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Lina Konovalchuk, IR19004b

International human rights law

In my opinion, despite the current crisis of international law, it still remains a

significant legal constant, which has its own significance for both states and
individuals. Yes, a person, his life, health, honor, dignity, safety are basic,
fundamental international legal values with which all legal systems must be
correlated. Moreover, human rights and freedoms are clearly insufficiently
observed, protected and defended both in our country and abroad.

At one time, based on the need to create a new, just world, as well as the
determination to fight against state terror and manifestations of dictatorships, they
prompted the United Nations after the Second World War to unite basic human
rights, the implementation of which it considered desirable for all mankind, and
adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948.

International law in the field of human rights imposes certain obligations on states.
By becoming a party to international treaties, the state undertakes to respect,
protect and fulfill human rights. Respect for human rights implies non-interference
by the state in the exercise of human rights and refraining from restricting them.
The obligation to protect human rights requires the state to prevent rights
violations. The implementation of human rights obliges the state to guarantee the
unhindered implementation of basic human rights.

By ratifying international treaties in the field of human rights, the state undertakes
to take internal measures and laws in accordance with these treaties. In the event
that the state fails to deal with situations of human rights violations, mechanisms
and procedures are available at the regional and international levels for
consideration of individual complaints designed to ensure the observance,
application and enforcement of human rights by local authorities.

Yes, the international legal mechanisms of responsibility are not so operational and
regulated, because states want to leave their hands free in international affairs. And
if we take separate international legal regimes (space, trade, investments), then
responsibility has certain forms: political or material. Only historical experience
shows that prosecution procedures are the result of the manifestation of political
will, and the operation of international law is secondly an instrument of this will.
The Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals can be cited as an example of the celebration
of international justice.
Peace and security are the main goals of international law. Thus, international law
is a flexible formally defined, binding, normative mechanism for the formation of a
multipolar world, based on the agreement of all participants in international
relations, the purpose of which is, firstly, the stability and predictability of the
interaction of states as the main subjects international law; secondly, the formation
of the international order.

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