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Sovereign Paralorefuls

1 Sovereign Estate
Republic of Nu Briton
Out of sheer desperation, comes man’s innovation.
Necessity being the mother of invention <3
Intellectual property copy-write claimed.
All (w)rights retained and reserved,
An E11 and, assisted interactive educational.
Phoenix is Down 11:11 presentation.

Draft date: 10th April 2021

For the purposes of clarity and the avoidance of doubt, this document has been
written in and commanding English. It is not to be converted into legalese.
sovereign-paralorefuls: private trust: est:nunc pro tunc dgwbgh13022018

This work has been found in my private archives, is not the
author, it was originally authored By: Alan Watt.
sovereign-paralorefuls :private trust: est:nunc pro tunc dgwbgh13022018
Potters and Carpenters of the (S)Wor(l)d.

Welcome initiates, we find ourselves wrapped and entwined within the duality
of a fabric of both a legal and a loreful matrix, we have found out that we are
all assumed members of a legal club,
And one that in which we did not knowingly consent and join!!
Dedicated to the Christians, Islamists, and Jew-Day-Ism.

Inspired by : Alan Watt, Neville Goddard, Eustace Mullins, Christopher Hitchens

- all rolled into one fun fact 30 page bonanza adventure - on the back of spl’s
proclamation of sovereignty and spl’s Christian Disclosure - Life and Essence
Exodus from public legal person, unto thy private loreful authentic natural hu-

