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Based on version-I
Occupational Standard (OS)

February 2022
Adiss Ababa
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate the learning process
in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills, knowledge and
attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards (OS).

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from Ministry of Health, Health
Science Colleges, and other stakeholders based on the Ethiopian Occupational Standard for
Pharmacy level III. It has the character of a model curriculum and is an example on how to
transform the occupational requirements as defined in the respective occupational standard
into an adequate curriculum.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by the
Ministry of Health and Ministry Labor and skill.

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TVET-Programme Design
1.1. TVET-Programme Title: Pharmacy Level III
1.2. TVET-Programme Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
learners to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. Learners who successfully completed the Program will be
qualified to work as a Pharmacy Technicians with competencies elaborated in the respective
OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in the health sector
in the field of pharmacy.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to use pharmaceutical
calculation techniques and terminologies, assist extemporaneous preparations, provide
information on nutritional supplements, Provide Motivated Competent and Compassionate
service, Apply Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS, Detect and manage
Pharmaceutical Health Hazards and Act, Provide First Aid and Emergency Response, Apply
Computer and Mobile Health Technology, Perform Community Mobilization and Provide
Health Education, Apply Basic Health Statistics and survey, and Apply 5S Procedures in
accordance with the performance criteria described in the OS.

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1.3. TVET-Programme Learning Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the
following units of competence;

HLT PHS3 01 1121 Provide Motivated Competent and Compassionate service

HLT PHS3 02 1121 Provide First Aid and Emergency Response
HLT PHS3 03 1121 Apply Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS
HLT PHS3 04 1121 Use Pharmaceutical Calculation Techniques and Terminologies
HLT PHS3 05 1121 Detect and manage Pharmaceutical Health Hazards and Act
HLT PHS3 06 1121 Assist Extemporaneous Preparations
HLT PHS3 07 1121 Provide Information on Nutritional Supplement
HLT PHS3 08 1121 Apply Computer and Mobile Health Technology
HLT PHS3 09 1121 Perform Community Mobilization and Provide Health Education
HLT PHS3 10 1121 Apply Basic Health Statistics and survey
HLT PHS3 11 1121 Apply 5S Procedures

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Programme

The Program will have duration of 1364 hours including the on-the-job practice or
cooperative training time . Unit competency On school training Coopera Total Remarks

Theory Practical tive hours
Provide Motivated Competent 40 --------- ------- 40
and Compassionate service
Provide First Aid and 120 60 ------ 180
Emergency Response
Apply Infection Prevention 32 24 40 96
3. Techniques and Workplace
4. Use Pharmaceutical 90 40 70 200
Calculation Techniques and

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Detect and manage 50 10 40 100
5. Pharmaceutical Health
Hazards and Act
Assist Extemporaneous 90 110 80 280
Provide Information on 80 30 50 160
Nutritional Supplement
Apply Computer and Mobile 44 56 ------ 100
Health Technology
Perform Community 56 ------ 40 96
9. Mobilization and Provide
Health Education
Apply Basic Health Statistics 40 40 80
and survey
11. Apply 5S Procedures 16 8 8 32
Total 658 338 368 1364

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1.5. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification

Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level III”.

The learner will not be awarded any certificate before completion of all the modules that are
designed for the exit in level IV.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen who meets the entry requirements set by the concerned organization and capable
of participating in the learning activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of health and ministry of labor and skill.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal program on middle level technical skills.

The mode of delivery is in-school and co-operative training. The TVET-institution and
identified companies have formed an agreement to co-operate with regard to implementation
of this program. The time spent by the trainees in the industry will give them enough
exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation

and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the
industry environment.

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1.9. TVET-Program Structure

Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Learning Outcomes (In
HLT PHS3 01 1121 Provide HLT PHS3 M01 02 22 Providing  Apply professionalism and ethical 40
Motivated Motivated practice principles
Competent and Competent and  Apply humanistic care to clients
Compassionate Compassionate  Demonstrate effective health care
service service communication
 Provide respectful care for clients
 Function with legal and ethical
framework through responsibility
and accountability
 Providing quality service
HLT PHS3 02 1121 Provide First Aid HLT PHS3 M02 02 22 Providing First  Assess and identify client’s 180
and Emergency Aid and condition
Response Emergency  Provide first aid service
Response  Prepare, evaluate and act in an
 Communicate details of the

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 Refer client requiring further care
 Evaluate own performance
HLT PHS3 03 1121 Apply Infection HLT PHS3 M03 02 22 Applying  Apply infection prevention 96
Prevention Infection techniques
Techniques and Prevention  Establish and maintain
Workplace OHS Techniques and participative arrangements
Workplace OHS  Assess and control risks and
 Limit contamination
 Clean environmental surfaces
HLT PHS3 04 1121 Use HLT PHS3 M04 02 22 Using  Use dimensional analysis to 200
Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical convert one unit to another
Calculation Calculation  Describe pharmaceutical
Techniques and Techniques and terminologies and medical terms
Terminologies Terminologies  Use of equipment, glassware, and
HLT PHS3 05 1121 Detect and HLT PHS3 M05 02 22 Detecting and  Manage Occupational and Health 100
manage manage Safety(OHS) risk, exposure and
Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical hazards in Pharmaceutical service
Health Hazards Health Hazards  Manage pharmaceutical OHS
and Act and Act information and records

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 Manage pharmaceutical OHS
participative processes
 Manage OHS continuous
improvement process
HLT PHS3 06 1121 Assist HLT PHS3 M06 02 22 Assisting  Prepare for production process 280
Extemporaneous Extemporaneous  Obtain and process raw materials
Preparations Preparations  Compound products
 Complete production process
 Participate in quality control
 Store and transport released
HLT PHS3 07 1121 Provide HLT PHS3 M07 02 22 Providing  Develop product knowledge & 160
Information on Information on identify health and nutritional
Nutritional Nutritional products
Supplement Supplement  Provide information on nutritional
 Advise on health and nutritional
HLT PHS3 08 1121 Apply Computer HLT PHS3 M08 02 22 Applying  Identify different parts of 100
and Mobile Computer and computer and perform basic
Health Mobile Health computer skills

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Technology Technology  Select and use Pharmaceutical
service related technology
 Process and organize data
 Maintain technology
HLT PHS3 09 1121 Perform HLT PHS3 M09 02 22 Performing  Conduct health education and 96
Community Community communication
Mobilization and Mobilization and  Rain model families
Provide Health Provide Health  Plan and Undertake advocacy on
Education Education identified health issues

HLT PHS3 10 1121 Apply Basic HLT PHS3 M10 02 22 Applying Basic  Prepare for the application of 80
Health Statistics Health Statistics health survey
and survey and survey  Undertake data collection
 Compile, interpret and utilize
health data
 Prepare and submit reports
 Take intervention measures

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HLT PHS3 11 1121 Apply 5S HLT PHS3 M11 02 22 Applying 5S  Develop understanding of quality 32
Procedures Procedures system
 Sort needed items from unneeded
 Set workplace in order
 Shine work area
 Standardize activities
 Sustain 5S system
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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1.10 Institutional Assessment

Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning outcomes
are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of the
learning process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific learning errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term
‘competent or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are A Level and have satisfactory
practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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MODULE TITLE: Providing Motivated Competent and Compassionate service
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitude required to effectively form  professional duties and responsibilities with
compassionate caring and respectful manner by applying basic principles of
professional, ethical and legal aspects of the profession.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Professionalism and Ethical Practice
LO2. Apply Humanistic Care to Clients
LO3. Demonstrate Effective Health Care Communication
LO4. Provide Respectful Care for Clients
LO5. Function with Legal and Ethical Framework through Responsibility and
LO6. Providing Quality Service
LO1. Apply Professionalism and Ethical Practice Principles
1.1. Basic concept of ethics
1.2. Professional ethics
1.3. Ethical principles
1.4. Professional code of conducts
1.5. Professional values

LO2. Apply Humanistic Care to Clients

2.1. Understanding and implement patients concern
2.2. Considering clients feelings and emotions
2.3. Defining characteristics of innate needs

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LO3. Demonstrate Effective Health Care Communication
3.1 . Establishing collaborative working relationship
3.2 . Expressing compassion concern of the clients
3.3 . Gathering Proper information
3.4 . Therapeutic communication
3.5 . Non-violent communication techniques
3.6 . Educating and counseling clients

