Chourasia2021 - Damage Limitation and Structural Behaviour Factor For Masonry Structures

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Damage limitation and structural behaviour factor

for masonry structures

Ajay Chourasia, Shubham Singhal & Pradeep Bhargava

To cite this article: Ajay Chourasia, Shubham Singhal & Pradeep Bhargava (2021) Damage
limitation and structural behaviour factor for masonry structures, Australian Journal of Structural
Engineering, 22:1, 19-28, DOI: 10.1080/13287982.2021.1872978

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Published online: 14 Jan 2021.

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2021, VOL. 22, NO. 1, 19–28


Damage limitation and structural behaviour factor for masonry structures

a a
Ajay Chourasia , Shubham Singhal and Pradeep Bhargavab
Structural Engineering Division, CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India; bDepartment of Civil Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India


Different codes provide a range of values for structural behaviour factor for various masonry Received 1 June 2020
building systems. High variation in structural behaviour factors in different codes arises mainly Accepted 4 January 2021
due to the lack of information from experimental studies. Thus, the present paper highlights KEYWORDS
investigation of behaviour of different masonry construction systems through full-scale tests Structural Behaviour factor;
on masonry buildings subjected to cyclic displacement. Six tests, out of which three on virgin damage limitation; confined
masonry building systems, employing unreinforced masonry (URM), reinforced masonry (RM) masonry; reinforced
and confined masonry (CM) having similar geometrical, material, constructional features and masonry; unreinforced
test procedures were conducted. The remaining three building models tested included masonry
repaired unreinforced masonry (URM-REP), retrofitted unreinforced masonry (URM-RET) and
retrofitted reinforced masonry (RM-RET). Observations and data from the experiments have
been co-related between damage index, grade of damage and displacement capacity, thereby
estimation of structural behaviour factor for different masonry building typologies. The analysis
shows that the ranges of structural behaviour factor mentioned in codes are adequate for URM
and RM, while the same for CM is conservative, which can be relaxed. Also, it has been noticed
that there is a substantial increase in structural behaviour factor for repaired and retrofitted
masonry structures, thus proving the structural adequacy of retrofitting measures.

1. Introduction response spectrum is divided by structural behaviour

factor (q). These factors are based on the considera­
Majority of low-to-medium rise dwelling units in
tion that a substantial amount of ductility is offered
developing countries are masonry buildings. As per
by the structural system. Although the range of q-fac­
2011 Census of India, there were 304 million houses
of which around 85% is masonry buildings. Most of tor mentioned in various codes for different masonry
such constructions are unreinforced masonry lacking system is available, however, there are only a few
the seismic requirements or reference to any seismic experimental verifications that have been attempted.
design code. The brittle behaviour of masonry due to European Committee for Standardization (2004) and
low tensile strength, lower energy dissipation capa­ EC 6 (2005) mention range of q-factor for different
city and high mass, limit the adoption of unrein­ masonry as 1.5–2.5; 2.0–3.0; and 2.5–3.0 correspond­
forced masonry buildings (URM) in the high ing to URM, CM and RM masonry. The Indian code
seismic region of Europe, while no such restrictions (IS-1893Part-1, 2002) provides the corresponding
exist for reinforced masonry buildings (RM) and factor as ‘response reduction factor (R)’ for URM
confined masonry buildings (CM). The Indian code, and RM as 1.5 and 2.5 respectively, only. Contrary,
IS 4326 (2013), refers to seismic provisions for URM, Tomaževič and Weiss (1994), 1996, 1997a, 1997b,
RM and is silent on CM construction, although this 1997c, 2004, 2005, 2007) had carried out the investi­
typology is also becoming popular in the country gation of q factor of a 1:5 scaled masonry structure
(Chourasia, Parashar, and Singhal 2019). In all the through a simple uni-directional shaking table and
cases it is essential to experimentally verify seismic assessed q = 2.84, 2.69 and 3.74 for URM, CM and
resistance of masonry construction vis-à-vis design RM buildings respectively. Benedetti, Carydis, and
forces of the structure. The capacity of seismic resis­ Pezzoli (1998) had assessed q-factor on a 1:1 URM
tance in the non-linear range is simplified to the and retrofitted structure as 1.4 and 2.0 respectively.
linear range with a factor of seismic forces smaller Also, da Porto, Grendene, and Modena (2009) had
than pure linear elastic response. The evaluation of attempted the assessment of structural behaviour
the behaviour factor considers that the structure shall factor on masonry walls subjected to lateral cyclic
dissipate energy and deform in the non-linear range. loads. Other relevant studies on seismic behaviour
To avoid explicit inelastic structural analysis in of masonry buildings include that of Kumazawa
design, generally, a linear elastic analysis based on and Ohkubo (2000), Meli (1973 June), Yoshimura

