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Sovereign Paralorefuls

1 Sovereign Estate
Republic of Nu Briton
Out of sheer desperation, comes man’s innovation.
Necessity being the mother of invention <3
Intellectual property copywrite claimed
All rights retained and reserved,
An E11 and, assisted interactive educational.
Phoenix is Down 11:11 presentation.

Draft Date: 3rd January 2021

Caveat & Disclaimer: this communication is not legal advice. Any (wo) man whom
chooses to utilise’s documents and notices, have the soul responsibility

king stand, over stand and understand or stand underneath, each and every word
used in our documents and notices.‘s Trust documents and notices have been created, designed / for
educational and entertainment purposes only. And are in no way deemed or to be
interpreted, as legal advice.

In fact, all construction, presumption or assumption of legal advice purported to be

given by and or it’s Apostolates, Ambassadors, Witnesses,
Trustees is hereby expressed as frivolous and is revoked and denied!

The intended outcome for any and all splspro’ s written documents and notices, is
always to give the desired result of keeping clean hands, staying within the
boundaries of honour and safety.

(wo)man will be successful or unsuccessful, based on your mental state of

consciousness and due to the levels of your faith.

Seldom is winning and remaining in honour solely on the contents of our notices and
documents / instruments, carry out thy Deeds and think responsibly!

loose the fear, remember not all battles are going to be won, choose wisely.


The Occasional Authorised Representative; :David-Ja-son-: Giaramita.™

With Christ, david

Ambassador and witness for Christ Jesus.
Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of kings,
Sovereign, Master, Lord of lords,
and Prince of Peace, my advocate and surety.
sovereign-paralegals: private trust: est:nunc pro tunc dgwbgh13022018
With Christ, david
Ambassador and witness for Christ Jesus.
Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of kings,
Sovereign, Master, Lord of lords,
and Prince of Peace, my advocate and surety.

david house giaramita

For and on behalf of the Principal legal embodiment by the title of MR DAVID GIARAMITA.
For and on behalf of the attorney General of the House of Giaramita
For and on behalf of Master david of the House of giaramita.
Soul Representative, beneficiary and grantor/settlor for
MR DAVID GIARAMITA, private Trust and Estate.
In Christos Rege, david-jason-giaramita
Authentic Being, corporeal and Jure, Sui Juris
Lay Apostolate
All Un’a’lien’able rights retained reserved,
No claim of liability.
Without prejudice.
Without recourse.
Without the U.K.
Non assumpsit.
(UCC 1-308, UCC1-

Settlor and Principle Trustee.

Document prepared by, :David-Ja-son-: Giaramita.
Return to: C/O xxxx xxxx xxx,
Address Non Commercial,
Without the UK,
Private Residents.
House of Giaramita.
Society of the Sojourner.
C/o temporary post location.

For the purposes of clarity and the avoidance of doubt, this document has been
written in and commanding English. It is not to be converted into legalese.
This document is not Authorised to be used a security instrument.

With reference to what we are doing

with E.L.E.I. and our Genesis
Exodus Trust of truce, here art
some my inspirations for thus.
Isaiah 11:6
The wolf also shall dwell with the
lamb, and the leopard shall lie down
with the kid; and the calf and the
young lion and the fatted calf
and a little child shall lead them.
Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb
shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock:
and dust shall be the serpent’s meat.
Ezekiel 34:25
I will make with them a covenant of peace and rid the land of wild animals,
so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forest.
Hosea 2:18
On that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and the birds of the
air and the creatures that crawl on the ground.
And I will abolish bow and sword and weapons of war in the land and will make them lie
down in safety.

Lord Edward Coke quotation.

"corpses / Corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed, nor excommunicated,
for they have no souls."
eye art thy womb'man.
In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII / 8th declared the first Cestui
Que Vie type estate with the Act of Supremacy which created the Crown Estate.
In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the estate as the Crown
(Union of Crowns).
By the 18th Century, the Crown was viewed as a company!!
yes, it was
Each Cestui Que Vie Trust created since 1933 interesting year!!!
represents one of the three Crowns representing the three claims of property of the Roman
·Cult, being Real Property, Personal Property and Ecclesiastical Property and the denial of
any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of the society and
as Executors and Administrators.
the courts require three jurisdictions to be granted..
being Real Property,
Personal Property and
Ecclesiastical Property
hence they ask:
Give me your NAME / MANE.. and stop horsing around, no more horseplay!
Horses for courses!!
Odd’s on – david shall beat goliath !!
Furlough and Merlot!!

Thee crown City of the Nation

of baby lon don / London and
Vatican Nation /City on Capitol
CAPITOL Hill… they have
venue Jurisdiction of the court.
They proclaimed ye souls and
now require… to volunteer
thee third Jurisdiction……

The Vatican have laid claim to

all things on earth.
SACTUM) 1302
They presume wombman as their property.
Unless wombman claims it back..
Reclaim your Dominion, it’s your souls souverän mission.
Read the bible, then watch the GODFATHER videos, lol.
Christopher Columbus = Christopher = the bearer of Christ
Columbus= name of the dove

1455 Roman’us Pontifex =this takes away your real property.

1481 Aeterni Regis = this takes away your personal property - Registration – regi strat’ion
1537 convocation = this takes away your soul.

we have all been baptised into the catholic

if you have a birth certificate, that is your baptism.
Ye most likely were born and presumed birthed in
a hospital = military facility since the 1870s
we are born in wards; we are wards of the state.

Ye art the (Military ) chief executive /

administrator and Beneficiary of your estate aka
your legal art now at thee age of major’ity / majority
The Crown can be the trustee.
wombman art thee soul beneficiary and shareholder of your legal persona, entity, estate,
person and equitable instrument, birth certificate…

Ye can re-present your corporate fiction and the commercial body corpus to the court and it
shall be at sea.
Wombman authentic souverän and sovereign may re main on land as a man and not submit
your body to the court.
Status, standing and capa’city
Status= Private Souverän Sovereign
Standing= at lore
Capacity= Womb’man

we all live as one family.

bless up…
share if ye care.. we live at
Hagens V lavine 415-US.533
The matter of fact and the burden of proof of jurisdiction lies.
As a living being, eye have rights and my rights are not subject to statutory control.
My rights are such as existed by law of the land (common law) long antecednt to
organisation of the state.
“he owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights”
Hale V Henkel – 201-US.43 at 47 (1905)

1. Judicial discretion has no validity when there is positive law

2. Judicial discretion cannot overturn common law or statutory law
3. “whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse as a last
resort to rebellion against Tyranny and Oppression that Human Rights should be
protected by The Law.

assuring you of our full intention, at all times.

no ill-will, frivolity or vexation intended.

The Occasional Authorised Representative; :David-Ja-son-: Giaramita.™

With Christ, david

Ambassador and witness for Christ Jesus.
Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of kings,
Sovereign, Master, Lord of lords,
and Prince of Peace, my advocate and surety.
david house giaramita

For and on behalf of the Principal legal embodiment by the title of MR DAVID GIARAMITA.
For and on behalf of the attorney General of the House of Giaramita
For and on behalf of Master david of the House of giaramita.
Soul Representative, beneficiary and grantor/settlor for
MR DAVID GIARAMITA, private Trust and Estate.
In Christos Rege, david-jason-giaramita
Authentic Being, corporeal and Jure, Sui Juris
Lay Apostolate
All Un’a’lien’able rights retained reserved,
No claim of liability.
Without prejudice.
Without recourse.
Without the U.K.
Non assumpsit.
(UCC 1-308, UCC1-341)
Settlor and Principle Trustee.

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