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Faculty of letters and languages Academic year 


English Section Level: 2nd year BA

Second semester Module of Grammar

Name: Benkhaled Amani groupe:05


Exercise One: Add the appropriate preposition to the following verbs

(prepositional verbs to form meaningful sentences.

1. I’m afraid I wasn’t aware about whether or not she was watching me.
2. She is waiting for her sister.
3. They have recovered from the illness
4. Make sure you believe in yourself
5. The flat consists of three rooms.
6. I can’t concentrate on my work.
7. We complained about the manager.
8. The kids were laughing at the joker.
9. It is difficult to deal of the stress.
10.Come and look at the view.
11.The hospital must provide patients with proper care.
12.I apologized from my boss..
13.They didn’t agree with the government policy.
14.Nobody responded at my complaint
15.The government agreed on increasing taxes..
16.The government approves of tobacco ad ban.
17.Our company specialized in computer software
18.The old man died by heart attack.
19.University offers are based on exam results.
20.This perfume smells like flowers.
21.He was accused of stealing the money.
22.You must be patient in order to succeed in life.
23.The firefighters saved many people from a large blaze.
24.She apologized from her outburst. have to wear the mask to protect yourself from the virus.
26.She was blamed for lying to the court.
27.They applied for a new job.
28.Many students rely on technological devices to study;
29.She suffers from symptoms of depression. still have one week to prepare to the exam.
31.Too much money is spent on clothes.
32.They were asking for help.

Ability (exercises)

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. The airplane has succeeded in landing safely despite the bad weather.

2. They managed to pass the exam in spite of their absence during most of the
3. The current government is capable of solving the problem of housing.
4. At the time being he is able to move his arm after the accident.
5. I can hear my neighbors’ radio.
6. We could understand this exercise very easily.

7. I believe we can go together to the zoo this weekend

Exercise 2: Write two sentences expressing ability: one sentence with a verb of
the senses and one sentence with a verb of thinking.
1. I feel that we can fix this together.

2. I believe that he can succeed.

Exercise 3: Write two sentences expressing specific ability with the phrases
mentioned in this course. Show in your sentences that the actions have
1. She could understand all the questions despite her lack of revision.
2. I can feel her sadness even if she doesn’t tell me.

Exercise 4: Write two sentences expressing general ability: one sentence in

the present and one sentence in the past.

1. I am able to play the piano

2. My friend was able to tell the truth.

Exercise 5: Write two sentences expressing ability, showing that the actions
have not succeeded. One sentence must be in the present and the second must
be in the past.
1. I could finish the book but my favourite movie had started.
2. I can walk more than 20km but I don’t have the energy.
Unit 3: Modals or Modal Verbs

Exercise 1: Explain the idea expressed in each sentence in your own words.
1. I’m very hungry. I must eat something. (he decided to do something necessary)
2. She’s a very interesting person. You must meet her. (he is giving a strong
personal opinion)
3. My hands are dirty. I must wash them. (he decided to do something necessary)

Exercise 2: Turn the following sentences into the past.

1. I must walk home today. There are no buses.
l had to walk home yesterday. there were no buses.
2. It’s late. I must go.
It was late. I had to go.
3. I must get up early tomorrow. I have a lot to do.
I had to get up early yesterday. I had a lot to do.
4. The train is full and I must stand all the way.
the train was full and I had to stand all the way.

Exercise 3: Complete these sentences. Use ‘mustn’t’ or ‘needn’t’ + these verbs.

Forget go lose phone waste wait

1. I needn’t go home yet. I can stay a little longer.

2. We needn’t waste a lot of time.
3. Keep these papers in a safe place. You mustn’t lose them.
4. I’m not ready yet, but you needn’t wait for me. You can go now and I’ll come
5. We mustn’t forget to turn off the lights before we leave.
6. I must contact David, but I needn’t phone him─I can send him an email.

Exercise 4: Complete each sentence with the correct modal.