CONTACT Ajay Chourasia

© 2021 Engineers Australia

et al. (1996), Yoshimura et al. (2003), Marinilli and lab, and fixed through steel buttresses and channel
Castilla (2004), Yáñez et al. (2004) and Zabala et al. sections. The buildings were subjected to displace­
(2004). The results obtained through these tests are ment controlled reversed cyclic quasi-static lateral
beyond the elastic limit and close to near collapse load at the top level through a 50 ton loading actua­
state for simple masonry buildings. Such tests are tor with a stroke of 75 mm in the push and pull
essential to assess the range of behaviour factor of directions. The load through actuator was distributed
masonry system, which cannot be correctly estimated through roller ball bearings fixed with grillage
only through ductility tests on structural walls. mechanism and distributed to eight points at the
Although the small-scale test on masonry model ade­ roof level. This simulated a fixed boundary condition
quately simulates global behaviour and mechanism of as a rigid diaphragm. Figure 2 portrays the con­
the building, however, results in upper bound values structed full-scale masonry buildings tested under
of q-factor. Also, there is a wide difference in q-fac­ lateral load at the top level. Linear variable displace­
tors assessed across the world. Moreover, no attempt ment transducers (LVDTs), having 0.01 mm sensi­
has been made for comparing experimentally deter­ tivity were located at critical points to capture the
mination of structural behaviour factor of indigen­ deformations. Four LVDTs were fixed on the out-of-
ously built masonry buildings. The database of plane loading wall to record lateral deformation
q-factor thus generated can be used to define the along with the height and two LVDTs were fixed on
realistic q-factors for estimation of design forces the opposite wall at the top position. Two LVDTs
hence there is a need to investigate. were fixed on the wall parallel to the direction of
Under a research programme, three full-scale tests loading to record out-of-plane deformations (if
on masonry systems viz. URM, RM and CM, subjected any). Displacements occurring during the test were
to uni-directional low cyclic lateral displacements with recorded in a data acquisition system connected to
increasing amplitudes were conducted at CSIR-CBRI, the LVDTs. The cyclic displacement was applied at
Roorkee. The full-scale tests on different masonry equal intervals in accordance with ASTM 2009 2126.
buildings having common asymmetric features such The frequency was defined as 0.004 Hz to simulate
as walls with door and windows openings, walls without time history displacement. The experiment was ter­
openings, prevailing construction practices etc. were minated at the attainment of failure state just prior to
performed for a realistic estimation of different para­ the collapse state so that the test set-up and instru­
meters. All the tested masonry structures have similar ments are prevented from the damage. Figure 3 por­
geometrical, material and experimental procedure. In trays the test set-up, loading arrangement and
addition the other three models include repaired/retro­ instrumentation for the tested buildings.
fitted buildings of URM and RM type. The specimens
represent typical Indian masonry construction of
3. Damage pattern
3 × 3 m in plan with a height of 3 m using burnt solid
clay units having size 220 × 110 x 70 mm with 1:6 The URM building exhibited a linear behaviour with
cement-sand mortar with 220 mm wall thickness. The brittle damage. Excessive diagonal and flexural hori­
specimens were designed as per EC-8 (2004) and IS- zontal cracks were observed in initial displacement
4326 (1993) and constructed in accordance with the cycles in URM building. URM-REP building demon­
prevailing construction practice of India. The construc­ strated similar damage pattern as its original counter­
tion features of different specimens are illustrated in part (URM), with marginal enhancement in
Table 1, while Figure 1 illustrates the retrofit and rein­ displacement, owing to the stitching of cracks using.
forcement details of different buildings. However, repair using stitch technique was not effica­
This paper discusses the procedure of assessment of cious in load enhancement. Contrary, URM-RET
structural behaviour factor for different masonry con­ building exhibited superior performance with regards
structions, both virgin and their repair/retrofitted to damage and lateral load-carrying capacity. MS lintel
building specimen, along with damage limitation cri­ band restricted the cracks in spandrel masonry above
terion correlated with storey drift. It is expected that lintel level, and vertical reinforcement in masonry lead
the outcomes would contribute to enhancing the fra­ to pier action at the corners, which eliminated cracks
mework of structural behaviour factor for masonry in the masonry.
systems leading to the development of efficient design RM building suffered diagonal cracking in step
features. pattern at the masonry unit-mortar interface. These
cracks were mainly observed near the opening corners
of both out-of-plane and in-plane and wall. Whereas
2. Test set-up, instrumentation and loading
walls without opening demonstrated horizontal
cracks. These cracks extended at higher displacement
Full-scale masonry buildings were erected on the RC levels, but restricted up to lintel band. Vertical rein­
beam, which was founded on the strong floor of the forcement and lintel band in RM and RM-RET

