Discipline in A Student Life

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Discipline In a Student Life

Discipline means obedience to some general rules of conduct. It is very

essential in student life as it is the seedtime of the life. A student life
should obey his parents and superiors at home and teachers in school.
No institution can run properly if their students are not disciplined.
Effective teaching is not possible in the class if the students are not
disciplined. Even the players should obey the rules of the game in the
playground. They should also obey the orders of the captain and he refry
of the game. So, a home, in school, in the playground too- discipline is
essential. But it is a mater of pity and regret where some students are in
behaved. They take it as a symbol of heroism. But a day will come, when
they will be grown up, the young ones will pack them back in their own
coin and that is also with a compound interest.

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