I find it a little difficult to say what the subject matter of this presentation is
going to be,
because it is too fundamental to give it a title.
I am going to talk about what there is,
now the first thing though that we have to do, is to get our perspectives with
some background about the basic ideas which as westerners living today in the
United Kingdom / United states influence our everyday common sense,
our fundamental notions about what life is about and there are historical
origins for this, which influence us more strongly than most people realise.
ideas of the world which are built into the very nature of the lores and
language we use, and about ideas of logic and what makes sense altogether.
The law of attraction and the power of intent could well be referenced to God
carrying out judgement via universally inescapable quantum flux fields of
modality and a particle matrix of divine justice?
Think about it, the universe seems to have us all in a court 24x7.
There are scales to be balanced in life’s journey, always help a travellor, as is
the way!!
Authentic natural hu-man can choose to execute conscionable actions and
deeds, rather than mindless sin and ignorance of the facts of the matters.
These basic ideas I call myth, not a using the word myth, to simply mean
something untrue,
but to use the word myth in a more powerful sense, a myth is an image.
in terms of which we try to make sense of the world, and we at present are
living under the influence of two immensely powerful images, which are in the
present state of scientific knowledge, extremely inadequate.
and one of our major problems today is to find an adequate satisfying image of
the world.
well, that is what we shall talk about.
I am going to go further than that, not only what image of the world to have,
but how we can get our sensations and our feelings, in accordance with the
most sensible image of the world that we can manage to conceive!
the two images which we have been working under for 2000 years and maybe
These two images are what I would call the two models of the universe and the
first is called a ceramic model and the second the fully automatic model.
the ceramic model of the universe is based on the book of Genesis, from which
Judaism, Islam and Christianity derived their basic picture of the world.
and the image of the world in the book of Genesis, is that the world is an
artefact, it is made,
as a Potter takes clay and forms pots out of it, or as a Carpenter takes wood
and makes tables and chairs out of it.
Do not forget Jesus is the son of a carpenter and also the son of God.
So, the image of God and of the world is based on the idea of God as a
technician, a Potter, a Carpenter, an architect, who has in mind a plan and who
fashions the universe in accordance with that plan.
The bible was written using a very old and simple theological text base, the
text that was used to construct the bible and its many interpretations are
based on an idealistic theological language you see, typecast and the passages
possible multiple translations / interpretations become familiar over time.
So, basic to this image of the world, is the notion you see, that the world
consists of stuff basically. primordial matter, substance, stuff, as pots are made
of clay and the Potter imposes his will on it, and makes it become whatever he
wants, and so in the book of Genesis, the Lord God creates Adam out of the
dust of the earth, in other words he makes a clay figurine, and then he
breathes into it, and it becomes alive, because the clay becomes in formed, by
itself it is formless it has no intelligence and therefore it requires an external
intelligence and an external energy to bring it to life and to put some sense
into it, and so in this way we inherit a conception of ourselves as being
artefacts, as being made and it is perfectly natural in our culture for a child to
ask its mother,
how was I made?
or who made me?
and this is a very, very, powerful idea, but for example it is not shared by the
Chinese or by the Hindus a Chinese child would not ask its mother how was I
a Chinese child might ask its mother how did I grow?
which is an entirely different procedure from making, you see when you make
something you put it together, you arrange parts, or you work from the
outside to the in, as a sculptor works on a stone or as the Potter works on clay.
When you watch something growing it works in exactly the opposite direction
it works from the inside to the outside, it expands, it burgeons, it blossoms and
it happens all over itself at once in other words in the the original simple form
say of ever living cell in the womb progressively complicates itself and that's
the growing process and it's quite different from the making process.
So, there is for that reason, a fundamental difference between the made and
the maker and this image this ceramic model of the universe, originated in
cultures where the form of government was monarchical and where therefore
the maker of the universe was conceived also at the same time in the image of
the King of the universe.
King of Kings, Lord of Lords the only ruler of Princes who dust from thy throne
behold all dwellers upon earth - quoting the book of - common prayer.
And so, all those people who are oriented to the universe in that way, feel
related to basic reality as a subject to a King and so they are on very very
humble terms in relation to whatever it is that works all this model.
I find it odd in the United states the people who are citizens of a Republic have
a monachal theory of the universe, because we are carrying over from very
ancient near eastern cultures, the notion that the Lord of the universe must be
respected in a certain way.
People kneel, people bow, people prostrate themselves, you know what the
reason for all that is, is that nobody is more frightened of everybody else than
a tyrant, he sits with his back to the wall and his guards on either side of him
and he has you face downwards on the ground because you can't use weapons
that way.
when you come into his presence, you don't stand up and face him because
you might attack and he has reason to fear that you might attack him because
he's ruling you all, and the man who rules you all is the biggest crook of the lot.
he is the one who succeeded in crime, the other people are pushed aside
because they are the criminals, the people we lock up in gaol, are simply the
people who didn't make it!
So, naturally the real boss sits with his back to the wall and his henchmen on
either side of him, and so when you design a church what does it look like and
A Catholic Church with the altar as it used to be originally, as its changing now
because the Catholic religion is changing but the Catholic Church has the altar
with its back to the wall of the East End of the church, and there the altar is the
throne and the priest is the chief vizier of the court and he is making a basis to
the throne, from but there is the throne of God the alter, and all the people
are facing it and kneeling down. A great Catholic cathedral is called a Basilica,
from the Greek Basilius, which means King - so a Basilica is the House of a King
and the ritual of the Catholic Church is based on the court rituals of Byzantium.
A Protestant church is a little different but basically the same, the furniture of
a Protestant church is based on a judicial courthouse, it would seem to I, the
pulpit - the judge in an American court wears a black robe he was exactly the
same dress as a Protestant minister, and everybody sits in boxes, there is a jury
box, there is a box for the judge there is a box for this, and a box for that!
Those are the pews, in an ordinary kind of colonial type Protestant church.
So, both these kinds of churches which have an autocratic view of the nature
of the universe decorate themselves and are architecturally constructed in
accordance with political images of the universe.
one is the King and the other is the judge, your honour, there is sense in this.
when in court you have to refer to the judges as your honour, it stops the
people engaged in litigation from losing their tempers and getting rude
there is a certain sense to that, but when you want to apply that image to the
universe itself, to the very nature of life, it has limitations!
For one thing, the idea of a difference between matter and spirit, this idea
doesn't work anymore long, long, ago physicists stopped asking the question
what is matter?
They began that way, they wanted to know what is the fundamental substance
of the world?
And the more they asked that question the more they realised they couldn't
answer it, because if you're going to say what matter is, you've got to describe
it in terms of behaviour, and that is to say in terms of form ,in terms of pattern,
you tell what it does, you describe the smallest shapes of it that you can see,
atoms, electrons, protons, mesons, all sorts and sub nuclear particles, but you
never, never arrive at the basic stuff, because there isn't any….
What happens is this, stuff is a word for the world as it looks when our eyes
are out of focus fuzzy, stuff, the idea of stuff is that it's undifferentiated as
some kind of a goo, and when your eyes are not in sharp focus everything
looks fuzzy, when you get your eyes into focus you see a form you see a
pattern, and so all that we can talk about is patterns, so the picture of the
world in the most sophisticated physics of today, is not formed stuff, potted
clay, but pattern, a self moving self-designing pattern, a dance, and we haven't
yet our common sense as individuals hasn't yet caught up with this.
well now in the course of time in the evolution of western thought, the
ceramic image of the world ran into trouble and changed into what I call the
fully automatic model or image of the world.
in other words, western silence was based on the idea that there are laws of
nature, and it got that idea from Judaism and Christianity and Islam, that in
other words the Potter the maker of the world in the beginning of things lay
down the laws, and the law of God, which is also the law of nature,
it's called the Logos, and in Christianity the Logos / Lagos is the second person
of the Trinity incarnate as Jesus Christ, who thereby is the perfect exemplar of
the divine law. Sovereignty / Souverän good self-governance 😊
So we have tended to think of all natural phenomenon as responding to laws,
as if in other words the laws of the world were like the rails on which a Street
car or tram or train runs and these things exist in a certain way and all events
respond to these laws, you know that Limerick:
There was a young man who said damn, for it certainly seems that I am, a
creature that moves, indeterminate grooves, I'm not even a bus , I’m a tram!!
So, here's this idea that there's a kind of a plan and everything responds obeys
that plan. well in the 18th century western intellectuals began to suspect this
what they is suspected is whether there is a lawmaker, whether there is an
architect of the universe or not, and they found out or they reasoned that you
don't have to suppose that there is, why? because the hypothesis of God does
not help us to make any predictions, in other words let's put it this way, if the
business of Sciences to make predictions about what's going to happen,
science is essentially prophecy, what's going to happen by studying the
behaviour of the past and describing it carefully we can make predictions
about what's going to happen in the future?
that's really the whole of science.
and to do this and to make successful predictions you do not need God as a
hypothesis, because it makes no difference to anything, if you say everything is
controlled by God, everything is governed by God, that doesn't make any
difference to your prediction of what's going to happen.
and So what they did was simply dropped that hypothesis, but they kept the
hypothesis of law, because if you can predict, if you can study the past, and
describe how things have behaved, and you've got some regularity in the
behaviour of the universe, you call that universal law.
although it may not be law in the ordinary legal scene of the word, it is simply
a regularity, and so they what they did was they got rid of the lawmaker and
kept the law and so they conceived the universe in terms of a mechanism,
something in other words that is functioning according to regular clock like
mechanical principles.
Newtons whole image of the world is based on billiards, the atoms are billiard
balls, and they bang each other around and so your behaviour you every
individual therefore is defined as a very very complex arrangement of billiard
balls, being banged around by everything else.
and so behind the fully automatic model of the universe is the notion that
reality itself, is to use the favourite term of 19th century scientists, blind
In say the metaphysics of T.H. Huxley, the world is basically nothing but, blind
unintelligent force and likewise in parallel to this in the philosophy of Freud the
basic psychological energy is libido which is blind lust.
And it is only a fluke, it is only as a result of pure chances, that resulting from
the exuberance of this energy, there are people, with values, with reason, with
languages, with cultures and with love.
just a fluke, like you know, 1000 monkeys typing 1000 typewriters for a million
years, will eventually type the Encyclopaedia Britannica and of course the
moment they stop typing the Encyclopaedia Britannica they will relapse into
nonsense, and so in order that that shall not happen, because you and I are
flukes in this cosmos, and we like our way of life, we like being human, if we
want to keep it save these people we've got to fight nature, because it'll turn
us back into nonsense, moment we let it, and so we've got to impose our will
upon this world as if we were something completely alien to it from outside,
and so we get a culture based on the idea of the war between man and nature
and we talk about the conquest of space, the conquest of Everest and the
great symbols of our culture are the rocket and the bulldozer, Rocket -
compensation for the sexually inadequate male,
so we are going to conquer space, yeah we're in space already way out, if
anybody can to be sensitive and let what’s outside space come to you, you can
if your eyes are clear enough aided by telescopes, aided by radio astronomy
,aided by all the kind of sensitive instruments we can devise, we're as far out in
space as we are ever going to get
but you know sensitivity isn't the pitch in the specially in the WASP culture of
the United states we define manliness in terms of aggression, because we're a
little bit frightened as to whether we are really men and so we put on this
great show of being a tough guy, it's completely unnecessary if you have what
it takes you don't need to put on that show you don't need to beat nature into
submission, why be hostile to nature? because after all you are a symptom of
nature, you as a human being you grow out of this physical universe in just
exactly the same way that an Apple grows off an Apple tree, so let's say the
tree which grows apples, is a tree which apples.
using Apple as a verb and a world in which human beings arrive is a world that
peoples and so the existence of people is symptomatic of the kind of universe
we live in, and just as spots on somebody's skin are symptomatic of chicken
pox, but we have been brought up by reason of our two great myths the
ceramic and the fully automatic, not to feel that we belong in the world, so our
popular speech reflects it we say
I came into this world.
you didn't, you came out of it
we say face facts we talk about encounters with reality as if it was a head on
meeting of completely alien agencies and the average person has the
sensation that he is a somewhat, that exists inside a bag of skin, the centre of
consciousness which looks out of this thing and what the hell is he going to do
to me?
I recognise you, you kind of look like me and I've seen myself in a mirror and
you look like you might be people, so maybe you're intelligent? maybe you can
love too?
perhaps you're alright? some of you are anyway, got the right colour of skin or
you have the right religion or whatever it is!!
but there all those people over in xxx or xxxx and they may not really be
when you want to destroy someone, you always define them as un people, not
really human, monkeys maybe, idiots maybe, machines maybe but not people
We have this hostility to the external world because of the superstition of the
myth of the unfounded theory, that you yourself exist only inside your skin!
Now I want to propose another idea altogether, I know the astronomers,
either say,
there was a primordial explosion, enormous bang millions of years ago billions
of years ago which flung all the Galaxy centre space.
let's take that just for the sake of argument, and say that was the way it
it's like you took a bottle of ink and you threw it at a wall smash and all that ink
spreads and in the middle its dense isn't it and as it gets out to the edge , little
droplets are finer and finer and make more complicated patterns.
so in the same way there was a Big Bang at the beginning of things and it
spread out, and you and I sitting here in this room as complicated human
beings are way, way, out on the fringe of that bang where the complicated
little patterns are found on the end of it, very interesting
we define ourselves as being only that, if you think that you are only inside
your skin, you define yourself as one very complicated little dot, way out on
the edge of that explosion,
way out in space and way out in time
billions of years ago you were a big bang, and now you're a complicated
human being.
and then we cut ourselves off like this and don't feel that we're still The Big
Bang, but you are, it depends how you define yourself,
you are actually, if this is the way things started, if there was a Big Bang in the
you are not something that is a result of The Big Bang, on the end of the
process, you are still the process.
you are The Big Bang, the original force of the universe coming on, as whoever
you are
see when I meet you, I see not just what you define yourself as, Mr so and so
Mr miss, Mrs so and so.
Everyone of you are the primordial energy of the universe, coming on at me in
this particular way, I know I'm that too, but we've learned to define ourselves
as separate from it.
So, what I would call a kind of a basic problem, we've got to go through first, is
to understand that there are no such things as things, that is to say separate
things or separate events that that is only a way of talking
if you can understand this, you're going to have no further problems
I once asked a group of high school children what do you mean by a thing?
