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Jalan ROROTAN VI Cilincing Jakarta Utara

Soal USBN 2021-2022



In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each

PART I. Directions: There are three items in this part. For each item, you will see a
picture on your test paper and you will hear four short statements. The statements
will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers say. When you hear the four statements,
look at the picture on your test paper and choose the statement that best describes
what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.
Look at the sample below. Now listen to the four statements:

A. The baby strollers are on sale.

B. The basket needs to be refilled.
C. The shopping carts are stuck together.
D. The trolleys are being rented.

Statement (B), “The screen is on the wall,” best describes what you see in the
picture. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with the picture marked number 1 on your test paper.

Number1. Look at picture number 1 on your test paper.

Soal USBN 2021-2022

Number 2. Look at picture number 2 on your test paper.

Number 3. Look at picture number 3 on your test paper.

PART II. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you
will hear a question or statement spoken in English followed by three responses,
also spoken in English. They will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your
test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.You are
to choose the best response to each question or statement and mark it on your
answer sheet.

Now listen to a sample question. You will hear:

[Man’s voice] :Would you like a seat in the front row?

[Woman’s voice] : You will also hear:

(A) No. The bed sheet is really dirty.

(B) Yes. Please, have a seat here.
(C) Sure. That would be better.
(D) No. I don’t like raw fruits.
The best response to the question, “Would you like a seat in the front row?” is choice
(C), “Sure. That would be better.” Therefore you should mark (C) on your answer

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

Soal USBN 2021-2022

PART III. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item you
will hear a short conversation between two people. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will read a question
about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You are to
choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now, let’s begin with question number 8 on your test paper.

8. What are they talking about?

A. How to leave at the Gate 4 in Surabaya
B. How to go to Surabaya in 15 minutes
C. Bus schedule to Surabaya
D. Trip to Surabaya by bus

9. What is the topic of the dialog?

A. Find the meaning of ‘Garden’
B. The Garden of the restaurant
C. Selecting name of the restaurant
D. The garden spot of the restaurant

10. What can we infer from the dialog?

A. Tom is Samantha’s new friend
B. The woman has just had a trip
C. The woman has just met Samantha
D. Tom and Samantha are close friends

11. What will the woman probably do on Saturday morning?

A. Go to the office
B. Call the cleaner’s
C. Clean the dress
D. Go to an event

PART IV. Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will
be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen
carefully to understand and remember what is said. On your test paper, you will read
two or more questionsabout each short talk. Each question will be followed by four
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your
answer sheet.

Let’s begin with the following short talk.

Questions number 12 and number 13 refer to the following information.

12. Who is most likely the speaker?

A. A supermarket employee
B. A supermarket customer
C. A regular visitor
D. A daily shopper

Soal USBN 2021-2022

13. What does the speaker suggest?
A. Having lunch at the store delicatessen
B. Getting two gallons of milk for $1.09
C. Visiting the store's dairy section
D. Buying flank steak for $5.50

Questions number 14 and number 15 refer to the followinginformation.

14.What is the information mainly about?

A. The making of modern paper
B. The biggest manufacture process
C. The way in producing vegetable fibers
D. The merger of many different factories

15. What should we do in order to dry the pulp?

A. Reel it on to long rollers to cut size
B. Mix the pulp with glue and resin
C. Pour it to wire screen and roll it
D. Use bleaching to beat the pulp



In this part of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand written English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

PART V. Directions: From questions 16 – 22, four clauses/sentences, marked

(A), (B), (C), or (D), are given beneath each incomplete dialog. Choose the one
clause/sentence that best completes the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.

16. Andre : Bagas and I are going to see a movie tonight? Do you want to come with us?
Chandra : I don’t think I can. ..., so I can have a day off tomorrow.
A. I should go with you
B. I don’t like to go out tonight
C. I have to work overtime today
D. I need to buy some movie CDs

17. Kiki : Do you think that on job training program is necessary for vocational
Athira : … because this program will give the students a chance to apply their
knowledge into real practice.
A. No, I am not on your side
B. I think I am not at the same line
C. No, they just need to study at school

Soal USBN 2021-2022

D. Sure, it will give them some experiences

18. Carl : Have you heard the disaster in Florida recently?

Angela : The forest fire? …
Carl : Sounds terrible. I hope government provides refugee camp for them.
A. The fire has been put out successfully.
B. The trees will be replanted in short time.
C. The whole suburb was destroyed.
D. The people have been announced before.

19. Woman : I’m thinking about quitting my job?

Man : Sorry? Are you serious? It’s so difficult to find a job these days.
Woman : I know, but…….I’m thinking about continuing my studies.
A. I’m not going to find another job
B. The job was not interesting anymore.
C. I did not want to work for a bigger company
D. The company will try to stop me for walking out.

