Ability (Exercise)

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Faculty of letters and languages Academic year 


English Section Level: 2nd year BA

Second semester Module of Grammar

Ability (exercises)

*With verbs of the senses, such as ‘feel’, ‘hear’, ‘see’, ‘smell’, ‘taste’ and verbs of
thinking, such as ‘think’, ‘believe’, ‘remember’, ‘understand’, etc., we only use the
modal ‘can’ and ‘could’ instead of be able to (Not as mentioned earlier)
Example: She could remember every day she spent with her friends when she was in Spain.

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. The airplane has succeeded in (land) safely despite the bad weather.
2. They managed to (pass) the exam in spite of their absence during most of the
3. The current government is capable of (solve) the problem of housing.
4. At the time being he (move) his arm after the accident.
5. I (hear) my neighbors’ radio.
6. We (understand) this exercise very easily.
7. I believe (go) together to the zoo this weekend.
Exercise 2: Write two sentences expressing ability: one sentence with a verb of the
senses and one sentence with a verb of thinking.
Exercise 3: Write two sentences expressing specific ability with the phrases mentioned in
this course. Show in your sentences that the actions have succeeded.
Exercise 4: Write two sentences expressing general ability: one sentence in the present
and one sentence in the past.
Exercise 5: Write two sentences expressing ability, showing that the actions have not
succeeded. One sentence must be in the present and the second must be in the past.

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