and first of all they gave me all sorts of synonyms, they said it's an object,
which is simply another word for a thing, it doesn't tell you anything about
what you mean by a thing.
finally, a very smart girl from Italy who was in the group said - the thing is a
She was quite right, a noun isn't a part of nature it's part of speech, there are
no nouns in the physical world, there are no separate things in the physical
world either
The physical world is wiggly, clouds, mountains, trees, people, are all weekly
and only when human beings get working at things, they build buildings and
straight lines and try and make out that the world isn't really wiggly, but here
we are sitting in this room all built on straight lines but each one of us is as
wiggly as a wiggle.
now then, if you want to get control of something that wiggles it's pretty
difficult isn't it ?
you try and pick up a fish in your hands and the fish is wiggly and it slips out
what do you do ?
To get hold of a fish you use a net and so the net is the basic thing we have for
getting hold wiggly world, so if you want to get hold of this wiggle you have to
put a net over it.
and I can number the holes in a net, so many so holds up, so many holes
across, and if I can number these holes, I can count exactly where each wiggle
is in terms of a hole in that net and that's the beginning of calculus the art of
measuring the world.
in order to do that I've got to break up the wiggle into bits, and I have to call
this a specific bit of this the next, the bit of the wiggle and this the next bit of
this the next bit of the wiggle and so these bits things or events bits of wiggles,
which I mark up in order to talk about the wiggle in order to measure it and
therefore in order to control.
but in nature in fact in the physical world the wiggle isn't bitt’ed.
you have to cut the chicken up in order to eat it, to bite it, it doesn't come
The world does not come thinged, it doesn't come evented, you and I, are all
as much continuous with the physical universe, as a wave is continuous with
the ocean.
the ocean waves and the universe peoples, and as a wave I wave at you and
say hoo the world is waving at me with you, and saying hi I'm here..
we are consciousness of the way we feel and sense our existence, being based
on a myth that we are made, that we are parts, that we are things, our
consciousness has been influenced, so that each one of us does not feel that,
we feel we have been hypnotised, literally hypnotised, by social convention,
into feeling and sensing that we exist only inside our skins, that we're not the
original bang ,but just something out on the end of it
and therefore we are scared stiff
my wave is going to disappear, I'm going to die, we've got a mythology going
now which as father maskell put it,
we are nothing but something that happens between the maternity Ward and
the crematorium, that's it.
and therefore everybody feels unhappy and miserable
this is what people really believe today, you may go to church, you may say
you believe in this that and the other, but you don't
even Jehovah's Witnesses who the most fundamentalist fundamentalists
their polite when they come round and knock at the door
but if you really believed in Christianity you would be screaming in the streets,
but nobody does.
you would be taking full page ads in the paper everyday,
you would have the most terrifying television programmes,
the churches would be going out of their minds, if they really believe what they
teach, but they don't.
they think they ought to believe what they teach, they believe that they should
they should believe, but they don't believe! it
because what we really believe is the fully automatic model and that is our
basic plausible common sense, you are a fluke, you are a separate event, and
you run from the maternity Ward to the crematorium and that's it!
now why does anybody think that way?
there's no reason to because it isn't even scientific, it's just a myth, invented by
people who wanted to feel a certain way, they want to play a certain game.
see the game of God begotten got embarrassing, the idea of God as the Potter,
the architect of the universe is is good, and it makes you feel that life is after all
is important, there is someone who cares, it has meaning, it has sense and you
are valuable in the eyes of the father, but after a while it gets embarrassing
and you realise that everything you do is being watched by God.
he knows your tiniest inmost feelings and thoughts and you say afterwhile quit
bugging me,
I do not want you around, so you become an atheist just to get rid of it.
then you feel terrible after it now because you got rid of God.
but that means you got rid of yourself.
your nothing but the machine and your idea that you're a machine is just the
machine too
so if you're a smart kid you commit suicide.
Camus said there is only really one serious philosophical question.
which is whether or not to commit suicide
I think there are four or five serious philosophical questions.
the first one is:
who started it?
the second:
are we going to make it?
the third is:
where are we going to put it ?
4th is:
who's going to clean up?
and the
is it serious?
but still should you or not commit suicide this is a good question
why go on
and you only go on if the game is worth the candle,
now the universe has been going on for an incredible long time.
and so really a satisfactory theory of the universe has to be one that's worth
betting on?
that's a very seems to me an absolutely elementary common sense
if you make a theory of the universe which isn't worth betting on
why bother? just commit suicide, but if you want to go on playing the game
you've got to have an optimal theory for playing the game otherwise there's no
point in it.
but the people who coined the fully automatic theory of the universe were
playing a very funny game,
what they wanted to say was this,
all you people who believe in religion are old ladies and wishful thinkers,
you have a big daddy up there,
and you want comfort and things, but life is rough, life is tough, and success
goes to the most hard headed people.
that was a very convenient theory when the European American world was
colonising the natives everywhere else.
we are the end product of evolution,
and we're tough.
I'm a big strong guy because I face facts
and life is just a bunch of junk and I'm going to impose my will on it and turn it
into something else and
I'm real hard
see that's a way of flattering yourself
and so it has become academically plausible, fashionable but this is the way
the world works
in academic circles no other theory of the world than the fully automatic
model is respectable. because if you're an academic person, you've got to be
an intellectually tough person, you have to be prickly.
there are basically two kinds of philosophy once called prickles the others
called goo.
and prickly people, are precise, rigorous, logical, they like everything chopped
up and clear.
goo people, like it vague, then for example in physics the prickly people believe
that the ultimate constituents of matter are particles, goo people believe its
and in in philosophy prickly people are logical positivists and goo people or
and they're always arguing with each other
and what they don't realise is, that they neither one can take his position,
without the other person, as you wouldn't know you advocated prickles unless
there was somebody else advocating goo
you wouldn't know what a prickle was unless you knew what goo was
because life is not either prickles or goo
it's gooey prickles and prickly goo.
they go together like back and front, male and female and that's the answer to
see I'm a philosopher and I'm not going to argue very much because if you
don't argue with me I don't know what I think.
so if we argue, I say thank you because owing to the courtesy of you're taking a
different point of view,
I understand what I mean,
so I can't get rid of you.
however you see this whole idea that the universe is just nothing at all but
unintelligent force playing around and not even enjoying it
is a put down theory of the world
people who had a an advantage to make a game to play, by putting it down
and making out that because they put the world down they were superior kind
of people.
that just won't do, we've had it, because if you seriously go along with this idea
of the world you are what is technically called alienated.
you feel hostile to the world you feel that the world is a trap ,it is a a
mechanism, it's electronic and neurological, mechanisms into which you
somehow got caught and you poor thing have to put up with being in a body
that's falling apart and that gets cancer, that gets great Siberian itch, is just
terrible and these mechanics doctors are trying to help you out but they really
can't succeed in the end and you're just going to fall apart and it's a grim
business and it's too bad
so, if you think that that's the way things are, you may as well commit suicide
right now.
unless you say well, I dare not because then really after all there might be
eternal damnation.
or then I identify with my children and I think of them going on without me and
nobody to support them
If I do go on in this frame of mind and continue to support them, I shall merely
teach them to be like I am
and they shall go on dragging it out to support their children and they won't
enjoy it
and they'll be afraid to commit suicide and so will their children,
they all learned the same lesson, so you see all I'm trying to say is - that the
basic common sense about the nature of the world that is influencing most
people in the today
a fully automatic model, is simply a myth, if you want to say that the idea of
God the father with his white beard on the Golden throne is a myth, in the bad
sense of the word myth, so is this other one
it's just as phoney and has just as little to support it, as being the true state of
why? let's get this clear.
if there is any such thing at all as intelligence and love and beauty.
well you found it in other people, in other words it exists in us as human beings
and as I said if it is there in us, it is symptomatic of the scheme of things
we are symptomatic of the scheme of things, as the apples are symptomatic of
the Apple tree or the Rose of the Rose Bush
The earth is not a big rock infested with living organisms, anymore than your
skeleton, is bones infested with cells
The earth is geological yes, but this geological entity , grows people, and our
existence on the earth is a symptom of the solar system and its balances as
much as the solar system in turn is a symptom of our Galaxy and our Galaxy in
its turn is a symptom of the whole company of galaxies
goodness only knows what that's in
but you see when as a scientist, you describe the behaviour, of a living
Organism, you try to say what a person does, it is the only way in which you
can describe what a person is
describe what they do, then you find out that in making this description you
cannot confine yourself to what happens inside the skin. you can't talk about a
person walking ,unless you start describing the floor, because when I walk I
don't just dangle my legs and empty space, I move in relationship to a room
and so in order to describe what I'm doing when I'm walking I have to describe
the room
I had to describe the territory, so in describing my talking at the moment, I
can't describe this just as a thing in itself, because I'm talking to you
And so what I'm doing at the moment is not completely described unless your
being here is described also
so if that is necessary if in other words in order to describe my behaviour, I
have to describe your behaviour and the behaviour of the environment it
means that we've really got one system of behaviour
what I am, involves what you are, I don't know who I am, unless I know who
you are, and you don't know who you are unless you know who I am
a wise rabbi once said
I am I,
you are you,
you are you,
I am I,
I am not I,
you are not you !
in other words, we are not separate, we define each other, we are all backs
and fronts to each other, you know you can't for example have two sticks you
lean to sticks against each other and they stand up because they support each
other, take one away and the other falls.
they interdepend and so in exactly that way, we and our environment and all
of us and each other are interdependent systems.
we know who we are, in terms of other people, we all lock together, and this
is again and again the serious scientific description of how things happen
and any good scientist knows therefore, that what you call the external world
is as much you as your own body
your skin doesn't separate you from the world, it's a bridge through which the
external world flows into you and you flow into it
just for example is a Whirlpool in water, you could say because you have a skin
you have a definite shape you have a definite form, here is it a flow of water
and suddenly it makes a Whirlpool and it goes on.
the Whirlpool is a definite form, but no water stays put in it,
the Whirlpool is something the stream is doing
and exactly the same way the whole universe is doing, each one of us,
and I see you today and I recognise you tomorrow, just as I would recognise a
Whirlpool in the stream.
Yes I've seen that Whirlpool before, is near so and so’s house on the end of the
River, and it is always there. so in the same way when I meet you tomorrow, I
recognise you the same whirlpool you were yesterday
you're moving, the whole world is moving through you, all the cosmic Rays, all
the food you're eating the stream of steaks and milk and eggs and everything is
just flowing right through you
when you're wiggling the same way the world is wiggling, the stream is
wiggling you,
but the problem is you,
we haven't been taught to feel that way
The myths underlying our culture and underline our common sense, have not
taught us to feel identical with the universe, but only parts of it, only in it, only
confronting it as aliens,
and we are I think, quite urgently in need of coming to feel, that we are the
eternal universe ,
each one of us, otherwise we shall go out of our heads, we are going to
commit suicide collectively courtesy of atomic bombs and worship / warship.
I was discussing two of the great myths on models of the universe, which lie in
the intellectual and psychological background of all of us
the myth of the world, as a political monarchic state, in which we are all here
on sufferance,
as subjects of God, in which we are made – artefacts, who do not exist in our
own right,
God alone in the first myth exists in his own right
and you exist as a favour, and you want to be grateful, like your parents come
on and said to you maybe, look at all the things we've done for you, all the
money we spent to send you to college,
and you turned out to be a beatneck, a wretched ungrateful child and you're
supposed to say sorry, I really AM, you're definitely in the position of being on
so that idea of the Royal God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, which
we inherit from the political structures of the Tigris Euphrates cultures and
from Egypt
pharaoh Amenhotep the 4th is probably as Freud suggested the original author
of Moses monotheism.
and the certainly the Jewish law code, that comes from Hammurabi, in the
Chaldia / Khaldia
these men lived in a culture where the pyramid and the ziggurat, were made.
a ziggurat is Chadian version of the pyramid, indicating a hierarchy of power-
also found in south America and peru.
from the boss at the top, all the way down
God in this first myth that we've been discussing, the ceramic myth, is the boss
and the idea of God is that the universe is governed, from above.
You see this parallels and goes hand in hand with the idea that you govern
your own body,
that the ego which lies somewhere between the ears and behind the eyes ,and
the brain
is the governor of the body.
and so we can't understand an assist a system of order, a system of life in
which there isn't a governor?
oh Lord our governor how excellent is all thy name in all the world
but supposing on the contrary there could be a system which doesn't have a
that's what we are supposed to have in this society.
we are supposed to be a democracy under Republic
and we're supposed to govern ourselves
and yet as I said it's so funny that Americans can be politically Republican
I don't mean Republican Party sense
and yet religiously monarchical
it's a real strange contradiction.
So what is this universe
is it a Monarchy?
is it a Republic?
is it a mechanism?
or an Organism?
because you see if it's a mechanism.
either it's a mere mechanism, as in the fully automatic model
or else it's the mechanism under the control of a driver
a mechanic?
if it's not that?
it's an Organism?
And an Organism is a thing that governs itself.
in your body there is no boss!
you can say, you can argue for example, that the brain is is a gadget evolved by
the stomach,
in order to serve the stomach, for the purposes of getting food
or you can argue that the stomach is a gadget evolved by the brain
too feed it and keep it alive
whose game is this is?
is it the brains game on the stomachs game ?
actually their mutual, the brain implies the stomach the stomach implies the
brain and neither of them is the boss
you know that Storey about the all the limbs of the body, said though the
hands said we we do all our work
the feet said we do our work,
the mouth said we do all the chewing
and his lazy stomach, who just gets it all and doesn't do anything
he didn't do any work
so let's go on strike, and the hands refused to carry, the feet refused to walk,
and the mouth refused to chew
and said now we're on strike against the stomach
but after a while all of them found themselves getting weaker, weaker and
because they did not recognise that the stomach fed them
so, there is the possibility then, that we are not in the kind of system that are
these two myths delineate, that we are not living in a world, where we
ourselves in the deeper sense of self are outside are outside of reality and
somehow in a position that we have to bow down to it
and say as a great favour please preserve us in existence.
nor are we in a system which is merely mechanical and in which we are
nothing but flukes
trapped in the electrical wiring of a nervous system, which is fundamentally
rather inefficiently arranged
what's the alternative?
well we could put the alternative in another image altogether
And I will call this not the ceramic image not the fully automatic image but the
dramatic image.
consider the world as a drama
what's the basis of all drama?
the basis of all storeys of all plots of all happenings
it is a game of hide and seek
you get a baby what's the fundamental first game you play with the baby
