0200 Faq

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Pg 38, Undiscovered.
Should read: …the attackers may choose to discard the
card they draw…
Corrected in digital version.

What decisions have to be made before rolling the I If a defender ends up with two separate attackers (ie,
dice? not a pair) under close watch at the end of their action,
does the Alarm Level go up 3 or 6?
Choosing a target for a Shoot or Fight action must be
done before rolling the dice. Also, placing a fighter at the It would go up +6. Same goes for an attacker and a body,
table edge before moving onto the table. or two bodies!
Apart from that, players can roll their dice for an action However, as the rule states, you only get the +3 once per
and then decide exactly how to use the results - make attacker (once per body, once per pair). So if two sentries
decisions on direction of movement, how to use Medals, get close to the same attacker, only the first gets +3.
playing cards, etc (apart from certain cards that specify
Essentially, you get +3 for discovering each attacker (or
they must be played before rolling).
pair, or body), but they can't be discovered a second time.

During a Fight action do fighters stay 1” apart?

If both fighters survive a Fight, what happens next?
Technically, yes. Imagine the opponents brawling and
1. If the attacker started out covert, they become
stabbing, then breaking apart. Though it doesn't matter
detected and are given an Alert marker.
if you want to place them touching while rolling!
2. If the attack came from the front or the target made a
Defend action (and so turned to face), then they will
Is there an option for a fighter to ‘pass’ their action and both be under close watch by each other.
do nothing? 3. If the attack came from behind and the target could
No, you must choose an action from those available not defend, then only the target will be under close
(unless you make use of a particular rule such as the watch.
Hold order card). 4. If one of the fighters has managed to reposition
somewhere out of sight after a Trauma roll (such
as behind a convenient high wall), they would not
If a covert fighter is within 2” of a detected friend, the be under close watch. Note that it’s impossible to
rules say they are affected by the Alert marker too. So reposition behind the enemy you were just fighting.
are they also given an Alert marker to show this?
5. Adjust the Alarm level accordingly.
No. Note that ‘affected by’ an Alert marker is not the
6. The action is over. Unlike some other games, you don’t
same as being given one.
carry on fighting till one party is dead, nor are you
Other fighters are affected while within 2” and so count ‘locked’ in combat…
as detected, but are not given an Alert counter. As soon
7. The next time one of the two fighters is assigned an
as they are further away, they count as covert once again.
action they may choose a Fight action to continue the
combat (or optionally target a more distant enemy if
they pass the Smarts test).

Alternatively they could back off and shoot. In a mission where the attackers have to get off the
Remember you need to be 2” away unless firing a table, do they have to reach the Escape markers or just
pistol, which isn’t normally a problem unless you’re the table edge?
surrounded by enemies (who you must stay 1” from)
They have to reach the table edge. Escape markers
or in a tight corner against some terrain.
simply give you an option to use the Advance action to
Another option is to run off using an Advance action, get there faster.
but this depends on passing the Smarts test, as your
melee opponent will almost certainly be the nearest
enemy and you would need to have a convenient Specific Cards
alternative enemy to head towards. Remember
Advance moves go in a straight line and you must stop No Hesitation Veteran card – can this be played after
if you come within 1” of an enemy, so if the original rolling the dice?
enemy is in the way then this won’t work. Yes
Lastly, if an attacker managed to avoid being under
close watch, they might Sneak away hoping to
become covert again! Are 'One Use Only' Veteran cards discarded after use?
8. Other fighters are free to target either of the two No, just turn the face down. They can still be mastered
original combatants as normal. and kept for the next battle.

If there are friendly fighters in the way when I shoot, is Can the Commandant and Gestapo Officer’s special
there a chance of hitting them? rules be used if they are in reserve?
Friendly fighters in the way prevent a clear view (and Yes.
could block line of sight entirely). They may be hit by
a Spread or Blast medal effect if they are close to the
target but otherwise there is no danger.

Optional Rules
Presented here are a few ideas that you may like to add
to your games (please share your results on the Facebook
Static Sentries
group!). The core game doesn't allow for static sentries who stay in one
place rather than patrolling. This was mainly because it could
be an advantage in certain missions and it seemed more fun
Get in the Fight! and interesting to have them moving around.

In some games, it can happen that one or more of the However, if you want to include this in your games, you can
defender's fighters get stuck on the wrong side of the table, apply the following rules to a single sentry (or pair):
wandering around in the dark doing nothing useful at all. After deployment, choose one deployed sentry
Players may find this frustrating, particularly if they are (preferably near to an objective or suitable piece of
new to the game and used to having more control (or just if it terrain such as a guard post or a gate).
happens a lot!), in which case you can use this rule: When that sentry makes Patrol Route actions they don't
After the alarm has been raised, if a defending fighter is move. They may turn and/or recon as normal.
more than 20" from any detected enemy, they can make The sentry makes Advance actions moving as normal.
a basic Guts test before choosing an action.
After moving out of position for any reason, the next
If passed, they make an Advance action towards the time they make a Patrol Route action they will move
centre point of the table. If failed, they must make a back towards their original spot.
Roving Patrol as normal.
When the alarm is raised, these rules no longer apply.

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