Surprise Tea Party Letter To Sheriff Joe Arpaio Final Aug 21 2011

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Surprise Tea Party

Surprise, Arizona 85374

Sheriff Arpaio: August 20,2011

The citizens of Maricopa County already owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your illustrious career in law enforcement - a career that has spanned five decades and includes your remarkable career as an internationally recognized federal narcotics agent and management official establishing a stellar record in infiltrating drug organizations from Turkey to the Middle East to Mexico, Central and South America to cities throughout America with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration that concluded with you being the head of the DBA for Arizona. And now, as the Sheriff for the third largest Sheriffs Office in the nation, we are humbly calling on you to come to our assistance yet one more time. Last Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2011, the Tea Party of Surprise, Arizona, at an evening meeting, obtained 242 signatures on a petition requesting that you, as Sheriff of Maricopa County, investigate Barack Obama II's birth certificate to determine if the document released by the White House on April 27, 2011, is a forgery. The Surprise Tea Party has also assembled and presented to your office the published reports of 20 experts with established credentials who conducted a forensic examination of the computer PDF file published on the White House website and the Xerox copies of the Obama birth certificate handed out by the White House to the press during the April 27, 2011, press conference. The Surprise Tea Party is concerned that no established law enforcement agency or other duly constituted government agency has conducted an investigation into the Obama birth certificate to determine if it is in fact an authentic copy of 1961 birth records on file for Barack Obama at the Hawaii Department of Health in Honolulu or whether it, or they, are forgeries. To date, despite continuing legal challenges, the Hawaii Department of Health has refused to make public or to release to independent forensic examination by qualified examiners the original Obama birth records yet held in secret in the Hawaii Department of Health files. The Tea Party of Surprise is confident that the 242 signatures obtained on a petition asking you to investigate the authenticity of the Obama birth certificate represent a small fraction of the thousands of signatures that can be obtained from Maricopa County residents with a few additional days and weeks of effort. Our concern, as citizens of Arizona, is that no other government department or law enforcement agency in Arizona will investigate what we believe are legitimate concerns that the document is a forgery, as is suggested by the analysis of the 20 experts that we have produced in a bound volume and delivered to your office. As you know, the Arizona state legislature passed a bill on April 15, 2011, that would have

required candidates for the presidency to prove to the Arizona secretary of state their eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution in order to have their names placed on the Arizona presidential ballot or vice presidential ballot. Governor Janet Brewer vetoed that bill, thereby depriving the citizens of Maricopa County any assurance that fraudulent birth records, such as we are alleging have been produced for Barack Obama, could be used as a basis to get a candidate's name on the Arizona presidential ballot or vice presidential ballot. The records the Surprise Tea Party have presented your office have further documented that Doug Vogt, a scanner expert who has analyzed the Obama birth certificate documents released to the White House, has already filed a criminal complaint with the FBI, to no avail. Having exhausted all available governmental and law enforcement resources at our disposal, we are turning to you as the highest law enforcement officer in Maricopa County where we reside. We are asking for your assistance because you have a demonstrated history of enforcing Arizona laws in Maricopa County, even when enforcing those laws is unpopular in Arizona or out-of-favor with the wishes of a federal government that may choose to ignore the law to the detriment of the residents of Maricopa County. We realize that other governmental officials and law enforcement officers in Arizona may have jurisdiction over the questions we are raising that many would consider more directly applicable than the jurisdiction of your office. Sheriff Arpaio, you alone in state and federal law enforcement have our confidence that you will take your responsibilities seriously and will not ignore our request or delegate the request to some other government or law enforcement agency in the state or the federal government that will choose to not respond to our requests for political reasons. But, quite frankly, Sheriff Arpaio, you are our last resort to see Arizona statutes enforced to preserve the integrity of Arizona election law. You are the chief law enforcement officer of Maricopa County and no government official either at the state or federal level can forbid you to conduct an investigation you deem to conduct or direct how you choose to protect the citizens of Maricopa County. We know you have the political courage to undertake an investigation requested by the residents of Maricopa County when your conscience dictates that doing so is within your rights and responsibilities as our Sheriff. We are confident you will have the wisdom to involve other governmental and law enforcement agencies only if you know in your heart that those agencies will do their duty to find the truth of the allegations that concern us as residents of Maricopa County. Despite the controversial nature of our request, we believe the importance of the question is given testament by the signatures of the residents of Maricopa County that have signed

our petition to date, and will sign our future petitions as we continue to gather signatures in Maricopa County. When we met together last Thursday, we accepted your assurance that you will consider our request most seriously. This we remain confident you will do. The First Amendment gives us as American citizens the right to petition for the redress of grievances. But this final recourse is meaningful only when dedicated public servants such as yourself take their duties and responsibilities as seriously as you do. In the most solemn manner possible, we are asking you to examine our evidence, and investigate our concerns according to your best judgment, in order that the residents of Maricopa County can be assured the continued legitimacy of votes we cast as citizens of Arizona in future presidential elections conducted in this state. Thank you again for your time and your thoughtful consideration to our request. Sincerely,

Denise Reilly

Jeff Center

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