Table 1. Description of tested different masonry buildings.

nomenclature Building type Material Structural details
URM Unreinforced Burnt solid clay units in 1:6 cement and sand 220 mm thick burnt solid clay brick masonry walls with window
Masonry mortar, RC slab with M20 grade concrete. and door openings, 100 mm thick RC slab. No seismic
resilience characteristics.
URM-REP Unreinforced URM + stitching along the cracks with M20 grade URM + the damaged URM building model repaired by 100 mm
Masonry concrete and 8 mm dia, Fe415 steel rebar. wide, 250 mm high and 220 mm thick reinforced concrete
(Repaired) stitching along the crack at a spacing of 300 mm c/c along
with cement grout in cracks.
URM-RET Unreinforced URM + steel reinforcement (Fe415). URM + one no. of Fe415 10 mm dia vertical reinforcement
Masonry embedded in masonry wall at the corners and welded with
(Retrofitted) the foundation beam and slab reinforcement. Stitching
length extended till 400 mm. MS flat of 75 × 4 mm
dimensions on both the faces at the lintel level, connected
with steel bolts of 10 mm dia, at a spacing of 600 mm c/c.
RM Reinforced Burnt solid clay units in 1:6 cement and sand 220 mm thick burnt solid clay brick masonry walls with window
Masonry mortar, RC elements with M20 grade concrete and door openings, 100 mm thick RC slab. One no. of 10 mm
and Fe415 steel. dia corner vertical reinforcement at masonry wall
intersections and jambs of door/window openings; 75 mm
thick and 220 mm wide RC lintel band with 2 no. of 8 mm dia
Fe415 rebars and 6 mm dia stirrups at a spacing of 150 mm
RM-RET Reinforced RM + Galvanised Iron Welded Wire Mesh (GI RM + 35 × 35 x 3 mm GI WWM (200 mm width), adequately
Masonry WWM). fixed along the cracks with nails to the wall and embedded
(Retrofitted) in 10 mm thick, 1:4 cement and sand plaster on the outer
side, along with the grout of cement filled in cracks through
the inner side.
CM Confined Burnt solid clay units in 1:6 cement and sand 220 mm thick burnt solid clay brick masonry walls with window
Masonry mortar, RC elements with M20 grade concrete and door openings, 100 mm thick RC slab. 220 × 220 mm RC
and Fe415 steel. tie-columns, 220 × 200 mm tie-beams at lintel level, 40 mm
groove between tie-column and masonry. RC elements with
4 no. of 10 mm dia rebars (Fe415) and 6 mm dia stirrups at
a spacing of 150 mm c/c.




