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Angela Martinez



05 September 2022

Death canyon
In the summer of 2009 me and my family took a trip to Arizona to go visit my cousin that was

living over there. While we were there we decided to go to the grand canyon and other stops

along the way. And The first thing we did that day was head to Walmart and buy ourselves some

snacks and water for the drive. It was a fun ride especially with the view of the forest although

the grand canyon is in arizona it was still a good drive from where they were living, we ended up

getting breakfast from mcdonalds and I remember we put a playlist and made our way over to

the canyon. On our way over there I was thinking how nice it would be to play in the snow and

have a snowball fight with my whole family.

Once we arrived my family decided to explore different locations of the canyon. We decided

to go to an indoor event that was happening there. The event talked about the history of the grand

canyon and how it formed 5 to 6 million years ago. Afterwards we decided to go to a certain part

of the canyon that my cousin was familiar with. He enjoyed throwing rocks at the edge of the

cliff. As a small child I looked up to him alot always following him around and going places

with him all the time. I remember that I wanted to get a closer look at what he was doing near the

cliff. I got too close to the edge where my cousin was throwing rocks and he hit me in the head

which caused me to trip and I almost fell over the edge of the cliff. Everyone rushed to grab me

and my aunt snatched me into her arms. Looking back at it, me and my family make jokes about

it. From now on we always make sure that my little nephews are never in danger when we go

places. Especially when we visit the grand canyon now that I'm older and I know right from


From this experience I learned to be more cautious on every trip I go to for example: I check

both sides of the street. I'm always aware of my surroundings, making sure i'm not in danger

anywhere I go all the time, especially amusement parks, outdoor events, and anything that has

warning signs.

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