20. Teguh : Why is all the work still pending? You promised to complete all the
assignment during the holidays. What did you do in the holidays, if not this?
Irfan : Well, I didn’t have time to do it because my brother had an accident and ….
A. I did really forget about it
B. I had to repaired my motorbike
C. I accompanied my mother to Bali
D. I had to be with him in the hospital

21. Yunifa : I’m just going to go get a sandwich and eat at my desk.
Manager : OK. And Nifa? You should ... when you go out. So we are still reachable.
Yunifa : Of course, I will.
A. never leave anything in the room
B. turn on the answering machine
C. disconnect the internet first
D. just lock the door properly

22. Fahri : How would your brother react if you crashed his motorbike?
Vita : … or kill me because it’s his favorite motorbike.
Fahri : I think it’s overreacted.
A. He will buy a new one
B. I don’t think he’s angry
C. He wouldn’t fix it right away
D. I guess he’d be extremely angry

Soal USBN 2021-2022

PART VI. Directions: Questions 23 – 29 based on short dialogs of certain situation,
such as invitation, daily activity, opinion, etc. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B),
(C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each short dialog on
the basis of what is stated or implied in the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet, find
the number of the question and mark your answer.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the following short dialogue.

Alicia : I need to lose weight. How do I start to do that?

Sarah : If I were you, I would reduce my food portions little by little and start
exercising regularly.
Alicia : Okay. Do you know what kind of exercise that’s best for losing weight
Sarah : I think you should ask that to Meghan. She’s an athlete, so she must at
least know something about exercising to lose weight.
Alicia : That’s worth a try.
Sarah : Do you need her number? I have it if you want.
Alicia : Sure. Thanks.

23. What is the dialogue about?

A. Giving Suggestion
B. Declining Suggestion
C. Asking for Direction
D. Describing People

24. What will Alicia probably do next?

A. Going to gym
B. Buying food
C. Calling for Meghan
D. Being an athlete

25. “If I were you, I would reduce my food portions…”

The word “reduce has similar meaning with …
A. Expand
B. Increase
C. Grow
D. Lessen

Questions 26 to 27 are based on the following short dialogue.

Arfan : Hi, do you mind if I sit beside you?

Aisyah: No problem
Arfan : Thanks. Do we have any homework today?
Aisyah : Yes, Mr. Stark wanted us to do Exercise 5 and 6 of the previous chapter
Arfan : He did? I mean, Exercise 6 too?
Aisyah: Yes
Arfan : May I copy your homework, then?
Aisyah : No, sorry… but I’ll help you do it
Arfan : Sure, thank you
Aisyah : Don’t mention it.

Soal USBN 2021-2022

26. Where did the dialogue take place?
A. at home
B. in a café
C. at the street
D. in the class

27. What can we conclude from the dialogue?

A. Mr. Stark is a mean teacher.
B. Aisyah asked for Arfan help.
C. Arfan forgot about his task.
D. Aisyah is seeking for homework.

Questions 28 to 29 are based on the following short dialogue.

Smith : Did you hear the news that Mr. Mark was angry with
Michael : Yes, I did. It was caused by a ball, wasn’t it?
Smith : Yes, it was. That ball was kicked and broke some
glasses at the office.
Michael : I saw his face. He was a dead fish at the office.
Smith : Yeah, you’re right. He has been punished for 2 days.
Michael : Let’s check him at his house after school.
Smith : Okay.
28. What is the dialogue about?
A. An accident caused by Jack.
B. The way the ball being kicked.
C. How Jack made Michael angry.
D. The deadfish at the office.

29. How Jack probably felt after breaking glasses?

A. He was delighted
B. He felt terrified
C. He was so pleased
D. He wanted to do more

Soal USBN 2021-2022

PART VII. Directions: Questions 30 to 40 are based on a selection of reading materials:
Announcement, Procedure, Descriptive and News text. Choose the one best answer, (A),
(B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each reading selection
on the basis of what is stated or implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find
the number of the question and mark your answer.

Question 30 to 32 refer to the following text.

The discovery of the Omicron variant in white-tailed deer in New York has raised concerns that the
species, numbering 30 million in the United States, could become hosts of a new coronavirus
strain, a lead researcher said on Tuesday.
Blood and some nasal swab samples from 131 deer captured on New York's Staten Island
revealed that nearly 15 percent had virus antibodies. The finding suggested that the animals had
previous coronavirus infections and were vulnerable to repeated reinfections with new variants,
researchers led by Pennsylvania State University scientists said.
“Circulation of the virus in an animal population always raises the possibility of getting back to
humans, but more importantly it provides more opportunities for the virus to evolve into novel
variants,” said Suresh Kuchipudi, a Penn State veterinary microbiologist.
"When the virus completely mutates, then it can escape the protection of the current vaccine. So,
we'd have to change the vaccine again," Kuchipudi said. The discovery - the first time Omicron
was detected in a wild animal - comes as a surge in COVID-19 infections fueled by the variant are
abating among the US human population.
While there is no evidence that animals are transmitting the virus to humans, most coronavirus
infections were reported in species that had close contact with a person with COVID-19, according
to the US Department of Agriculture.