Figure 1. (a) Details of bolt connection of MS Twin Box Lintel Bands on either face of masonry walls in URM-RET building; (b)
Reinforcement in lintel band in RM and RM-RET building; and (c) Reinforcement in tie-beams and tie-columns in CM building.

Figure 2. Full-scale constructed masonry buildings: (a) unreinforced masonry building; (b) unreinforced masonry building repaired
with stitching technique; (c) unreinforced masonry building retrofitted with twin MS steel lintel band and vertical reinforcement;
(d) reinforced masonry building; (e) reinforced masonry building retrofitted with GI WWM, embedded in cement-sand mortar; (f)
confined masonry building.

Figure 3. Test set-up, loading arrangement and instrumentation for the tested buildings.

buildings lead to integral box action, which was effi­ The cracks initiated at the lower course of masonry
cacious in damage limitation, and subsequently during the 7 mm cycle. These cracks at the masonry
resulted in higher load and deformation capacity unit-mortar interface developed as a result of sliding
than URM buildings. Although RM and RM-RET shear due to the induction of excessive shear stress
buildings showed similar damage pattern, still the and lower bond strength between masonry and cement-
seismic parameters (lateral deformation and load car­ sand mortar. During higher deformation, both the walls
rying capacity) of RM-RET were significantly higher with opening developed diagonal smeared shear cracks
as compared to its original counterpart. originating from the window corner, which extended

diagonally towards the bottom in the further cycles, but cracks having crack width up to 0.2 mm; acceptable/
interestingly restricted by the tie-columns. The cracks repairable damage at the serviceability limit state.
widened during the subsequent cycles, with the initia­ Grade IV – Heavy structural damage, leading to
tion of crushing of units. It was also observed that tie- a serious failure of walls. Increase in diagonal cracks
beam at the lintel level controlled cracks from entering having crack width between 1 and 10 mm, crushing of
into the spandrel masonry. However, the simultaneous masonry units; heavy damage which may be repairable
motion of mutually perpendicular out-of-plane and in- but mostly uneconomical to repair.
plane wall led to the flange action, having a tendency of Grade V –Very heavy structural damage, excessive
tie-column-masonry separation at higher displacements. cracking and crushing, near or total collapse state.
It can conveniently be summarised that tie-columns and Increased cracks – more than 10 mm wide, crushing
tie-beams in CM building were advantageous in restrict­ of masonry units along the diagonal crack, large
ing the damage in masonry walls, providing integrity, degradation in lateral strength and ultimate collapse.
attributed to the confining effect. Figure 4 portrays the Based on above, similar correlations have been made
final damage pattern of the CM building. for the tested building models attributing damage grades,
observed damage and limit states. These grades range
between a simple crack to collapse states as follows:
4. Damage limitation of masonry Grade II – First structural damage/crack – signifi­
cant cracking: Crack limit.
In general, the damage in masonry building varies
Grade III –Increased number of diagonal and hor­
depending on masonry material, workmanship, con­
izontal cracks in case of shear and sliding/flexure
struction practice and its geometrical configuration.
mechanism having moderate, repairable damage:
The damage limitation requirements are important to
Maximum resistance (Serviceability) limit.
define displacement capacity and usability of
Grade IV – Heavy damage to masonry, crushing of
a masonry building. The damages in masonry building
brick units at corners of the building, repairable
have been uniformly classified in different grades at
damage, however uneconomical sometimes: Ultimate
the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) (Grünthal
design state – damageability limit.
1998). The following damage grades characterise
Grade V –Increased damage to masonry, damage to
damage pattern as per EMS-98:
lintel band, crushing of concrete in lintel band, tie
Grade I – No structural damage, a few hair-line
beam/column and buckling of reinforcing bars:
cracks in the wall.
Collapse limit.
Grade II – Slight structural damage or cracks in some
The storey drifts at the attainment of different
walls. Formation of hairline diagonally oriented smeared
limit states in tested masonry building models
cracks in the centre region of walls, light damage.
under lateral loads is presented in Table 2. It can
Grade III – Moderate structural damage or cracks
be perceived that the generalised range of storey
in most of the walls. Increase in a number of diagonal

