Descriptive Writing 1

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Descriptive writing 1

Write about 350–450 words on ONE of the following:

a) You arrive on an island. Write a description of your first impressions
of the place and its people. [25]

I was supposed to arrive to Capri, but the ship which I was travelling

in sink, so we are here in an island that I didn´t know of its existence


There was a sunny day, unless we were very stressed because of our

shipwreck we could appreciate the wonderful place in which we


The group and I start walking through a steam signal we saw, that

signal was powerful and I implied that the fire was young because the

colour was more black tan grey. We still following our path for an hour

until a tribe of people painted of blue ambushed us, they had spears

and they spoke in a language which no one of the ship talk except of

one girl, with curly and blonde hair that spoke with great confidence.

After a few minutes she told them what happened to us, so they

understood us.
They start walking and we follow them, the way was narrow and

full of flora and fauna it was so warm. When we arrive I could saw that

the people was black and they were very happy, the kids play with each

other, the adults were hard workers some were merchants; militarys or

traders, I felt that I was on village of the Middle age. The floor was dirt

and when it rains it is of mud but in that area they don´t have much

rainfall; the houses of stone and the common places were in free area.

They lived two families in each house.

After a long meeting we went to eat, the boss took us to a huge

room with a large table and with pretty decorations on the walls and

on the roof. We ate something I `d never tried before, it was tasty and


When we finished eating the commanded us to help them with the

natural work. My work wasn`t very difficult so I have great time, my

work space was small but with all the tools I`d need. I was surrounded

of children whom I play a game with a ball. In their free time they read,

or sing all together.

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