LO4. Provide Respectful Care for Clients

4.1 . Listening Health care practitioners to Clients and family perspectives choices
4.2 . Planning and delivery of care Patient and family incorporate into knowledge,
values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds
4.3 . Communicating Complete and unbiased information share with patients and
4.4 . Participating Patients and families in care and decision-making
4.5 . Collaborating all concerned body in policy and program development,
implementing and evaluating
4.6 . Respecting Patient’s rights

LO5. Performing Legal and Ethical Framework

5.1 . Understanding Legislation and common laws
5.2 . Respecting and practice Policies
5.3 . Ensuring Confidentiality of individual’s record
5.4 . Preventing patient’s information Disclosure
5.5 . Ethical issues and ethical dilemma
5.6 . Handling client who is not able to communicate
5.7 . Releasing Patient-specific data
5.8 . Conducting Training programs on ethical issue for health care provider and
other staff

LO6. Providing Quality Service

6.1 Giving Motivated and qualified service
6.2 Assisting client to gain personal goal.

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6.3 Performing Task
 Interactive lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Group assignment
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Seminar presentation
ASSESSMENT METHODS: Formative (50%), Summative (50%)
 Continuos assessments (quiz, assignement, tests etc.).
 Oral questioning
 Skill check out
 Final written exam

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LO1. Applying professionalism and ethical practice principles
 Ethical principles and issues of the profession are identified and executed
 Professional code of conducts are identifies and executed
 Professional values are recognized and demonstrated
 Adherence to ethical principles of the profession is maintained and evaluated
 Professional practice are maintained according to applicable standards

LO2. Applying humanistic care to clients.

 Patients concern are understood and implemented
 Patient and clients feelings and emotions are considered
 Patients innate needs are addressed and communicated

LO3. Demonstrating effective health care communication

 Positive, respectful and collaborative working relationship is established
 Compassion concern for the patient should be recognized, anticipated and
 Proper information is gathered and effectively elicited in order to facilitate
accurate diagnosis and management
 Appropriate non-verbal communication is used
 Clients are effectively informed, educated and counselled
 Effective interaction with other people working within the health system is
 Therapeutic instructions are provided compassionately
 Non-violent communication techniques are used and implemented

LO4. Providing respectful care for clients

 Health care practitioners are listened to and patient and family perspectives and
choices honored
 Patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are
incorporated into the planning and delivery of care
 Complete and unbiased information are communicated and shared with patients
and families by the practitioner in in an affirming and useful manner

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 Patients and families are made to receive timely, complete, and accurate
information in order to effectively participate in care and decision-making.
 Patients, families, health care practitioners, and hospital leaders have been
collaborated in policy and program development, implementation, and
evaluation; in health care facility design; and professional education and the
delivery of care.
 Patient’s rights to access care, transfer and continuity of care are respected.

LO5 Performing legal and ethical framework

 Legislation and common laws relevant to work role are understood
 Policies and procedures are respected and practiced
 Confidentiality of individual’s record is ensured.
 Disclosure of patient’s information to another person is prevented without
patient’s consent.
 Ethical issues and ethical dilemma in the workplace is recognized
 Patients who are not able to communicate in case of emergency or other
conditions are handled.
 Patient-specific data are released to only authorized users.
 Training programs for health care providers and other staff on privacy and
confidentiality of patient information are conducted unethical conduct is
recognized and reported

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Annex: Resource requirements
Module HLTPHS3 M01 02 22 Providing Motivated Competent and Compassionate service
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Learning guide,
Teachers Guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
and Assessment
Reference Books, Publications
and guide lines
National Scope of practice for EFDA, latest
2.1 5 1:5
health professionals edition
2.2 National CRC training Manual Latest edition 5 1:5
2.3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Latest/ up to date
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library Standard
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
4. Flip chart White
5. White board marker All colors
D. Tools and Equipments
1. White board Standard 1 1:25
2. LCD projectors Latest 1 1:25
3. Computers Laptop 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Providing First Aid and Emergency Response
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to recognize and respond to life threatening emergencies using basic life support,
provide first aid response, management of casualty(s), the incident and other first aiders,
until the arrival of medical or other assistance..
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Assess and Identify Client’s Condition
LO2. Provide First Aid Service.
LO3. Prepare, Evaluate and Act in an Emergency
LO4. Communicate Details of the Incident
LO5. Refer Client Requiring Further Care
LO6. Evaluate Own Performance
LO1. Assess and Identify Client’s Condition
1.1. Basic principles of first aid 
1.2. Assessing and minimizing hazards
1.3. Minimizing immediate risk 
1.4. Identifying and recognizing emergency situation
1.5. Monitoring vital signs and state of consciousness 
1.6. Obtaining history of the event
1.7. Safety equipment and aids for emergency care
1.8. Identifying and evaluating options for action in cases of emergency
1.9. Organizational emergency procedures and policies 
1.10. Occupational health and  safety  procedures 

LO2. Providing First Aid Service

2.1 . Communication style to casualty’s level of consciousness 
2.2 . Using available resources and equipment 

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2.3 . Basic ABCDE rules of life 
2.4 . Responding the casualty in a culturally aware, sensitive and respectful manner
2.5 Explaining relevant first aid procedures
2.6 Seeking consent from casualty prior to first aid management
2.7 Applying first aid management based on principles and procedures
2.8 Operating first aid equipment
2.9 Implementing client care techniques 
2.10 Safe manual handling techniques
2.11 Monitoring and responding casualty’s condition
2.12 Finalizing casualty management

LO3. Prepare, Evaluate and Act in an Emergency

3.1 . Options for action in cases of emergency and group control for evacuation
3.2 . Occupational health, safety procedures and policies 
3.3 . Removing casual from danger
3.4 . Assessing and evaluating potential hazards 

LO4. Communicate Details of the Incident

4.1. Seeking first aid assistance 
4.2. Requesting ambulance support and/or appropriate medical assistance 
4.3. Observing casualty's condition and management activities
4.4. Adopting a communication style to casualty's level of consciousness
4.5. Assessing and reporting casualty’s condition, management and responses 
4.6. Maintaining confidentiality and privacy principles 

LO5. Refer Client Requiring Further Care

5.1 . Documenting relevant client history
5.2 . Ensuring documentation for referral procedures 
5.3 . Conveying appropriate information to individuals involved in referral 
5.4 . Maintaining client care during referral
5.5 . Maintaining client confidentiality 

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LO6. Evaluate Own Performance
6.1. Seeking feedback from appropriate clinical expert
6.2. Possible psychological impacts on rescuers 
6.3. Participating in debriefing/evaluation 
 Interactive lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Group assignment
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Seminar presentation
ASSESSMENT METHODS: Formative (50%), Summative (50%)
 Continuos assessments (quiz, assignement, tests etc.).
 Oral questioning
 Skill check out
 Final written exam

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LO1. Assess and identify client’s condition
 Basic principles of first aid are addressed
 Hazards in the situation that may pose a risk of injury or illness to self and others are
identified, assessed and minimized
 Immediate risk to self and casualty's health and safety is minimized by controlling any
hazard in accordance with work health and safety requirements
 Emergency situation is recognized and hazards to health and safety of self and others
are identified
 Vital signs and state of consciousness are checked and monitored in accordance with
 History of the event is obtained.
 Safety equipment and aids required for emergencies are selected, used, maintained and
stored in good order
 Options for action in cases of emergency are identified and evaluated
 Organizational emergency procedures and policies are correctly implemented
 Occupational health and safety procedures and safe working practices are applied

LO2. Provide first aid service

 Communication style to match the casualty’s level of consciousness is adopted
 Available resources and equipment are used to make the casualty as comfortable as
 Basic ABCDE rules of life are applied.
 The casualty is responded to in a culturally aware, sensitive and respectful manner
 Relevant first aid procedures are determined and explained to provide comfort
 Consent is sought from casualty prior to applying first aid management
 First aid management is provided in accordance with established first aid principles and
 Clinical first aid equipment are correctly operated as required for client management
according to manufacturer/supplier’s instructions and procedures
 Client care techniques are implemented in accordance with procedures and techniques

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applicable to standards.
 Safe manual handling techniques are used consistently
 Casualty's condition is monitored and responded in accordance with established first aid
principles and procedures
 Casualty management is finalized according to casualty’s needs and first aid principles

LO3. Prepare, evaluate and act in an emergency

 Options for action in cases of emergency and group control strategies for evacuation
are identified
 Occupational health and safety procedures and policies are correctly implemented
 Clients and other individuals are removed from danger.
 Assessed and evaluated potential hazards are reported and documented.

