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Madel C. Bardeloza

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text

types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use

strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public

speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive

and intensive pronouns.

Performance Standard

The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of
persuasive techniques and devices

Learning Competency

Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal, used by
the speaker to highlight significant points. (EN10LC-lb-4; EN10LC-Ic-4)


At the end of the lesson the student can; and contrast implicit(non-verbal) and explicit verbal signals through Venn

2.present an example of implicit and explicit verbal signals through differences activities.

3.distinguish the importance of implicit and explicit verbal signals through differentiated

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Implicit and Explicit Verbal Signals

References: English Grade 10 Learning modules

Skills: Reading, Listening and Writing Skills

Instructional Aids: PPT, Kartolina and Piilot Pen

III. Procedures

Teacher Students

Preliminary Activities
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, teacher .
Before we begin, I'd like to ask everyone
to stand for the prayer, and Ms.Serenio Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed
kindly lead the prayer. be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will
be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread and forgive us
our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us away from evil.

And now let us first have an energizer, do Yes, ma'am.

u want that class?
(Execute energizer)
Ok let us now have our energizer.

Before taking your seats kindly check if

there are pieces of papers and
cellophanes under your chairs. Pick it up.
Now arrange your chairs properly.


Good morning class I am your English Yes ma’am

teacher Madel Cataga Bardeloza, and
you can call me teacher Maddy.

Whats my name? Teacher maddy

Again what's my name? Teacher Maddy

And teacher maddy hopes that you will

cooperate through out my discussion. Do
you promise that u will cooperate?

Ok very good.

Who is the secretary of this class?

Vidal ma'am.
Ok Secretary of this class, please list
those students who are absent today,
and give it to me after the end of our

Before we go on to our new lesson I want

us to have an agreement for us to have a
harmonious and productive class.

Here are the classroom rules. I want you

to remember these three things. The

1. STOP talking to your seatmeat. Just

Eveyone kindly read the first classroom
raise your right hand if you want to speak.

Second row kindly read the number 2 2. LOOK straightforward.

classroom rules.

Together, read the rule number 3 3.LISTEN to the discussion

A. Review
Do you still remember the discussion last Our last topic is all about...

That's great. Would you mind sharing

I have learned that...
what have you learned on that

Great job for you to be able to remember

that things you have learned.

Do you have any questions, clarification? None ma'am

Since you have no queeries let us


Now let's have an activity. I will group you (Student starting to count.)
first into 3 groups.
Please count on 1 to 3.
(Student goes on their respective group.)
Group one and two will be in the front
row, while group three will be at the back.
But before that let me present to you the
incentive chart entitled "battle of the

Each group will have a character, and

with each contribution you make, your
character will be able to move to the next
level; however, if you break the rules,
your character will go back. So always
remember the rules and be cooperative.

And this activity is called DESCRIBE ME.

I want each group to look at the picture

and list down the things that you have
notice among the pictures and write it on
the manila paper. I want everyone to
cooperate. And for you to be guided here
is the rubrics.

Set A Set B

I will give you 5 minutes to do the activity.

The first group who can finish first and do
their yells will have plus points. Proceed

Ok. Very good group 1, and because you

have finished first. Your character will
advance one level.

Ok group 2 have finished also.

Very good group 3.

Now because group 1 is the first group

who have finished first. They are the first
to present.
Very good group 1. And for that you will Presenting....
advance one level .

Next is group 2.

Nice observation group 2. And for that

you will also advance one level. Presenting..

Group 3 it's your turn to present now.

What a very broad observation group 3.


What have you observed on this


In set A they clearly confessed with each

Very good.
other. While on set B. Naruto stuttered.

Another answer.

Hinata is speechless on the second

Yes, nice observation.
picture maam.

Another question.

Does clarity in a dialogue affects


Yes ma'am. Because

Clarity in how you deliver what the
message is really important in a way that
it is does
Our topic this morning is all about..

Next question. With this picture what do It's all about ....
you think is our topic this morning?

Maybe. Another guess?

On the first picture you can see that

Naruto and Hinata confessed to each
other clearly, directly. While on the set B,
Naruto stutter confessing, that lead to
confusion to what he really meant.
The pictures are related to our topic this
morning because our topic is all about
Explicit and Implicit Verbal cues.

But before that let us first read the

objective of today’s lesson.
At the end of the lesson the student can;

Team Naruto, kindly read the first 1. Compare and contrast implicit(non-
verbal) and explicit verbal signals through
Venn diagram.

Team luffy its your turn, kindly read 2. Present an example of implicit and
obejctive number 2. explicit verbal signals through
differentiated activities
And last but the least group Eren group
kindly read obejctive number 3. 3. Distinguish the importance of implicit
and explicit verbal signals through
Are these objectives attainable class?

Very good. Lets do our best so we can

Yes ma'am.
achieve this objectives.
Yes ma'am


Explicit or verbal communication refers

to specific information conveyed in written
or spoken words. The things we say or
write are shared by means of words.
Since it is explicit, the words are clearly
and directly stated. refer to the spoken
text itself and to the spoken
words,including the use of powerful or
leading statements, questions,
interjections,repetition,contrast, narration,
anecdote, examples, humor,
idioms,quoataions, or figurative language.

