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Q1) What is the value of biodiversity and what are hotspots of biodiversity?
Provide examples.
Biodiversity refers to the wide variety of biological constituents of the earth and the
numerous species of plants and animals, including microorganisms. The interaction of biotic
and abiotic components of ecosystems is a very important aspect of life on Earth.
Biodiversity helps us understand the differences between species and how life originated on
Earth. His research helps us understand the interrelationships between different life forms and
adaptations to different conditions.
Biodiversity is so important that if one chain or link is interrupted, the whole system comes to
a halt. Biodiversity also makes ecosystems more productive, and when it automatically
declines, so does ours. Because both are interdependent with all species playing essential
roles in the functioning of ecosystems, local and global loss of species could jeopardize the
stability of ecosystem services on which humans depend. Because it can be threatening. This
is both an interesting topic and a global issue that affects all human civilization and existence.
As our present and future are entirely dependent on the sustainability and growth of this
ecosystem and biodiversity, the issues mentioned are in line with many other issues related to
our natural processes. As with any problem, it cannot be ignored. Our ecosystems are
completely dependent on how biodiversity works. The value of biodiversity is so important
that without it there would be no life on earth. Biodiversity is important as it provides a wide
variety of species, plants, animals, bacteria and their frequencies in this field. High levels of
biodiversity are generally considered beneficial and desirable as they lead to greater stability
and productivity in communities.
1. Economic Importance:
people rely on biodiversity as raw material for exploitation and industry. Biodiversity is
essential to many lives, including farmers, fishermen and forest workers.
2. Ecological Life Support:
Biodiversity supports ecosystems that provide oxygen, clean air and water, crop pollination,
pest control, wastewater treatment, and many other ecosystem services.
3. Recreation:
Birdwatching, hiking, camping and fishing are just some of the recreational activities that
depend on our unique biodiversity. Biodiversity is also important for the tourism economy.
4. Cultural Relevance:
Australian culture is closely linked to biodiversity through expressions of identity, spirituality
and aesthetic perception. Indigenous Australians have deep spiritual beliefs about flora and
fauna, leading to a strong connection to and stewardship of biodiversity.
5. Scientific Significance:
Biodiversity is a repository of systematic ecological data that supports our understanding of
the natural world and its origins.
Several regions of the world are considered biodiversity 'hotspots' and are home to vibrant
ecosystems teeming with life. However, many of these areas have been devastated by natural
disasters. The Amazon and Australian rainforests have recently been ravaged by wildfires. In
2016, the Great Barrier His Reef suffered heavy losses due to rising sea temperatures. Other
hotspots are affected by human encroachments such as pollution, deforestation, poaching and
unsustainable resource use.
Tropical regions of the world with rich biodiversity, high levels of endemism and under
imminent threat from extinction and habitat destruction are 'hotspots' for conservation in the
Western Ghats and Assam identified as. world.
The largest biodiversity hotspot in India is the Indo-Burma region
In terms of biodiversity and endemism, the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot covers all non-
marine areas of – Cambodia, PDR Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. We have you
covered. Part of Southern China - one of the most biologically important regions on earth.
The area is very rich in biodiversity, but has deteriorated in recent decades. Recently, six
species of mammals were discovered in this area. Among them are Osteokine, Anamitekyon,
Gray Shank He Dooku, Leaf Deer, Saora, and Anamite his striped rabbit. Other species such
as monkeys, langurs and gibbons can be found here with populations of less than 100.
However, the species of freshwater turtles found in this area are endemic. 1,300 species of
birds can also be seen here, most of which are endangered. About 13,500 plant species can be
found in the region, half of which are endemic and found nowhere else in the world.

Q2) Explain the concept of Acid rain.