LO4. Communicate details of the incident

 First aid assistance from others is sought in a timely manner and as appropriate
 Ambulance support and/or appropriate medical assistance are/is requested according to
 Observation of casualty's condition and management activities accurately is conveyed to
ambulance services/relieving personnel
 A communication style is adopted to match the casualty's level of consciousness
 Details of casualty’s physical condition, changes in condition, management and
responses are accurately assessed and reported to management in line with established
 Confidentiality of records and information is maintained in line with privacy principles
and statutory and/or organization policies

LO5. Refer client requiring further care

 Relevant client history is documented according to standard guidelines.
 Documentation for referral procedures is ensured.
 Appropriate information to individuals involved in referral is conveyed to facilitate
understanding and optimal care.
 Maintain client care until responsibility is taken over by staff of the receiving health
institutions during referral.

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 Client confidentiality is maintained at all times and levels.

LO6. Evaluate own performance

 Feedback is sought from appropriate clinical expert
 The possible psychological impacts on rescuers involved in critical incidents is
 Participation is done in debriefing/evaluation to improve future response and address
individual needs

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Annex: Resource requirements
HLTPHS3 M02 02 22 Provide First Aid and Emergency Response
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Learning guide,
Teachers Guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
and Assessment
2. Reference
First aid management and accident
2.1 Workineh/Nov 5 1:5
3. Journals/Publication/Magazines Latest/ up to date
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library
3. (etc.)
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. pencil HB 5 1:5
3. pen Ball point 5 1:5
4. Flip chart White
5. White board marker All colors
6 First aid kits Standard
7 Gloves
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. White board All color
2. LCD projectors Latest 1 1:25
3. Computers Laptop 1 1:25
4 Doll 1 1:25
5 Coach 1 1:5
6 Tourniquet 5 1:5
7 BP apparatus 5 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Applying Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace Occupational
Health and Safety
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required for workers to comply with infection control policies and
procedures. All procedures must be carried out in accordance with current infection control
guidelines to ensure the workplace is safe and without risks to the health of employees, clients
and/or visitors.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Lo1. Apply Infection Prevention Techniques
Lo2. Establish and Maintain Participative Arrangements
Lo3. Assess and Control Risks and Hazards
Lo4. Limit Contamination
Lo5. Clean Environmental Surfaces
LO1. Apply Infection Prevention Techniques
1.1. Basic components of disease transmission
1.2. Essential elements of infection prevention
1.3. Applying universal and standard precaution
1.4. Demonstrating additional precautions measures
1.5. Minimizing Contamination of materials, equipment and instruments
1.6. Performing instrumental processing
1.7. Disposing infectious/hazardous waste materials
1.8. Personal protective equipment (PPE)
1.9. Applying proper hand washing techniques
LO2. Establish and Maintain Participative Arrangements
2.1 Participative processes in accordance with OHS legislation, regulations and standards.
2.2 Dealing with Issues of participation and consultation
2.3 Providing Information about the outcomes of participation and consultation

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2.4 Establishing and monitoring Systems for keeping OHS records
LO3. Assess and Control Risks and Hazard
3.1. Developing organizational procedures for hazard identification, assessment and control
of risks.
3.2. Identification of all hazards at the planning, design and evaluation stages
3.3. Developing and maintaining hazard risk control measures
3.4. Identifying inadequacies in existing risk control measures
3.5. Protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids
LO4. Limit Contamination
4.1 Demarcating and maintaining clean and contaminated zones
4.2 Keeping records, materials and medicaments in a clean zone
4.3 Confining contaminated instruments and equipment in a well designated zone
LO5. Clean Environmental Surfaces
5.1 Wearing Personal protective equipment (PPE)
5.2 Removing dust, dirt and physical debris from work surfaces
5.3 Cleaning work surfaces
5.4 Drying work surfaces
5.5 Replacing surface covers where applicable
5.6 Maintaining and storing equipment

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation

LO1 Apply infection prevention techniques
 Basic components of disease transmission are identified

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 Essential elements of infection prevention are implemented
 Universal precaution and standard precaution are applied
 The application of additional precautions is demonstrated when standard precautions alone
may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection
 Contamination of materials, equipment and instruments is minimized by aerosols and
 Instrument processing is performed
 Infectious/hazardous waste materials are safely disposed according to waste management
policies and procedures (3S'si.e sort, shine and set in order)
 Personal protective equipment is prepared and used
 Proper hand washing techniques are applied
LO2 Establish and maintain participative arrangements
 Appropriate participative processes are established and maintained in accordance with
OHS legislation, regulations and industry standards
 Issues raised through participation and consultation are dealt with promptly and effectively
 Information to employees about the outcomes of participation and consultation is provided
in a manner accessible to employees.
 Systems are established and monitored for keeping OHS records to meet regulatory
requirements, allow identification of patterns of hazardous incidents, occupational injuries
and diseases within the area of managerial responsibility.
LO3. Assess and control risks and hazards
 Occupational health safety standards are identified
 Organizational procedures for hazard identification, assessment and control of risks are
 Identification of all hazards is made at the planning, design and evaluation stages of any
changes in the workplace
 Procedures for selection and implementation of risk control measures are developed and
maintained in accordance with the hierarchy of control.
 Inadequacies in existing risk control measures are identified in accordance with the
hierarchy of control and provide promptly resources enabling implementation of new
 Protocols are followed for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as
LO4. Limit contamination

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 Occupational health safety standards are identified
 Organizational procedures for hazard identification, assessment and control of risks are
 Identification of all hazards is made at the planning, design and evaluation stages of any
changes in the workplace
 Procedures for selection and implementation of risk control measures are developed and
maintained in accordance with the hierarchy of control.
 Inadequacies in existing risk control measures are identified in accordance with the
hierarchy of control and provide promptly resources enabling implementation of new
 Protocols are followed for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as
LO5. Clean environmental surfaces
 Personal protective clothing and equipment are worn during cleaning procedures
 All dust, dirt and physical debris are removed from work surfaces
 All work surfaces are cleaned with a neutral detergent and warm water solution before and
after each session or when visibly soiled
 All work surfaces are dried before and after use
 Surface covers are replaced where applicable
 Cleaning equipment are maintained and stored

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Annex: Resource requirements
HLT PHS3 M03 02 22 Complying with infection prevention and control procedures

Item ded Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2 Reference books 5 1:5
Infection Control guideline MOH, recent edition
Prevention of healthcare associated
infections in primary and
community care

Effective Occupational Safety and Awwad J. Dababneh:

2.3 Health Management System

The blue book: Guidelines for the

2.4 control of infectious diseases
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture room Standard
2. Library Standard
4. Skill room Standard
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 size
2. Pencil
3. pen
4. CD RW
5. White board marker
6. Duster
7. Sharpener
8. Disinfectant
9. Detergent
10. Cleaning and protective materials
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Standard
2. LCD Projector Standard
3. Table Standard
4. UPS Standard
5. Chair Standard
6. Divider Standard
7. Laptop Standard
8. Armchair Standard
9. Printer Standard

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MODULE TITLE: Using Pharmaceutical Calculation Techniques and Terminologies
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes required in pharmaceutical calculation related to
computing the correct quantity of medicine for a specific prescription or regimen. This
module shall also cover knowledge on pharmaceutical terms and abbreviation commonly
used in practice.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Use dimensional analysis to convert one unit to another
LO2. Describe pharmaceutical terminologies and medical terms
LO3. Use of equipment, glassware, and tools
LO1. Use dimensional analysis to convert one unit to another
1.1 Metric systems and basic unit conversion
1.1.1. Measure of length
1.1.2. Measure of volume
1.1.3. Measure of weight
1.2 Mathematical Review
1.2.1 Fractions, decimals and significant figures
1.2.2 Ratio & ratio strength
1.2.3 Percentage
1.2.4 Proportion
1.3 Operational equation
1.4 Density, specific gravity and specific volume
1.4.1 Density
1.4.2 Specific gravity
1.4.3 Density Vs specific gravity
1.4.4 Specific gravity of liquids /specific volume/