Implicit or non-verbal communication

is a communication without words, only
visual cues. You "give off" messages
through gestures, body language, facial
expressions, tone and vocal qualities, and
eye contact. Thus the message is not
directly stated but it is implied or hinted.
The way you deliver your message is just
as vital as the words you speak or write.
There are many different types of implicit
or non-verbal communication.

Now everybody kindly read the types of

implicit verbal communication.
a. Facial expressions - The principal
source of feedback. Facial expressions
are universal such as expressions for
happiness, sadness, anger, and fear are
the same across culture.

b. Eye contact The most expressive

element in face-to-face communication.
The way you look at someone can
communicate many things including
interest, affection, hostility or attraction.

c. Body movements & posture - The

way you stand, your posture and bearing
also send messages.

d. Gestures - The movement that you

make with a part of your body, especially
your hands such as waving or pointing
and etc.

e. Haptics also known as "touching".

Examples such as handshake, tap on a
shoulder, a hug, pat on the head or grip
on your arm convey different messages.

f. Proxemics - refers to the amount of

space that individuals naturally maintain
between each other which communicates
meanings. g. Voice The way in which a
message is spoken is as important as
what is said. The timing and pace, how
loud you speak, tone and inflection can
indicate anger, sarcasm, affection or

g. voice –The way in which a message is

spoken is as important as what is
said.The timing and pace, how loud you
speak, tone and inflection can indicate
anger, sarcasm, affection or confiden


Since we are done with our discussion.

We will have a group activity. Each group
will create a venn diagram showing the
difference between implicit and explicit
verbal signals.

I will give you 5 minutes to do the activity.

Are you ready students?

That's good. And now beore you go with

your actuvity here's the rubrics..

Time is up. Now let's spin the wheel of

whi will present first

Ok group 1.

Next Group.

Ok group 3.

And for that, group 3 will be the last one

to present.

Very good group _. You really had shown

the difference of explicit and implicit
verbal signals.

And now let us have another activity.

And this activity is called, PINILI MO


I have here a different sets of activities

and each group will pick one. And
whatever you have chosen you have to
present it on the class. I will give you 3
Yes, ma'am.
minutes to prepare. Ok group 1 you're the
first group to picked an item.

Kindly read the statement.

Ok and now let's proceed to group 2.

And the group 2 have picked. Kindly read.

And of course the last task is for group

three, and your task is to..
Presenting venn diagram

Spin the wheel.

I will give you 5 minutes to do the activity.
(Reading the rubrics simultaneously)
And this is the rubrics.

You may start now.

Time's up. (Spin the wheel) And the first

to pesent is...Group 3

Very good group 3, it seems like you

have listen to the discussion. Next is..
Ok group 2

Thank you students for doing your best

and participating in the activity give
yourselves a shadow clone clap. Do you
know what shadow clone is?

Ok this is how you do the shadow clone


Give an example of verbal and nonverbal
communication through role play

What is the importance of knowing the

implicit and explicit signals?
Give an example of Explicit and implicit
verbal signals through a Song.

Very good. Another answer?

Give an example of explicit and implicit
verbal signals through interview.
Ok Juan.

Very good. Knowing the two allow us to

assess what is suitable to use in that
certain conversation and another thing is
it helps us to have better communication
with other people.

Do have any question regarding to this?

(Presenting their activity)
Since there is none let us now proceed to
our short quiz.

(Presenting their activity)

No ma'am.
The importance of knowing the implicit
and explicit signals is it allo us to know
what to response and how to response.
And it make the communication more

Ma'am the importance of knowing the

implicit and explicit verbal signals is it
helps us to pick what is the suitable
verbals signals to be used in that specific

None ma'am.

Assessment: Let's check how much
you've learned. You're going to test your
progress on this module.
Directions: Read each questions carefully
and choose the letter of the
correctanswer. Write your answer on your
activity notebook.
1. This type of communication is
A. nonverbal B.oralC. verbal D. written
2. This type of communication can be oral
or written.
A. nonverbal B.oralC. verbal D. written
Items 3-10.
Identify the type of nonverbal
communication being described in each
of the following sentences: Choose your
answer from the pool of words.
3. The principal source of feedback
4. The most expressive element in face-
to-face communication.
5. The way in which a message is spoken
is as important as what is said.
6. This refers to the amount of space that
individuals naturally maintain between
eachother which communicates
7. The way you move and carry yourself.
8. The movement that you make with a
part of your body, especially your hands.
9. This includes a weak handshake, a
timid tap on the shoulder or a warm bear
10. We wave, point and use our hands
when we are speaking.
11. “I want you to go wash the car” is an
example of which of the following? A.
Explicit communicationB. Either explicit or
implicitC. Implicit communicationD.
Phonetic Prompt
12. Verbal cues are those that are
conveyed through which of the following?
A. Inflection B. Tone of Voice C. Written
Words D. Spoken Language
13. Mother told her children to wash their
hands before eating. This is an example
of __________.
A. Explicit Communication
B. Either explicit or implicit
C. Implicit Communication
D. Phonetic Prompt


Create a 500 word essay using the

explicit and implicit verbal signals.

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