Acid rain is rain or other form of precipitation that is abnormally acidic, meaning that it has
high levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). Most water, including drinking water, has a neutral
pH between 6.5 and 8.5, while acid rain has a lower pH, averaging between 4 and 5. 2] Acid
rain can adversely affect plants, aquatic life and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by the
release of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that react with water molecules in the
atmosphere to produce acids.   How is acid rain formed?  Acid rain is one result of air
pollution. It occurs when emissions from factories, automobiles, or boilers come into contact
with atmospheric water. These emissions contain nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and
sulphur trioxide, which when mixed with water become sulphurous acid, nitric acid and
sulfuric acid. This process also occurs naturally due to volcanic eruptions. Acid rain affects
the resulting acid deposits on the earth as rain and snow, with very bad consequences:  on the
one hand, in the form of acidification of soils, lakes and seas Plants and animals that damage
nature and damage land and sea. On the other hand, acid rain also causes corrosion of metal
elements such as buildings, bridges, towers and other structures, and destruction of limestone
human heritage such as buildings and historic monuments, statues and sculptures.  Acid rain
affects almost everything. Even plants, soils, trees, buildings and statues can be altered by
precipitation.   Acid rain has proven to be very hard on trees. It weakens the leaves by
washing away their protective film and inhibits their growth.  Acid rain can also change the
composition of soils and water bodies, making them uninhabitable for native flora and fauna.
For example, a healthy lake has a pH of 6.5 or higher. Acid rain increases acidity, making it
easier for fish to die. Most fish species cannot survive in water below pH 5. When the pH
reaches 4, the lake is considered dead and monuments such as limestone and marble
buildings and tombstones can also deteriorate.   Is acid rain harmful to humans?  Acid rain
itself is not harmful to humans, so there is no health risk from skin contact with contaminated
water or snow, but acid rain is a cause of acid rain. The gas that becomes is harmful. These
gases contain particles of sulphate and nitrate, which are carried by the wind and inhaled by
people causing respiratory illness. However, natural disasters can also be a factor. For
example, volcanoes can blow pollutants into the atmosphere and cause acid rain. These
pollutants are carried around the world in jet streams and can turn into acid rain far from the
volcano. After an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs 65.5 million years ago, sulphur trioxide
was blown into the air. When exposed to air, it turns into sulfuric acid and causes acid rain.  
Earlier, more than four billion years ago, the air is thought to have contained 10,000 times
more carbon dioxide than she does today. Today's acid rain is primarily caused by sulphur
dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) released into the atmosphere from fossil fuel power
plants, vehicles and oil refineries. Two-thirds of the sulphur dioxide and one-fourth of the
nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere come from electrical generators. 
A chemical reaction happens when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides mix with water,
oxygen and other chemicals in the air. They then become sulfuric and nitric acids that mix
with precipitation and fall to the ground. Precipitation is considered acidic when its pH level
is about 5.2 or below. The normal pH of rain is around 5.6.

How does acid rain affect plants

Acid rain can affect the health of plants. Acid rain changes the pH of the land where the plant
is growing, thereby affecting the overall growth of the plants. Moreover, it binds or dissolves
essential soil minerals such as nitrogen and phosphorus and carries them away.

What is acid rain made of

Acid rain comprises highly acidic water droplets due to air emissions, specifically the
disproportionate levels of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emitted by vehicles and
manufacturing processes. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide combine with water
molecules to form sulphuric and nitric acid. What is the primary source of acid rain? The
power plants primarily cause acid rain. It releases most of the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
dioxide while burning fossil fuels. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide combine with water
molecules to form sulphuric and nitric acid causing acid rain.

How to stop acid rain 

The only way to stop acid rain is to reduce emissions that cause it. This involves betting on
renewable energy sources and reducing the use of fossil fuels in the industrial and automotive
sector and in the daily life of every citizen. This can be done by restricting the use of fossil
fuels and focusing on more renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. 
Also, each person can do their part by reducing their vehicle use. Using public transportation,
walking, riding a bike or carpooling is a good start, according to the EPA. People can also
reduce their use of electricity, which is widely created with fossil fuels, or switch to a solar
plan. Many electricity companies offer solar packages to their customers that require no
installation and low costs. It is also possible to prevent acid rain forming, by adding lime
deposits to major water sources. This method has been used to neutralize the Ph levels in the
water, which reduced the acidity, for thousands of years. These so-called "liming" operations
have also been used to restore wildlife. The water becomes too acidic for the fish to survive,
causing them to disappear from the river 18 years earlier.
Acidity and alkalinity are measured using a pH scale for which 7.0 is neutral. The lower a
substance's pH (less than 7), the more acidic it is; the higher a substance's pH (greater than 7),
the more alkaline it is. Normal rain has a pH of about 5.6; it is slightly acidic because carbon
dioxide (CO2) dissolves into it forming weak carbonic acid.  Acid rain usually has a pH
between 4.2 and 4.4.
Policymakers, research scientists, ecologists, and modelers rely on the National Atmospheric
Deposition Program’s (NADP) National Trends Network (NTN) for measurements of wet
deposition. The NADP/NTN collects acid rain at more than 250 monitoring sites throughout
the US, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and the US Virgin Islands. Unlike wet deposition, dry
deposition is difficult and expensive to measure. Dry deposition estimates for nitrogen and
sulfur pollutants are provided by the Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET). Air
concentrations are measured by CASTNET at more than 90 locations.