Figure 4. Damage pattern of CM building.


Table 2. Storey drift (ɸ) at different limit states of masonry level, and is usually expressed as a function of stiff­
buildings. ness as:
Crack Maximum resistance Collapse
Building limit limit limit Ki K
designation (ɸcr, %) (ɸPmax, %) (ɸcoll, %) DI ¼ (2)
URM 0.095 0.120 0.123
URM-REP 0.109 0.376 0.512 where Ki = initial stiffness, and K = stiffness at state,
URM-RET 0.132 0.167 0.539
RM 0.159 0.223 0.789 where the DI is required. The DI of all the tested
RMM-RET 0.291 1.054 1.390 masonry building models was computed at different
CM 0.312 0.838 1.800
Mean (all results) 0.183 0.463 0.859
limit states and co-related with the grade of damage
SD (all results) 0.094 0.389 0.622 and performance level. The DI at the ultimate state
Mean (except 0.200 0.532 1.006 was determined to be in the range of 0.75 –0.95 for
SD (except URM) 0.094 0.393 0.567 different masonry buildings, indicating severe to heavy
damage. Howbeit, URM building demonstrated com­
paratively lower DI values, attributed to gradual stiff­
drifts in case of RM and CM buildings for crack, ness degradation. The obtained DI is co-related with
maximum resistance and collapse limits are 0.15–­ the damage level. Table 3 presents the obtained DI and
0.32%, 0.25%–0.85% and 0.75%–2.0% respectively. corresponding damage levels for the tested masonry
A large variation in displacement and ductility building models.
capacity of the building at limit state of collapse
is ascribed due to different masonry construction
system. 6. Base shear coefficient
It has been noticed that the occurrence of grade 3 Alternatively, the response of different masonry build­
damage is just after attaining maximum resistance ing systems may be expressed in terms of structural
limit. Such damage generally occurs at 2 and 2.5 behaviour factor, q. The shear force resisted by the
times the storey drift (rotation) of the appearance of building is specified in a dimensionless form, as the
a first significant crack in case of URM and RM/CM ratio of base shear resisted by the building to its
buildings respectively. Therefore, for acceptable seis­ weight, termed as Base Shear Coefficient (BSC).
mic performance, the ductility capacity and design These values are plotted against storey drift (ratio of
displacement of masonry buildings should be at least relative storey displacement and storey height) in
2 and 2.5 for URM and RM/CM respectively, times the a non-dimensional form. The envelope showing the
displacement (rotation), when the first crack occurs. It relation between BSC developed at each run and the
can be attributed that grade 2 and grade 3 damages are corresponding storey drift is given in Figure 5 for all
associated with crack limit and attainment of maxi­ the tested masonry buildings. In addition, the envel­
mum lateral resistance state respectively. Considering ope of BSC is also plotted for all the tested buildings in
maximum displacement attained by the masonry non-dimensional form against normalised displace­
building, the grade 4 damage state corresponds to ment/drift, as shown in Figure 6.
the degradation of 20% of peak or maximum resis­
tance (D0.8 Pmax) and displacement corresponds to
a limit state of 2dcr for URM and 2.5dcr for RM and Table 3. Damage index at different limit states.
Building Damage Damage
CM buildings. Thus, the ultimate design state (du,i) designation Limit state index level Grade
corresponding to grade 4 damage on idealised resis­ URM Yield limit 0.03 Moderate II
tance curve may be defined by Eq. (1). Peak load 0.09 Severe III
Ultimate 0.22 Heavy IV
du,i = min {d0.8 Pmax; 2 dcr} . . . for unreinforced state
masonry URM_REP Yield limit 0.04 Insignificant I
� � Peak load 0.68 Severe III
du;i ¼ min d0:8 pmax ; 2:5 dcr Ultimate 0.77 Heavy IV
(1) state
for reinforced and confined masonry URM_RET Yield limit 0.14 Insignificant I
Peak load 0.18 Severe III
The above result thus provides the basis for damage Ultimate 0.75 Heavy IV
limitation and performance criteria for the design of RM Yield limit 0.34 Moderate II
various masonry buildings. Peak load 0.44 Moderate II
Ultimate 0.89 Heavy IV
RM_RET Yield limit 0.42 Moderate II
5. Damage index Peak load 0.70 Severe III
Ultimate 0.91 Heavy IV
Damage index (DI) of a structure is the degree of state
CM Yield limit 0.75 Severe III
damage or quantification of damage occurred during Peak load 0.89 Heavy IV
the seismic event. It indicates structural damage cor­ Ultimate 0.95 Heavy IV
responding to a particular limit state and performance state

