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Beyond Remote Work: The Hybrid Connect with Gartner

Workforce Model

George Penn Rebecca Palacios

Vice President, Advisory Specialist, Research

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A Critical Question for the Reset

Is there a business rationale for bringing employees

back into their pre-COVID work environments?

Source: Gartner

4 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Agenda for Our Discussion

• Remote Work Trends, Expectations, and Concerns

• Beyond Remote: The Hybrid Workforce Model

• The Three E’s of a Hybrid Workforce

• Economics: The Business Case for Expanding Your Hybrid Workforce

5 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Remote Work Trends
and Preferences

6 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Organizations Expect Expansion of Remote Work
Percentage of Employees Working Remotely, Pre- and Post- Pandemic (Projected)

10% Always
19% Sometimes
30% Work
20% Remotely
48% Work Never



Pre-Pandemic Post-Pandemic

Source: Gartner COVID-19 Crisis Benchmarking Against Your Peers Webinar Poll (n = 421 HR leaders, 2 April 2020), 2020 Gartner Cost Cutting and Employee Experience Survey (n = 4,535 employees),
COVID-19: How Finance Leaders Are Responding to the Emerging Situation Webinar Poll (n = 317 finance leaders, 26 March 2020).
a Note: Modeled based on responses to three Gartner surveys.

7 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Employees Expect Expansion of Remote Work
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Percentage of Employees Who Agree*

80% 78%

60% 56%


20% 17%

I have no desire to work remotely. I want to work remotely for some of I want to work entirely remotely.
my work week.

Source: May 2020 Gartner ReimagineHR Employee Survey

* Employees working at least sometimes remotely during COVID-19

8 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Polling Question
How to participate in our polling
As you think about the optimal balance between If you are in full screen mode – click Esc
remote and co-located work, how often should
The poll question is on the “Vote” tab.
employees work remotely?
Please click the box to make your selection.
Upon voting you will see the results.

Thank you!
A. 0 days a week
B. 1 day a week
C. 2 days a week Q. Polling Question
D. 3 days a week (please choose 1 answer)

E. 4+ days a week A. Answer

B. Answer

C. Answer

D. Answer

E. Answer

9 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Remote Work Can Present Opportunities
Q: What is the biggest benefit to your organization from incorporating more remote work?
Percent Selecting

Cost savings for the organization 49%

Improving productivity 27%

Achieving diversity hiring goals 8%

Saving money for workers 7%

Some other reason 9%

0% 20% 40% 60%

n = 328
Source: Gartner Remote Work After COVID-19: New Normal or Pandemic Experiment? Webinar Poll (12 May 2020)

10 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Concerns: Organizational Barriers
Q: What is the biggest organizational barrier you face as you prepare for future remote work?
Percent Selecting

Belief that widespread remote work is not feasible long-term 33%

Belief that building and maintaining relationships can't be done remotely 32%

Belief that collaboration with remote workers isn't possible 14%

Some other reason 20%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

n = 436
Source: Gartner Remote Work After COVID-19: New Normal or Pandemic Experiment? Webinar Poll (12 May 2020)

11 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Concerns: Managing Remote Workers
Q: What is your biggest concern about managing a remote workforce?
Percent Selecting

Maintaining our culture 30%

Sustaining productivity 13%

Creating parity between the remote and in-office experience 13%

Enabling collaboration 13%

Providing a seamless employee experience 13%

Reconfiguring the office to reflect new ways of working 7%

Managing privacy or cybersecurity risks remotely 5%

Managing discrimination and other forms of misconduct 1%

“Other” answers included:
Other 1% • Leaders staying connected
with their teams
No concerns 3%

0% 20% 40%

n = 112
Source: Gartner Return to the Workplace Benchmarking Against Your Peers Webinar Poll (5 June 2020)

12 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Beyond Remote:
The Hybrid Workforce

13 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Hybrid Workforce Model

The hybrid workforce model ensures the workforce has the ability to
flow through various work sites ranging from remote-solo locations,
to remote micro-sites of small populations, to traditional concentrated
facilities (office, factory, retail, etc.). The Hybrid workforce model is one
of flexibility, adaptability and shared ownership on the part of
employers and employees.

Source: Gartner

14 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Hybrid Model: Adaptive and Interchangeable

Work On-Site Work Interchangeably Work Remote

Ability to “Flow Through:” Employees and managers have the expectation to be able to switch
locations and schedules dynamically where it makes the most sense to drive both productivity and

Shared Ownership: Organizations need to break down long held beliefs and potential myths about
where and how work gets done most effectively. Managers must trust employees to be effective and
productive while employees need to be flexible and comfortable being mobile.

Source: Gartner

15 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

“The basis for this forward-looking working model is further
development [of] our corporate culture. These changes will also
be associated with a different leadership style, one that focuses
on outcomes rather than on time spent at the office. We
trust our employees and empower them to shape their
work themselves so that they can achieve the best possible
results. With the new way of working, we're motivating our
employees while improving the company's performance
capabilities and sharpening Siemens' profile as a flexible and
attractive employer.”

