycle are described
2.4. Pipeline, lead time, issues data, and dispensed-to-user
data are defined
2.5. Allocation (push) and requisition (pull) distribution
systems are explained.
3. Describe the purpose, 3.1 The purpose of the system is described.
flow of information and 3.2 Flow of information and products in the system is outlined
products, roles & 3.3 The context within which the system operates is
responsibilities in IPLS understood
3.4 Responsibilities of the responsible institutions in
implementing IPLS are identified
3.5 IPLS roles of the practitioners in hospitals, health centers
and hospitals is defined
4. Record pharmaceutical 4.1 The three essential data items are listed
transactions 4.2 Records and reports used in managing pharmaceuticals in
IPLS are described
4.3 Job aids are used to complete a form
4.4 New bin cards are opened and transactions are recorded on
a bin-card
4.5 New Stock Record Card are opened and transactions are
recorded on a Stock Record Card.

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4.6 Physical count is conducted and the results are recorded on
bin-cards and Stock Record Card.
5. Report and order 5.1 Flow of reports and orders in the IPLS are recorded.
pharmaceuticals 5.2 The health post section of the Health Post Monthly Report
and Resupply Form is completed.
5.3 The Report and Requisition Form (RRF) is completed
5.4 Distribution and schedule of the RRF is described
5.5 Stock status is assessed
5.6 Emergency order for a health post, health center or
hospitals is placed.
6. Issue pharmaceuticals 6.1 The Internal Facility Report and Re supply Form (IFRR) to
issue pharmaceuticals within a health center or hospital is
6.2 Re-supply quantities for health posts are calculated
6.3 The Health Post Monthly Report and Re-supply Form
(HPMRR) for issuing pharmaceuticals to health posts is
7. Manage procurement 7.1 Procurement methods are identified with their advantages
process and disadvantages
7.2 Principles of procurement based on the national guideline
is followed and maintained.
7.3 Roles and responsibilities of participating bodies in the
procurement process are identified
7.4 Bid evaluation and supplier selection is based on
appropriate procurement method and bidding process
7.5 Relevant procurement documents are filed and archived for
retrospective evaluation and future use
7.6 Invoices, purchase and handover documents are reconciled
and maintained
8. Receive 8.1 The process for receiving pharmaceuticals at a hospital or
pharmaceuticals health center is described.
8.2 The documents that are involved in receiving
pharmaceuticals are listed
8.3 The payment modalities for acquiring pharmaceuticals are
9. Manage pharmaceutical 9.1 The guidelines for the proper storage of pharmaceuticals
storage are applied
9.2 Storage problems are identified and explained and proper
measures are taken correct these according to the guidelines
and principles of proper storage.

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10. Organize and de-junk 10.1 Guidelines for organizing a storage facility are applied
storage Places 10.2 Arrangement of pharmaceuticals in stores is described.
10.3 Steps in dejunking a storage facility are listed and

Variable Range
Medical supplies May include , but not limited to:
 Injection supplies
 Sutures and needles
 Tubes and drain
 Protective and others
Reagents May include , but not limited to:
 Hematological related
 immunological
 serological
 urinary analysis
 parasitological examination
 microbiologic tests
System  The integrated pharmaceutical logistics system and it core
Context May include, but not limited to:
 Laws and regulations that govern the pharmaceutical supply
chain system
 Institutions involved in pharmaceutical supply chain system
 SOPs
Responsible institutions May include, but not limited to:
 Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)
 Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency
 Regional Health Bureaus (RHB)
 Zonal Health Offices
 Woreda Health Offices
 Hospitals
 Health centers
 Health posts

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills on:
Competence  Identifying different medical supplies and reagents
 Satisfactory performance of all Element
 Opening new bincards and recording transaction on bincards
 Opening stock record cards and recording transaction on stock
record cards

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 Competing the health post monthly report and resupply form
 Completing the internal facility report and resupply form
 Completing the report and resupply form
 Placing emergency orders
 Storing pharmaceutical based on the storage principles
 Conducting physical inspection
 Dejunking and pharmaceutical store reorganizing
 Arranging products in the pharmacy store
 Conducting physical count
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Medical supplies and reagents
 Theory of the logistics cycle and purpose of the Integrated
Pharmaceutical Logistics System (IPLS)
 Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) and
inventory control system in IPLS
 Roles and responsibilities of PFSA, FMOH, RHBs, ZHBs,
WHOs, and health institutions in implementing IPLS
 National, Regional and local pharmaceutical supply chain
related policies, goals, targets and priorities
 Evidence-based practice
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Analytical identifying medical supplies and reagents for
different purpose
 Effective communication and interpersonal skills including:
 High level written or verbal
 Negotiation and liaison
 Consultation
 Conflict resolution and mediation
 Analytical thinking, problem solving and critical appraisal
 Work planning and management
 Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team and/or
 Facilitating and contributing effectively to meetings, forums
and other network
 Ability to engage and work collaboratively and/or in
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning

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Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Unit Title Apply Good Dispensing Principles
Unit Code HLT PHS4 03 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, skill and attitude to prepare
prescriptions in accordance with legal and Good Pharmacy
Practice requirements. Perform activities which require range of
well-developed skills where some decisions and judgment is
required. Individuals will take responsibility for their own
outputs and limited responsibility for the output of others.
Moreover, this unit also covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required in patient counseling and providing drug information to
promote medication adherence and clinical outcomes

Element Performance Criteria

1. Accept prescription
1.1. Prescription is collected and client details are confirmed
for dispensing
1.2. The prescriber and area initiating the order for the purpose
of costing and computer entry are identified
1.3. The legality, validity and completeness of the prescription
are confirmed
1.4. Discrepancies are reported to pharmacist
1.5. Cost of medication is determined and appropriate
information provided to client
1.6. Client is advised of any foreseen difficulty in filling the
1.7. Client is advised of approximate waiting time and collection
1.8. Payment is checked and receipt issued
2. Ensure clinical
2.1. Prescription is referred to pharmacist for clinical evaluation
evaluation of
prescription by 2.2. Pharmacist‘s clinical evaluation is confirmed before filling
pharmacist the prescription
2.3. Any special documentation are completed
3. Calculate prescription 3.1 Quantities of each item are calculated according to then
3.2 The prescription is annotated
3.3 Prescription is referred to pharmacist if uncertain about
prescription details or prescribed quantity
4. Prepare labels 4.1 Prescription labels are prepared to meet legal and regulatory
according to legal requirements
requirements 4.2 Procedures are identified to deal with contraventions of law
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4.3 Information on labels is checked for accuracy according to
the prescription requirements
4.4 Check that information on labels is made neat, clear, easily
understood and in line with legal requirements
4.5 Appropriate cautionary and advisory labels are either
incorporated into label or attached separately
5. Establish counseling 5.1 Conducive environment is created to make the counseling
environment environment comfortable, confidential and safe by individual
patients, groups, families or caregivers that assures patient
involvement, learning and acceptance
5.2 Area for counseling and education (Pharmacy) is identified
5.3 Counseling room/area/ is equipped with appropriate learning
aids to ensure effective education and counseling
5.4 Standard drug information sources are identified
6. Provide patient 6.1 Roles and responsibilities of educating and counseling
counseling service individual patients, groups, families or caregivers are
6.2 Standard protocols, steps for patient education and
counseling are developed and implemented
6.3 Patient related problems are identified and solved to
enhance good counseling and education practice
6.4 Drug therapy problems are identified
6.5 Drug information (drug-drug interactions, drug-food
interaction, adverse drug reactions, contraindications, etc)
are provided depending on the need.
6.6 Appointment is scheduled for patients with chronic diseases
for refill
6.7 Patients knowledge is checked at the end of the counseling
7. Enter data in to 7.1 Dispensing data is entered accurately into pharmacy
dispensing computer computer system
7.2 Barcode technology is used for the dispensing process in
line with local pharmacy guidelines
7.3 Accuracy of data entered is checked against information
from prescription and labels.
8. Assemble prescription 8.1 Prescribed products are selected in the desired form in line
items according to with EFDA guidelines for good dispensing practice
good dispensing 8.2 Correct quantity is packaged into a suitable container
practice 8.3 Correct label (and ancillary label if applicable) is attached to
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8.4 Packed item is checked for accuracy
8.5 Visibility of expiry date is checked
8.6 Prescription is annotated with the quantity supplied,
signature and date
8.7 Items are assembled for an easy and complete check by the
9. Finalize prescription, 9.1 Verify that prescription is checked and signed by the
documentation and pharmacist
reporting 9.2 Documentation are completed in accordance with
organization policies and procedures
9.3 Relevant information and statistics are recorded according
to organization policies and procedures
9.4 Data is compiled, and reports are analyzed, generated and
sent to responsible bodies