1. You don’t need to go. You can stay here if you want.
2. It’s a fantastic film. You should see it.
3. The restaurant won’t be busy tonight. We can reserve a table.
4. I was very busy last week. I have to work with my boss every evening.
5. I don’t want Sue to know what happened. You don’t have to tell her.
6. ‘Why were you so late?’ ‘I had to wait half an hour for a bus.’
7. We don’t have to decide now. We can decide later.

Exercise 5: Complete these sentences with the correct modal +verb.

1. At the end of the course all the students must have a test.
2. Sarah is studying literature. She have to read a lot of books.
3. Kate is often away from home. She need to work a lot in her job.

Exercise 6: Complete the questions.

1. I have to get up early tomorrow. What time did you wake up?
2. George had to wait a long time. How long has she wait?
3. Lisa has to go somewhere. Where has Lisa go?
4. We had to pay a lot of money. How much money had we pay?
5. I have to do some work. What exactly have you?
Exercise 7: Correct what is wrong or unnatural in these sentences.
1. I have to start work every day at 8.30.
2. Tom isn’t going out tonight. He needs to study for his exam.
3. Julia wears glasses. She had to wear them since she was very young.

Unit 3: Modals

Exercise: Write sentences using modals of preference as indicated.

one sentence in the present:
I prefer to eat sea food.
-one sentence in the past:
I’d rather we were stronger to solve our problems.
-one sentence in the past meaning the present:
I preferred to be riche
-one sentence in the past perfect meaning the past:
I preferred she had been succeeded in the test.

Exercise: Write sentences using modals as indicated.

-one sentence expressing willingness in the present
I will close the dor.
-one sentence expressing unwillingness in the present
I will not go to another city.
-one sentence expressing willingness in the past.
I would buy a car
-one sentence expressing unwillingness in the past
I wouldn’t talk with you
-one sentence with ‘if’ expressing willingness/unwillingness
if she goes to France, she will visit the Eiffel tower

Exercise: Imagine an unreal past situation and write one sentence expressing
this (using a modal)
. I would have lost the game.
Exercise: Write sentences using modals expressing past habits as indicated.

-one sentence with a formal modal (positive)

I would spend time with her when she was my friend.
-one sentence with an informal modal (positive)
She used to help people when she was rich.
-one sentence with a formal modal (negative)
I wouldn’t like him at the beginning but now he is one of my closest friends
-one sentence with an informal modal (negative)
we didn’t use to talk with him when he had anxiety problems.
-one sentence with a formal modal (interrogative)
Would you have time when you were working in the company?
-one sentence with an informal modal (interrogative)
Does she used to drink alcohol when she was pregnant.
-one sentence with an informal modal, contrasting it with the present
My mom used to cook very delicious dishes but now she doesn’t.

Exercise: Rewrite the sentences (from informal) using the appropriate modal
(to formal).
1. She was afraid to speak.
. she dared not to speak.
2. I was afraid to take his money.
. I dared not to take his money.
3. He wasn’t afraid to walk alone.
. He dared to walk alone
4. They were afraid to upset him.
. They dared not to upset him
5. I am afraid to talk to him.
. I dare not to talk with him.
6. She is afraid to tell him the truth.
. she dares not to tell him the truth

Exercise: Write sentences using the modal ‘may’ to express wish and prayer. Then
write sentences with the modal ‘shall’ to express threat, promise, and
The modal may:
1.To express wish: may I became rich!
2.pray: may ALLAH forgive all our sins.
The modal shall: express threat: you shall go away! express promise: I shall give you my phone. express determination: we shall win!
Unit 4: Modals

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using the correct modals in the correct
tenses as explained in the course sent to you.
1. I must clean my room every day.
2. I had to clean my bed room every day.
3. They need to visit the doctor today.
4. They needed to visit the doctor last week.
5. We need to study a foreign language.
6. They must not speak to each other during the exam.
7. The student doesn’t need to revise the courses for the test.
8. The students needn’t revise that course for the test.
9. You should take these vitamins.
10. They should attend the course before the exam.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences replacing modals with the

corresponding expressions or phrases in the correct tense. Look at the example.
 Students of English are obliged to learn all their irregular verbs by heart.
 They were obliged to travel all this distance.
 We are not obliged to use mobile phones in this area.
 It’s necessary for us to check out more books from the library.

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