Roland Busch, CEO at Siemens

16 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Polling Question
How to participate in our polling
What do you expect will be most challenging If you are in full screen mode – click Esc
when it comes to maintaining culture in a hybrid
The poll question is on the “Vote” tab.
workforce model?
Please click the box to make your selection.
Upon voting you will see the results.

Thank you!
A. Leadership mindset
B. Manager capability
C. Consistency across functions and regions Q. Polling Question
D. Data and analytics to manage culture (please choose 1 answer)
challenges A. Answer

E. Other B. Answer

C. Answer

D. Answer

E. Answer

17 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Three E’s
of the Hybrid
Workforce Model

18 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Three E’s of a Hybrid Workforce

The Economics Employee Experience Organizational Enablement

Building the Business Case for a Adapting the Employee Lifecycle for a Ensuring the Hybrid Workforce is
Hybrid Workforce Hybrid Workforce Fully Supported

What is the business case and Where and how do we invest in the How do we ensure continuous
strategy for creating, extending, or employee lifecycle for greatest returns improvement of our workforce in a
expanding a hybrid workforce? on a hybrid workforce? Hybrid model?

Reduced operating costs Improved employee engagement Reduced facility costs

EVP alignment Expanded career options Reduced compensation costs

Expanded and lower cost Improved well-being

talent pools

Source: Gartner

19 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Economics Employee Experience

Build the Business Case Clarify Strategy Scenario Planning Recruiting Virtual Onboarding
Build a business case that Clearly define the components Identify hybrid model scenarios Shift sourcing and attraction Implement virtual onboarding
demonstrates tangible benefits and expected outcomes of the including remote viable positions strategies and adjust EVP and delivery methods to reduce costs
and mitigates potential concerns organization’s hybrid workforce and clearly define the degrees of employment branding strategies. and allow for individual tailored
for expanding a hybrid workforce. strategy. flexibility for different sets of roles. onboarding experiences.

Measurement and Analytics Well-being

Leverage diverse internal and Analyze current health and well-
external data sources to monitor being strategies and identify
the success of hybrid workforce areas for improvement and
strategies and proactively identify optimization of the organization’s
areas for improvement. offerings.

Manager and Leader Goal Setting and

Capability Performance
Educate managers and leaders Educate managers on how to
on how to engage their teams
virtually, manage performance,
The Hybrid Workforce Roadmap revise performance goals, as
needed, and manage by those
communicate effectively and goals or outcomes versus direct
operationalize culture changes. observation.

Culture Total Rewards

Assess current organizational Determine how compensation,
culture to determine if and how it rewards and recognition
needs to change to support a strategies will need to be adjusted
hybrid workforce. to support a hybrid workforce and
ensure parity.

Organization Design Tools and Technology Workspaces and Facilities Talent Development Communications and
Redesign and implement the Identify the touchpoints in the Determine how physical Implement virtual learning Collaboration
structures, workflows, roles and employee life cycle that may workspaces and facilities will solutions and update talent Implement technology solutions
networks needed to support a require technology support to need to be adapted to support a management practices to develop that improve communications,
hybrid workforce and drive enhance virtual working hybrid workforce. strategic talent pipelines in a collaboration, and connectivity
organizational goals. conditions. hybrid environment. between employees.

20 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The Economics

21 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Economics
Build the Business Case Define the Strategy Conduct Scenario Planning

How do we use a data driven How do we define the critical How do we adjust our approach
approach to influence key components of a successful for different workforce segments
stakeholders? hybrid workforce strategy? and populations?

• Identify Key Stakeholders: Identify key • Define Critical Components: Identify • Identify Hybrid Viable Positions:
stakeholders and understand and prioritize critical components for the Identify which jobs can be done remotely
stakeholder business priorities. organization’s hybrid workforce strategy. and clearly define the limited set of roles
• Highlight Tangible Benefits: Analyze • Identify Outcomes: Develop a set of where remote work is not permitted.
internal and external data to determine metrics to monitor the success of the • Define Degrees of Flexibility: Clearly
the potential benefits of a hybrid organization’s hybrid workforce model define the degrees of flexibility for
workforce model and align them with and identify areas for improvement. different sets of roles.
business needs and priorities.
• Mitigate Potential Concerns: Anticipate
the potential concerns of stakeholders
and communicate actions/solutions that
can be taken to address their concerns.

Source: Gartner

22 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Critical Considerations for a Hybrid Work Model
Critical Considerations Benefit Risk Outcome Measures
Engagement (H, M, L) (H, M, L) Discretionary effort, intent to stay

Productivity Employee reported productivity

Employee perceptions of organizational
Organizational culture
Number of employee interactions with
Communication and collaboration
managers and team members
Career opportunities and development Internal mobility, career path ratio

EVP Employment brand strength

Emotional and mental wellbeing Overall employee well-being levels

Health and safety Health and safety expense breakdown

Facility and operating costs Real estate cost per employee

Source: Gartner

23 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Performance and Effort Levels Can Increase
Percentage of Employees Reporting High Percentage of Employees Reporting High
Discretionary Effort Enterprise Contribution