you put a book in front of your face and you peek at the baby
the baby starts giggling, because the baby is close to the origins of life
it comes from the womb, really knowing what it's all about, but it can't put it
into words
what every child psychologist really wants to know, is how to get a baby to talk
psychological jaggaon and explain how it feels!
the baby knows, you do this this this this and the baby starts laughing.
because the baby is a recent incarnation of God, and the baby knows
therefore, that hide and seek is the basic game of life!
see before when we were children we were taught 123 and ABC, but we were
not sat down on our mothers knees and taught the game of black and white
that's the thing that was left out of all our educations, that life is not, a
contract between opposites, but a polarity and attraction.
the difference between a conflict and a polarity is simply, when you say about
opposite things, we sometimes use the expression these two things are the
poles apart, you say for example with someone with whom you totally
disagree, I am the poles apart from this person, but you're really saying that,
gives the show away, polls. polls are the opposite ends of 1 magnet, if you take
a magnet there is a North Pole in the South Pole.
chop off the South Pole move it away, the piece you've got left and creates a
New South pole, you'll never get rid of the South Pole. things may be the poles
apart but they go together, you can't have the one without the other
that's the basic idea of polarity, but what we're trying to imagine is the
encounter of forces that come from absolutely opposed realms, they have
nothing in common, when we say of two personality types that they are the
poles apart. we're trying to think eccentrically instead of concentrically and so
in this way, we haven't realised that life and death black and white good and
evil, being and non being, come from the same centre, they imply each other,
so that you wouldn't know the one without the other. now I'm not saying that
that's bad, that's fun, you are playing the game that you don't know, that self
and other go together, in just the same way as the two poles of the magnet. so
that when anybody in our culture says, slips into the state of consciousness
where they suddenly find this to be true and they come on and say I'm God.
we say you're insane, now it's very difficult, you can very easily slip into the
state of consciousness, where you feel your God. it can happen to anyone, just
in the same way as you can get the flu or measles, or something like, that you
can slip into the state of consciousness. when you get it depends upon your
background and your training as to how you're going to interpret it, if you've
got the idea of God that comes from popular Christianity, God as the governor,
the political head of the world, and you think you're God, then you say to
everybody - you should bow down and worship me. but if you are a member of
Hindu culture and you suddenly tell all your friends I'm God, instead of saying
you're insane, they will say congratulations at last you found out. because their
idea I've God is not the autocratic governor, when they make images of Shiva,
say he has ten arms, how would you use 10 arms?
it's hard enough to use two, you know if you play the organ you've got to use
your two feet and your two hands and you play different rhythms, with each
member, it is tricky, but actually we are all Masters of this because how do you
grow each hair without having to think about it, each nerve, how do you beat
your heart and digest with your stomach at the same time?
you don't have to think about it
in your very body you are omnipotent in the true sense of omnipotence, which
is that you are able to be omnipotent you were able to do all these things
without having to think about it
when I was a child I used to ask my mother across all sorts of ridiculous
questions that every child asks
and when she got bored with my question she would say darling there are
somethings we're just not meant to know
I said will we ever know ?
he said yes of course when we die and go to heaven God will make everything
so I used to imagine on wet afternoons in haven
we all sit around the throne of grace and say to God
well now why did you do this, and how did you do that?
and he would explain it to us, heavenly father why are the leaves green and he
would say because of the chlorophyll and I would say oh.
in the Hindu universe you would say to God, how did you make the mountains
and he would say well I just did it, because what you're asking me for, when
you ask me how did I make the mountains?
you are asking me to describe in words how I'm at the mountains
and there are no words which can do this, words cannot tell you how I made
the mountains, anymore than I can drink the ocean with a fork
a fork may be useful for sticking into a piece of something and eating it, but it
is no use for imbibing the ocean
it would take millions of years
so it would take millions of years, in other words, you would be bored with my
long before I got through it, if I put it to you in words, because I didn't create
the mountains with words, I just did it, like you open and close your hand, you
know how to do this but can you describe in words how you do it?
but you do it?
you are conscious, aren't you?
Do you know how you manage to be conscious?
Do you know how you beat your heart?
can you say in words and explain correctly how this is done?
you do it but you can't put it into words
because s words are too clumsy, and yet you managed this, expertly, for as
long as you were able to do it. we are playing a game and the game runs like
this, the only thing you really know, is what you can put into words. suppose I
love some girl rapturously, and someone said to me would you really love her,
how am I going to prove this?
let's say write poetry?
tell us all how much you love her then we will believe you, so if I'm an artist
and I can put this into words and convince everybody that I've written the
most ecstatic love letters ever written they say alright okay we'll admit it you
really do love her
but supposing you're not very articulate are we going to tell you, you don't
love her?
surely not you don't have to be heloise and abelard to be in love, so the whole
game that our culture is playing, is that nothing really happens unless it's in the
newspaper. so when we are at the party and somebody says too bad there
wasn't the tape recorder
and so our children begin to feel that they don't exist authentically unless they
get their names in the papers and the fastest way of getting your name in the
papers to commit a crime
Then you'll be photographed, then you'll appear in court and everybody will
notice you
it really happened if it was recorded, in other words if you shout in the distant
doesn't come back and echo it didn't happen. well that's a real hang up, it is
true it is good fun with echoes, we all like singing in the bathtub because
there's more resonance there
and when we play a musical instrument like a violin or cello it has a sounding
box because there is resonance to the sound and in the same way the cortex of
the human brain enables us when we are happy to know that we are happy
and that gives a certain resonance to it
if you're happy and you don't know you're happy there's nobody home!
this is the whole problem for us, several thousand years ago human beings
evolved the system of self-consciousness and they knew they, they knew.
There was a young man who said,
though it seems that I, that I know,
what I would like to see, is the eye that knows me,
when I know, that I know, that I know.
This is the human problem, we know that we know, and so there came a point
in our evolution, when we didn't guide life by just trusting our instincts,
and had to think about it, and had to purposely arrange and discipline and
push our lives around in accordance with foresight and words and systems of
symbols, accountancy, calculation and so on. and then we worry, once you
start thinking about things you worry as to whether you thought enough? did
you really take all the details into consideration? was every fact properly
reviewed? and by jove the more you think about it the more you realise, that
you really couldn't take everything into consideration, because all the variables
in any human decision are incalculable.
so you get anxiety, and this though also, this is the price you pay, for knowing
that you know,
for being able to think about thinking, to feel about feeling, and so we were in
this funny position,
now then, do you see that this is simultaneously an advantage and a terrible
what has happened here, is that, by having a certain kind of consciousness, a
certain kind of reflexive consciousness, being aware of being aware, being able
to represent what goes on fundamentally
in terms of a system of symbols such as words such as numbers, your put as it
were two lives together at once, one representing the other, symbols
representing the reality, the money representing the wealth and if you don't
realise that the symbol is really secondary, it doesn't have the same value, no
people go to the supermarket and they get a whole cart load of goodies and
they drive it through and then the clerk fixes up the counter on his long tape
comes out and you say $30 please, everybody feels depressed give away $30
worth of paper, but they got a cartload of goodies .
they don't think about that, they think they just lost last $30, but you got the
real wealth in the car when you parted with the paper, because the paper in
our system becomes more valuable than the wealth
it represents power potentiality, whereas the wealth, they go that’s just
necessary you got to eat, so then if you awaken from this illusion, and you
understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death, or
shall I say death implies life, you can feel yourself not as a stranger in the
world, not as something here on probation, not as something that has arrived
here by fluke, but you can begin to feel your own existence, as absolutely
fundamental. what you are basically, deep deep down, far far in, is simply the
fabric and structure of existence itself, to say in Hindu mythology, they say that
the world is the drama of God, God is not something in Hindu mythology with
a white beard that sits on the throne and it has Royal prerogatives
god in in Indian mythology is the self - sachidananda which means sa - that
which is, chi - that which is consciousness, that which is ununder, is bliss.
and in other words that what exists, reality itself is gorgeous, it is the plenum
the fullness of total joy, wow-wee all those stars if you look out in the Sky is a
firework display like you see on the 5th November / 4th of July which is a great
occasion for celebration, the universe is a celebration, it is a firework show to
celebrate that existence is wow-wee and then they say but however
there's no point just in sustaining bliss, let's suppose that you were able every
night to dream any dream you wanted to dream and that you could for
example have the power, within one night to dream 75 years of time, or any
length of time you wanted to have, and you would naturally as you began on
this venture dreams you would fulfil all your wishes. you would have every
kind of pleasure you could conceive, and after several nights of 75 years of
total pleasure each,
you would say well that was pretty great, but now let's, let's have a surprise,
let's have a dream which isn't under control. were something is going to
happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be
you would do that and come out of that and say wow that was a close shave
wasn't it?
Then you will get more and more adventurous, and you would make further
and further out gambles, as to what you would dream, finally you would dream
where you are now.
you would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today,
that would be within the infinite multiplicity of choices you would have, of
playing you are not God.
Because the whole nature of the God-Head according to this idea, is to play
that he's not.
the first thing he says to himself is, man get lost, because he gives himself
the nature of love is self abandonment, not clinging to oneself, throwing
yourself out, as in for example in basketball you always getting rid of the ball.
you say to the other team player, have the ball, and that keeps the game
moving, that's the nature of life, so in this idea then, everybody is
fundamentally, the ultimate reality, not God in a politically kingly sense, but
God in the sense of being the self, that deep down basic whatever there is, and
your all that,
only your pretending or not.
and it's perfectly okay to pretend your not, to be absolutely convinced because
this is the whole notion of drama, when you come into the Theatre, there is a
proscenium arch on the stage and down below is the audience. and everybody
assumes their seats in the Theatre.
Going to see a comedy, a tragedy a thriller or whatever it is and we they know
as they come in and pay their admissions that what is going to happen on the
stage is not for real, the actors have a conspiracy against this, because they're
going to try and persuade the audience that what is happening on the stage is
for real, they want to get everybody sitting on the edge of their chairs, they
want to get you terrified or crying or laughing, absolutely captivated by the
and if a skilful human actor can take in an audience and make people cry, think
what the cosmic actor can do?
Why he can take himself in completely, he can play so much for real if he really
believes, it is like you sitting in this room, you think you're really here, why you
persuade yourself that way, you acted it so damn well that you know this is the
real world, but you're playing it.
The audience and the actor is one, because behind the stage there is the green
room, off scene, obscene, where the actors take off their masks, you know that
the word person means mask?
the persona which is the mask worn by actors in Greco Roman drama, because
it has a megaphone type mouth, which throws the sound out in an open air
Theatre, so - pair through Sona - what that the sound comes through, that's
the mask, how to be a real person, how to be a genuine fake!
The mask, so dramatist personae - at the beginning of the play, is the list of
masks that the actors will wear, and so in the course of forgetting that this life
is a drama, the word for the role the word for the mask has come to mean,
who you are genuinely - the person, the proper person. In sui juris propria
incidentally the word parson is derived from the word person
Person of the village, the person around town, the person
this is a drama, I'm not trying to sell you on this idea in the sense of converting
you to it,
I want you to play with it I want you to think of its possibilities.
I'm not trying to prove it, I'm just putting it forward as a possibility of life to
think about
so then this means that you are not victims of a scheme of things, of a
mechanical world, of an autocratic God, the life you're living is what you have
put yourself in, only you don't admit it, because you want to play the game
,that it's happening to you, now the words I got mixed up in this world, my
parents fault, I had a father who got hot pants over a girl and she was my
mother and he was just a horny old man and as a result of that I got born and I
blame him for it.
suppose we admit, that I really wanted to get born, and that I was the gleam in
my father's eye when he approached my mother, that was me, I was desire,
and I deliberately got involved in this thing, look at it that way instead and that
even if I got myself into an awful mess and I got born with syphilis and the
great Siberian itch and tuberculosis and ended up in a Nazi concentration
camp, nevertheless, this was a game, which was a very far out play, it was a
kind of cosmic masochism, but I did it, isn't that an optimal game rule for life?
If you play life on the supposition that you are a helpless little puppet that got
involved or if you played on the supposition that it's a frightful serious risk and
that we really ought to do something about it and so on
it's a laugh, there's no point in going on living, unless we make the assumption,
that the situation of life is optimal, that really and truly we're all in a state of
total bliss and delight, but we're going to pretend we are not just for kicks, you
play non bliss in order to be able to experience bliss, you go as far out as non
bliss as you want to go and when you wake up it'll be great you know you can
slam yourself on the head with a hammer because it's so nice when you stop
and it makes you realise you see how great things are, when you forget that
that's the way it is, and that's just like black and white, you don't know black
,unless you know white and you do not know white unless you know black, this
is simply fundamental. so then here's the drama - my metaphysics let me be
perfectly Frank with you are that there is the central self, you could call it God,
you could call it anything you like and it's all of us it's playing all the parts of all
beings whatsoever everywhere and anywhere and it's playing the game of hide
and seek with itself,
it gets lost, it gets involved in the Far out adventures, but in the end it always
wakes up and comes back to itself, and when you're ready to wake up, then
you're going to wake up, and if you're not ready you're going to stay
pretending, that you're just a little poor little me. and since you're all here and
engaged in the sort of inquiry and listening to this solid lecture, I assume that
you are all on the process of waking up.
or else you're teasing yourselves with some kind of flirtation with waking up,
which you are not serious about, I assume it, maybe you are not serious but
sincere, that you are ready to wake up. so then when you are in the way of
waking up and finding out who you really are, you meet a character called a
guru, the Hindus say this word, the teacher, the awakener and what is the
function of a guru?
he's the man who looks at you in the eye. And says ohh come off it, I know
who you are.
you come to the guru and say sir I have a problem, I'm not happy and I want to
get one up on the universe, I want to become enlightened, I want spiritual
Ahh the guru looks at you and says, who are you?
Sri ramana maharshi - that great Hindu sage of modern times, people used to
come to him and say master who was I in my last incarnation? as if that
mattered? and he would say who is asking the question? He would look at you
and say - you're looking at me, you're looking out, and you're unaware of
what's behind your eyes
go back in and find out who you are, where the question comes, from why you