URM_REP 0.75

RM_RET 0.25
-2 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
-0.25 Storey Rotaon (%)



Figure 5. Resistance curve of different masonry system: Base shear coefficient-storey drift relationship.

URM_REP 0.75

RM 0.5
CM 0.25

-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-0.25 Normalised Displacement Rao



Figure 6. Base shear coefficient-normalised displacement relationship for different masonry systems.

The influences on seismic behaviour of tested structure is usually normalised by a factor, known as
building types have also been studied. The URM structural behaviour factor or response reduction fac­
exhibited substantially more brittle behaviour than tor (q), for the computation of ultimate design seismic
that of RM and CM models, as expected. As can be force. In reference to European Committee for
noticed from Figure 5, that the significant change in Standardization (2004), ‘the structural behaviour fac­
stiffness as a result of damage in walls (damage limit tor is an approximation of the ratio of the seismic forces
state) is observed for the tested buildings justifying the that the structure would experience if its response is
different storey drift limit ranges for different con­ completely elastic with 5% viscous damping, to mini­
struction system as proposed at Eq. (1). It is to be mum seismic forces that may be used in the design with
mention that the test of CM was terminated at 1.8% a conventional elastic analysis model’. Considering this
storey drift due damage of some elements posing definition, the structural behaviour factor (q) with
threat to measuring instruments. The final stage of regards to lateral load can be represented as:
storey drift reported can have slightly higher displace­
ment, if the test would have carried further, till actual Pmax
q¼ (3)
failure. This would achieve a further higher level of Pu
storey drift. where Pmax = maximum seismic force in an elastic
structure; and Pu = ultimate design seismic force.
Figure 7 illustrates the evolution of structural beha­
7. Structural behaviour factor
viour factor. The load-deformation relationship of
A structure acquiring energy dissipation or displace­ actual (experimental) structure when subjected to lat­
ment characteristics can be designed with the standard eral load is idealised considering maximum lateral
linear elastic method for the ultimate design load. The displacements of an elastic and elasto-perfect plastic
linear elastic seismic load in an ideal linear-elastic system with same initial stiffness characteristics up to

Figure 7. Evolution of structural behaviour factor.

the un-cracked state, with the equalisation of energies Table 4. Base shear coefficient and behaviour factor for differ­
dissipated under the experimental lateral load- ent masonry system.
displacement envelope and idealised bilinear curve Base shear coefficient Behaviour factor

