Unit 3: Modals Exercise: Write Sentences Using Modals of Preference As Indicated

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Unit 3: Modals

Exercise: Write sentences using modals of preference as indicated.

one sentence in the present:
I prefer to eat sea food.
-one sentence in the past:
I’d rather we were stronger to solve our problems.
-one sentence in the past meaning the present:
I preferred to be riche
-one sentence in the past perfect meaning the past:
I preferred she had been succeeded in the test.

Exercise: Write sentences using modals as indicated.

-one sentence expressing willingness in the present
I will close the dor.
-one sentence expressing unwillingness in the present
I will not go to another city.
-one sentence expressing willingness in the past.
I would buy a car
-one sentence expressing unwillingness in the past
I wouldn’t talk with you
-one sentence with ‘if’ expressing willingness/unwillingness
if she goes to France, she will visit the Eiffel tower

Exercise: Imagine an unreal past situation and write one sentence expressing
this (using a modal)
. I would have lost the game.

Exercise: Write sentences using modals expressing past habits as indicated.

-one sentence with a formal modal (positive)

I would spend time with her when she was my friend.
-one sentence with an informal modal (positive)
She used to help people when she was rich.
-one sentence with a formal modal (negative)
I wouldn’t like him at the beginning but now he is one of my closest friends
-one sentence with an informal modal (negative)
we didn’t use to talk with him when he had anxiety problems.
-one sentence with a formal modal (interrogative)
Would you have time when you were working in the company?
-one sentence with an informal modal (interrogative)
Does she used to drink alcohol when she was pregnant.
-one sentence with an informal modal, contrasting it with the present
My mom used to cook very delicious dishes but now she doesn’t.

Exercise: Rewrite the sentences (from informal) using the appropriate modal
(to formal).
1. She was afraid to speak.
. she dared not to speak.
2. I was afraid to take his money.
. I dared not to take his money.
3. He wasn’t afraid to walk alone.
. He dared to walk alone
4. They were afraid to upset him.
. They dared not to upset him
5. I am afraid to talk to him.
. I dare not to talk with him.
6. She is afraid to tell him the truth.
. she dares not to tell him the truth

Exercise: Write sentences using the modal ‘may’ to express wish and prayer. Then
write sentences with the modal ‘shall’ to express threat, promise, and
The modal may:
1.To express wish: may I became rich!
2.pray: may ALLAH forgive all our sins.
The modal shall:
1.to express threat: you shall go away!
2.to express promise: I shall give you my phone.
3.to express determination: we shall win!

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