60% 60%

40% 40% 37%


20% 20%

0% 0%
Never Remote Sometimes Remote Always Remote Never Remote Sometimes Remote Always Remote
(n = 1,612) (n = 1,966) (n = 519) (n = 1,612) (n = 1,966) (n = 519)

n = 5,002
Source: 2020 Gartner Workforce Responsiveness Survey

24 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Productivity Can Increase
Q: “I am more productive than my peers.”
Percentage of Employees Who Agree




Never Remote Sometimes Remote Always Remote
(n = 1,612) (n = 1,966) (n = 519)

n = 4,097
Source: 2019 Gartner ReimagineHR Employee Survey

25 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Employee Wellbeing Can Improve
Q: “I am able to maintain a balance between work and life.”
Percentage of Employees Who Agree


59% 60%



Never Remote Sometimes Remote Always Remote
(n = 1,612) (n = 1,966) (n = 519)

n = 4,097
Source: 2019 Gartner ReimagineHR Employee Survey

26 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Sense of Inclusion Can Improve
Q: “I feel welcome to express my true feelings at work.”
Percentage of Employees Who Agree




Never Remote Sometimes Remote Always Remote
(n = 1,612) (n = 1,966) (n = 519)

n = 4,097
Source: 2019 Gartner ReimagineHR Employee Survey

27 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Retention Can Increase
Percentage of Employees Reporting High Intent to Stay


50% 48% 48%



Never Remote Sometimes Remote Always Remote
(n = 7,769) (n = 9,508) (n = 2,848)

n = 20,215
Q: How long do you see yourself staying with your current organization?
Source: 2Q20 Gartner Global Labor Market Survey

28 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Employee Experience and Organizational Enablement

Prioritize for the Manage the Hybrid Work Monitor the Hybrid Work
Hybrid Work Experience Experience Experience

How do we focus our efforts to Where do we invest resources to What analytics strategies will help
ensure a seamless employee manage the elements of a hybrid us track optimal performance and
experience for a hybrid workforce employee experience? engagement of our hybrid
lifecycle? workforce?

Redesign HR activities for Drive Agile and Continuous

Refine HR Activities Offering
virtual delivery Improvement

Which HR activities do we need to How do we implement activities to

How do we design HR activities for
move to virtual for a hybrid drive adoption and monitor for
virtual delivery?
workforce? improvement?

Source: Gartner

29 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Polling Question
How to participate in our polling
When you think about managing the employee If you are in full screen mode – click Esc
experience of a hybrid workforce, what aspect
The poll question is on the “Vote” tab.
do you expect to be the most challenging?
Please click the box to make your selection.
Upon voting you will see the results.

Thank you!
A. Attraction/Brand Strategies
B. Onboarding and Development
C. Performance and Pay Q. Polling Question
D. Communication and Change Management (please choose 1 answer)
A. Answer

B. Answer

C. Answer

D. Answer

E. Answer

30 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Economics Employee Experience

Build the Business Case Clarify Strategy Scenario Planning Recruiting Virtual Onboarding
Build a business case that Clearly define the components Identify hybrid model scenarios Shift sourcing and attraction Implement virtual onboarding
demonstrates tangible benefits and expected outcomes of the including remote viable positions strategies and adjust EVP and delivery methods to reduce costs
and mitigates potential concerns organization’s hybrid workforce and clearly define the degrees of employment branding strategies. and allow for individual tailored
for expanding a hybrid workforce. strategy. flexibility for different sets of roles. onboarding experiences.

Measurement and Analytics Well-being

Leverage diverse internal and Analyze current health and well-
external data sources to monitor being strategies and identify
the success of hybrid workforce areas for improvement and
strategies and proactively identify The Hybrid Workforce Opportunity optimization of the organization’s
areas for improvement. offerings.

Manager and Leader • Improved Performance and Engagement Goal Setting and
Capability Performance
Educate managers and leaders
• Increased Effort and Productivity Educate managers on how to
on how to engage their teams • Expanded and more diverse talent pools revise performance goals, as
virtually, manage performance, needed, and manage by those
communicate effectively and • Greater emotional wellbeing goals or outcomes versus direct
operationalize culture changes. • EVP Fulfillment and Alignment observation.

Culture • Reduced commuting costs and carbon footprints Total Rewards

Assess current organizational • Reduced facility and operating costs Determine how compensation,
culture to determine if and how it rewards and recognition
needs to change to support a strategies will need to be adjusted
hybrid workforce. to support a hybrid workforce and
ensure parity.

Organization Design Tools and Technology Workspaces and Facilities Talent Development Communications and
Redesign and implement the Identify the touchpoints in the Determine how physical Implement virtual learning Collaboration
structures, workflows, roles and employee life cycle that may workspaces and facilities will solutions and update talent Implement technology solutions
networks needed to support a require technology support to need to be adapted to support a management practices to develop that improve communications,
hybrid workforce and drive enhance virtual working hybrid workforce. strategic talent pipelines in a collaboration, and connectivity
organizational goals. conditions. hybrid environment. between employees.

31 © 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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of Work
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4,000 employees and HR executives to
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on the future of work and the implications HR
leaders should prepare for.

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