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With Special Exit Value, you get an option to get back all your premiums at zero cost!

1. What is Special Exit Value?

Special Exit Value is a feature available in Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan which gives you an option
to get back all premiums paid towards the base benefit (life cover) including underwriting extra
premiums and loadings for modal premiums, if any, during a specified period during the policy
Special Exit Value does not include premiums paid towards additional optional benefits like
Accelerated Critical Illness benefit, Accidental Death benefit, Joint life cover or Voluntary Sum
Assured Top-Up, Riders and applicable taxes, cesses or levies, if any.

2. What makes this feature special?

Unlike the Return of Premium (ROP) variant, where you have to pay more than a pure term plan
(without ROP variant), Special Exit Value allows you to pay as per a pure term plan variant while
giving you an option to get back all premiums paid making this term plan a zero-cost term plan.

3. What makes you eligible for this feature?

You are eligible for Special Exit Value provided you have
• not opted for Return of Premium Option
• opted for a policy term of 40 years or more
• your policy in-force at the time of availing this benefit meaning all premiums due till this
point in time are paid and the policy has not been surrendered.

4. How can I avail this benefit?

You will have to surrender the policy during the specified period depending on the policy term as
given below.
Policy Term Specified period for availing Special Exit Value
40 -44 years During 25th policy year or age of 65 years whichever is earlier
45 years and above During 30th policy year or age of 65 years whichever is earlier

5. What happens after I avail this benefit?

The policy will terminate once this benefit is availed.

Example 1:
A 30-year-old customer opts for premium payment term and policy term of 55 years (Regular Pay) without
Return of Premium (ROP) option. The policy gets issued on October 8, 2021.
The customer can come to claim the Special Exit Value in the 30th policy year which is between October 8, 2050
and October 7, 2051.

*Disclaimers | Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan (UIN: 104N118V04) A Non Linked Non Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan | For
more details on risk factors, Terms and Conditions please read the prospectus carefully before conducting a sale. | 1 “Underwriting Extra Premium” means an
additional amount mentioned in the Schedule and charged by Us, as per Underwriting Policy, which is determined on the basis of disclosures made by You in
the Proposal Form or any other information received by Us including medical examination report of the Life Insured | 2 excluding applicable taxes, premiums
for riders and optional benefits.
Example 2:
A 40-year-old customer opts for premium payment term and policy term of 45 years (Regular Pay) without
Return of Premium (ROP) option. The policy gets issued on October 8, 2021. Let’s say the customer’s birthday
falls on 23rd Sep.
The customer can come to claim the Special Exit Value when the customer is 65 years of age. which is between
September 23, 2046 and September 22, 2047.

*Disclaimers | Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan (UIN: 104N118V04) A Non Linked Non Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan | For
more details on risk factors, Terms and Conditions please read the prospectus carefully before conducting a sale. | 1 “Underwriting Extra Premium” means an
additional amount mentioned in the Schedule and charged by Us, as per Underwriting Policy, which is determined on the basis of disclosures made by You in
the Proposal Form or any other information received by Us including medical examination report of the Life Insured | 2 excluding applicable taxes, premiums
for riders and optional benefits.

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