Variable Range
Prescription May be for:
 Inpatients
 Outpatients
 Extemporaneous preparations that do not have a fixed
formulae, for specific clients, need to be mixed and provided
e.g. Dermatological preparation, pediatric formulations
Storage and location May include, but not limited to:
requirements  Sequential positioning along shelves
 Alphabetical arrangements
 Controlled substances under specific storage conditions
 Refrigeration
Prescription validity May include, but not limited to:
 Written in ink or computer generated (must have handwritten
 Life of prescription according to legislative requirements
 Adequate written instructions on the dosage regimen
 Complete client details
Prescription information May include, but not limited to:
 Handwritten
 Electronically generated
 Include an order by a pharmacist
Label presentation May include, but not limited to:
 Typed
 Written and Electronically generated
Medication form and May include, but not limited to:
related  Tablet – TAB
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 Capsule – CAP
 Suspension – SUSP
 Drops – GTT
 Cream – CR
Means of calculation May include, but not limited to:
 Using SI system in particular weights, volumes, percentages,
weight in weight, weight in volume, volume in volume,
volume in weight, parts per million, mill moles, body surface
and body weigh
Prescription discrepancies May include, but not limited to:
and/or situations  Incomplete or incorrect prescriber and/or client details
 Prescription out of date
 Prescriptions marked ―cancelled‖ or otherwise such as to
indicate that it has been dispensed and completed
 Prescriptions for a narcotic written by the prescriber for self-
 Questionable dosages and administration method for
commonly used drugs
 Request for excessive quantities
Suitable containers May include, but not limited to:
 Boxes
 Bottles
 Cartoons
Standard Drug May include ,but not limited to:
Information Sources 
 Medscape
 STGs
 National Formularies
 Good dispensing principle guidelines
 uptodate
Drug Therapy Problems May include ,but not limited to:
 Unnecessary drug therapy
 Needs additional drug therapy
 dosage too high
 dosage too low
 Adverse drug reaction
 ineffective drug therapy
 non compliance

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  Accept prescription for dispensing
 Ensure clinical evaluation of prescription by
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 Prepare labels according to legal requirements
 Calculate prescription quantities
 Enter data in to dispensing computer
 Assemble prescription items according to good dispensing
 Identify and utilize drug information sources
 Provide patient drug education and counseling that meet
national standards
 Problem identification and resolving skills related to patient
counseling and education
 Record basic information regarding quality performance
 Investigate causes of deviations of services against the
national pharmaceutical standard
 Recommend suitable preventive actions
 Finalize prescription, documentation and reporting
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Appropriate methods of disposal of unwanted medicines
including expiry and damaged stock
 Basic hygiene and the importance of maintaining a clean
working environment and equipment
 Charging for pharmaceuticals e.g. organization policy and
the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
 Common proprietary and generic names
 Drug forms, dose, strength and quantity
 Hospital or health facility in-house computer system
 Identification and handling of products, including
formulary drugs and non-formulary drugs
 Routine handling products and products requiring special
handling, e.g. cytotoxic and its spill management,
refrigerated and frozen items, light sensitive materials and
 Infection control policies, guidelines and symbols and their
relevance to working in a hospital pharmacy

 The rationale for applicable legislation, organization policy

and in house SOPs, relating to prescription preparation
 Legal requirements and principles of pharmaceutical product
labeling e.g. product name, batch numbering and expiry date
 Personal hygiene and the use of protective clothing
 Prescribing conventions, and abbreviations and medical
terminology used for instructions for the use of medicines
 Principles and procedures of maintaining security of
pharmaceutical products
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 Procedures and rationale for validating prescriptions
 Procedures for dealing with returned goods
 Procedures to follow regarding dispensing of controlled
 Procedures for dealing with drug alerts and company recalls
 Processes for reconstitution of products
 Properties of container types and principles of selection for
 Requirements to be satisfied for a complete, unambiguous
and valid prescription and actions to take if validity is
 Types of prescriptions and their use
 Relevant quality standards, policies and procedures
 Drug information extraction and organization
 Characteristics of services
 Counseling environment aspects of the service
 Relevant evaluation techniques and quality checking
 Workplace procedures
 Reporting procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Assist pharmacist effectively in the preparation of
prescription requirements
 Follow instructions and complete tasks accurately and
 Refer issues identified outside scope of practice to the
appropriate person
 Work in accordance with relevant organization policy,
legislative requirements, industrial awards and agreements
and in-house SOPs
 Work in a safe manner
 Apply checking processes throughout dispensing procedure
 Communicate and interact appropriately with colleagues,
health care practitioners and clients
 Create labels which are legal, clearly readable, with
instructions expressed in simple language, including all
information specified by the prescriber
 Demonstrate safe dispensing practices
 Enter and access data on pharmacy computer system
 Identify discrepancies/deviations and refer to the authorized
 Identify drugs by generic and proprietary names, or readily
access the information
 Identify and select correct product with reference to form,
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dose, strength, brand and quantity
 Take into account opportunities to address waste
minimization, environmental responsibility and sustainable
practice issues.
 Use time management strategies to set priorities
 Use literacy, numeracy and oral communication skills
required to fulfill the position in a safe manner as specified
by the health care facility
 Use problem solving skills
 Use available resources and prioritize workload
 Interpret work instructions, specifications and standards
appropriate to the required work or service
 Carry out relevant performance evaluation
 Maintain accurate work records in accordance with
 Meet work specifications
 Communicate effectively within defined workplace
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Conduct Small-Scale Compounding of Pharmaceutical
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT PHS4 04 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
prepare master work sheet and compound pharmaceutical
products from fixed formulae.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Overview of 1.1. The required basic knowledge of pharmaceutical analysis
pharmaceutical analysis is obtained.
1.2. Works are done with a basic understanding of
pharmaceutical analysis application
1.3. Quantitative and qualitative pharmaceutical analysis is
2. Source information on 2.1 Appropriate dosage form for product is selected based on
formula client need and/or against application of pharmaceuticals
2.2 Validated resources are used to source available formulae
for required product
2.3 Consolidate and make relevant information available
2.4 Suitability of chosen formula and availability of resources
is confirmed
2.5 Authority of pharmacist is needed to proceed
3. Prepare for 3.1 Comply with dress code, safety and personal hygiene
production process procedures prior to entering the work area
3.2 Clean work area and equipment correctly
3.3 Confirm inventory levels of raw materials and disposable
3.4 Prepare a work sheet referenced from a master work sheet
3.5 Verify that batch/work sheets are clearly written in logical
order with clear directions and contains all the required
3.6 Assign product batch number
3.7 Generate the product labels referenced from the master label
detailed on the master work sheet
3.8 Check and note the number of labels generated
3.9 Submit work sheet and labels to pharmacist for approval
3.10 Check and set up compounding requirements and