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1.4.5 Specific gravity of solids
1.5 Percentage preparations
1.5.1 Percentage weight –in- volume
1.5.2 Percentage volume- in- volume
1.5.3 Percentage weight – in- weight
1.6 Enlargement and reduced formula

LO2. Describe pharmaceutical terminologies and medical terms

2.1 . Pharmaceutical terminologies.
2.2 . Medical terms and conditions
2.3 . Dosage forms

LO3. Use of equipment, glassware, and tools

3.1. Commonly used pharmaceutical equipment
3.2. Equipment specifications and functions

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
Individual assignment
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation

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LO1. Use dimensional analysis to convert one unit to another
 Unit conversions are familiarized.
 Metric systems are used to appropriate purpose.
 Appropriate operational equation is used for dimensional analysis.
 Complete dosage is computed using dimensional analysis.
 Enlargement and reduced formula are familiarized
LO2. Describe pharmaceutical terminologies and medical terms
 Pharmaceutical terminologies are understood.
 Common medical terms and conditions are familiarized.
 Different types of dosage forms are distinguished
LO3. Use of equipment, glassware, and tools
 Common equipment, tools and glassware used in the pharmacy setting are
 Specific parts and its functionality are known

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Annex: Resource requirements
HLT PHS3 M 04 02 22 : Using Pharmaceutical Calculation Techniques and
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Learning guide,
1. TTLM Guidean 30 1:1
2. Textbooks/reference books
Pharmaceutical calculation 15th Howard C. Ansel
2.1 5 1:5
Pharmaceutical dosage forms 3rd Larry L. Augs
2.2 5 1:5
edition burger
Practical pharmaceutical Michael bonner
2.3 5 1:5
calculation 2nd edition
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines
American journal of health system
3.1 5 1:5
pharmacy volume 72, 2015
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library standards 1 1:25
3. White board 1:25
4 Skills lab/demonstration room/ 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 Marker 6per pack
D. Tools and Equipments
1 White board 110m*80mm 1 1:25
2 LCD projectors Epson 1 1:25
3 Computers 8 5 1:5
4 Spoon Table/tea As required 1:1
5 Electrical Balance Digital 5 1:5
6 Refrigerator 1 1:25
7 Thermometer 5 1:5
8 calculator scientific 15 1:2

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MODULE TITLE: Detecting and Managing Pharmaceutical Health Hazards and Act
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the knowledge, skill and attitude of
pharmaceutical service safety and risk assessment and management programs including toxicology,
poisoning and compliance with occupational health hazards of Pharmacy
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Manage Occupational and Health Safety(OHS) risk, exposure and hazards in
pharmaceutical service
LO2. Manage pharmaceutical OHS information and records
LO3. Manage pharmaceutical OHS participative processes
L04. Manage OHS continuous improvement process

LO1. Manage Occupational and Health Safety(OHS) risk, exposure and hazards in
Pharmaceutical service
1.1 Defining Health, Safety and Welfare
1.2 Hazard, incidence, and injury in pharmaceutical service
1.3 Classification of OHS in pharmacy services
1.3.1 Physical
1.3.2 Chemical
1.3.3 Biological
1.3.4 Ergonomic
1.3.5 Psychosocial
1.4 Hazard identification and risk assessment
1.5 Risk and hazard control strategies
1.6 Disposing hazardous medicine and materials

LO2. Manage pharmaceutical OHS information and records

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2.1 Pharmaceutical hazard recoding and reporting formats
2.2 Types of OHS records and reports
2.2.1 Hazard, incident and investigation reports
2.2.2 Workplace inspection reports
2.2.3 Incident investigation reports
2.2.4 First aid records
2.2.5 Minutes of meetings
2.2.6 Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) and risk assessments
2.2.7 Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and registers
2.2.8 Plant and equipment operation records
2.2.9 Maintenance and testing reports Training records Environmental monitoring records Health surveillance records
2.3 Collecting and storing Pharmacy related OHS information

Lo3 Manage pharmaceutical OHS participative processes

3.1. Safety measures in pharmaceutical services
3.2. Evaluating pharmaceuticals OHS information
3.3. Participatory approach of Implementing and monitoring OHS

LO 4 Manage OHS continuous improvement process

4.1 Techniques and methods of OHS improvement
4.2 Setting OHS priorities
4.3 Develop OHS action plan
4.4 Monitor OHS achievements
 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
Individual assignment
ASSESSMENT METHODS: Formative (50%), Summative (50%)
 Practical assessment
 Written exam/test
 Questioning or interview

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LO1. Manage Occupational and Health Safety(OHS) risk, exposure and hazards in
Pharmaceutical service
 Hazard, incidence, and injury in pharmaceutical service or work place are
detected, investigated and reported to meet legislative requirements and inform
future preventive strategies
 Hazardous drugs and major health concerns in health care facilities including
disposal of hazardous medicines, exposure, risk assessment methods are
 Ensure processes are put in place so that hazard identification and risk
assessment procedures are according to pharmaceutical procedures, legislative
and regulatory requirements
 Ensure processes are put in place to identify and address any OHS implications
of either proposed or implemented changes to the workplace, work processes or
organization of work

LO2. Manage pharmaceutical OHS information and records

 Relevant pharmaceutical hazard recoding and reporting formats, legislations,
standards, codes of practice, guiding material are identified and accessed
 Hazard, exposure, risk of pharmaceutical services are detected and evaluated
 Drug information, adverse drug and toxicological evidences are utilized to
evaluate the implementation of safety measures in pharmacy work context
 Pharmacy related OHS information are collected to provide information on
OHS requirements, trends and risk controls
 Records and record keeping processes are reviewed to ensure that legal
requirements for pharmaceutical OHS record keeping are identified and
 Processes for ensuring pharmaceutical OHS records are accurately completed,
collected and stored in accordance with legal requirements and workplace

LO3. Manage pharmaceutical OHS participative processes

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 Safety measures in pharmaceutical services and compliance with legislative
requirements and organization procedures are ensured
 Information related to pharmaceutical hazards provided to employees are
evaluated to ensure it is in a readily accessible and understandable format
 Processes for ensuring that workgroup members have an opportunity are
implemented and monitored either directly or through their representative, to
contribute to decisions that may affect their health and safety
 Processes are evaluated to address pharmaceutical OHS issues to ensure
raised consultation are resolved promptly and in line with organizational
procedures and legislative requirements
 Information about the outcomes of consultation are promptly provided in a
format and medium that is readily accessible to employees

LO4 Manage OHS continuous improvement process

 Inputs from individuals and workgroup are considered in identifying and
implementing pharmaceutical OHS improvement
 Pharmacy related OHS priorities determine in consultation with appropriate
managers and stakeholders
 OHS action plans are developed by taking account of priorities and training
 Achievements are monitored against the OHS plans and plans updated

Annex: Resource requirements

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HLT PHS3 M05 02 22: Detecting and Managing Pharmaceutical
Health Hazards and Act
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. References 5 1:5
Effective Occupational Awwad J. Dababneh latest
2.1. Safety and Health edition
Management System
Occupational Health Safety
and Hygiene, lecture note
series, Carter Center

Occupational Health and By 

Safety Management Charles D. Reese
2.3 A Practical Approach, Third Copyright Year 2016

Medicines waste FMHACA, August 2014

2.4 management and disposal
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Standard 1 1:25
3. Well-equipped skill room Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 size
2. Pencil HB
3. Pen HB
5. White board marker Standard
6. Duster Standard
7. Sharpener Standard
Cleaning and protective Standard
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Standard 5 1:5
2. LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer table Standard 1 1:25
4. Laptop Standard 1 1:25
5. Armchair Standard 1 1:25
6. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Assisting Extemporaneous Preparations



MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims at equipping the learners with the
skills and knowledge required for small scale compounding of non-sterile
pharmaceutical products from fixed formulas
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for production process
LO2. Obtain and process raw materials
LO3. Manufacture/compound products
LO4. Complete production process
LO5. Participate in quality control
LO6. Store and transport released Products
LO1. Prepare for Production Process
1.1 Correct dress code, safety and personal hygiene
1.2 Maintain preparation areas
1.3 Cleaning work area and equipment
1.4 Maintaining raw materials and disposable equipment
1.5 Obtaining compounding order/master batch sheet
1.6 Preparing production work sheet
1.7 Compounding work sheet is interpret
1.8 Compounding/manufacturing machinery is checking
1.9 Production work sheet is preparing from master batch sheet and
compounding order formulate

LO2. Obtain and Process Raw Materials

2.1 All materials listed on the worksheet are acquire according to stock levels
2.2 Raw materials are checking to ensure they have been released from
2.3 Raw materials are verify against compounding work sheet and raw material

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batch numbers record
2.4 Raw materials are weigh and measure in designated weighing area

LO3. Compound Products

3.1. Introduction about different dosage forms
3.1.1 The need for different dosage forms
3.2. Preparing liquid dosage forms
3.2.1. Pharmaceutical solutions Characteristics, uses and limitations Excipients Preparation of aromatic water, tinctures, syrups, elixirs,
linctuses, paints, gargles, mouthwash, douches, enemas,
liniments Packaging and labeling solutions

3.2.2. Pharmaceutical suspensions Characteristics, uses and limitations The need for suspension dosage form Suspending agent and other excipients Preparation of suspensions: magnesium tri silicate mixture,
magnesium sulfate oral suspension, calamine lotion Packaging labeling suspensions

3.2.3. Pharmaceutical emulsions Characteristics, uses and limitations of emulsion Theories of emulsification Types of emulsion Emulsifying agents and other excipients Stability of emulsions Prepare emulsions: castor oil emulsion, mineral oil emulsion Packaging and labeling emulsions

3.3. Preparing Semisolids

3.2.1 Characteristics and uses
3.2.2 Classification of semisolids

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3.2.3 Ointments and pastes Ointment bases Prepare: simple ointment USP, Wet field’s ointment, sulfur
Ointment USP, Zinc oxide ointment, Zinc oxide paste Creams Gels Packaging and labeling of semi solids

3.4. Solid dosage forms

3.4.1. Tablets Definition, advantages and limitations Classification of tablets Tablet excipients
3.4.2. Capsules Definition, advantages, limitations Hard gelatin capsules The capsule shell Formulation and excipients Soft gels The capsule shell Formulation and excipients
3.4.3. Suppositories
3.4.4. Definition, advantages and limitations
3.4.5. Suppository bases types of suppository base displacement value
3.4.6. Other additives
3.4.7. Preparing suppositories
3.4.8. Pessaries
3.5 Compiling pharmaceutical preparations
3.6 Packaging pharmaceutical products
3.7 Labeling pharmaceutical products

LO4. Complete Production Process

4.1 Equipment and compounding area are clean and disposable equipment are

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4.2 Documentation are complete and forward to appropriate person
4.3 Product is place in quarantine area under appropriate storage conditions
4.4 Documentation are complete and forward to an authorized person
4.5 All discrepancies are report to an authorized person
4.6 Final clearance is obtain from an authorized person

LO5. Participate in Quality

5.1 Product sample and relevant documentation are submitted to quality control
5.2 Product quality control results are record and file
5.3 Product is monitor and any necessary compounding adjusted to ensure
product comply with work sheet specifications
5.4 Checking procedures are perform and finished product is inspect for
5.5 Required authorization/checks are obtain at designated points

LO6. Store and Transport Released Products

6.1 Products are store
6.2 Released product(s) is/are obtain from quarantine store
6.3 Released product(s) is/are pack
6.4 Product is deliver to store/dispensary or client
6.5 Records and/or work sheets are complete and file

 Interactive lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Group assignment
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Seminar presentation
ASSESSMENT METHODS: Formative (50%), Summative (50%)
 Contineous assessments (quiz, assignement, tests etc.)

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 Oral questions
 Skill checkout
 Final written

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LO1: Prepare for Production Process
 Correct dress code, safety and personal hygiene procedures are followed
 Preparation areas are maintained according to EFDA guidelines for the preparation
of pharmaceuticals
 Work area and equipment are cleaned correctly
 Inventory levels of raw materials and disposable equipment are maintained
 The confirmed and formulated compounding order/master batch sheet is obtained
and clarified from pharmacist
 Production work sheet is prepared from formulated compounding order/master batch
 Compounding work sheet is interpreted and appropriate product batch number
 Compounding/manufacturing machinery is checked and set

LO2: Obtain and Process Raw Materials

 All materials listed on the worksheet are acquired according to stock levels and
stock requisitioning procedures
 Raw materials are checked to ensure they have been released from quarantine for
use by authorized persons
 Raw materials are verified against compounding work sheet and raw material batch
numbers recorded
 Raw materials are weighed and measured in designated weighing area
 Appropriate authorization/checks are obtained at designated points

LO3: Compound Products

 Pharmaceutical preparations are complied with Ethiopian National Guidelines
 Standards are used for operator safety when cleaning, setting up work station and
transference of all materials
 Approved raw materials are allocated to appropriate machinery, where required
 Raw materials are incorporated according to batch documentation
 Product is compounded according to method on work sheet and in compliance with

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standard operating procedures for any machinery use
 Required authorization/checks are obtained at designated points
 Product is monitored and any necessary pharmaceutical/compounding adjusted to
ensure product complies with work sheet specifications
 Checking procedures are performed and finished product is inspected for deviations
 Product is packed using appropriate packaging devices/machinery as specified on
the work sheet, and following approval from an authorized person
 Containers/Units are labeled according to labeling specifications on the work sheet
 A retention sample and/or quality control sample are packed and labeled if specified
on the work sheet

LO4: Complete Production Process

 Equipment and compounding area are cleaned and disposable equipment are
disposed safely
 Equipment records and/or logs are completed
 Documentation are completed and forwarded to appropriate person
 Product is placed in quarantine area under appropriate storage conditions, where
 Documentation are completed and forwarded to an authorized person
 All discrepancies are reported to an authorized person
 Final clearance is obtained from an authorized person

LO5: Participate in Quality Control

 Product sample and relevant documentation are submitted to quality control, where
 Product quality control results are recorded and filed

LO6: Store and Transport Released Products

 Products are stored according to manufacturing documentation
 Released product(s) is/are obtained from quarantine store
 Released product(s) is/are packed into appropriate delivery containers
 Product is delivered to store/dispensary/client care area by appropriate means
 Receiving area personnel are advised of any special storage requirements
 Records and/or work sheets are completed and filed

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Annex: Resource requirements
MODULE Code: HLT PHS3 M06 02 22 Assisting Extemporaneous Preparations

Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2 Reference Books 5 1:5
Fast track Pharmaceutics David Jones,
2.1 pharmaceutical press, 5 1:5
London , latest edition
Pharmaceutical practice Collett. D.M, latest
edition, Churchill Living 5 1:5
Pharmaceutical Dosage forms Howard C. Ansel and
2.3. and drug delivery systems Loyd Allen, 10th edition, 5 1:5
Lippincot Williams.
Standard for the Establishment EFDA, latest version
2.4. and Practice of Pharmaceutical 5 1:5
Pharmacopeia (BP, USP and
2.5. Latest edition
Learning Facilities &
B. 1 1:25
1. Lecture room Standard
2. Library Standard
3. Well-equipped Skill room Standard
C. Consumable Materials
1 Paper A4
2 Pencil HB
3 Pen Ball point

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5 Flash 64GB
6 White board marker
7 Duster
8 Sharpener
Chemicals for extemporaneous
preparations as indicated in the
national accreditation and QA Standard
standards and the lab manuals
Personal protective equipment
10. Standard
(white gown, glove)
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer 1 1:25
2. LCD Projector 1 1:25
3. Computer table 25 1:1
4. UPS 5 1:5
5. Chair 25 1:1
6. Divider 5 1:5
7. Laptop 1
8. Armchair 1:1
9. Printer
Electronic or triple beam Standard
11. Calculator Standard
Mortar and pestle (glass, Standard
13. Spatula (flexible, firm) Standard
14 Stirrer Standard
Measuring cylinders of Standard
different type
16. Petri dish Standard
17. Water bath Standard
18. Plastic and glass bottles Standard
19. Ointment jars and tubes Standard
20. Ointment Slab Standard
21. Beaker Standard
22. Pipette of different size Standard
23. Dropper Standard
24. Lotion Thermometer Standard

