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Language Reading Comprehension 1

Read carefully, Meeting a Black Rhino in Africa, in the TEXT INSERT and then answer

Questions 1 and 2.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1:

(a) Using your own words, explain the writer’s feelings when he found himself a metre away

from a Black Rhino (paragraph one, ‘I love animals…’ ). (…/2)

He felt very satisfied and fortunate a good way to meet this species of rhino because it changed
into almost, this animal
scam, become extinct. (b) Why was the writer unable to state the location of the nature reserve
where he saw the rhino

(b) (paragraph two, ‘I am not able…’ )? (…/1)

He couldn´t state the area because he cannot tell wherein this
rhino species because lot of people will pass and kill them as they're very useful for doing lot of
difference, for exaple the medicine in China

(c) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by: ‘they seem like relics that

somehow survived from prehistory…’. (…/2)

He refers to them that way seeing that they originated many years ago, and there are just a

few left in the world.

(d) Explain why the writer feels that it was ‘an honour’ to be able to watch the rhinos. (…/2)

It is an honor for the writer to look them as there are very few left alive.

(e) Give two ways in which the nature reserve is trying to protect the Black Rhinos (paragraph

five, ‘On the way back…’ ). (…/2)

The first is they put guards on defend all through the day. And the second one was that

they reduce a part of their horn since without it the hunters did not need them

(f) Using your own words, explain why the writer uses the word ‘gloriously’ to describe the way

in which the rhinos ignored the jeep full of tourists (line 34). (…/2)



(…../ 11)

Question 2

Imagine that you are the Secretary of a Campaign Group concerned with protecting endangered

species such as the Black Rhino.

Write a formal letter to a well-known public figure in your country, asking for his/her support

for your campaign. For example, you could write to a sports person, musician, politician etc.

In your letter you should:

• explain why the Black Rhino is an endangered species

• explain what people are doing at present to protect the rhinos

• suggest ways in which the person to whom you are writing can support your campaign.

Base your letter on what you have read in the , but DO NOT COPY FROM IT.

Be careful to use your own words.

Don’t forget to include any of the three bullet points.

Begin your letter:


I would like to draw your attention to a matter of serious concern…’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the

quality of your writing.


Dear Paulo Dybala,

I would like to draw your attenttion to a matter of serious concern, I work in a group who
protected endangered species such as the Black Rhino. Around the XXs century this animal has a
pleasant life and we didn `t need to worry but one hundred years later, in Africa, they are in
danger of extinction and this is because of the man. There is one main reason; the poaching, and
they have two excuses for making this activity one is that In the 1970s poachers went after
them for ceremonial daggers, they use the horn of the animal. The other one is that the
horn was needed for medicine. Those are the most important reasons, sir Dybala.

We had some method of protecting these lovely beasts. There are securities on guard
alert to the more quiet sign of forcible intrusion. Also they control periodically the Rhino`s
horn, this means that if the horn isn`t so large there isn`t nothing to poach. They also bribe
them by offering drinking fountains, by this way they can see that they are well and control

On the other hand, Mr Dybala, we thought that you are the indicated cause of your power of
influence in the social medias, only with post you can save thousands lives and we would be very
thankfull with you.

Best Wishes, Ivo

(Secretary of the campaign group concered to protecting species)

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