4. Obtain equipment and 4.1 Acquire materials listed on the work sheet according to
supplies stock levels and stock requisitioning procedures
4.2 Check raw materials to ensure they have been released
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from quarantine for use by authorized persons
4.3 Verify raw materials against batch work sheet and record
raw material batch numbers and expiry dates

4.4. Weigh or measure raw materials in designated area

4.5 Obtain required authorization or checks at designated points

according to work sheet
5. Compound products 5.1 Allocate approved raw materials to equipment according to
batch work sheet

5.2 Compound product according to method on work sheet

5.3 Monitor and adjust compounding to comply with work sheet


5.4 Perform verification procedures, inspect finished product for

deviations and report to authorised person

5.5 Pack compounded product as specified on the work sheet,

and following approval from an authorised person

5.6 Label containers/units according to labelling specifications

on the work sheet

5.7 Obtain required authorization or checks at designated points

6. Complete production 6.1 Reconcile number of labels printed with number used and
process report discrepancies to the pharmacist

6.2 Place product in quarantine area under appropriate storage


6.3 Clean machinery and manufacturing area and dispose of

disposable equipment safely

6.4 Complete all required documentation and forward to an

authorised person

6.5 Report all discrepancies to an authorised person

6.6 Obtain final approval from the pharmacist before releasing

packed medicines to storage areas
7. Participate in quality 7.1 Environmental monitoring is performed according to
control organization requirements and abnormal readings reported to
an authorized person
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7.2 Pack and label a retention sample and/or quality control
sample if specified on the work sheet
7.3 Submit product sample and relevant documentation to
quality control, where specified
7.4 Record and file product quality control results
8. Store and transport 8.1Products are stored according to work sheet standard
released product
8.2 Obtain released product(s) from quarantine store

8.3 Pack released product(s) into delivery containers which will

maintain the required ambient conditions for the product

8.4 Deliver product to destination

8.5 Advise receipting area personnel of specific storage


8.6 Complete and file records and/or work sheets

Variable Range
Quantitative and May include but not limited to:
qualitative  Methods used for determination of amount of compounds
analysis are used.
 Methods used for identification of chemical compounds
are used.

Product May include, but not limited to:

 Formulary drugs and non-formulary drugs e.g. Clinical trial
drugs & special access scheme drugs
 Products with the required integrity as well as those
 Whose integrity have been compromised e.g. Damaged,
contaminated or deteriorated
 Routine handling products and products requiring
 Special handling e.g. Cytotoxic and its spill
 Management, refrigerated and frozen items, light
 Sensitive material and flammables
Information May include, but not limited to:
 Raw drug materials list
 Equipment required
 Preparation instructions
 Storage and stability data
 Packaging and label requirements
Batch numbers May include, but not limited to:
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 Any combination of numerals and digits as specified in
standard operating procedures that can uniquely identify an
individual product or batch for recording and
 Identification purposes
Compounding May include, but not limited to:
 Trituration
 Aggregation
 Dissolution
 Mixing
PPE May include, but not limited to:
 Gowns
 Gloves
 Masks
 Shoes
 Goggles
Materials May include, but not limited to:
 Therapeutic agents
 Agents considered inactive, that are required for bulking,
stabilizing, coloring and flavoring the final product
Containers May include, but not limited to:
 Small and large volume infusions bags
 Eye droppers
 Vials
 Syringes
 Miscellaneous individual client unit devices

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Assessment  Source information on formula
 Seek approval and release of batch/work sheets for use
 Prepare for production process
 Prepare for cytotoxic production
 Obtain equipment, consumables, containers required for
manufacturing process
 Manufacture/compound products using aseptic techniques
 Complete production process
 Participate in quality control
 Transport and store release product
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Basic hygiene and the importance of maintaining a clean
working environment and equipment
 Calculations and content rationale for all sterile admixtures
 Chemical and physical properties of materials in relation to
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formulation and compounding
 Circumstances requiring sterile medication
 Correct disposal of drug residues, cytotoxic etc.
 Cytotoxic use and therapeutic effect
 Different types of filters/compatibility of filters with
pharmaceutical products.
 Hazards related to cytotoxic manufacture
 Identification of the circumstances that require compounding
of the product within a laminar flow hood / clean room or
cytotoxic drug safety cabinet / cytotoxic suite or room or
 Identification and handling of products, including
 Formulary drugs and non-formulary drugs e.g. Clinical trial
drugs and special access scheme drugs products with the
required integrity as well as those whose integrity has been
compromised e.g. Damaged, contaminated or deteriorated
 Routine handling of products and products requiring special
handling, e.g. Cytotoxic and its spill management, refrigerated
and frozen items, light sensitive materials and flammables
 Infection control policies, guidelines and symbols and their
relevance to working in a hospital pharmacy
 The rationale for applicable legislation, organization policy
and in-house SOPs, relating to the small scale manufacture of
aseptic pharmaceutical products, including cytotoxic products
 Maintenance principles and procedures of clean work
 Management of cytotoxic spills
 Nature and use of different dosage forms
 OHS policies, guidelines and symbols and their relevance to
working in a hospital pharmacy
 Packaging methods, container materials and principles for
 Personal hygiene and clothing standards for manufacture
 Pharmacy computer systems
 Preparation of worksheets
 Principles and procedures of formulae calculations, weights
and measures
 Principles and procedures of maintaining security of
pharmaceutical products
 Principles of aseptic technique and cytotoxic manufacturing
aseptic technique
 Principles of handling and storage of hazardous materials
 Principles of record keeping
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 Processes for dilution, suspension, incorporation and
 Purpose of batch numbering and expiry date on medicines
 Purpose of information to be shown on medicine packs, e.g.
Product name, batch numbering and expiry date
 Basic principles of manufacturing processes
 Sources and types of contamination – microbial, cross-
chemical, physical, environmental and corrective strategies
 Specific labeling requirements for aseptically prepared
 Storage requirements and rationale for different types of
 Use of dosage forms relating to parenteral products i.e.
Intrathecal, epidural injections
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills to:
 Complete and file documentation
 Compound raw materials correctly and safely to achieve a
quality product
 Perform aseptic cleaning and waste management
 Perform correct aseptic techniques, including general aseptic
techniques and cytotoxic aseptic technique
 Perform quality assurance monitoring
 Prepare, process and manufacture quality pharmaceutical
products for fixed formulae
 Produce a product free from microbial or cross contamination
 Refer issues identified outside scope of practice to an
authorized person
 Transport and store product according to EFDA Guidelines
for the Preparation of Pharmaceuticals in Hospitals
 Use personal protective equipment appropriately
 Work in a safe manner
 Work in accordance with relevant organization policy,
legislative requirements, industrial awards and agreements
and in-house SOPs
 In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the
task outlined in Element and performance criteria of this unit,
manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of
the identified work role
 This includes the ability to:
 Assemble, maintain, clean and use all equipment used in
manufacturing process in a correct and safe manner and
ensure a clean work environments
 Calculate drug requirements for manufacturing
 Select and maintain appropriate equipment for manufacturing
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 Take into account opportunities to address waste
minimization, environmental responsibility and sustainable
practice issues
 Enter and access data on pharmacy computer system
 Take into account opportunities to address waste
minimization, environmental responsibility and sustainable
practice issues
 Use available resources and prioritize workload
 Use formulation resources to prepare a master batch/work
 Use available resources and prioritize workload
 Use literacy, numeracy and oral communication skills
required to fulfill the position in a safe manner as specified by
the health care facility
 Use problem solving skills
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication Situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
And to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Unit Title Enhance the Use of Traditional Medicines
Unit Code HLT PHS4 05 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
manufacture and dispense herbal treatments and remedies
according to Ethiopian herbal medicine framework.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Use basic knowledge of 1.1. The required basic knowledge on organic chemistry is
organic chemistry obtained
1.2. The required basic knowledge of chemistry of natural
product is obtained.
1.3. Works are done with a basic understanding of organic
2. Identify medicinal 2.1. Highly poisonous plants of Ethiopia are identified in their
plants in their natural natural state
and dry state
2.2. Major medicinal plants of Ethiopia are identified in their
natural state
2.3. Properly dried plants are identified organoleptically
2.4. The main botanical features of the major medicinal plants
are described
3. Use appropriate
3.1. Plants are collected from appropriate locations
guidelines for plant
collecting 3.2. Suitable parts of plants are collected for medicinal use
3.3. Plants are collected at correct time (seasons, time of the day
4. Communicate 4.1. The major and minor forms of diagnosis and treatment
knowledge of herbal practices are effectively communicated on a one-to-one or
medicine philosophy, group basis
principles and practice
4.2. Central philosophies and historical developments of
traditional medicine are explained
4.3. Recent developments and new practices are integrated into
client services
5. Prepare herbal 5.1. Fresh medicinal plants are preserved
medicines according to
pharmacy guidelines 5.2. Medicinal plants are correctly dried and stored
5.3. Plant material is extracted using different menstruum
5.4. Various types of herbal medicines are prepared