(Tomaževič 2007). This procedure includes computa­ Building designation BSC,le max BSCmax BSCd qmax qd
URM 0.369 0.293 0.269 1.25 1.36
tion of idealised bilinear resistance curve equivalent to URM-REP 0.555 0.211 0.204 2.63 2.70
the monotonic envelope of successive hysteresis loops URM-RET 0.975 0.430 0.430 2.26 2.26
corresponding to each load step. The value of Pu RM 0.939 0.377 0.311 2.49 3.00
RMM-RET 1.245 0.444 0.416 2.80 2.98
relates to the lateral strength of an idealised bi-linear CM 2.780 0.953 0.832 2.91 3.33
system equivalent to non-linear capacity curve and
may be adopted as an estimate of the ultimate base
shear capacity of the structure. According to energy
given in Table 4 for different masonry systems and
equivalence criteria, normally it corresponds to 20%
their repaired/retrofitted building models.
degradation of maximum resistance, PH,max, and may
Moreover, it is also possible to compute the beha­
be represented as P0.8H-max.
viour factor using the ductility factor of the structure.
From the principle of energy conservation, with an
This method makes use of the principle adopted in
equal area of lateral load resistance and deformation
Figure 7. The ductility-based values of behaviour fac­
relationship below the idealised elasto-plastic and
tor (qu), considering drift corresponding to ultimate
ideal elastic structure (Figure 7), the structural beha­
displacement at 80% of maximum resistant, ɸ0.8H,max
viour factor (q) may be represented in terms of ducti­
and storey drift at damage limit state have been calcu­
lity, μ = du/de, where du and de are the displacements
lated as 2ɸcr for URM and 2.5ɸcr for RM/CM, as given
at the ultimate state and the idealised elastic limit of
in Table 5. As can be noticed that the structural beha­
the structure, and is expressed as:
viour factor obtained through force and ductility-
q ¼ ð2μ 1Þ (4) based approach on the experimental data are adequate
when compared with the range of values suggested in
Eq. (4) takes into account minimum ductility capacity European Committee for Standardization (2004) for
for estimating structural behaviour factor (q), posing URM and RM. On the contrary, the European
upper limit to be considered for reduction of seismic Committee for Standardization (2004) mentions mar­
forces. In other words, verification of design loads for ginally lower values of behaviour factor for CM
seismic resistance of masonry structure using struc­
tural behaviour factor q, should govern by:
Table 5. Behaviour factor in terms of ductility for different
� masonry systems.
μu ¼ 0:5 q2 þ 1 (5)
designation Φe,i Φcr Φu,i(0.8max) ΦP-max µu qcr/e,i qu
Table 4 summarises the obtained maximum ideal
URM 0.123 0.095 0.128 0.237 1.34 1.29 1.30
elastic base shear coefficient, BSCle,max; maximum URM-REP 0.336 0.108 0.505 0.270 4.67 3.11 2.88
measured experimental BSCmax; and designed BSCd URM-RET 0.374 0.133 0.536 0.332 4.03 2.81 2.65
RM 0.473 0.159 0.655 0.397 4.11 2.97 2.69
determined by the bi-linear elastic plastic curve. In RMM-RET 0.870 0.291 1.120 0.727 3.84 2.99 2.58
addition, experimentally obtained behaviour factor CM 1.061 0.313 1.800 0.782 5.75 3.39 3.24
qmax and designed behaviour factor (qd) are also

