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CENTRE FOR TRANQUILITY Framework “The Ayunedic Healing ceive prides asp of complete il ne chat focus ety the wellbeing being expen. fl ‘ange of tito teatments rebleeding, mest, yl ee cial pestle jane few weeks guidance Fm the workd-lansAjurvedic tam I ‘fers pes i cedar ih tn tt ds "itis migraine, pon pregnaney care eay an weg os. The curse of Panchkem, the ese Ayurveic devo. eon t0 none in ts qui sounding nd dlr. Also to ect hen sche with nigel Ces Ayer conlcy ud clo, Yogn The Ayurvedic Healing centre rmsins ta ro ancient Vedic prac csi every respect fom its highly guid Ayurvedic doctors and renowned eth practic tothe Vase Shas anche of ts Tulings The Ajueic Healing cee offs numerous forms oF ancient guidance ~ inching yoga ton, meditation, atlogy Palmistry etre in Inn philosophy and eraional Indian tls (pe. The Ayurvedic Healing coe ean exsist opulent serurre of lh and such that ctr othe wll bingo the rier human community CENTRE FOR TRANQUILITY AIM. = To explore how architecture can inform healing or provide spaces and vents where healing can take place, = We as human beings have an inner connection with our envronmant by Bhysical, mental, enoional and spiritual means, This conection can create @ dynanic life that people can thrive in every aspect To design an centre for trangulity that act as the space for well-being, self-sustained bull environment that provokes mental and physical healing OBJECTIVE = To establish a lationship between healing, sense architecture To understand the various elements of healing, ay incorporating them into the ult form To challenge the preconceived notion of healing centres ~ To learn and understané healing 25 a part of built environment To create 2 holistic environment between ming, body restore and maintain the equltrum To understand the five elements of nature and five senses a a healing/ rejuvenating factors of healing environmen WHY? «From being the ‘scence of lif’, Ayurveda has become the ‘sie of lif’ for sary with the advent and positive growth of rejuvenation centers in the country. «= Ayurveda reconmends the means of prevention and treatment of various llness a well as preservation of health = Ayurveda is 2 system of natural heling that is originated in India some 15000 years ago in which the body and mind are seen as interplay of five (great elements Ispace, ar, water, earth, fire) = The proposed buit-form helps to integrate these alemants in harmeny hich creates equilibrium of physical healt, mental clarity and emational hap- pines ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGES = To create an integrated environment where the physial and the mental eating Takes place = To explore sensory architecture inthe bult-form To design esteemed environment that provokes user's self-es fering them signifies bukt-envrannent Ta integrate landscape as a major element into the bult-ferm = To integrate water a5 a nain element of healing Designing spaces according to the user behavioural patterns = Cautious designing of acoustics = To connect user to the nature The senses not only mediate informa tion for’, the judgment of the intellect; they are also'a means’ of igniting the imagination and of articulating sensory thought.” duhani Pallasmaa bultelorm Se sight ‘closed spaces \ Stowen sthresholds | ARCHITECTURE. Senses j sheering Sopen spaces a j ‘enestrations ‘ ig ele NL 27 natrceaty PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDA ‘Ayurveda believes that the entire universe is composed af five elements: Vayu (Ait Jala (Water), Aakash (Space or ether), Prithvi (Earth) and Tela [Fiel. These five ele iments (referred to as Pancha Mahathoota in Ayurveda) are believed to form the three basic hunors of human body in varying combinations OOSO€ LITERATURE STUDY AYURVEDA AND IT'S TYPES, YOGA AND IT'S TYPES ‘Ayurvedic medicine is a system of medicine with historical roots in the In-dian subcontinent Globalized and modernized practices de-rived from ‘Ayurvedic traditions are a type of alternative medicine. In Indian Ayurveda, there are mainly three types of body types—Vata, Pitta & Kapha, The doshas are described as biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They govern the physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfilment. Characteristics: larger build + strong +cly pale skin + thick hair+ Aisikes amp cold weather Balanced - calm, reflecting, love, nurturing, compassion, patience Imbalanced - greed, envy, holds grudes, atachment Characteristies: ‘medium build +fair/redlsh sin +fne straight hair + dilies cola weather Balanced -intligence, concentration, memory, discrimination Imbalanced - anger, hat, jealousy, temper Characteristics: small + thin + ight build + died hale +clsikes cold weather Balanced - imagination, creative, sprirtual, trancul Imbalanced -fear, amity, stress, worry, poor memory Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline whieh originated in India. There is a broad variet of schools, practices, and goals, Basic form of yoga with balanced approach Focus of phycial element ‘Advanceed form of yoga with balanced approach Focus of mental element Ieteaches the importance of selfess acts, without consideration of gan or reward, Emphases study 252 means to inquire into one's £ Which focuses ona state of pure