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6. Operate and monitor
6.1. Availability of materials, equipment and work environment
the dispensing process to meet processing and dispensing requirements are ensured
6.2. Raw materials are dispensed according to manufacturing
6.3. Out-of-specification product, production process and
equipment performance are monitored to ensure quality
6.4. Waste generated by both the process and cleaning
procedures is collected, treated, disposed or recycled
according to organization procedures
6.5. Feedback and complaints are appropriately responded
7. Complete 7.1. Workplace information is recorded in the appropriate
7.2. Herbal medicines are labeled correctly
8. Ensure ongoing 8.1. Individual performance is monitored regularly against work
development of self and plans, clinic objectives and client needs
8.2. Opportunities for formal and informal development of
skills and knowledge to optimize performance are sought
and accessed
8.3. Individual performance is monitored and developed to
enhance team performance where appropriate
8.4. Coaching and advising which contributes effectively to
development of workplace knowledge, skills and attitudes
are provided

Variable Range
Major and minor forms of  The way people diagnose diseases traditionally based on
diagnosis their experience.
Workplace information  It is the information of the patient and the traditional
medicine given to him/her.
Formal and informal  Scheduled trainings like continuing pharmacy education
development of skills and  Peer education
knowledge  Education through experience

OHS  Gloves (assorted), goggle, masks, apron (assorted),

firefighting equipment
Tools and equipment  Balances, measuring cylinders, mortar and pestle, beakers,
percolators, oven, spatulas, stirring rods, etc.

Evidence Guide
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Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  Use basic knowledge of organic chemistry
 Use basic knowledge of chemistry of natural products
 Identify medicinal plants in their natural and dry state
 Use appropriate guidelines for plant collecting
 Communicate knowledge of herbal medicine philosophy,
principles and practice
 Manufacture herbal medicines according to pharmacy
 Operate and monitor the dispensing process
 Complete documentation
 Ensure ongoing development of self and team
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Non-herbal ingredients used in the preparation of herbal
 Pharmacology of herbal medicines and pharmaceutical
drugs, their classifications, usage and side effects
 Medical terminology
 Pharmacokinetics of herbal medicines and pharmaceutical
drugs–drug administration, absorption, distribution,
metabolism and excretion
 Pharmacodynamics of herbal medicines and pharmaceutical
drugs and the theory of drug action; factors modifying drug
effect and dosage; drug toxicity and toxicology
 Drug abuse - signs, consequences, treatment; community
resources available, in particular those with emphasis on
drug-related problems
 Drug use in pregnancy, specific diseases and disorders of
each system of the body
 Internal preparations - culinary plants, common herbal teas,
medicinal preparations e.g. Biochemic and bioenergetic
remedies, cold extracts, cordials, decoctions, essences,
honeys, homeopathic remedies, infusions, nutritional
supplements, powders, syrups, tinctures etc…
 Chemical and physical incompatibilities
 External therapy products - both medicinal and domestic e.g.
Baths, bath oils, creams, dyes, fomentations, incenses,
aromatherapy products, compresses, ointments, perfumes,
pomanders, poultices, sachets, salves etc…
 Prescription of medicines - legal restrictions, health and
safety, labeling requirements, scheduled herbs, principles of
manufacturing remedies, testing of natural therapy products
 Dispensing procedures
 Major herbal medicines with respect to their use for general
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symptoms, psychological and physiological indications
 Minor herbal medicines in respect to their most important
 Groups of medicines and how to distinguish between them
according to actions, active constituents, body systems and
plant families
 Clinical indications of medicines relevant to specific
circumstances e.g. Infectious diseases, first aid and injuries
 Purpose and basic principles of the dispensing process
 Legislative requirements in dispensing herbal products
 Handling requirements for dangerous goods
 Purpose and requirements of raw materials segregation
 How the dispensing process affects the end product
 Quality characteristics to be achieved
 Process specifications, procedures and operating parameters
 Recording requirements and procedure
 Hygiene standards
 Philosophical tradition of science/western medicine
 The history of herbal medicine
 The current political context of healthcare
 The dynamic interchange between the physical, mental,
social, environmental and spiritual landscape
 The herbalist integration of these approaches to health
 The qualitative, quantitative, cultural and traditional lines of
evidence used in herbal medicine
 The philosophy, principles and practices of other alternative
and complementary therapies
 The philosophy, principles and practices of herbal medicine
 How herbal medicine works with the conventional medical
 A range of alternative and complementary therapies the
philosophies, principles and tools of herbal medicine practice
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Handling wastes
 Applying hygiene standards
 appropriate dispensing of traditional medicines
 Preparation technique for external therapeutic products e.g.
creams, ointments, etc.
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS

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Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Unit Title Provide Counseling Service on Beauty Care
Unit Code HLT PHS4 06 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit involves the application of product knowledge, skill
and attitude to provide accurate advice to customers and other
sales staff on cosmetic products. It requires general product
knowledge and a greater need for experience and skill in offering
advice to customers.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Have basic 1.1. Product knowledge is developed and maintained by
knowledge on accessing relevant sources of information.
1.2. Store product range are accurately identified according to
product information.
1.3. Product information is conveyed to other staff members as
1.4. Comparisons between products and services are researched
and accurately applied according to product information.
2. Counsel on 2.1. Products are accurately evaluated according to customer
cosmetics products needs and product information.
2.2. Products are recommended based on the cosmetics use
history and needs of clients for better outcome and safe use
2.3. Features and benefits of products are counseled to
2.4. Detailed knowledge of product is applied to provide
accurate advice to customers regarding product use, and
untoward effects according to manufacturer‘s information.
2.5. Products are fully explained and clearly demonstrated how
to apply according the manufacturer‘s application
2.6. Opportunities are promptly taken to advise/demonstrate to
customers who are unfamiliar with aspects of product use.
2.7. Follow up is done with customers using specific cosmetic

Variable Range
Relevant sources of May include but not limit to:
information  Books, reliable websites on drug information (ipa, medscape,

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imbase, idis, cochrane database of systematic reviews
conchare library)
 Manufacturer's representatives
 Supplier's product leaflets/manuals
 Internet
 Fashion magazines
 Customer feedback
 Designated staff members
Product information May include, but not limited to:
 Brand options
 Application procedures/techniques
 Benefits and effects of various products
 Customer personal requirements
 Guarantees
 Price
 Ingredients
Customers May include, but not limited to:
 People with routine or special requests
 People with special needs
 Regular and new customers
 People from a range of social, cultural or ethnic backgrounds
and physical and mental abilities
Cosmetic products May include, but not limited to:
 Face and body make-up, pre make-up products and
 Stabilizers
 Brushes, sponges
 Applicators
 Pallets
 Lash curlers, artificial lashes, tweezers
 Magnifying mirrors
 Containers/trays, make-up boxes
 Pencil sharpeners
Store policy and In regard to:
procedures  Selling cosmetic products
 Product demonstration
Legislative requirements May include, but not limited to:
 Consumer law
 Environmental protection
 Occupational health and safety
 Pharmacy codes of practice
 Waste disposal
 Pricing procedures including Goods and Services Tax (GST)
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Hair products May include, but not limited to:
 Hair color
 Shampoos and conditioners
 Styling aids such as mousses, gels, hair sprays
 Hair ornaments
 Brushes, combs, blow dryers
Beauty products May include, but not limited to:
 Skin care products for face and body
 Home care skin treatments
 Home care remedial products
 Sunscreen and tanning products
 Nail, hand and foot care products

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  Continually updates and applies product knowledge to
provide comprehensive advice to customers and staff.
 Consistently applies store policies and procedures and
pharmacy codes of practice in regard to sales/customer service
 Consistently advises customers and informs sales team
members of skin and hair care essentials.
 Consistently and accurately advises customers on the use and
application of hair, beauty and cosmetic
 Consistently advises on product performance and features and
benefits of products according to store policy and procedures.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Storage guidelines
 Methods of dealing with special needs/requests of customers
 customer complaints
 store services and procedures
 Store product range, including product types, properties,
features, benefits and ingredients
 Design principles, common face and body shapes and their
application to store product range
 Fashion trends relating to store product range
 Store range of complementary products
 Application methods where applicable, for store product
 Relevant legislation and statutory requirements
 Relevant pharmacy codes of practice
 Relevant occupational health and safety
legislation/regulations/codes of practice
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Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Interpersonal communication
 Handling customers with special needs, including difficult
 Literacy skills in the following areas:
 reading and understanding product information
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Practice Auditable Pharmaceutical Transactions and
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT PHS4 07 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude on the
concept of APTS; how to perform transparent and accountable
pharmaceutical transactions, provision of pharmaceutical
services, as well as on how to conduct workload analysis, utilize
medicines budget efficiently and producing data driven reliable
information at the end to contribute better health outcomes

Element Performance Criteria

1. Identify the concepts of
1.1. The traditional pharmaceutical transactions and services are
1.2. Limitations of the traditional practices are discussed
1.3. Causes, root causes and consequences of the traditional
practices are listed-down
1.4. How APTS was developed is described
1.5. The essential element of APTS is listed and explained
1.6. Major components of APTS legislations (Regulations,
directives and guidelines) are described
1.7. The benefits of implementing APTS are mentioned
2. Apply Pharmacy
2.1. Organizations of pharmacy stores and dispensaries are
2.2. Workload, level of effort of individuals and pharmacy units
are measured and human resource determination principles
2.3. Collective responsibility and accountability of staff are
described in terms of bin ownership, overage, under costing,
physical inventory, dispensing, IFRR filling, information
provision, following expiry, auditing and so on
2.4. How bin owners crosschecks the prices of medicines labeled
on the package/in the price control sheet/ is described
against the price set in the issue voucher
2.5. Major roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including
health facilities, woreda, zone, RHB, FMOH and partners
are listed
2.6. The major reasons why indemnity is needed and principles
of indemnity payment are described
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3. Perform
3.1. Pharmaceutical coding is defined
pharmaceutical coding
3.2. Importance of pharmaceutical coding is described in-terms
of uniquely product identification, traceability, auditing,
price of medicines, standardization, software application
and barcoding
3.3. Types of pharmaceutical coding are listed down and the best
one identified by comparing advantage and disadvantages of
each type
3.4. Sample medicines are coded with alpha-numeric coding
3.5. Price variation announcement is discussed
4. Apply Efficient 4.1. Pharmaceutical physical inventory is defined
physical inventory 4.2. The periods of physical inventory are listed-down
4.3. The types of physical inventory formats are described, and
their similarities and difference identified
4.4. The activities to be performed are described before, during
and after physical inventories
4.5. How to reconcile the physical inventory reports with stock
record balance is described
5. Arrange dispensing 5.1. The arrangement of the dispensing environment, premises
work flow to apply and facilities is explained
good dispensing
practice 5.2. The six dispensing steps are described with respect to Rx
evaluator, biller and counselor
5.3. Where the cashiers‘ position is within the six dispensing
activities is identified
5.4. The six dispensing steps are described by considering
pharmacy professional, patient and cashier
6. Manage pharmaceutical 6.1. Explain the pharmaceutical flow and transactions from store
transactions to patients
6.2. Criteria is listed for physical inspection during receiving
6.3. The similarities and difference of medicines sales on cash,
credit and for free with respect to formats, customers,
activities are identified using cashier delivery note, bank
6.4. Unit and retail prices are calculated and transaction formats
filled with selected pharmaceuticals (Model 19/Health,
Model 22/Health, Model 20 (IFRR), sales ticket pad