buildings. It is to be noted that all the full-scale tests storey drift are accounted for determination of
were terminated at the attainment of failure state just design seismic load and respective values of
prior to the collapse state so that the test set-up and structural behaviour factor.
instruments are prevented from the damage, though (3) The DI at the ultimate state was determined to be
the buildings possessed further displacement capacity. in the range of 0.75–0.95 for different masonry
This would result in a further increase in behaviour buildings, indicating severe to heavy damage.
factor and may exceed the range mentioned at EC-8. (4) To validate the proposed structural behaviour
This implies that in case of URM and RM, the range of factor (q), mentioned at EC-8(2004) for earth­
q-values suggested by the code is reasonable corre­ quake resistance design of different masonry
sponding to the damage limitation in the building systems, experimental information has been uti­
structure. However, the range of q-value for CM pre­ lised, indicating the adequacy of structural beha­
scribed in the code is relatively under-estimated. viour factors for RM and URM from both
Additionally, material over-strength may be antici­ damage limitation and no collapse require­
pated as a consequence of partial safety factor for the ments. However, the prescribed q-factors for
material strength for which mechanism models are CM are under-estimated and higher upper-
used for seismic resistance. With regards to experi­ bound values up to 3.25 for CM with proper
mentally obtained data and ignoring material over- reinforcement detailing (i.e. confined lateral ties
strength factor, behaviour factor values in case of at end region and junctions) may be practiced.
CM may be modified in code (EC-8) as 2.5–3.25 (5) The experiments were carried-out on typical
even when adequate performance and damage limita­ masonry types and construction practices adopted
tion requirement of CM will not be surpassed. in India and the results were found to be almost in
A special mention can be made in regard to proper conformity of EC-8 recommendations.
reinforcement detailing (i.e. confined lateral ties at the
end region and joints) for this particular range of It is expected that the values of response reduction or
q-values. structural behaviour factor derived from the experi­
mental investigations on different masonry building
typologies would be beneficial to the structural engi­
8. Conclusions
neers for the structural analysis and design of different
The paper presents an experimental assessment of masonry building systems.
damage states and structural behaviour factor for differ­
ent masonry system viz. URM, RM, CM and their repair/
retrofit, through quasi-static tests on full-scale models. Acknowledgments
The test results provide valuable information about The work is conducted as a part of the research project at
damage limits, behaviour factor, along with other data CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India.
like crack pattern, failure modes, drift etc. for under­ The authors greatly acknowledge the Director for all the
standing their behaviour which is useful for the develop­ support, encouragement and allowing to publish this paper.
ment of structural design tools. From the experimental
results, the following conclusions may be derived:
Disclosure statement
(1) The tested URM, RM and CM buildings demon­ No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
strated a distinct behaviour in terms of cracks authors.
and deformation pattern. The corner vertical
reinforcement and RC band at lintel level clearly
improves the seismic performance of RM over Notes on contributors
URM building. Furthermore, confinement of Dr Ajay Chourasia is working as a Senior
masonry by tie-column at wall intersections Principal Scientist at CSIR-Central
and tie beam at the lintel level exhibits better Building Research Institute, Roorkee
seismic performance over URM and RM build­ (India), with a professional experience
of over 25 years. His area of specialisation
ings. The results confirm the adequacy of CM is Structural Engineering and Earthquake
buildings for moderate to large seismic forces, Resistant Design, Repair and Retrofitting,
together with the ductile behaviour with ade­ Masonry Buildings, Precast Technology
quate capacity even after high damage. and Structural Health Monitoring. He
(2) The correlation between limit states, damage has published various books on Earthquake Resistant Design,
Construction Practices and Confined Masonry. He has pub­
and storey drift in seismic resistance evaluation
lished numerous research papers in various international and
depends on masonry construction system. national journals and conferences, focussing primarily on
Thus, independent requirements of damage earthquake-resistant design, construction, structural beha­
limitation with regards to maximum acceptable viour, strengthening/retrofitting and health monitoring.

Mr. Shubham Singhal is working as Kumazawa, F., and M. Ohkubo 2000, February. “Nonlinear
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Earthquake Resistant Design, Precast Auckland, New Zealand
Technology and Masonry Buildings. Marinilli, A., and E. Castilla 2004, August. “Experimental
Evaluation of Confined Masonry Walls with Several
Confining-columns.” In Proceedings of 13th World
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British Columbia, Canada
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