If you come to my door and you say, I'm so and so, I say haha what a funny
way God is come on today.
There are all sorts of tricks and games that the gurus play, they say - well we
are going to put you through the mill, the reason they do that is simply that
you won't wake up, until you feel you've paid the price for it, in other words
the sense of guilt one has or the sense of anxiety, is simply the way one
experiences keeping the game of disguise going on,
supposing you say, I feel guilty, Christianity makes you feel guilty for existing,
but somehow the very fact that you exist is an affront, you are a fallen human
I remember as a child when we went to the services of the church on Good
Friday, they gave us each a coloured postcard with Jesus crucified on and it,
and it said underneath,
this have I done for thee, what do’est thou for me?
You felt awful, you would nail that man to the cross, because you eat steak,
you have crucified Christ because it killed the bull, after all you depend on it.
Mithra it is the same mystery, and what are you going to do about that?
This have I done for thee, what do’est thou for me? you feel awful that you
just exist at all
that sense, that sense of guilt, is the vail across the sanctuary, don't you dare
come in.
in all mysteries when you're going to be initiated, there is somebody saying,
don't you come in, you've got to fulfil this requirement and this requirement
and this requirement this requirement then we will let you in.
you go through the mill, why?
because this is your saying to yourself, I won't wake up until I feel I deserve it.
I won't wake up until I've made it difficult, for me to wake up.
so I invent for myself an elaborate system of delaying my waking up
I put myself through this test that test and why I feel it's been sufficiently
arduous then I may at last admit to myself who I really am, and draw aside the
veil, and realise that after all, when all is said and done. I am that I am, which is
the name of God. and when it comes to it, that is really rather funny!
They say in zen when you obtain satori nothing is left in you at that moment
but to have a good laugh.
Naturally all Masters Zen Masters, yoga Masters, every kind of master, puts up
a barrier, and says to you, he simply plays your own game, you know we say
anybody who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined, because
when you go to a psychiatrist you define yourself as somebody whom ought to
have his head examined. The rapist – therapist.
In the same way as a Zen master would say, anybody who studies Zen or
comes to a Zen master ought to be given 30 blows with a stick, because he was
stupid enough to pose the question, that he had a problem, you have the
problem, you put yourself in the situation.
So, it's a question fundamentally, do you define yourself as a victim of the
or as the world?
you can define yourself, you see if you identify you with what you call a
voluntary system of the nerves, and say only that's me and that's really a
rather limited amount of my total performance what I do voluntarily
then you've defined yourself as the victim in the game
and so you were able to feel that life was a trap, something else, whether it
was God, or whether it was fate, or whether it was the big mechanism, the
system, imposed this on you!
and you can say poor little me, but you can do equally well and with as much,
does justification, define yourself, not only as what you do voluntarily, but also
what you do involuntarily, that’s you too.
do you beat your heart or don’t you?
or does it just happen to you?
and if you define yourself as the works, then nobody is imposing on you, you're
not a victim, you are doing it.
you can't explain how you do it in words, because words are too clumsy.
It would take too long say, you'll get bored with it, but actually then you could
say with gusto, I am responsible, for this life, whether comedy or tragedy, I did
it, and it seems to me that that is a basis for behaviour and going on which is
more fundamentally joyous and profitable and greater.
than defining ourselves as miserable victims or sinner or what have you.
I was discussing an alternative myth to the ceramic and fully automatic models
of the universe, I'll call it dramatics, the idea that life as we experience it's a big
act and that behind this big act is the player and the player or the self as it's
called in Hindu philosophy the atman,
you are playing hide and seek, since that is the essential game that's going on,
it is the game of games, the basis of all games, hide and seek. and so since
you're playing hide and seek, you are deliberately although you can’t admit
this, or won’t admit it, you are deliberately forgetting who you really are or
what you really are, and the knowledge that your essential self is the
foundation of the universe, the ground of being. it is what the Germans call a
a Hintergedanken is a thought way way ,way in the back of your mind, way
back there somewhere, something that you know deep down, and that you
cannot admit.
so in a way then, in order to bring this to the front, in order to know that that
is the case, you have to be kitted out of your game.
see the problem is this, we identify in our experience, a differentiation
between what we do and what happens to us. we have a certain number of
actions that we define as voluntary, we feel in control of those, and then over
against that, there are all those things that are involuntary, but the dividing
line between these two is very arbitrary, because for example when you move
your hand you feel that, you decide whether to open it or to close it, but then
ask yourself how do you decide? when you decide to open your hand, do you
first decide to decide? you don't do you? you just decide and how do you do
that? and if you don't know how you do it, is it voluntary or involuntary? let's
consider breathing, you can feel that you breathe deliberately you can control
your breath, but when you don't think about it it goes on, is it voluntary or
so we come to have a very arbitrary definition of self, that much of my activity
which I feel I do. And that then doesn't include breathing most of the time, it
doesn't include the heartbeats, it doesn't include the activity of the glands, it
doesn't include the digestion, it doesn't include how you shape your bones,
circulate your blood, do you ,or do you not, do these things?
Now if you get with yourself, and you find out that you are all of yourself, a
very strange thing happens, you'll find that your body knows that you're one
with the universe. in other words that the so called involuntary circulation of
your blood, that is 1 continuous process, the stars shining. if you find out that
it's you who circulates your blood, you will at the same moment find out that
you are shining the sun, because your physical Organism is 1 continuous
process with everything else that's going on.
just as the waves are continuous with the ocean, your body is continuous with
the total energy system of the cosmos, and it's all you, only you're playing the
game, that you are only this bit of it. as I tried to explain there are in physical
reality no such things are separate events, so then remember also when I tried
to work towards a definition of a omnipotence, omnipotence is not knowing
how everything is done, it's just doing it.
you don't have to translate it into language.
look supposing when you got up in the morning you had to switch your brain
on, and you have to think and do as a deliberate process, waking up all the
circuits that you need for active life during the day, why you would never get
done, because you have to do all those things at once, how can a centipede
control 100 legs at once? because it doesn't think about it, and so in the same
way you are unconsciously performing all the various activities of your
Organism, only unconsciously isn't a good word because it sounds sort of dead,
super consciously, not super natural! would be better.
give it a plus rather than a minus, because what consciousness is, is simply a
specialised form of awareness, when you look around the room you are
conscious of as much as you can notice,
and you see an enormous number of things which you don't notice, if for
example I look at a girl here and somebody asked me later what was she
I may not know, although I've seen, because I didn't attend.
I was aware and perhaps if I could under hypnosis be asked this question,
where I would get my conscious attention out of the way through being in the
hypnotic state, I could recall what dress she was wearing, so then, just in the
same way as you don't focus your attention on how you make your thyroid
gland function, so in the same way you don't have any attention focused on
how you shine the sun, so then, let me connect this with the problem of birth
and death, which puzzles people enormously of cause.
because in order to understand what the self is, you have to remember that it
doesn't need to remember anything, just like you don't need to know how you
work your thyroid gland, so then when you die, you're not going to have to put
up with everlasting nonexistence, because that's not an experience.
a lot of people are afraid, that when they die they're going to be locked up in a
darkroom forever.
And undergo that.
one of the most interesting things in the world, is yoga, this is a way of
realisation, try and imagine what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake
think about, that children think about it. is one of the great wonders of life.
what will it be like to go to sleep and never wake up.
and if you think long enough about that something will happen to you.
you will find out among other things that it will pose the next question to you,
what was it like to wake up after having never gone to sleep?
that was when you were born.
you see you can't have an experience of nothing, nature abhors a vacuum, so
after you're ,
the only thing that can happen is the same experience or the same sort of
experience as when you were born. in other words we all know very well that
after people die, other people are born, and they're all you.
You can only experience it one at a time, everybody is I, you all know you are
And wheresoever beings exist throughout all galaxies, it doesn't make any
difference, you are all of them and when they come into being that’s you
coming in to being.
You know that very well,
only you don't have to remember the past in the same way you don't have to
think about how you work your thyroid gland or whatever else it is in your
organism, you don't have to know how to shine the sun, you just do it. like
your breath.
doesn't it really astonish you that you are this fantastically complexly thing,
and that you're doing all of this and you did not have any education in how to
do it
you never learned, you are this miracle, well the point is, that from a strictly
physical scientific standpoint, this Organism is a continuous energy, with
everything else that's going on, and if I am my foot I am the sun. only we've
got this little partial view, we've got the idea that no I am just something in
this body, the ego, that's a joke, the ego is nothing other than the focus of
conscious attention, it's like a radar on a ship, the radar on a ship is a trouble-
shooter, is there anything in the way?
and conscious attention is a design function of the brain to scan the
environment, like a radar does. and note for any trouble making changes, but if
you identify yourself with your trouble-shooter then naturally you define
yourself as being in a perpetual state of anxiety.
And the moment we ceased to identify with the ego, and become aware that
we are the whole Organism, you realise as the first point, is how harmonious it
all is.
because your Organism is a miracle of harmony, all this thing functioning
together, even those copper schools and creatures that are fighting each other
in the blood stream and eating each other up, if they were not doing that you
wouldn't be healthy. So what is discord at one level of your being is harmony
at a higher level and you begin to realise that, and you begin to be aware too
that this discords of your life are the discords of people's life’s, which are a
fight at one level, and at a higher level of the universe are healthier
harmonious chords of the symphony of the orchestra of life.
and you suddenly realise that everything that you are and do is at that level, as
magnificent and as free of any blemish as the patterns in waves, the markings
in marble, the way a cat moves, and that this world is really okay and can't be
anything else, because otherwise it couldn’t exist.
the reality underneath physical existence or which really is physical existence
because in my philosophy there is no difference between the physical and
spiritual, these are absolutely out of date categories.
it is all process, it isn’t stuff,
on the one hand in form on the other,
it is pattern, life is pattern it is a dance of energy.
so I will never invoke spooky knowledge, that is to say that I've had a private
revelation, or that I have sensory vibrations going out on a plain that you don't
have access to.
everything is standing right out in the open, it’s just a question of how you look
at it
so you do discover when you realise this, the most extraordinary thing to me,
that I never cease to be flabbergasted at whenever it happens. some people
will use a symbolism of the relationship of God to the universe, wherein God is
a brilliant light only somehow vailed hiding underneath all these forms that
you see as you look around you.
the truth is funnier than that, it is that you are looking right at the brilliant light
now, but the experience you are having which you call ordinary everyday
consciousness, pretending you're not it, that experience is exactly the same
thing as it. there's no difference at all.
when you find that out, you laugh yourself silly, that's the great discovery.
in other words when you really start to see things, and you look at an old paper
Cup, and you go into the nature of what it is to see, what vision is, or what
smell is, or what touch is.
you realise that, that vision of the paper Cup is the brilliant light of the cosmos,
nothing could be brighter, 10,000 Suns couldn't be brighter
only their hidden, in the sense that all the points of the infinite light are so tiny,
and you see them in the Cup, and they do not blow your eyes out, but it is
actually see the source of all light is in the eye.
if there were no eyes in this world, the sun would not be light.
You evoke light out of the universe, in the same way, you by virtue of having a
soft skin evoke hardness out of wood, wood is only hard in relation to a soft
it's your ear drum that evokes noise out of the air, you by being this Organism
call into being the whole universe of light and colour and hardness and
heaviness and everything.
but in the mythology that we've sold ourselves on during the end of the 19
century, when people discovered how big the universe was, and we live on a
little planet in the solar system on the edge of a Galaxy which is a minor Galaxy
everybody thought we really are not important after all, God isn't there and
doesn't love us, nature doesn't give a dam and we put ourselves down
actually it is this little funny microbe, a tiny thing, crawling on this little planet,
that is way out somewhere, who has the ingenuity by the nature of this
magnificent organic structure to evoke the whole universe out of what would
otherwise be Mia quanta.
There’s jazz going off, you see this little ingenious Organism, is not merely
some stranger in this, this little Organism on this planet, is what the whole
show is growing there, and so relies upon its own presence.
well now here's the problem, if this is the state of affairs which is so, and if the
consciousness state you are in at this moment is the same thing as what we
might call the divine state, if you do anything to make it different it shows you
don't understand that it's so.
so the moment you start practising yoga or praying or meditating or indulging
in some sort of spiritual cultivation, you are getting in your own way.
The buddha said, we suffer because we desire, if you can give up desire you
won't suffer.
but he didn't say that as the last word, he said that as the opening step of a
dialogue, if you say that to someone they're going to come back after a while
and say, yes but I'm now desiring not to desire, and so the buddha will answer,
well at last , now you begin to understand the point.
you can't give up desire why would you try to do that?
it's already designed, so in the same way you say, you ought to be unselfish or
give up your ego let go relax, why do you want to do that?
just because it's another way of beating the game isn't it?
the moment you hypothesise that you are different from the universe, you
want to get one up on it, but if you try to get one up on the universe and you
are in competition with it, it means you don't understand you are it.
you think there's a real difference between self and other, but self what you
call yourself and what you call other are mutually necessary to each other like
back and front
they are really one, but just as a magnet polarizers itself in North and South -
it's all one magnet, so experience polarizers itself as self and other, but it is all
if you try to make the North Pole get the mastery of the south pole, or the
South Pole to be the master of the North Pole, you show you don't know
what's going on. A guru or a teacher who wants to get this across to
somebody, because he knows it himself
and when you know it, you know, you like others to see it too, what he does is,
he gets you into being ridiculous, harder and more assiduously than usual, in
other words if you are in a contest with the universe, he's going to stir up that
contest until it becomes ridiculous, and so he setts you such tasks as saying.
now of course in order to be a true person you must give up yourself , be
unselfish, so the Lord steps down out of heaven,
and says first and great commandment is
thou shall love the Lord thy God
you must love me
well that's a double bind, you can't love on purpose, you can’t be sincere
is like trying not to think of a green elephant, while taking medicine
if a person really tries to do it, so you know this is where Christianity is rigged,
you should be very sorry for your sins and though everybody knows they're
not, but they think they ought to be, they go around trying to be penitent or
trying to be humble and they know the more assiduously they practise it, the
faker and faker the whole thing gets.
in this way it's what it's called it the technique of reductio absurdum, if you
think you have a problem and that you're an ego and you are in difficulty.
The answer that the Zen master makes to you is, show me your ego, I want to
see this thing, that has a problem.
when Bodhidharma the legendary founder of Zen came to China, a disciple
came to him and said I have no Peace of Mind, please pacify my mind, and
Bodhidharma said bring out your mind here before me and I'll pacify it. well he
said when I look for it I can't find it, so Bodhidharma said there it is pacified.
when you look for your own mind, that is to say your own particularised centre
of being which is separate from everything else, you wont be able to find it.
the only way you will know it isn't there as if you look for it hard enough, to
find out that it is not there, so everybody says alright know yourself, look
within, find out who you, are because the harder you look - you won't be able
to find it ,and then you realise that it isn't there at all,
there isn't a separate you.
your mind is everything.
the only way to find that out, is to persist in the state of delusion as hard as
that's one way, haven't said the only way but it is one way
all spiritual disciplines meditations prayers ET cetera ET cetera are ways of
persisting in folly, doing resolutely and consistently what you're doing already.
so if a person believes that the earth is flat, you can't talk him out of that, he
knows it's flat look out of the window and see it obviously it looks flat, so the
only way to convince him that it isn't, is to say well let's go and find the edge,
and in order to find the edge you've got to be very careful not to walk in circles
or you'll never find it that way
so we have to go consistently in a straight line due West along the same line of
latitude and eventually when we get back to where we started from, you've
convinced the guy that the earth is round.
that's the that's the only way that will help, that'll teach it, because people
can't be talked out of illusions, but now there is another possibility however,
but this is more difficult to describe, let's say we take us the basic supposition,
which is the thing that one sees in the experience of satori or awakening or
whatever you want to call, this now moment in which I'm talking and you're
listening, is eternity , that although we have somehow conned ourselves into
the notion that this moment is rather ordinary and that we may not feel very
well on that we are vaguely frustrated and worried and so on, and that it ought
to be changed.
this is it ,so you don't need to do anything at all, but the difficulty about
explaining that is, that you must not try not to do anything, because that's
doing something
and how to explain that!
because there's nothing to explain it's the way it is now, and if you understand
that it will automatically wake you up.
that's why Zen teachers use shock treatment two sometimes while they hit
people or shout at them or create a sudden surprise, because it is that jolt that
suddenly brings you here.
You see there is no road to here because you are already there, and if you ask
me how am I going to get here!
it'll be like the famous Storey of the American tourist in England who asked
some yokal the way to upper Tottenham, the little village, the yokall scratched
his head and he said,
well Sir I do know where it is but if I were you, I wouldn't start from here.
So, you see when you ask, how do I attain the knowledge of God?
how do I obtain Nirvana, liberation?
all I can say is it's the wrong question.
why do you want to attain it?
Because the very fact that you want to attain it, is the only thing that prevents
you from getting there.
You already have it, but of course it's up to you, it's your privilege to pretend
that you don't, that's your game, that's your life game, that's what makes you
think you're an ego
and when you want to wake up you shall.
just like , if you're not awake it shows you don't want to ,you'll still playing the
hide part of the game, your still as it were the self pretending it's not the self
that's what you want do, so you see in that way too you're already there,
when you understand this a funny thing happens and some people
misinterpreted it.
You will discover as this happens that the distinction between voluntary and
involuntary behaviour disappears, you will realise that what you describe as
things under your own will, feel exactly the same as things going on, breathing
or circulating your blood. if you don't understand what's going on your liable to
get crazy at this point and to feel that you are God in the Jehovah sense, to say
that you actually have power over other people, so that you could alter what
they're doing.
And that you are omnipotent in a very crude literal kind of Bible sense, a lot of
people feel that and they go crazy, they get locked up. They think that they are
Jesus Christ and that everybody ought to fall down and worship them!
they have gotten their wires crossed, they have not been able to let this
experience happened to them and they don't know how to interpret it, so be
careful of that, Jung calls it inflation
people who get the holy man syndrome, I suddenly discovered that I'm the
Lord at I and that I am above good and evil and so on that.
therefore, I start giving myself heirs and graces
but the point is everybody else is too,
if you discover that, you then ought to know that everybody else is.
well for example let's see how in other ways you might realise this
most people think when they open their eyes and look around that what they
are seeing is outside
it seems doesn't it that you are behind your eyes, and that behind the eyes
there is a blank
you can't see it all, turn round and see something else in front of you.
but behind the eyes there seems to be something that has no colour, that is
not dark that is not light it is there from a tactile standpoint.
what is that behind your eyes
well actually when you look out there and see all these people and things
sitting around, that's how it feels inside your head.
the colour of this room, is back here in the nervous system where the optical
nerves are at the back of the head, it's in there it's what you're experiencing.
what you see out here is a neurological experience
now if that hits you and you feel sensuously that so,
you may think that, then therefore the external world is all inside my skull
you have to correct that, with the thought that your skull is also in the external
so you suddenly begin to feel wow, what a kind of situation is this?
its inside me, and I'm inside it, and it's inside me and I'm inside it!
but that's the way it is
this is the what you called transaction rather than interaction between the
individual in the world just like for example in buying and selling there cannot
be an act of buying less and simultaneously an act of selling and vice versa
so the relationship between the Organism and the environment is
transactional, the environment grows the Organism and in turn the Organism
creates the environment,
the Organism turns the sun into light
but it requires there to be an environment containing a sun for there to be an
Organism at all
And the answer to it is simply theyre all one process.
it is not that organisms by chance came into this world, put it rather, this
world is the sort of environment which grows organisms, it was that way from
the beginning, just in the same way organisms are made in time, have arrived
in the scene or out of the scene, later than the beginning of the scene, but
from the moment it went bang in the beginning, if that’s the way it started
organisms like us, us sitting here were involved in it.
let's take the propagation electric current.
I can have a electric current running through a wire that goes all the way
around the earth
and here we have our power source and here we have a switch.
here is a positive pole here is the negative pole.
before that switch closes, the current doesn't exactly behave like water in a
pipe, there is current here waiting to jump the gap as soon as the switch is
the current doesn't even start until the switch is closed, from the positive pole.
it never starts unless the point of arrival is there.
now it will take an interval for that current and circuit to get going and it it's
going all the way around the earth it's a long run
but the finishing point has to be closed before it will even start from the
in a similar way, although in the development of a physical system that maybe
billions of years between the creation of the most primitive form of energy and
then the arrival of intelligent life
that billions of years is just the same thing as the trip of the current round the
wire, and how it takes time, to complete the circuit.
it's already implied, it takes time for an acorn to turn into an Oak , the oak is
already implied in the acorn.
so in any lump of rock floating about in space, there is implicit human
sometime, somehow, somewhere - they all go together.
so don't differentiate yourself and stand up against this and say I am a living
Organism in a world made a lot of dead junk, rocks and stuff, it all goes
together, those rocks are just as much you as your fingernails
we need rocks what you going to stand on
what I think you know awakening really involves
is a re examination of our common sense
we've got all sorts of ideas built into us, which seem unquestioned obvious and
our speech reflects them
the commonest phrases
face the facts as if they were outside you, as if life is something you simply
encounter as a foreigner, face the facts.
Our common scene has been rigged, so that , we feel as strangers and aliens in
this world
and this is terribly plausible, simply because it is what we're used to that's the
only reason
but when you really start questioning this
and say is that the way I have to assume life is I know everybody does but does
that make it true
it doesn't necessarily
it is not necessarily so
and so as you question this basic assumption that underlies our culture
that you find you get a new kind of common sense
it becomes absolutely obvious to you
that you are continuous with the universe
for example, people used to believe that the people who lived in the
antiquities would fall off the edge of the world,
and that was scary but then when somebody sailed round the world and we all
got used to it,
and now we travel around in jet planes and everything is okay!!
we have no problem about feeling that the earth is globular none whatsoever
so in the same way Einstein's relativity theories the curvature of the
propagation of light,
that began bother people, when Einstein first started talking like that, but now
we're all used to it
well in a few years it will be a matter of common sense to very many people
that they are one with the universe it'll be so simple.
and then maybe if that happens, we shall be in a position to handle our
technology with more sense. with love instead of hate for our environment