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registers, sales tickets, credit/free registers, price control
sheet, cashiers delivery note)
7. Perform daily summary 7.1. The daily summary formats of cash, credit and for free are
and monthly report compared and contrasted
7.2. The steps of daily pharmaceutical service and financial
summary are performed for medicines sales on cash, credit
and for free using of medicines
7.3. Adjusted sales of pharmaceuticals are calculated using
sample medicines sold on cash, credit for free and service
charges, overages and shortages
7.4. The monthly Financial Reporting Formats (MFRF) and
Monthly Service Reporting Formats (MSRF) are compared
and contrasted
7.5. The data sources are listed for monthly financial and service
7.6. How is performed to prepare the monthly financial
transactions and services reports of the store, dispensing
outlets and the facility as a whole using medicines with
costs and retail prices
8. Apply pharmaceutical 8.1. The definition and importance of pharmaceuticals
prioritization and prioritization are explained
Threesome analyses
8.2. The methodologies of pharmaceutical prioritization are
8.3. Pharmaceutical prioritization is demonstrated using
medicines having costs using; VEN, ABC and VEN/ABC
matrix reconciliation analysis
8.4. Threesome analyses are defined
8.5. The importance of each analyses is compared and contrasted
8.6. Threesome analysis is performed using medicines with costs
and price, beginning stock, consumed stock, ending stock,
average monthly consumption, months of stock, expiry
dates assuming for 4 months stock availability
9. Perform auditing of
9.1. Pharmaceutical transactions and service auditing are defined
transactions and 9.2. Data source is listed for pharmaceuticals transactions and
services service auditing
9.3. Types of auditing of pharmaceutical transactions are
9.4. Sample product auditing of pharmaceutical transactions is
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9.5. Pharmaceutical service auditing is performed
10. Conduct monitoring
10.1. Concepts of monitoring and evaluation of transactions
and evaluation of and services are defined
transactions and
services 10.2. Supportive supervision and mentoring are applied
10.3. Monthly financial and service reports are analyzed and
10.4. The analyzed reports are informed to decision makers
10.5. Feedbacks are given on monthly reports
10.6. Cross sectional survey is conducted to evaluate the status
of patients knowledge on correct dosage, satisfaction on
Pharmacys, availability of medicines and expiry status
10.7. Best experiences are shared to other health facilities

Variable Range
Major APTS formats May include, but not limited to:
 Model 19/Health: Receiving Voucher
 Model 20/IFRR: Internal Facility Stock Status Report and
Requisition Form
 Model 22/Health: Issue Voucher
 Pad register
 Cash Sales Ticket
 Credit/Free Sales Dispensing Register
 Cashiers delivery note
 Price control sheet
 Daily Cash Dispensary Summary
 Daily Credit/Free Dispensary Summary Form
 Daily service summery form
 Dispensaries/Other Service Units Inventory Form
 Store Inventory Form
 Stock Status Analysis Form
 Monthly financial report form
 Monthly service report form
Steps and formulas May include, but not limited to:
 Steps and formula of ABC analysis
 Steps of VEN analysis
 Steps of VEN/ABC matrix reconciliation analysis
 Steps and formula of stock turnover ratio analysis
 Steps and formula of consumption to stock analysis
 Steps of Stock status Analysis

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Prescription and formats Should be:
 Standard APTS Prescription
 Standard APTS transaction formats approved by Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development/or Regional Finance
Dispensaries and materials Should be standard APTS dispensaries; with counters, gates and
Medication dosage forms Include commonly used dosage form abbreviations for storage,
and related abbreviations dispensing instructions, pharmaceutical transactions and services
Legislations (regulations, May include, but not limited to:
directives and guidelines)  APTS, A Guide for implementation
 APTS Training Participant‘s Guide
 FMOH Directive for Pharmacys of the Federal and
University Hospitals, directive No 001/2014
 Ethiopian Regional States Regulations for Medicines Supply,
Storage, Distribution and Service Delivery Systems
Accuracy of client details May include, but not limited to:
Patient‘s full Name, Sex, Age, Weight, Card No, Address
(Region, Town, Woreda, Kebele, House No, Tell No, location
of treatment ( Inpatient, Outpatient) and Diagnosis, if not ICD
Accuracy of product, May include, but not limited to:
service and cost details description of medicines, reagents, supplies, strength, dosage
form, brand, retail unit, unit cost, unit price, total price, under
cost, overage cost, adjusted cost, number of patient served,
number of counseling rendered, affordability, rate of expiry,
number of medicines per prescription
Computerized tasks of the May include, but not limited to:
daily financial summary cash, Credit, Free, Staff, ANC+Delivery+PNC, OI Medicines,
and monthly financial Anti Malarias, Anti TB Medicines, SAM/MAM/Others, Total
report records Price, Collected, Service Fee, Overage, Shortage, Profit Margin,
Reconciliation, Total cost of ending balance, Total cost of stock
on hand (from physical inventory), Discrepancy, Total Sales (at
price), Total Cost of Sales (Credit, Cash), Gross profit, Total
Expenses (Salary, Stationery, Telephone, Transportation, etc.)

Computerized tasks of May include, but not limited to:

daily service summary  total number of patients Served by cash,
and monthly service  total number of patients served by credit,
report records  total number of patients Served for free,
 total number of patients Served by staff service,
 total number of patients served by maternity service,
 (ANC + Delivery + PNC),
 total number of patients who received OI Medicines,
 total number of patients who received,
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 Anti Malarias
 total number of patients who received, Anti TB Medicines,
 total number of patients who served for SAM/MAM/Others,
 total number of patients served per month,
 total number of functional dispensers during the month,
 average number of patients served per day, average
 number of patients served per dispenser per month,
 number of drug use counseling held monthly per health
 average number of medicines use counseling sessions held
monthly per dispenser,
 average number of medicines dispensed per encounter or
 average price of medicines dispensed per patient on cash,
average price of a single medicine,
 affordability of medicines dispensed in the health facility,
 consumption to Stock Ratio,
 percentage availability of indicator medicines (at least 15
medicines used to treat 10 top diseases)
 stock turnover rate, wastage (expired + damaged) rate in
percent, number of
 Financial Audit conducted during the month,
 number of Service audit conducted during the month

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  Using medicines budget efficiently that may include:
 Prioritization of medicines by VEN
 Conducting ABC analysis
 Conducting ABC/VEN Reconciliation
 Establishing effective medicines sales management system
that includes sales on credit, cash and for free
 Bin management that include:
 labelling of cost on each package,
 following expiry,
 filling IFRR,
 shelfing medicines,
 prepare price control sheet
 Threesome analysis that include:
 stock turnover ratio,
 consumption to stock ratio,
 stock status analysis
 Applying transparent and accountable transactions include:
 Using standard tools use standard APTS vouchers and
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formats that include receiving and issuing vouchers, sales
tickets, registers, daily summary and monthly reporting
 APTS legislations
 Coding of medicines
 Auditing; Finance auditing and service auditing
 Organizing efficient dispensary workflow, human resource
development and deployment include:
 Workload analysis
 Measuring level of effort,
 Applying suitable workflow
 Arranging suitable counters and gates
 Arrange tools and materials
 Generating data driven reliable information include:
 Summarizing data on daily and monthly basis
 Using the data for decision making and feedback
 Improving customer service and satisfaction include:
 Effectively address the patient knowledge on correct
 Satisfaction on Pharmacys
 Contribute for better health outcomes
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  The Pharmacy organization principles so as to bring suitable
pharmacy workflow, create compassionate serving culture,
measure workload, calculate actual demand of human power
and arrange suitable dispensing environment
 Apply uniquely identifying codes for all pharmaceuticals and
medical equipment so as to trace each product across the
supply chain and create suitable environment for auditing.
 Apply efficient and transparent pharmaceutical physical
 Understand APTS vouchers and formats, purpose of each
format, and develop good attitude to use standard and
transparent formats.
 How pharmaceutical products, transactions and services are
audited. The candidates should develop an attitude that
pharmaceutical products, service and financial transactions
should be audited at any time.
 The methodologies of monitoring and evaluation of
pharmaceutical transactions and services.
 Filling codes in model 19/Health, Model 22/Health, cash
sales tickets, registers, inventory sheet and price control
 Product arrangement, fillings of stock recording formats,
actual physical counting
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 Supportive supervision, skill of preparing monthly report,
explaining duties for supervisors

Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:

 Organizing dispensary workflow and customer service
including communication skill, counseling skill, queuing
 Using vouchers (models) cash sales tickets and formats
including, registers, daily summary and monthly reporting
 Using the steps of prioritization methodologies and skills for
using principles of threesome analysis
 Recording and documentation of formats and vouchers
necessary for auditing
 Identifying the cash, credit and for free daily summary
formats and financial and service monthly report formats.
Develop attitude that such formats are very important for
producing reliable data driven information to be used for
 Prioritizing pharmaceuticals to use in the health facility
according principles like morbidity, consumption data, level
of health facility and professionals, budget, program
expansion and also analyze pharmaceutical data using
threesome analyses principles
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV
Unit Title Manage Pharmaceutical Services
Unit Code HLT PHS4 08 1121
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the proper knowledge, skills and attitude
required to implement an operational plan; organize it and lead
pharmaceutical services.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Plan resource 1.1. Pharmaceutical information for use in operational plans are
utilization collected, analyzed and organized.
1.2. Operational plans are used to contribute for the achievement
of the organization‘s performance/business plan.
1.3. Key performance indicators are developed within
operational plans.
1.4. Contingency plans are prepared in the event that initial plans
need to be varied.
2. Acquire resources 2.1. Pharmacy professionals are recruited and/or inducted within
the organization‘s human resource management policies and
2.2. Pharmaceutical resources and services are acquired within
the organization‘s polices, practices and procedures
3. Organize 3.1 Expectations, roles and responsibilities are communicated in
Pharmaceutical a way which encourages individuals/teams to take
services. responsibility for their work
3.2 Individual‘s/team‘s efforts and contributions are
encouraged, and rewarded
3.3 Ideas and information have received the acceptance and
support of colleagues
4. Make informed 4.1. Information relevant to the issue(s) under consideration are
decisions gathered and organized.
4.2. Individuals/teams have participated actively in the decision
making processes.
4.3. Options are examined and their associated risks assessed to
determine preferred course(s) of action
4.4. Decisions are timely communicated clearly to individuals
and/or teams
4.5. Plans to implement decisions are prepared and agreed by
relevant individuals/teams
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4.6. Feedback processes are used effectively to monitor the
Implementation and impact of decisions.

Variable Range
Resources May include, but not limited to:
 People, power/energy, information, finance,
buildings/facilities, equipment, technology, time
Colleagues and specialist May include people at the same level or more senior managers,
resource managers and may include people from a wide range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds.
Designated May include those who have the authority to make decisions
persons/groups and/or recommendations about varying operations

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  Produce short term plans for department/section
 Plan, acquire and use resources
 Monitor and adjust operational performance
 Report performance
 Display high standards of leadership
 Make soundly researched decisions
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude  Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
business operation, especially in regard to Occupational
Health and Safety and environmental issues, equal
opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
 The principles and techniques of:
 Planning operations
 Resource planning
 Resource organization
 Resource management systems
 Leading people
 Establishing key performance indicators
 Budgeting and financial analysis and interpretation
 Monitoring performance
 Reporting performance
 Problem identification and resolution
 Alternative approaches to improving resource usage and
eliminating resource inefficiencies and waste
 Ways of supporting individuals/teams who have
difficulty in performing to the required standard
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Functional literacy skills to access and use workplace
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 Maintaining a safe workplace and environment
 Accessing and using feedback to improve operational
 Preparing recommendations to improve operations
 Accessing and using established systems and processes
 Using coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to
 Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
and to information on workplace practices and OHS
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV

Unit Title Manage Community Health Service

Unit Code HLT PHS4 09 1121

Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
manage health service of the area to improve quality of service

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Follow 1.1. The policy and organization of the health care system of
organizational Ethiopia is comprehended
understand health 1.2. Primary healthcare in Ethiopia is understood
policy and service 1.3. Elements of primary health care are identified
delivery system
1.4. Health service extension program is understood
1.5. Workplace instructions and policies are followed.
1.6. Organizational programs and procedures are supported within
the job role.
1.7. Organizational resources are used for the purpose intended.
2. Plan, manage, 2.1. Management skills required to bring about efficient health care
monitor and system are dealt with
evaluate health
system 2.2. Health programs are planned
2.3. Resources for health care are managed
2.4. Individual and team capacity is developed
2.5. Issues raised through participation and consultation are
resolved promptly and effectively
2.6. Health service monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are
3. Lead and build 3.1. Self improvement areas are identified based on individual‘s self
individual‘s and performance evaluation.
team‘s capacity
3.2. Learning and development needs are systematically identified

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and implemented in line with organizational requirements
3.3. Learning and development program goals and objectives are
identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
requirements of competence standards
3.4. Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring are
provided to facilitate individual and team achievement of
3.5. Joint action plans are developed by team and individuals.
3.6. Duties and responsibilities are allocated based on the skills,
knowledge and aptitude required to properly undertake the
assigned task as well as considering individual‘s preference,
3.7. Collaborative efforts are made to attain organizational goals
3.8. Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify
challenges, develop interventional strategies, and implement
them to bring about improvement

Variable Range

Health service Is defined as service provided to the community to:

 promote health and prevent disease

 cure illness

Evidence Guide

Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:

 Describe national health care policy
 Describe primary Health Care
 Plan and manage health extension service
 Plan and manage individuals and teams
 Apply principles of health care ethics
Required Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitudes
 National and local health goals, targets and priorities
 Evidence-based practice
 Equity issues in population health

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 Basic principles of leadership
 Principles of health care ethics
Required Skills Demonstrate skills to:

 Plan and manage health extension service

 Manage resources
 Build capacity of teams and individuals
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices.

Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:

 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Pharmacy Level IV

Unit Title Prevent and Eliminate MUDA

Unit Code HLT HES4 10 1121

Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required by a worker
to prevent and eliminate MUDA/wastes in his/her workplace by
applying scientific problem-solving techniques and tools to enhance
quality, productivity and other kaizen elements on continual basis. It
covers responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the work and
ensures Kaizen Elements are continuously improved and

Element Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for work. 1.1. Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including
method, material and equipment.
1.2. Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
1.3. OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing
apparatus and eye and ear personal protection needs are observed
throughout the work.
1.4. Appropriate material is selected for work.
1.5. Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and
effective operation.
2. Identify MUDA 2.1 Plan of MUDA and problem identification is prepared and
and problem implemented.
2.2 Causes and effects of MUDA are discussed.
2.3 All possible problems related to the process /Kaizen elements are listed
using statistical tools and techniques.
2.4 All possible problems related to kaizen elements are identified
2.5 Are used to draw and analyze current and listed on Visual
Management Board/Kaizen Board.
2.6 Tools and techniques situation of the work place.
2.7 Wastes/MUDA are identified and measured based on relevant
2.8 Identified and measured wastes are reported to relevant personnel.
3. Analyze causes of 3.1 All possible causes of a problem are listed.
a problem. 3.2 Cause relationships are analyzed using4M1E.
3.3 Causes of the problems are identified.
3.4 The root cause which is most directly related to the problem is selected.
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3.5 All possible ways are listed using creative idea generation to eliminate
the most critical root cause.
3.6 The suggested solutions are carefully tested and evaluated for potential
3.7 Detailed summaries of the action plan are prepared to implement the
suggested solution.
4. Eliminate MUDA 4.1. Plan of MUDA elimination is prepared and implemented by medium
and Assess KPT members.
effectiveness of 4.2. Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for improvement are
the solution. adopted to eliminate waste/MUDA.
4.3. Tools and techniques are used to eliminate wastes/MUDA based on the
procedures and OHS.
4.4. Wastes/MUDA are reduced and eliminated in accordance with OHS and
organizational requirements.
4.5. Tangible and intangible results are identified.
4.6. Tangible results are compared with targets using various types of
4.7. Improvements gained by elimination of waste/MUDA are reported to
relevant bodies.
5. Prevent 5.1. Plan of MUDA prevention is prepared and implemented.
occurrence of 5.2. Standards required for machines, operations, defining normal and
wastes and sustain abnormal conditions, clerical procedures and procurement are discussed
operation. and prepared.
5.3. Occurrences of wastes/MUDA are prevented by using visual and
auditory control methods.
5.4. Waste-free workplace is created using 5W and 1Hsheet.
5.5. The completion of required operation is done in accordance with
standard procedures and practices.
5.6. The updating of standard procedures and practices is facilitated.
5.7. The capability of the work team that aligns with the requirements of the
procedure is ensured and trained on the new Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs).