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MODULE TITLE: Providing Information on Nutritional Supplement
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the learners with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes required to provide advice to customers and other sales
staff on a range of health and nutritional products and services, their characteristics,
features, technical information and storage requirements.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Develop health nutritional product knowledge
LO2. Provide information on nutritional products.
LO3. Advise on health and nutritional services
LO1. Develop product knowledge and identify health and nutritional products
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Growth and development
1.2.1. Weight during pregnancy and birth
1.2.2. Development after birth
1.2.3. Children at risk
1.2.4. Effect of nutrition on health
1.3. Nutritional constituents (Source, function, requirements, deficiency
1.3.1. Proteins
1.3.2. Carbohydrates
1.3.3. Lipids
1.3.4. Vitamins
1.3.5. Minerals (Iodine, Iron and Copper)
1.3.6. Water
1.4. Types of health and nutritional products
1.4.1. Organic food and genetically modified organism (GMO)
1.4.2. Nutritional supplements

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1.4.3. Complementary medicines and therapies
1.4.4. Natural cosmetics
1.4.5. Bulk, pre-packaged, refrigerated or fresh products
1.4.6. Confectionery, snack foods and drinks
1.5. Nutrition as therapeutic agents
1.5.1. Parenteral nutrition
1.5.2. Enteral nutrition
1.6. Preservation and storage of health and nutrition products
1.6.1. Cooking requirements
1.6.2. Storage of nutritional products
1.6.3. Household methods of preserving and storing
1.6.4. Contamination and its effect on health
1.6.5. Commercially prepared foods and adulteration
1.6.6. Precautions in selection
1.7. Sources of information on nutritional supplements
1.7.1. Supplier product manuals
1.7.2. Product labels
1.7.3. Brochures
1.7.4. Internet
1.7.5. Product seminars

LO2. Provide information on nutritional products

2.1. Assessment of nutritional status and nutritional requirements
2.1.1. Nutritional Assessment Anthropometric Biochemical Clinical Dietary
2.1.2. Calculating nutritional requirements Methods of calculating normal nutritional requirements influence of age, sex and other factors Nutritive value of common foods
2.2. Selection of nutritional product
2.2.1. Criteria of selection

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2.2.2. Quality and safety of nutrition related products
2.3. Providing relevant nutritional product information
2.3.1. Goals of nutrition care and support
2.3.2. Nutritional education and counseling
2.3.3. Nutrition and medication

LO3. Advising on health and nutritional services

3.1. Identifying nutritional services needed
3.1.1. Types of nutritional services
3.1.2. Components of the nutritional services
3.2. Methods of nutritional intervention
3.2.1. Economic approaches
3.2.2. Dietary Modification
3.2.3. Increased Production
3.2.4. Dietary Diversification
3.2.5. Formula milk
3.3. Essential nutrition actions
3.3.1. Optimal breast feeding
3.3.2. Optimal complementary feeding behavior
3.3.3. Women’s Nutrition
3.3.4. Feeding sick child during and after treatment
3.3.5. Feeding in special situation
3.4 Role of pharmacy technicians on nutrition services
 Interactive lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Group assignment
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Seminar presentation
ASSESSMENT METHODS: Formative (50%), Summative (50%)
 Continuos assessments (quiz, assignement, tests etc.).
 Oral questioning
 Skill check out
 Final written exam

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LO1. Develop Product Knowledge and Identify Health and Nutritional Products
 Relevant sources of information are accessed.
 Health product range identified are stored according to relevant product
 Comparison between products are done.
LO2. Provide Information on Nutritional Products
 Product information (name, strength, use, precautions, storage condition, direction for
use and possible adverse drug reactions) are accurately conveyed to customers
 Complementary products are recommended to clients
 Products are correctly identified to assist customers' purchase decisions.
 New products are promoted to customers according to promotional guideline

LO3. Advising on Health and Nutritional Services

 Customer is accurately advised of proper use of products, services and
complementary therapy, and counseling service is provided where applicable.
 Customers are questioned to determine nature of the problem and solutions are
offered accordingly
 Appointments are scheduled to provide complementary therapy, counseling, where

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Annex: Resource requirements
HLT PHS3 M07 02 22 : Providing information on nutritional supplement
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2 Reference Books 5 1:5
Principle of Human Martin Eastwood, 2nd edition
2.2 Handbook of Nutrition Heinz, 9th edition
Vitamins and mineral WHO Guideline 2nd edition
2.3 requirements in human
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture room 15 x 15m (standard) 1 1:25
2. Library standard
4. Skill room standard
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 size
2. Pencil
3. pen Ball Point
4. CD RW
5. White board marker
6. Duster
7. Sharpener
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Standard 5 1:5
2. LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer table Standard 1 1:25
7. Laptop Standard 1 1:25
9. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Applying Computer and Mobile Health Technology
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to use new or upgraded technology. The rationale behind
this module emphasizes the importance of constantly reviewing work processes, skills, and
techniques in order to ensure that the quality of the entire business process is maintained at
the highest possible level through the appropriate application of new technology.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Start computer, system information and features
LO2. Navigate and manipulate desktop environment
LO3. Identify the existing Health technologies
LO4. Apply the functions of technology
LO5. Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance
LO1. Start computer, system information and features
1.1. Ergonomic requirements
1.2. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
1.3. Computer basic functions and features
1.4. Customize desktop configuration

LO2. Navigate and manipulate desktop environment

2.1 Access and use desktop icons.
2.2 Window functions and roles
2.3 Desktop shortcut

LO3. Identify the existing Health technologies

3.1. Computer operating systems
3.2. Internet browsers

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3.3. Mobile technology
3.4. M Health
3.5. E Health
3.6. Basic computer skills

LO4. Apply the functions of technology

4.1. Mobile/Smart phones and tablets
4.2. Functions of technology

LO5. Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance

5.1 Features of new or upgraded equipment
5.2 Environmental considerations
5.3 Sources of information
5.4 Feedback

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation

LO1. Start computer, system information and features

 Workspace, furniture, and equipment are adjusted to suit user ergonomic

 Work organization is ensured to meet organizational and Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) requirements for computer operation.
 Computer is started or logged on according to user procedures.

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 Basic functions and features are identified using system information.
 Desktop configuration is customized, if necessary, with assistance from appropriate
 Help functions are used as required.

LO 2. Navigate and manipulate desktop environment

 Features are opened, closed, and accessed by selecting correct desktop icons.
 Desktop windows are opened, re-sized and closed by using correct window
functions and roles.
 Shortcuts are created from the desktop, if necessary, with assistance from
appropriate persons.

LO3 . Identify the existing Health technologies

 The existing knowledge and techniques to technology are applied

 Computer operating systems are utilized.
 Internet browsers are opened and manipulated to search for, send and receive
 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be used as the basis for
developing new skills.
 Mobile technology skills are acquired and used to enhance learning and provision of
standard health care
 M health techniques are used to enhance efficient utilization of resources and avoid
duplication of efforts
 New and/or upgraded equipment’s are identified, classified and used where
appropriate, for the benefit of customers as well as the health care system.
LO4. Apply the functions of technology

 Mobile/Smart phones and tablets are used for solving organizational

 The functions of technology are applied to assist in solving the health and
related data collection, organization, analysis and interpretation.
 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted according to the
specification manual.

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 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied within the organization
 Sources of information is accessed, used and interpreted relating to new or
upgraded equipment

LO5 Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance

 New or upgraded technology performance is evaluated and determined by

introduced technology (mobile/ M health, tablets)
 Mobiles/Smart phones and tablets are evaluated for the performance, usability and
against the OHS standards
 Environmental considerations from new or upgraded equipment are determined.
 Feedback is used from appropriate performance evaluation.