now therefore what I propose we do is that we instead of just ideologizing

we have a clinical experience.
you know in psychiatric school and medical school, very usual for a doctor to
bring a patient out in front of the students and talk with the patient as a kind
of demonstration, he says I want you to recognise the difference between a
psychopath, and a manic depressive, schizophrenic or something.
They don't know what all these things mean, he has a dialogue with the
so let us suppose that I'm the patient and you are the students and the doctors
and I suffer from what you would call the delusion that I'm God, you might
want to do something about me or with me, or humour me, or start asking me
I'm perfectly willing to accept your offer of a medical examination and possible
treatment and invite you to help yourselves.
when did we become God ?
sleeping is like politics, one sleeps on the right side and then when you're tired
of that you sleep on the left, when you are tired of that you sleep on your
back, when you tired of that you sleep on your stomach and it is thus that the
world goes round
Can I tell you a little bit about Satan?
Although the matter is a little esoteric,
I told you all about it in the book of job where you will see that in the court of
heaven Satan is the Prosecutor / District Attorney he is not as Christians
imagine - the enemy of heaven and the enemy of mankind, he's merely the
person who sees the bad side of things and carries out the Dirty work
therefore he saw Job and wondered whether job really was as great a guy as
he seemed to be and suggested that God should appoint a committee of
investigation to find out?
and the committee did its work very thoroughly, the case went against Satan,
because it was proved in the end the Job was an honourable man
now you notice that although we pay the salary of the Prosecutor / District
whenever there's a great criminal case before the public eye
people begin to take the side of the underdog and the prosecutor always has
less public sympathy than the defence.
except in political trials
on the right hand of God and you know the defence is always on the right hand
of the judge in court!
It is our only mediator and advocate, which is a phrase referring to Jesus Christ
our Lord
so there is the defence and there is the prosecution and it is the function of
Satan to be the prosecutor
there's a good deal more to it than that because before all this started
lies in a stage play, there was an arrangement in the green room, before
coming on stage
in which certain things were understood but that are only to be revealed when
the curtain goes down at the end of the play
many why do you hide is for the same reason you're hiding ye

man has free will to the extent that he knows who he is, and not otherwise
I'm no more God than any of you
what is not God
there is nothing that is not God
it's like waking up from a dream, and after a while, ones experience begins to
have what I would call a haven't we been here before feeling.
going round and round and round and then you begin wondering where am I
and to answer that question you have to try and find out what you want
and so I went into that very thoroughly
what do I want to happen?
and of course as soon as you ask yourself that question, you begin to fantasise
and our amazing technology is of course an expression of human desire, desire
for power for what we want to achieve.
so I simply set myself to thinking through how far we could go and so I soon
found myself in a great push button place, where I had a fantastic mechanism
with buttons available for every conceivable thing I could wish.
so I spent quite a bit of time playing mind you, science fiction wasn't there
you know, you go boing like that and there is Cleopatra
and so on.
You know and then I press this button and symphonic music in 4 channel
sound, 16 channel sound, anything - all possible pleasures are available.
and then you suddenly notice a button labelled surprise, you push that and
here we are