Variable Range

OHS requirements May include, but not limited to:

 Are to be in accordance with legislation/ regulations/codes of practice and

enterprise safety policies and procedures. This may include protective
clothing and equipment, use of tooling and equipment, workplace
environment and safety, handling of material, use of firefighting
equipment, enterprise first aid, hazard control and hazardous materials and

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 PPE are to include that prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes of
practice and workplace policies and practices.
 Safe operating procedures are to include, but are not limited to the
conduct of operational risk assessment and treatments associated with
workplace organization.
 Emergency procedures related to this unit are to include but may not be
limited to emergency shutdown and stopping of equipment, extinguishing
fires, enterprise first aid requirements and site evacuation.
Safety equipment and May include, but not limited to:
 Dust masks/goggles
 Glove
 Working cloth
 First aid and
 Safety shoes
Statistical tools and May include, but not limited to:
 7 QC tools May include, but not limited to:
 Stratification
 Pareto Diagram
 Cause and Effect Diagram
 Check Sheet
 Control Chart/Graph
 Histogram and Scatter Diagram
 QC techniques May include, but not limited to:
 Brain storming
 Why analysis
 What if analysis
 5W1H
Tools and techniques May include, but not limited to:

 Plant Layout
 Process flow
 Other Analysis tools
 Do time study by work element
 Measure Travel distance
 Take a photo of workplace
 Measure Total steps
 Make list of items/products, who produces them and who uses them &
those in warehouses, storages etc.
 Focal points to Check and find out existing problems
 5S
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 Layout improvement
 Brainstorming
 And on
 U-line
 In-lining
 Unification
 Multi-process handling &Multi-skilled operators
 A.B. control (Two point control)
 Cell production line
 TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
Relevant procedures May include, but not limited to:

 Make waste visible

 Be conscious of the waste
 Be accountable for the waste and measure the waste.
4M1E May include, but not limited to:

 Man
 Machine
 Method
Material and Environment

Creative idea May include, but not limited to:

 Brainstorming
 Exploring and examining ideas in varied ways
 Elaborating and extrapolating
 Conceptualizing
Medium KPT May include, but not limited to:

 5S
 4M (Machine, Method, Material and Man)
 4p (Policy, Procedures, People and Plant)
 PDCA cycle
Basics of IE tools and techniques

The ten basic May include, but not limited to:

principles for
improvement  Throw out all of your fixed ideas about how to do things.
 Think of how the new method will work- not how it won.
 Don‘t accept excuses. Totally deny the status quo.
 Don‘t seek perfection. A 5o percent implementation rate is fine as long as
it‘s done on the spot.

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 Correct mistakes the moment they are found.
 Don‘t spend a lot of money on improvements.
 Problems give you a chance to use your brain.
 Ask ―why?‖ At least five times until you find the ultimate cause.
 Ten people‘s ideas are better than one person‘s.
 Improvement knows no limits.
Tangible and May include, but not limited to:
intangible results
 Tangible result may include quantifiable data
 Intangible result may include qualitative data
various types of May include, but not limited to:
 Line graph
 Bar graph
 Pie-chart
 Scatter diagrams
 Affinity diagrams
Visual and auditory May include, but not limited to:
control methods
 Red Tagging
 Sign boards
 Outlining
 And ones
 Kanban, etc.
5W and 1H May include, but not limited to:

 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why and
 How
Standard Operating May include, but not limited to:
Procedures (SOPs).
 The customer demands
 The most efficient work routine (steps)
 The cycle times required to complete work elements
 All process quality checks required to minimize defects/errors
 The exact amount of work in process required

Evidence Guide

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Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
 Discuss why wastes occur in the workplace
 Discuss causes and effects of wastes/MUDA in the workplace
 Analyze the current situation of the workplace by using appropriate tools
and techniques
 Identify, measure, eliminate and prevent occurrence of wastes by using
appropriate tools and techniques
 Use 5W and 1H sheet to prevent
 Detect non-conforming products/services in the work area
 Apply effective problem-solving approaches/strategies.
 Implement and monitor improved practices and procedures
 Apply statistical quality control tools and techniques.
Required Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of:
and Attitude
 Targets of customers and manufacturer/service provider
 Traditional and kaizen thinking of price setting
 Kaizen thinking in relation to targets of manufacturer/service provider
and customer
 value
 The three categories of operations
 the 3―MU‖
 wastes occur in the workplace
 The 7 types of MUDA
 QC story/PDCA cycle/
 QC story/ Problem solving steps
 QCC techniques
 7 QC tools
 The Benefits of identifying and eliminating waste
 Causes and effects of 7 MUDA
 Procedures to identify MUDA
 Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for improvement
 Procedures to eliminate MUDA
 Prevention of wastes
 Methods of waste prevention
 Definition and purpose of standardization
 Standards required for machines, operations, defining normal and
abnormal conditions, clerical procedures and procurement
 Methods of visual and auditory control
 TPM concept and its pillars.
 Relevant OHS and environment requirements
 Method and Lines of communication
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 Methods of making/recommending improvements.
 Reporting procedures
 Workplace procedures associated with the candidate's regular technical
 organizational structure of the enterprise
Required Skills Demonstrate skills to:

 Draw & analyze current situation of the work place

 Use measurement apparatus (stop watch, tape, etc.)
 Calculate volume and area
 Apply statistical analysis tools
 Use and follow checklists to identify, measure and eliminate
 Identify and measure wastes/MUDA in accordance with OHS and
 Use tools and techniques to eliminate wastes/MUDA in accordance with
OHS procedure.
 Apply 5W and 1H sheet
 Update and use standard procedures for completion of required operation
 Apply Visual Management Board/Kaizen Board.
 Detect non-conforming products or services in the work area
 Work with others
 Read and interpret documents
 Observe situations
 Solve problems
 Communicate information
 Gather evidence by using different means
 Report activities and results using report formats
 Implement and monitor improved practices and procedures
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including
Implication work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.

Methods of Competence may be assessed through:

 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place
Assessment setting.

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Level IV

Level III Pharmacy

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Participant Name

S.N Name of Spécialisa Organisation Phone No. E.mail.

participants tion
1 Getachew MSc, PhD MoH 0911759971
Asfaw fellowship
2 Demilie MSc EPA 0914716928
Abate 0902427607
3 Ayalew MSc Debre Birhan 0947870946
Sirbemo Health Sicence
4 Endale Seifu MSc GCP 0911919998
5 Kenei Geneti B.pharm Addis Ababa 0941962108
N/S Lafto
woreda2 HC

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