devotion to God MEDITATION AND IT'S TYPES Meditation is an experience of relaxing the body, quieting the mind, and awakening the spi Meditation encourages a deepening of consciousness or awareness, and also facilitates a deeper understanding of selt and others Focussed atention Hold attention ona primary object usually your breath, Mentally notices its movement Newene receptive Concentrate while carefully naming thoughts, sensation and other mental process and distractions. a igs, Witnessing i Closely watch your thoughts and ac-tvities. ‘ Let them come and go, without reacting, Judging or holding on NATUROPATHY AND IT'S TYPES Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative rnedicine emplaying a wide array of “natural” modalities ‘Mud therapy, which sa lstnet sclence of Naturop- at, bestows a number of heslth benefits by the simple application of mud. This helps in heath and wellness Hydrotherapy is the use of water to reat a dsease orto maintain heath, “The theory behind t that water has many properties that ‘velt the ality to hea: Water can store and carry heat ‘ad energy. Water can csslve other substances, Such a5. riers ana sat ‘Aromatherapy uses plant materalsand aromatic plant ols, including essential ol. and other ‘aromatic com-pounds forthe purpose of altering ‘one's mood, cognitive, psychological or physical well-being ‘rom therapy STUDY - _ heritage madurai Archie: geo tba *onferense flier inf meding paces Keon Fenestrations in the walls are arranged in an axis, providing arviving visi- tors an unobstructed view of the garden beyong the building, Upon entering this lobby walking westward, the visitor immediately turns ta the right an gains a distant view of the tennis courts and gardens north of the clubhouse, framed by a long hallway ‘Bawa embraced the opportunity and consequently nearly all ofthe bull ing materials were sourced from the area, ten kilometers from the ste. ‘The interior partitions are either concrete block surfaced with simple cream plaster or a random rubble masonry construction, while the pitched roofs are rounded clay tiles supported by corrugated cement sheets. ‘The rough surfaced stone columns are distinctive and that invite the user to tocuch and fel Funes: botl ome vil + esr + masage ems = Antique roof-hanging lamps in a row lend a certain charm tothe colonnaded galleries, though the plan looks simple, the well-maintained relationship between enclosed, semi-enclosed, and open spaces provides a varity in experience. ‘To give an organic character to the building, tradi- ‘ional materials with their natural colours, shades fand textures have been used in the contemporary ‘idiom with exceptional skill and simple methods Granite stone is extensively used in the building, utilizing ancient techniques of splitting this stone. The 3.65:metre-high rough-hewn stone columns and beams support timber rafters and a purlin net ‘work with fat and curved clay tiles above BL STUDY ~_ think tank retreat,goa pecs :RA ect esi od“ Pr yr 09 Fiesons:masage roams ~ conferees fies + youn & rediaton poet nomial meting paces" hisben ran BMiS Located inthe verdant environs of eastern Goo, the Think Tank Retreat is compose of claht ving unt ond an aternate health centre. The ancy programs of the heath Ente (massage rooms, conference fay and kitchen) are conceved as independent bones that ae integrated on a common pith under alge cyte rot The traces of each ofthese separate boes are alo accessible and serve a wseable coveted spaces for Informal meetings, yoga, and mediation. INFERENCES. Natural cossvetiatio, bul in insulation through the double oof and concerns ofthe usted unis nthe common ph ves more Neil in space bulang weathering graceful with minimal maintenance inthe tropical cimste of Go were the ental concer inthe desig strategy. nation the use of local material for the primary bulng elements: tert walls (quared within a5 km radius ofthe ste) and the ely tes ( made local for he roo leslie and extend the incigenousbulsing Teac pace ges ony environment of the use to mediate tration in the lea ‘egies ame rm the race pace are len cca hea he sae a ns Tnteraon of nature ane water in the bal form makes he neror moe iran Eee! me of local meri Mende othe mover mei CASE STUDY _~ quiet healing centre Archies: Ar pop pngl + Ar Mona dcr Lesaon sil, iad, Inds ‘Avon 86.1 59, Prot year: 1998, Sie destin: oat ia barks ay bengal Vegetation: pin nce + rb cover Topogepty 25m foe MSL colours LOCATION & SITE DETAILS The Quiet Healing Centre is open to guests and Aurovil residents, offering them a wide range of: Natural therapies including acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic therapy, homeopathy, bioresonance therapy, sound healing, ete Treatments ‘Aquatic Bodywork Massage Health-related courses and workshops aul’ vision I to offer natural therapies and health elated intensi te Aurovile residents and guests SITE PLAN & DETAILS ee caine eek acez mete \ because of the shige entry point the the is —_ htt yc Seng onsienond anes TeSys St Covert tom ls wate edt apnea arg ug Peete fone et caeemccy emo HIERARCHY & SPACIAL DISTRIBUTION \\ \a\ ‘th rerun MASSING & SHADOW local brick + lime mortor + lime + bioconcrete (crOSs Ventilation mougn douse ceting an CLIMATE & CROSS VENTILATION

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