Boredom is of course a problem, boredom is a is the other side of creativity,

and the energy of creation has that is the Yang and the Yin side of that energy
is called boredom.
everything of course is fundamentally Yang and Ying if you understand that you
really do not need to understand anything else.
As God - what responsibility do I feel to ameliorate evil in the world?
I begin with the point that I am responsible for the way the world is, if I
couldn't feel that, I'd have to blame somebody else. I'm not willing to do that,
because I know that under various changing circumstances it might be
appropriate for me, to be as big a Rascal as rascals have been.
Now as to improving the world, the world is always improving, it may look to
some people slow, but it's improving even when it is declining, because the
world works in an undulatory process like the wave, it goes up and it goes
down it goes up and it goes down, it couldn't go up all the time because if it
did we wouldn't know that that was up, so it goes down some of the time, so
that we can know when it goes up, because if we didn't know when it went up,
it would be like being in a space where everything was light, there be nothing
to write home about, there will be no black marks on the space, and so it
would be like piece of perfectly empty paper, similarly to be in a completely
black space, would also be a kind of unconsciousness with nothing to write
home about, nothing would make a difference
so therefore, if you're going to have black, you won't know that it's black
unless you have some white, and if you're going to have white you won't know
that it's white and less you have some black.
a koan is the Japanese word for a spiritual problem, used in Zen Buddhism,
such as what is the sound of one hand clapping?
These problems are given to those who ask questions concerning their spiritual
development, sometimes as St Paul pointed out commandments are given, not
in the expectation that they will be obeyed, but in the expectation that they
will reveal something to those who hear them
that was St Pauls comment on the whole of mosaic law
The hereafter is of course now, because if you will examine it closely there is
nowhere else then now, and if you want to make hell of it, you can make hell
of it, if you want to make heaven of it,
you can make heaven of it, purgatory / purgatory.
it's all here, always was, always will be,
what is death
death is an undulation in consciousness, how would you know you were alive
unless you had once been dead?
Why is it unnecessary for Jesus to have material possessions?
it wasn't unnecessary for Jesus to have material possessions, they said of Saint
John the Baptist that he was in an ascetic but of Jesus.
This man who consorts with gluttonous and wine bibbers and comes eating
and drinking and when the Lady Mary poured precious ointment on his feet
and anointed him, they said the same thing that the members of the vestry
say to the minister today
why this great expense?
couldn't all have been sold for much money and given to the poor?
it is a problem sure, but you see in many ways when you get down to these
very deep ethical problems, there is no easy decision, one way or the other
you must look in the at the problem from the point of view of an artist, which
way of doing this,
is in some sense greater?
it may be better to go off with a bang than with a whimper.
it's always now.
if you press button surprised, you press the button so that you forget who you
this is called in the Bible kenosis.
in Saint Pauls official epistle to the Philippians, he says let this mind be in you,
which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought not
equality with God a thing to be grasped,
but humbled himself and made himself of no reputation and was found in
fashion as a man and became obedient to death.
you get from this the Canotic theory of creation, held by some of the Greek
fathers ,that the creation of the universe is the self emptying, or self-forgetting
of the godhead
The universe is fundamentally a system which creeps up on itself and then says
and then it laughs at itself for jumping and you see every time it does it, it
forgets that it did it before.
so it never becomes a bore
it is not necessary to travel, the question is can I make myself into a point of
consciousness and travel around the cosmos?
and see things from all sorts of places?
I say yes but it isn't necessary to travel, as one is already there, in other words,
I'm using your eyes where you are, like you're using mine. just in the same way
my head is not my feet, it uses my feet, the head is very different from the feet
you couldn't possibly say the head in the feet of the same but they are one
what do I do about boredom?
press button surprise.
you say we're going around in circles.
we are going around in circles, but you see going round in circles as you may
have observed by looking at the Sky is what the universe is doing.
it's a dance and when you dance you don't dance to get somewhere ,
when you wake up, you turn the confusion into a dance and so I go back to
your question what is the alternative to clearing out of the job you're doing?
and say doing it with less and having more fun.
well there are ways of making almost any activity into a dance, supposing you
will have to drive a bus in London / New York, which is a very harrowing job at
the ordinary way, you must not take seriously anything about it, this is the first
it doesn't matter a dam if you don't get there on time, but it would be fun to
go as fast as is consistent with safety and therefore you swing that bus and
take the whole thing as if it is not serious, this is the nature say in ritual when
you have a procession, now people who don't understand religion don't know
how to make the right kind of processions.
there are those who go in military March and they don't understand because
their objective is to get there, there are those who dawdle like ducks and they
don't understand because they're trying to be dignified, on the other hand
there are those who walk as if they had already arrived, this is the way kings
walk because the King is the centre and he is always where it's at
where it is at, is where the King is - by definition
if you work in this way, even people who are practising meditation, take up
monotonous things for fun and meditation is supposed to be fun.
that anything monotonous can be treated in the same way, this is the way, one
of the ways of overcoming boredom.
Boredom is a big problem for energetic biological sentient conscious mass, as
energy is always on the go.
Is god omniscient?
well it depends what you mean by the word, a lot of people think that
omniscient is like knowing everything that's in the Encyclopaedia Britannica,
that's not omniscient that’s intellectual elephantiasis!
second let me explain this question because it's always important and when
anybody announces that he or she is God, people say - will you tell us in
millimetres the height of Mount Blanc?
I say look it up in the encyclopaedia.
thing is this ,what we ordinarily call knowledge, is the translation of life into
words, and that is a very cumbersome process because if we had to translate
the process into words every time we took a breath we'd never get around to
it takes so long to describe and think through the whole Physiology of breath
therefore we do it without thinking about it and I find that I'm shining the stars
in just the same way, I mean if you wanted it in words it's going to take us a
long time to get through them because words are strung out in a line .
if you are God how do you find such difficulty in finding peace and tranquilly in
yourself ?
That's because you're looking for it away from the place in which you are, you
are seeking it apart from the experience which you have at this moment and
you are regarding that experience by saying it pretty disappointing, I would like
something better than this.
the trouble with that is that it splits you into pieces and once your split into
pieces your lost,
because you made a difference between the experience you are now having
on the one hand, and yourself whom is having it on the other.
you wish you could getaway from that experience, now the truth of the matter
is you can't because you are what you experience. it's a myth purely that there
is some sort of experiencer who has the experience.
you are what you know, it is not I know something, there is simply a process
called the knowing.
you could say the knowing - the world has two poles North and South and so
the knowing ball has the knower and the known but only in that sense.
now knowing changes, it changes itself, but if you try to stand outside it and
change it, it will be like standing outside your hand and trying to move your
hand from outside.
here lies the difficulty, in other words this would be the difficulty for god in the
press button surprise situation.
where you think you want something different from what you have, but if you
do think that then you have got to ask yourself the question, what it is that you
really want?
this is the most fundamentally important question, and you will find if you go
into it very, very deeply
now you may change your mind about it but you do have what you want.
I find myself so scared that I wonder if I also feel that I was God and I am God
and am scared about that, how do I manage that?
Well one of the ways of not being bored is to scare yourself
don't we all go to the we go to the movies just to be scared
we put some limits on it indeed before we go and say it's a well this isn't really
going to happen it's only a play or a movie and therefore while we see the safe
outline of the proscenium arch, back in the back of our minds is a sort of a
Hintergedanken we know it's only a play,
how do you know it is?
if you see after all the totally the task of the actor on the stage is to come on so
well that the audience thinks it's real so that he has them crying so that he has
them shaking with fear so he had some sitting on the edge of their chairs.
well that's just one ordinary Joe doe actor, but supposing the actor of the play
is the real big actor wow that play would seem real
so that's what happens when the house catches on fire
what happens if I do not do anything about the boredom?
that's another way, you can explore boredom, you can bore into boredom, and
watch it,
sometimes when you're bored that's the only thing to do, because even for
God you can't lift yourself up by your own bootstraps, because that is by
nature of the definition impossible.
why else does one go on stage except to make myths?
what is my motivation for going on this stage?
that is like asking why is there a universe? well now George Leonard explained
how children were befuddled by being taught to ask why about everything,
because you always look away from what you're asking about, to its
antecedents and that won't lead you anywhere at all.
why am I here and I answered that question then somebody says well why
then somebody says well why that? why that? why that? and you get back and
back and back and eventually you get tired of answering and so fathers when
their children say why daddy? Why? Why? they say oh shut up and eat your
but what happens you see when we trace the causation of things into the past
it all begins to fade out, in silence and no answer, why? because it didn't begin
the universe begins now, it didn't begin in the past and the past trails back
from now like the wake of a ship.
if everything is god and there is no time except now, what is the role of
Chance pairs with order, we will say randomness and it pairs with order.
And it is part of the nature of order, if you know what you mean by order, you
know that you mean contrast with randomness and if you know what you
mean by randomness you know that you mean by a contrast with order so, if
you want to have order you must have randomness and vice versa.
this is a very, very dangerous conversation and that i thoroughly agree with but
we didn't come here to play it safe, did we?
All profound ideas and questions are dangerous, it is dangerous to go into
silence as we all know too well, it is dangerous to go into medicine, dangerous
to go into writing because the pen is often mightier than the sword and so I
don't think we should withdraw from certain things because they are
dangerous but I entirely agree with you that if it were in the spirit of God to go
about social reform.
I would be failing to realise the construction of my own universe, which is that
when you interfere with it you've got to know exactly how you are interfering.
Otherwise the most amazingly unexpected things will happen!
so when people ask for miracles they don't realise what the miracles involve.
watching yourself being aware we are watching, there is a very interesting
thing that comes up in this respect with regard to the bhagavad gita and to the
yoga sutra were they talk about the witness there is, as it were behind our
ordinary self with its emotions and involvements, a witness self that does
nothing more than perceive what happens.