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Annex: Resource requirements
HLTPHS3M080222:Applying computer and Mobile Health Technology
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
 Prepared by the
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 National health
2 Reference Books 5 1:5
 HMIS guidelines
 Mobile //manuals
 Health
3  EDHS,2016 10 1:3
 Fact sheets
 Standard formats
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:30
Computer lab with internet 5*5m 20
2. 1:2
access computer
Standard (colleges
3. Library 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pen Ball point
3 Pencil HB
4 Graph paper Standard
5 Bucher paper Standard 10 1:3
Standard 12 per
6 Marker
7 Printer ink Laser Jet 4
8 White board marker Standard 15

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9 Plaster Standard
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Lap top 1 1:25

2. Software DHIS 2,
TenaCare,SDK tools
3. LCD projector LCD Projector Sony 1 1:25

4. Printer HP Laser Jet 1 1:25


5. Photocopy machine Standard 1 1:25

6. Scanner Smart 1 1:25
7. Back up Smart 1 1:25
8. White board 110X80mm 1 1:25
9. Smart phones Samsung 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Performing Community Mobilization and Provide Health Education
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes attitude required to undertake health education, advocacy and
community mobilization on identified health issues.
LO1. Conduct health education and communication
LO2. Train model families
LO3. Plan and Undertake advocacy on identified health issues
LO 1. Conduct health education and communication
1.1. Concept of health and health education
1.1.1. Introduction to Health education and Communication
1.1.2. Definition of terms
1.1.3. Concepts and principles of health education and communications
1.2. Performing assessment and identify gaps
1.2.1. Assessment techniques
1.3. Organizing community and all available resources
1.3.1. Community organizations
1.3.2. Available resources
1.4. Identifying target group
1.5. Preparing health education plan.
1.5.1. Planning health education program

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1.5.2. Planning process
1.6. Designing methods and approaches of health communication
1.6.1. Health education methods
1.6.2. Health education approaches
1.6.3. Health education materials
1.6.4. Effective communication skills
1.7. Providing health education service
1.8. Monitoring of service utilization and evaluation of behavioral change
1.8.1. Health education models
1.8.2. Monitoring of service utilization
1.8.3. Evaluation of behavior change
1.9. Developing, promoting, implementing and reviewing strategies for internal and external
dissemination of information
1.9.1. Disseminate relevant information
1.9.2. Relevant, policies and regulations
1.10. Maintaining work related network and relationship.
1.11. Approaches to meet communication needs

LO2. Train model families

2.1. Identifying better performing households
2.2. Establish space and time for training
2.3. Identifying and collecting resources for training
2.4. Providing training according to MOH guidelines
2.5. Provide post training follow up and monitoring
2.6. Evaluating and certifying well performing model households

LO3: Plan and Undertake advocacy on identified health issues

3.1. Preparing advocacy plan to address health issues
3.1.1. Stages of advocacy
3.1.2. Advocacy tools and approaches
3.1.3. Principles of effective advocacy
3.2. Consult community representatives health needs and priorities
3.3. Identifying and consulting influential community representatives and health development
armies to disseminate IEC-BCC activities

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3.4. Planning, implementation and evaluation of advocacy and community mobilization
3.5. Organizing and providing continuous advocacy services in partnership with stakeholders
3.6. Using feedback for planning
 Lecture and discussion
 Role play
 Group discussions
 Individual assignments
 Demonstration
 Field visit
Competence may be accessed through:
 Written exam/test
 Questioning
 Demonstration and observation
 Direct observation of tasks(real or simulated practice) using checklist
 Review of tasks (portfolio, logbook, report, assignment…)
LO1: Conduct health education and communication
 Assessment and gap identification activities are performed according to organizational
 Community and all available resources are organized as per content requirement
 Target group identification is done according to organizational guideline
 Health education plan is prepared as per the requirements of target group organizational
 Methods and approaches of health communication are designed according to
organizational manual
 Health education service is provided as per the requirements of target group
 Monitoring of service utilization and evaluation of behavioral change is noted in
accordance with organizational manual
 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are developed, promoted,
implemented and reviewed as required in accordance with workplace guideline
 Work related network and relationship are maintained as necessary.

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 Different approaches are used to meet communication needs of clients and community.
LO2: Train model families
 Better performing household in their day to day activity is identified
 Space and time for training is established with consultation of appropriate personnel and
community representatives
 Necessary resources are identified and collected as per the training plan
 Training is provided according to MOH guideline
 Follow up and monitoring are carried out in accordance with workplace guideline
 Well performing model house hold is evaluated and certified in accordance with
workplace guideline
LO3: Plan and Undertake advocacy on identified health issues
 Advocacy plan is prepared to address an identified health issues as per organizational
work guideline
 Community representatives are consulted to determine current health needs and priorities.
 Influential community representatives and health development armies are identified and
consulted to disseminate IEC-BCC activities
 Continuous advocacy services are organized and provided in partnership with the
 Feedback from community consultation and advocacy is used as a basis for planning

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Author/Copyright Level-III February 2022
MODULE TITLE: Performing Community Mobilization and Provide Health Education
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
 Prepared by the
1. TTLM 1:1
2. Textbooks -
The Pocket Guide Glenn Laverack, Open
2.1. 1:5
to Health Promotion University Press, (2014)
Angela Scriven, 2010 1:5
Promoting Health
2.2. Elsevier Ltd. All rights
A Practical Guide
Lecture note Introduction to Meseret Yazachew, 1:5
2.3. health education for health Yihenew Alem, Jimma
extension trainees in Ethiopia University (2004)
National health policy 1:5
Health education
3. Reference Books
Health education modules
Health Indicators/latest 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines
Fact sheets
Standard formats
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library Standard (colleges library) 1
3. Demonstration room Standard 1 1:6
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5

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2. Pen Standard
3 Pencil and rubber Standard
4 Graph paper Standard
5 Bucher paper Standard 10 1:3
Standard 12 per
6 Marker
7 Printer ink Standard 4
8 White board marker Standard 15
9 Plaster Standard
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Lap top 1 1:25
2. LCD projector LCD Projector 1 1:25
3. Printer Laser Jet 1 1:25
4 Photocopy machine Standard 1 1:25
5 Scanner Standard 1 1:25
6 Back up Standard 1 1:25
7 White board 110X80mm 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE : Applying Basic Health Statistics and survey
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to apply basic health statistics and health survey methods to improve community health related
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Prepare for the application of health survey
LO2 Undertake data collection
LO3 Compile, interpret and utilize health data
LO4 Prepare and submit reports
LO5 Take intervention measures accordingly
LO1. Prepare for the application of health survey
1.1 Definition of terms
1.2 Characteristics of health statistics
1.3 Scales of measurement
1.4 Basic principles of health statistics
1.5 Calculating rates and ratios
1.6 Basic principles of health survey

LO2. Undertake data collection

2.1 Types of questionnaires
2.2 Preparing questionnaire
2.3 Pre-testing, modifying and amending questionnaire
2.4 Training on data collection procedures
2.5 Equipment/materials for data collection
2.6 Informing members of community about data collection
2.7 Inviting community leaders on data collection process

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LO3 Compile, interpret and utilize health data
3.1 Collecting health data
3.2 Analyzing health data
3.3 Maintaining health data base system.
3.4 Diagrammatic presentation of data
3.5 Maintaining steps of confidentiality according to prescribed procedures.
3.6 Collecting and updating vital events
3.7 Preparing and utilizing data

LO4 Prepare and submit reports

4.1 Preparing reports using standard reporting formats
4.2 Report dissemination
4.3 Communicating Updates and reportable diseases

LO5 Take intervention measures accordingly

5.1 Discussion with key stakeholders regarding the health problems
5.2 Identifying materials throughout the consultation process
5.3 Providing feedback
5.4 Making contributions to the health problem of the community
5.5 Collecting information and data for better intervention

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Interview Oral question
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation
 Assignments etc
LO1 Prepare for the application of health survey
 Characteristics of health statistics are identified
 Scales of measurement are explained Basic principles of health statistics are applied

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 Rates and ratios are calculated
 Basic principles of health survey are applied

LO2 Undertake data collection

 Types of questionnaires are identified
 Questionnaire is prepared and made available
 Questionnaire is pre-tested, modified and amended
 Necessary personnel are trained on data collection procedures
 The necessary equipment/materials are identified to execute data collection
 Members of community are informed about data collection dates and time
 Community leaders are invited to support data collection process

LO3 Compile, interpret and utilize health data

 Necessary health data are collected as per organizational guideline
 Information collected is classified or sorted out on the basis of a clear understanding of the
purpose for maintaining the database system.
 Diagrammatic presentation of data is prepared
 Steps to maintain confidentiality are followed according to prescribed procedures are taken.
 Vital events are continuously and consistently collected and updated timely in accordance
with organization procedures and guidelines
 Data are prepared and utilized according to prescribed procedures and guidelines

LO4 Prepare and submit reports

 Reports are prepared using standard reporting formats
 Reports are disseminated responsible bodies
 Updates and reportable diseases are communicated to concerned bodies according to
prescribed procedures and guidelines.