30. What is the text mainly about?

A. The rising number of Covid-19 infected patients.
B. The concern over the appearance of new-variant of covid 19
C. The transmitting of virus from animals to human.
D. The circulation of virus in animals’ population.

31. What happens if the virus spreads out in animals’ population?

A. It gives more chance for the virus to evolve to a new variant.
B. It can protect people from the Covid-19 virus infection.
C. The animals might have to get re-vaccinated.
D. The spreads of the virus may be soon abating

32. What can be conclude from the text?

A. A close contact animal with a person with Covid-19 can be the virus transmitter.
B. 15 percent of the animal population in New York had corona virus infection.
C. Omicron was firstly found in wild animal in US.
D. 131 deer captured in New York Staten Island get vaccinated.

Soal USBN 2021-2022

Question 33 to 35 refer to the following text.
Smartphones consume more energy than conventional cell phones. It is better for you to
use the following tricks:
1. Set your smartphone to a dark-colored background. The darker pixels, the less battery it
2. Don’t set your phone to “auto-brightness”. In “auto-brightness”, the display will look good,
but it is still brighter than what you really need. It is better to set the phone to a “super low
brightness: level that is still comfortable for you.
3.Switch off the “vibrate mode” when it is not really needed.
4.Use original batteries. Fake batteries do not produce maximum power. They possibly
damage the electrical component.
5.Set the display screen to be “off” shortly after you use your phone. There are several
options in your smartphone from 15 seconds to 2 minutes screen off. It is highly
recommended to choose 15 or 30 seconds screen off.
6.Turn on the “sleep times” or “blocking mode” whenever you don’t need any internet
network. It will switch off the Wi-Fi and mobile data.
7.Update applications you need frequently. The updated application will work optimally
during processing.
8.Turn on the power-saving mode.

33. What is the text about?

A. How to use smartphones efficiently.
B. How to remove a battery from a smartphone.
C. How to get the advantages of a smartphone optimally.
D. How to save the power of the battery in a smartphone.

34. What is the function of "blocking mode"?

A. To turn off the internet access.
B. To update the applications.
C. To set the display screen time.
D. To save the power of the battery.

35. "... energy the conventional cell phones..." The word 'conventional' is synonymous with...
A. Automatic
B. Modern
C. Handy
D. Ordinary

Soal USBN 2021-2022

Question 36 to 38 refer to the following text.
Komodo National Park is located between Sumbawa island and Flores in eastern Indonesia
archipelago. In 1986, Komodo National Park declared as World Heritage Site and Man and
Biosphere Reserve (World Biosphere Reserve) by UNESCO.
The Komodo National Park is located in Indonesia Wallacea. Wallacea region formed by the
confluence of two continents that make up the unique row of volcanic islands, and consists of birds
mix and other animals from both continents Autralia and Asia. The island itself has 1,817 square
kilometers total area. In this conservation area, 2500 komodo dragons live scattered in several
major areas of Komodo island, such as; Rinca island, Padar island and Gili Mota. Komodo dragon
habitat is outdoors with savanna grasslands, rain forest, white sandy beaches, coral reefs and
crystal clear water beach. In this area, we can found other animals such as horses, wild buffalo,
deer, wild boar male, snakes, monkeys, and various types of birds.
Komodo National Park also has magnificent underwater life. The divers states that Komodo island
is one of the best dive sites in the world. With stunning views of sea bottom where there are 385
species of beautiful corals, mangroves and sea grass, as well as home to thousands fishes, 70
sponges species, 10 species of dolphins, 6 kinds of whales, green turtles, and various types of
sharks and stingrays. The combination of a variety of vegetation in the park provide a good
environment for different types of animals in this region.
Most tourists who visiting the park are foreign tourists, which they call the national park is the
"world unto itself". As far as the eye can see, there are nature scenery with some palm trees
reaching to the sky which has background vertical chain of mountains, barren impression on the
savanna but boisterous by some of birds, wild horses, and giant reptiles sounds. Swimming and
bathing under the sun and Flores blue water; is a world unto itself and unforgettable experience for
the tourists.

36. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the readers about location of Komodo National Park
B. To persuade the readers to pet a komodo at home
C. To influence readers to visit Komodo National Park
D. To compare the Park with another tourist destination

37. What can be said about Komodo National Park?

A. All of the visitors of the site are foreign tourists
B. It has stunning sea bottom views.
C. General description of the Park
D. Geographical position of the Park

38. "... magnificent underwater life." The word 'magnificent' is synonymous with ...
A. Lowly
B. Ordinary
C. Outstanding
D. Unimposing

Soal USBN 2021-2022

Question 39 to 40 refer to the following text.
Hi I’m Jack Banner. I’m a secret agent, but I’m here on vacation. Guess what happened to me. I
almost forget my identity.

I arrived at the airport in the afternoon. The flight was not really good. So I only had a little sleep.
Nobody picked me up, so I took a taxi to the hotel. I asked the driver to take me to the hotel my
agent had reserved.

At the hotel I went directly to the receptionist desk. I told her that I had reserved a room. After a
minute she looked at me and said that nobody had reserved under Jack Baner. And the hotel was
full. I thought there was something wrong. But what could I do?

Then I went to a public phone. I called my travel agent back at my country and told about my
problem. I was surprised to know that the problem was so simple. They reserved a room at this
hotel under Johny Goodbye, my alias. I am a secret agent, remember?

I was so embarrassed. I shouldn’t have forgotten my alias.

39. Who is probably the writer of the text?
A. a polite receptionist
B. a holiday travel agent
C. a busy taxi driver
D. an undercover agent

40. What’s so hilarious about the text?

A. a secret agent who booked a room.
B. how an agent spent his holiday.
C. how a secret agent forgot his alias.
D. miscommunication between agents.

PART VIII. Directions: Questions 40 to 45 are based on a selection of reading materials

Answer all the questions based on the reading text given.

Question 41 to refers to the following announcement.

Cosplay Gathering

For all of Cosplay lover in our school!

We will hold a cosplay gathering. This event is aimed to make the entire cosplay lovers in our
school exchange some mutual information about cosplay. The excellent events for the gathering
are a dance competition, parody of Korean drama, and of course cosplay festival.

The Cosplay gathering will be held on 12 March 2017 at School yard.

For more information contact our Art teacher Ms.Tari or OSIS chairperson, Sania.

41. What is this text intended for?

Soal USBN 2021-2022

Questions 42 and 43 refer to the following News.

Bandar Lampung-Based on the report by Ministry of Health in Bandar Lampung, The number
of patients with diabetes reached 200 people in 2014. This report is based on the real number
of patients from all the hospital in Bandar Lampung.

This number is higher than the number of patients with diabetes in 2013. Only 156 patients.
They got the diabetes mellitus almost. The range of age of the patients is 20-30 15 people, 30-
40 years old is 45 and 40-60 years old is 140 people. This number was surprising that the
young people in productive age got higher than last years which only reach no one.

The ministry of health said that this condition is followed by the bad habits which patients have
before, they eats much many junk foods than healthy foods In addition, they do not do an
exercise regularly in their activities.

After this reports, the Ministry of Health in Bandar Lampung hopes that people in Bandar
Lampung will do some dietary program and kick all their bad habits like eats more junk foods.
Do some exercise regularly, he added.

42. What is the text mainly about?

43. What should people do to avoid diabetes?

Questions 44 and 45 refer to the following text.

Susi Pudjiastuti (born 15 January 1965) is an Indonesian entrepreneur who served as the Minister
of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia under President Joko Widodo's 2014-2019 Working
Cabinet. She is also the owner of PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product, a seafood export company,
and PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation, which operates Susi Air charter airline.
In 1983, Pudjiastuti embarked on a career as an entrepreneur, starting as a seafood distributor at
a Fish Auction Facility (TPI) in Pangandaran. Her distributorship evolved into a seafood
processing plant in 1996 named PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product, which specialised in export-
quality lobsters packaged as 'Susi Brand'. PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product expanded, and
began exporting its products to Asia and America.
The growing demand for PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product's fresh seafood lead to rapid air
transport as a necessity for the business. In 2004, Pudjiastuti acquired a Cessna 208 Caravan,
and established PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation. The Cessna was given the call-sign 'Susi Air', and
was used to transport fresh Indonesian seafood to Jakarta, as well as overseas to Singapore,
Hong Kong, and Japan.
On 16 September 2016, the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) awarded her the Leaders for a
Living Planet Award. This is in recognition of her efforts as Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
in promoting sustainable development in the Indonesian fisheries sector and conservation of the
marine ecosystem, as well as her fierce crackdown on illegal fishing in Indonesian waters.

44. What benefits the reader may get from reading the text?

45. Why was Susi bestowed by WWF as the Leaders for a Living Planet.

Soal USBN 2021-2022

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