now this is the atman or the purusha, which is not involved and some of you
no doubt especially in times of crisis, have suddenly discovered this sort of
witness centre behind everything that just isn't involved, most terrible things
can be going on but the witnesses impassive.
now when we go into these states, we've got to be very careful about
descriptive language, because the descriptive scripting language makes the
witness seem something apart from what is happening, in such a way, that if
we want to become really sort of skitzy and catatonic about things, we can
always be withdrawn and go in and in and identify ourselves with a solitary and
uninvolved witness, who is who is merely a hangout for the ego,
As when the police raid a house in which there are burglars and the burglars
know they will be caught if they're on the ground floor so they got the first
floor, so then the police come up on the 1st floor there up to the second floor,
then finally they get to the roof well under the open Sky and the infinite, and
in this way , this was why the Buddha did not teach about the atman, the real
self within us, because he knew people would use the real self as a hideout for
the ego.
when Krishna Murti tries to explain this, he doesn't talk about the witness, he
talks about awareness and people say to him but who is aware, what is aware?
and he seems a little sticky in his answer here because what is the matter is,
that the people asking the question are bewitched by grammar, they are using
a language in which it is part of the grammatical convention that the verb
always have a noun subject.
now how on earth do verbs get started by nouns? I ask you, how can a thing
start a process?
Language is a tool, and furthermore legalese is a foreign language,
Latin is a foreign Language. (DOG / PIG LATIN)
Italics and bold type fonts are a foreign language.
surely this is really the same problem Descartes was wrestling with when he
tried to find out how spirit could influence matter or how mind could influence
body, because everybody knows that all proper ghosts walk straight through
walls without disturbing the bricks, so how can the ghost in the machine as
Kessler put it, the soul in the body, how could it do anything to the body?
no connexion, two different realms, the point is when we're talking about this
awareness, what we call thought, feeling, sensation, emotion, we could say in
a very clumsy ways it's aware of itself, it's the very nature, there wouldn't be
sensation without awareness you don't have to have something which is aware
of it, anymore than you have to have a thing called lightning which does
something called flashing, the flashing is the lightning and so awareness’s is the
one who's aware of it
I would say this awareness, if I say I am aware the word as William James
suggested is simply a word of position, like this or here, awareness here and
your awareness there.
Yes, life is like 1 great koan, no death is not the solution, it has no solution,
otherwise it wouldn't happen.
this is what is hard for westerners especially to understand, I said if you
understand the Yang and the ying you don't need to ask any further questions
what is not a component of western common sense is, that nothing is
now that may sound a little contradictory, but I think I can explain it.
we treat nothingness as if it were ineffective, as if it wasn't really important at
all and yet when we look out at the night and we see all these stars in space,
try and imagine what the heavens would look like if they weren't any space.
then obviously there wouldn't be any stars, they could be jammed together in
a lump, there are various objections to that, how would you see the edge of
the lump to know it was a lump without space round it?
Furthermore we know when we investigate the constitution of matter
physically, that at the atomic level there's more space in something then there
is anything else, most of it is empty, which lead a physicist at the argonne lab
at the University of Chicago, whom had become a little nutty, he was so
impressed with the emptiness of matter, that he went around in the most
enormous padded slippers in case he should fall through the floor!
So the point I am making is this….. if space is essential to solid, it is perfectly
obvious then,
that nothing is essential to something.
if you can't have something without nothing, that means nothing is pretty
powerful stuff,
because something comes out of it!
it's a dogma of western thought we expressed in the Latin phrase ex nihilo
nihil fit- out of nothing comes nothing but that's not so, out of nothing comes
now you would say, well if there something comes out of nothing, there must
be some kind of mystery inside nothing, it must have a secret structure of
some kind?
I mean there must be some sort of electrical goings on, now this the trouble
they have about cosmology, how could this world generate? Could it just be
out of free floating hydrogen?
no its just a bit much simpler idea than that, it comes out of real solid nothing.
it's so simple, if you if you listen, you live in a world where there's only sound
for a moment, you hear every sound coming out of silence, where do these
sounds come from?
they come out of silence.
suddenly and you can accustom yourself to seeing light doing the same thing,
you can open your eyes and see all this world emerging out of nothing.
And fading off into the past, so that's why the future is unknown because the
future is 0 and everybody who tries to know it, and that's the whole endeavour
of trying to be God!
You don't need to try to be God, you are God, if you try to be God it means
you don't know you are!
And therefore you try to know and dominate the future and you believe
profits, things like that.
all prophecy is doing is simply contaminating the future with the past
projecting what we know upon the unknown and that's why things like
astrology although interesting are rather ridiculous,
because if you know the future there's no surprise for you as a completely
known future is then ones past !
you've already known it.
the question is about now- really there is no now, there is the future and the
past come together, the future turns into the past, and it's gone like that.
So you know in no time at all the future has become past and we get this
frantic feeling, were did it go??
let's take the small view first of all, the now is infinitely short and yet it's the
only thing that is, in that case this whole world is an illusion, it doesn't really
exist, so when the King, the emperor Akbar once was feeling a little sorry for
himself and asked his jewellers and make me a ring that will restrain me in
prosperity and support me in adversity
and so the jeweller made him a ring, gave it to the emperor, he saw written on
it - it will pass
now the other side of the matter is this, that this short now, is an illusion of the
Clock, we make the second marks on trucks as thin as is consistent with
visibility and therefore we always think of the present as crossing the hairline
there is nowhere else but now, everything that happens is happening now, it's
like your field of vision, your field of vision isn't just a point of light, your field
of vision is an Oval.
and is is not fuzzy at the edges it just ceases to be, at the edges.
now there's plenty of room in it, to see something move across, so in your
field of time you're now, there is enough now to include a phrase of music, if
they weren't you wouldn't be able to make out melodies, because there just be
instantaneous notes, with no connexion between them - you would never
hear intervals, so now is a big sloppy thing it comes out of nothing.
the question is - is there no need for man to seek for a meaning in his life ?
Not only his life but the life of the universe?
no there is no need to seek for a meaning, meaning I use the word in rather a
definite way and for me meaning is a function of signs - particularly of words
and symbols.
meaning is the referent of words, as when we take the word water, the
meaning of it is something drinkable, whereas the sound water is not
so therefore if we ask life to have a meaning, we look for something other
than life to be that meaning, therefore we reduce life to it being mere words
and mere symbols.
now of course you may use the word meaning in a less precise way and say
now although the music of Bach has no meaning in the sense that it is not like
the music of Tchaikovsky, designed to imitate natural events and noises
nevertheless, it has meaning in the sense that it enchants us, the patterns of it
ravish us, in the same way as abstract patterns in an arabesque, that's a little
different sense of the word meaning, and yes I would say that life has that kind
of meaning but you don't seek it, because if you seek it, you lose it.
I see the process of life as an essentially musical process, which has no
meaning except itself, it is going round in circles like we love to spin in circles
when we're dancing, like children love to spin around in circles till they get
dizzy, that's fun. and so the articulation of wonderful patterns is the meaning
of life, if you seek for meaning ,now this applies to all seekers I'm sorry growth
Seeking invariably takes you away from what you're looking for because every
search supposes - I will find it later, not now. in the next moment, that
somehow by some gimmick by some exercise by some process of
transformation, I will later discover what I want. this is postponement.
well this is a matter of words my friends, you may think the dancing is
whereas I think it's profound.
i suggested two meanings of the word meaning, one of which is merely
reduces life to being symbolic or something else something always beyond,
then I'm going to ask what's the meaning of that?
then we get into that infinite regression of questions.
I feel that instead of getting into these infinite regressions of what is beneath
what is behind, look it's right out in front of you now and when you catch onto
that - now gets very profound.
I mean it's the moment when nothing becomes something, and I don't see how
much profounder than that you can get!
seeking can be fun, but it won't get you, what you're looking, for seeking is a
way of postponing finding!
let's put it off, you see children on a hot day there terribly thirsty they say let's
get an ice cream soda and the other kid says no - let's get thirsty so when we
finally get the ice cream soda it will be a real song, this is the principle of
postponement, and everybody who is questing, who is s practising yoga, Zen
meditation all that kind of thing, is putting off that ice cream soda.

When you ask why?

I repeat that is a barren question, why did you do it, why did this happen, it
goes into questions that Peters out, this is not important, what is important
surely is, this immediate now, not why are we here, but what are we here?
unless you live in the eternal now consciously you have no use for plans,
because people who live in the future or for the future ,when their plans come
off they're not there enjoying them they're planning for another future, they
never catch up with themselves!
when you make plans, you plan now and that can be a fun making plans, but
for goodness sake do it in the now spirit, rather than as it were - I can't wait till
that happens, because then if you’re in I cant wait spirit,
you just rush life, like somebody’s swallowing food so fast they can neither
taste not digest it.
the searching in a spirit, know that the search is more fun than the finding, like
when you're travelling for example going somewhere that is the real joy of the
Thats the fallacy of the jet plane, that it abolishes distances between places
and all places which have a distance abolished between them become the
same place
so there's no point going to Tokyo if it's already Los Angeles
the comment is about seeking is it necessarily a road?
like taking a road or is seeking also conceivable as readiness to receive?
Well of course the road isn't a merely western analogue it's a very common
the path and the stages of the path, the steps of the path are used in both East
and West, but the Chinese word for the way is TAO and the path is what
we're looking for in the Chinese sense.
The TAO is the Witcher in which there is no Witcher and to be in harmony with
the way, to be on the way you see, but the TAO isn't going anywhere and
that's like when the Chinese poet is wandering in the forest and he looks at the
clouds and he says where are they going?
no one knows? where does this path lead no one cares?
I'm wondering on and on in a great forest without thought of return that is
poetic feeling to the Far East both of the Japanese and the Chinese they call
that spirit yugen
the mysterious going nowhere of things, the wandering spirit, so that sort of
seeking is a different from anxiety to get something in the future which you
don't have now

pure hedonism is a quest for pleasure, the hedonist in that sense of the word,
would not live in the eternal now, he found it not altogether enjoyable.
He would then read romances of the past or fantasies of the future to get away
from the now
because what he's looking for is pleasure, but when we look for pleasure you
see we split ourselves, we divide ourselves from pleasure in seeking it
and in trying to getaway from pain, we divide ourselves from pain, not realising
that, that is what creates pain.
is the division of experience so that the wholeness of experience is broken and
we are disintegrated!
categories do not really exist in nature; categories are like taking a network
printed on cellophane and putting it over a picture of a forest and then
numbering the trees according to what squares there in on the cellophane.
that's categorisation, I said it was totally empty wait a minute, it is a category
in the sense that something is limited so it has an edge and that's what you see
in the yang / yin diagram
what I was trying to say about pain is this, we are in a split relationship with
the contents of our experience, the Noah / knower and the known, then there
is the Noah / Knower who is opposed with a known called pleasure
and tries to identify with it, the noah / knower is confronted with a known
called pain and tries to be disentangled from it, but it is this very split, it is
trying to getaway from pain that makes pain painful it's as if you got caught in
some brambles and you pulled away from and they just dug more deeply into
your skin, you would have to go the other direction to let brambles out, you
would have to go into the Bush.
I mean that's only a metaphor, the point is that as we keep up this distinction
of the noah /knower from the known, we're always running away, I wanted to
change experience.
there's a fundamental therefore escape in every project to transform
consciousness, there is an escape from what is.
and when you realise you cannot getaway from what is, not should you, not
might you,
but you can't, then at that point when you realise you can't getaway from
what is,
there's nothing left of you,
but to watch it, and then for the first time you are taking a good look at your
real self.

because your real self is happening, the Chinese call it nature, what is so of
and that's you and you is this happening and it's everything that you're aware
of, that is your happening and a good deal moor besides.
you're not aware of all of yourself, like you do not have an immediate vision of
the contents of your stomach!
You have not got eyes down there!
see I know when I'm confronted with the beautiful or when I pass into the
beautiful, as I know when I pass into the ugly, when I tried to say what these
are what my criteria are, all I'm doing is I'm trying to find a form of words that
will apply to all my different sensations of beauty or ugliness, the problem is
not to know what is beautiful, but to know how to put it into linear language.
that's where the complexity comes in, we all very well know what is beautiful,
but when we come to talk about it the words seem to disappear!
here's our fundamental problem, because you see in a certain way what we
mean by sense is God.
Now it is not that God doesn't have a sense of nonsense look at giraffes for
heaven sakes.
could God make a stone so heavy that he couldn't lift it?
that is an equivalent question to say could God make a dead body into a living
that is not the same question as asking could a dead body b a living body?
and that is the same question as asking could the head be the feet?
one of the most interesting meditations is to think about death and imagine
what it would be like to go unconscious and never become conscious again,
that is as keats said of the Grecian urn
it teases you out of thought.
why do you think of that?
good heavens fancy never coming to, again?
you get a mirror image thought, which is about your birth, my goodness you
came too without ever having gone unconscious, that's pretty weird and it
seems to me that, if that happened once it can happen again and what
happens is this, when you die it goes blank and the next thing you know is your
being born, again.
just as you did it before, because every i that comes into this world is i.
it is me, it is you, on this level it is diversified, but yet I is always central
everyone feels they are the centre of the universe.
And on the surface of a sphere any point may be the centre, of the surface.
so every time it happens it's me, do not worry about reincarnation,
all wise action is never the result of choice, wise action is never the result of
choice implies ignorance, indecision when you know what to do, you don't
choose you do it
what question could you ask about love?
what is love?
Love is not a what, love is the energy of the world and nobody can say what
that is!
If anybody were to say what God is or what the energy of the world is, he
would be talking nonsense.
now there are times when it is important to talk nonsense, because we can
discover the energy of the universe through nonsense, when you say you take
a sound that really doesn't mean anything much, like ohmmmmm
that's the energy of the universe, see as you listen to sound, that's why music
is a marvellous support for meditation, listening to sound, listening, just
listening to the hum there goes the energy of the universe
meditation is centred in the here and now, done for some other reason it isn't
it stops dead, right there,
what is satori – satori is any kind of ahaha Eureka phenomenon
only specifically applied to discovering whom and what you are.
The clear light is, you say I saw the light.
it doesn't necessarily mean that there was the physical hallucination of a flash,
it may mean suddenly everything becomes transparent, that may be a way of
feeling it
The problem vanished and so you stop asking the question.
Is there a risk to being God?
There is no risk being God, the risk is being a person and sometimes a human,
as humans are flawed and mortal!

Document prepared by, : David-Ja-son-: Giaramita.™

assuring you of our full intention, at all times.

no ill-will, frivolity or vexation intended.

With Christ, david

Ambassador and witness for Christ Jesus.
Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of kings,
Sovereign, Master, Lord of lords,
and Prince of Peace, my advocate and surety.
david house giaramita

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