LO5 Take intervention measures accordingly

 Discussions are made with key stakeholders regarding the health problems
 Briefing materials throughout the consultation process are provided to identify and clarify
issues of interest/concern to stakeholders and own organization
 Feedback is provided to the team leader or work team on the results of the consultation
 Positive contributions are made to activities that develop an understanding of the factors
contributing to the health problem of the community
 Further information and data are collected when needed for better interventions

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Annex: Resources
HLT PHS3 M10 02 22
Applying Basic Health Statistics and survey
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended
No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
 Prepared by the
1. TTLM 30 1:1
 National health
 Epidemiology,
2 Reference Books 10 1:3
health statistics
and research
 Health
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines  EDHS,2016 10 1:3
 Fact sheets
 Standard formats
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:30
Standard (colleges
2. Library 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pen Ball point
3 Pencil and rubber HB
4 Graph paper Standard
5 Bucher paper Standard 10 1:3
Standard 12 per
6 Marker
7 Printer ink Laser Jet 4
8 White board marker Standard 15
9 Plaster Standard
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Lap top 1 1:30
2. LCD projector LCD Projector 1 1:30
3. Printer Laser Jet 1 1:30
4 Photocopy machine Standard 1 1:30
5 Scanner Standard 1 1:30
7 Back up Standard 1 1:30
8 White board 110X80mm 1 1:30

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MODULE TITLE: Applying 5S Procedures
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to apply 5S techniques to his/her workplace. It covers responsibility for the day-to-
day operations of the workplace and ensuring that continuous improvements of Kaizen
elements are initiated and institutionalized.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for work.
LO2. Sort items
LO3. Set all items in order
LO4. Perform Shine activities
LO5. Standardize 5S
LO6. Sustain 5S system
LO1. Prepare for work.
1.1. Determine job requirements.
1.2. Reading and interpreting job specifications
1.3. OHS requirements
1.3.1. Dust and fume collection
1.3.2. Breathing apparatus
1.3.3. Eye and ear personal protection 
1.4. Tools and equipment to implement 5S.
1.5. Safety equipment and tools
1.6. Preparing and using Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board) 

LO2. Sort items.
2.1 . Implementation of sorting activities.
2.2 . Performing Cleaning activities 
2.3 . Identifying all items in the workplace 

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2.4 . Listing necessary and unnecessary items 
2.5 . Using red tag strategy 
2.6 . Evaluating and placing unnecessary items in appropriate place
2.7 . Recording and quantifying necessary items using appropriate format.
2.8 . Reporting performance results using appropriate formats.
2.9 . Checking necessary items in the workplace.

LO3. Set all items in order

3.1 . Preparing plan to implement set in order activities.
3.2 . Performing general cleaning activities
3.3 . Deciding location/layout, storage and indication methods for items 
3.4 . Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment for setting in order activities
3.5 . Placing items in their assigned locations
3.6 . Returning the items after use to their assigned locations
3.7 . Reporting performance results using appropriate formats
3.8 . Checking each item in its assigned location and order

LO4. Perform shine activities

4.1. Preparing plan to implement shine activities
4.2. Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment for shinning activities
4.3. Implementing shine activity using appropriate procedures
4.4. Reporting performance results using appropriate formats
4.5. Conducting regular shining activities

LO5. Standardize 5S.
5.1 . Preparing and using plan to standardize 5S activities
5.2 . Preparing and implementing tools and techniques to standardize 5S based on relevant
5.3 . Following checklists for standardize activities and reported to relevant personnel.
5.4 . Keeping the workplace to specified standard.
5.5 . Avoiding problems by standardizing activities

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LO6. Sustain 5S.
6.1 . Preparing and following plan to sustain 5S activities
6.2 . Discussing, Preparing and implementing tools and techniques to sustain 5S  
6.3 . Inspecting workplace to specified standard and sustainability of 5S techniques
6.4 . Cleaning up workplace 
6.5 . Identifying situations and taking action where compliance to standards is unlikely
6.6 . Recommending improvements to lift the level of compliance in the work place
6.7 . Following checklists to sustain activities and report to relevant personnel
6.8 . Avoiding problems by sustaining activities

Learning Methods:
 Interactive lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Group assignment
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Seminal presentation

Assessment Methods: Formative (50%), Summative (50%)

 Continuos assessments (quiz, assignement, tests etc.).
 Oral questioning
 Skill check out
 Final written exam

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Assessment Criteria
LO1. Prepare for work.
 Determine job requirements.
 Reading and interpreting job specifications
 OHS requirements
 Tools and equipment to implement 5S.
 Safety equipment and tools
 Preparing and using Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board)

LO2. Sort items.

 Implementation of sorting activities.
 Performing Cleaning activities
 Identifying all items in the workplace
 Listing necessary and unnecessary items
 Using red tag strategy
 Evaluating and placing unnecessary items in appropriate place
 Recording and quantifying necessary items using appropriate format.
 Reporting performance results using appropriate formats.
 Checking necessary items in the workplace.

LO3. Set all items in order

 Preparing plan to implement set in order activities.
 Performing general cleaning activities
 Deciding location/layout, storage and indication methods for items
 Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment for setting in order
 Placing items in their assigned locations
 Returning the items after use to their assigned locations
 Reporting performance results using appropriate formats

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 Checking each item in its assigned location and order
LO4. Perform shine activities
 Preparing plan to implement shine activities
 Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment for shinning activities
 Implementing shine activity using appropriate procedures
 Reporting performance results using appropriate formats
 Conducting regular shining activities

LO5. Standardize 5S.

 Preparing and using plan to standardize 5S activities
 Preparing and implementing tools and techniques to standardize 5S based on
relevant procedures
 Following checklists for standardize activities and reported to relevant
 Keeping the workplace to specified standard.
 Avoiding problems by standardizing activities

LO6. Sustain 5S.

 Preparing and following plan to sustain 5S activities
 Discussing, Preparing and implementing tools and techniques to sustain 5S
 Inspecting workplace to specified standard and sustainability of 5S techniques
 Cleaning up workplace
 Identifying situations and taking action where compliance to standards is
 Recommending improvements to lift the level of compliance in the work
 Following checklists to sustain activities and report to relevant personnel
 Avoiding problems by sustaining activities

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Annex: Resource requirements
Module Code HLTPHS3 M11 02 22 Apply 5S Procedures
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Learning guide,
Teachers Guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
and Assessment
2. Textbooks Latest edition 5 1:5
2.1 Ethiopian Kazan Manual Latest edition
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Latest/ up to date
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library
3. (etc.)
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Flip chart White
3. White board marker All colors
D. Tools and Equipments
1. White board
2. LCD projectors Latest
3. Computers Laptop

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The Ministry of Health and Ministry of labor and skill wishes to extend thanks and
appreciation to the many representatives of industry, academe and government agencies who
donated their time and expertise to the development of this Model Curriculum for the TVET
Program Pharmacy Level III.

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The trainers who developed the curriculum
No Name Qualific Educational Region College Mobile E-mail
ation background number
1 Demile Abate MSc Pharmacist A.A EPA 0902427607

2 Ayalew Sirbemo MSc Pharmacist Amhara D/Birhan Health 0916690925

Science College
3 Daba Zeleke B.Pharm Pharmacist Oromia Nekemte Health 0911033889
Science College
4 Mohibon Dinkneh B.Pharm Pharmacist Oromia Negelle Health 0964705332
Science College
5 Kenei Geneti B.Pharm Pharmacist A.A N/S/L 02 HC 0941962108

This model curriculum was developed on February 2022 at Adama Dembel View International Hotel, Ethiopia.

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