When acid deposition is washed into lakes and streams, it can cause some to turn acidic. The
Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) Network measures and monitors surface water chemistry at
over 280 sites to provide valuable information on aquatic ecosystem health and how water
bodies respond to changes in acid-causing emissions and acid deposition.


 WILDLIFE: The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic
environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and
other wildlife. As it flows through the soil, acidic rain water can leach aluminium
from soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes. The more acid that is
introduced to the ecosystem, the more aluminium is released.

Some types of plants and animals are able to tolerate acidic waters and moderate
amounts of aluminium. Others, however, are acid-sensitive and will be lost as the pH
declines. Generally, the young of most species are more sensitive to environmental
conditions than adults. At pH 5, most fish eggs cannot hatch. At lower pH levels,
some adult fish die. Some acidic lakes have no fish. Even if a species of fish or animal
can tolerate moderately acidic water, the animals or plants it eats might not. For
example, frogs have a critical pH around 4, but the mayflies they eat are more
sensitive and may not survive pH below 5.5.

 PLANTS AND TREES: Dead or dying trees are a common sight in areas effected by
acid rain. Acid rain leaches aluminium from the soil.  That aluminium may be harmful
to plants as well as animals. Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients from the
soil that trees need to grow. 

At high elevations, acidic fog and clouds might strip nutrients from trees’ foliage,
leaving them with brown or dead leaves and needles. The trees are then less able to
absorb sunlight, which makes them weak and less able to withstand freezing

Buffering Capacity
Many forests, streams, and lakes that experience acid rain don’t suffer effects because
the soil in those areas can buffer the acid rain by neutralizing the acidity in the
rainwater flowing through it. This capacity depends on the thickness and composition
of the soil and the type of bedrock underneath it. In areas such as mountainous parts
of the Northeast United States, the soil is thin and lacks the ability to adequately
neutralize the acid in the rain water. As a result, these areas are particularly vulnerable
and the acid and aluminium can accumulate in the soil, streams, or lakes.

Episodic Acidification

Melting snow and heavy rain downpours can result in what is known as episodic
acidification. Lakes that do not normally have a high level of acidity may temporarily
experience effects of acid rain when the melting snow or downpour brings greater
amounts of acidic deposition and the soil can’t buffer it. This short duration of higher
acidity (i.e., lower pH) can result in a short-term stress on the ecosystem where a
variety of organisms or species may be injured or killed.

Nitrogen Pollution

It’s not just the acidity of acid rain that can cause problems. Acid rain also contains
nitrogen, and this can have an impact on some ecosystems. For example, nitrogen
pollution in our coastal waters is partially responsible for declining fish and shellfish
populations in some areas. In addition to agriculture and wastewater, much of the
nitrogen produced by human activity that reaches coastal waters comes from the

MATERIALS: Not all acidic deposition is wet. Sometimes dust particles can become acidic
as well, and this is called dry deposition. When acid rain and dry acidic particles fall to earth,
the nitric and sulfuric acid that make the particles acidic can land on statues, buildings, and
other manmade structures, and damage their surfaces. The acidic particles corrode metal and
cause paint and stone to deteriorate more quickly. They also dirty the surfaces of buildings
and other structures such as monuments.

Q3) Highlight the important aspects of climate change.

The earth's climate is changing. Multiple lines of evidence show changes in our weather,
oceans, and ecosystems, such as:

 Changing temperature and precipitation patterns.

 Increases in ocean temperatures, sea level, and acidity.
 Melting of glaciers and sea ice.
 Changes in the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme weather events.
 Shifts in ecosystem characteristics, like the length of the growing season, timing of
flower blooms, and migration of birds.
These changes are due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and the warming
of the planet due to the greenhouse effect.

The Greenhouse Effect:

The earth's temperature depends on the balance between energy entering and leaving the
planet’s system. When sunlight reaches the earth’s surface, it can either be reflected back into
space or absorbed by the earth. Incoming energy that is absorbed by the earth warms the
planet. Once absorbed, the planet releases some of the energy back into the atmosphere as
heat (also called infrared radiation). Solar energy that is reflected back to space does not
warm the earth.

