Nyx Assassin

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Nyx Assassin


Nyx Assassin is very strong hero in Dota 2. He can deal great damage. He’s main
attribute is Agility but he specializes in killing enemy with spells. This hero is actual during
all the game that is quite rare. He can be mid player and support.



Guide for Nyx Assassin - Anub'arak in Dota 2 v

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25


This spell is great spell to farm creeps and control enemies. If we will use it in time we can stun
more than one enemy. When we will have Arcane Boots we can use this spell on creeps to farm
Dagon faster. Need to get use to it before we can hit targets with high accuracy.

This is interesting

 With  Ethereal Blade it can give 260+40% (364) of magical damage.

 Enemies will go in the air for 0.52 seconds before stun will work.

Mana Burn

This spell is not very dangerous for strength and agility heroes but when it comes to mages – this
spell becomes very effective.
This is interesting

 This spell is not very effective against enemies with low intelligence.

Spiked Carapace

Maybe one of the best spells in game. This is defensive and offensive spell at the same time. It will
reflect 100% of damage from any spell or attack but only once per one source. We will completely
block the damage, deal stun, and give the damage back.

This is interesting

 Reflects only damage than players do.

 Spiked Carapace doesn't stun the master of summoned units, if they attack Nyx Assassin (but
summoned units will be).


One of the best invisibility spells in game, because our next attack will deal additional damage. This
spell may not only be used to gank but also escape ganks or team fights because there is no delay
before we go invisible.

This is interesting

 Invisibility will stop only after we strike but not at the beginning of strike.
 If we use another spell it will also cancel invisibility, but then we will not deal any damage.
 Nyx can destroy items that lay on the ground and still remain invisible.
Early game for Nyx(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

Nyx Assassin is great support or mid laner.

First items of Mid laner: 3x  Iron Branch,  Tango.

First Items for support:  Animal Courier /  Observer Ward,  Tango,  Healing Salve,
3x  Iron Branch.

Nyx does not need a lot of items to show his potential but from the other side it’s easier to gank
from mid, and there we will get leveled up faster. So we will look at Nyx as mid laner.

This hero works great against Outworld Devourer who from the first levels has a lot of stolen
intelligence, that’s why he gets a lot of damage from Mana Burn.

We should be passive on lane, because we can’t harass the enemy and we need whole
procast with Vendetta to kill. It’s important to get fast  Bottle, to regenerate mana and HP,
and save runes.

We will start ganks from 7th level, because now we will kill supports and other fragile heroes
who played on other lanes and have 3-5 level with our procast.

Middle game for Anub'arak(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

Now we will almost forget about farm. As soon as our Vendetta is ready we should go and

Arcane Boots will solve our mana problems. And our next item should be  Dagon,
which should be upgraded till the last level. It will make our procast deadly.

If our team has no initiator we should think of  Blink Dagger. Spiked Carapace will reflect
most of the damage during the initiation and if that won’t be enough we may use Vendetta to
run away.

Late game for Nyx(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

As we said Nyx is actual during the whole game.

Ethereal Blade will help us to kill even toughest heroes. With  Scythe of Vyse we will
stop saving mana, and active spell will disarm enemy’s hero for 3.5 seconds. It should be used
on carry, because he will deal a lot of damage till that time.
After  Scythe of Vyse we should change  Arcane Boots for Boots of Travel. Because
they will help us to teleport and come to support our team or defend the lane.

If we have problems with survivability we should buy  Heart of Tarrasque. It will increase
max HP and regeneration.

Full inventory view

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