Certain gases in the atmosphere absorb energy, slowing or preventing the loss of heat to
space. Those gases are known as “greenhouse gases.” They act like a blanket, making the
earth warmer than it would otherwise be. This process, commonly known as the “greenhouse
effect,” is natural and necessary to support life. However, the recent build-up of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere from human activities has changed the earth's climate and resulted in
dangerous effects to human health and welfare and to ecosystems.

Most of the warming since 1950 has been caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases come from a variety of human activities, including burning fossil fuels for
heat and energy, clearing forests, fertilizing crops, storing waste in landfills, raising livestock,
and producing some kinds of industrial products.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas contributing to recent climate change. Carbon
dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels, solid waste, trees, and other
biological materials, and as a result of certain chemical reactions, such as cement
manufacturing. Carbon dioxide is absorbed and emitted naturally as part of the carbon cycle,
through plant and animal respiration, volcanic eruptions, and ocean-atmosphere exchange.


Both natural and human activities produce methane. For example, natural wetlands,
agricultural activities, and fossil fuel extraction and transport all emit methane.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is produced mainly through agricultural activities and natural biological
processes. Fossil fuel burning and industrial processes also create nitrous oxide.


Chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and

sulphur hexafluoride, together called F-gases, are often used in coolants, foaming agents, fire
extinguishers, solvents, pesticides, and aerosol propellants.


Climate feedbacks are natural processes that respond to global warming by offsetting or
further increasing change in the climate system. Feedbacks that offset the change in climate
are called negative feedbacks. Feedbacks that amplify changes are called positive feedbacks.
Water vapor appears to cause the most important positive feedback. As the earth warms, the
rate of evaporation and the amount of water vapor in the air both increases. Because water
vapor is a greenhouse gas, this leads to further warming.

The melting of Arctic sea ice is another example of a positive climate feedback. As

temperatures rise, sea ice retreats. The loss of ice exposes the underlying sea surface, which is
darker and absorbs more sunlight than ice, increasing the total amount of warming.
Less snow cover during warm winters has a similar effect.
Clouds can have both warming and cooling effects on climate. They cool the planet by
reflecting sunlight during the day, and they warm the planet by slowing the escape of heat to
space (this is most apparent at night, as cloudy nights are usually warmer than clear nights).

Climate change can lead to changes in the coverage, altitude, and reflectivity of clouds. These
changes can then either amplify (positive feedback) or dampen (negative feedback) the
original change. The net effect of these changes is likely an amplifying, or positive, feedback
due mainly to increasing altitude of high clouds in the tropics, which makes them better able
to trap heat, and reductions in coverage of lower-level clouds in the mid-latitudes, which
reduces the amount of sunlight they reflect. The magnitude of this feedback is uncertain due
to the complex nature of cloud/climate interactions.

Some changes (such as droughts, wildfires, and extreme rainfall) are happening faster than
scientists previously assessed. In fact, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) — the United Nations body established to assess the science related to
climate change — modern humans have never before seen the observed changes in our global
climate, and some of these changes are irreversible over the next hundreds to thousands of

Scientists have high confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise for many
decades, mainly due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities.

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment report, published in 2021, found that human emissions of heat-
trapping gases have already warmed the climate by nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees
Celsius) since pre-Industrial times (starting in 1750).1 The global average temperature is
expected to reach or exceed 1.5 degrees C (about 3 degrees F) within the next few decades.
These changes will affect all regions of Earth.

The severity of effects caused by climate change will depend on the path of future human
activities. More greenhouse gas emissions will lead to more climate extremes and widespread
damaging effects across our planet. However, those future effects depend on the total amount
of carbon dioxide we emit. So, if we can reduce emissions, we may avoid some of the worst

The Earth’s climate is changing and the global climate is projected to continue to change over
this century and beyond. The magnitude of climate change beyond the next few decades will
depend primarily on the amount of greenhouse (heat-trapping) gases emitted globally and on
the remaining uncertainty in the sensitivity of the Earth’s climate to those emissions. With
significant reductions in the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), global annual averaged
temperature rise could be limited to 2°C or less. However, without major reductions in these
emissions, the increase in annual average global temperatures, relative to preindustrial times,
could reach 5°C or more by the end of this century.
The global climate continues to change rapidly compared to the pace of the natural variations
in climate that have occurred throughout Earth’s history. Trends in globally averaged
temperature, sea level rise, upper-ocean heat content, land-based ice melt, arctic sea ice,
depth of seasonal permafrost thaw, and other climate variables provide consistent evidence of
a warming planet. These observed trends are robust and confirmed by multiple, independent
research groups around the world.

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