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‘Cambridge International Examinations Be] Cambridge Intemational General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE CANDIDATE NUMBER NUMBER 625/42 Paper 4 Theory (Extended) FebruaryMarch 2018 1 hour 15 minutes ‘Cancidates ancwor on the Question Papor. [No Adional Materials are required. = READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST rte your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. ‘Wt in dark Bue or black pen, ‘You may use an HB pencil or any dlagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper cins, glue or correction uid [DO NOT WRITE INANY BARCODES, ‘Answer all questions. Electronic calculators may be used, "You may lose marks if you do not show your working or you do not use appropriate units. “Take the weight of 1 0kg o be 1ON (acceleration of re fll = 10m) [At tho ond ofthe examination, taston all your Work securely together “The number of mars is given n brackets [| at the end of each question or part question, 1 (a) Define acceleration. m1 (©) Fig. 1.1 shows the speed:-time axes for the graph of the motion ofa car (The car starts trom rest From time =0 to time = 15s, the car has a constant acceleration to @ speed of 28m /s, From time = 15s to time = 82s, the car has a constant speed of 28m/s. From time = 32s, the car has a constant deceleration of 2.01m/s® untl it comes to rest. (On Fig. 1.1, draw the graph, using the space below for any calculations. } (i) From time = 15s to time = 828, the path of the cars part of a circle. For this motion, state 1. the diection of the esuitant force on the car, 2. what happens to the velocity ofthe car. a (2) Aorce is used to move an object from the Earth's surface to a greater height Explain why the gravitational potential energy (g1p.e.) of the object increases. a (0) Fig. 2.4 shows a train moving up towards the top of a mountain Fig. 2.1 ‘The tran transports 80 passengers, each of average mass 654g, through a vertical height of 600m Calculate the increase in the total gravitational potential energy (@.p.e) of the passengers. increase in gpe. rc (@) The engine of the train has a power of 1S00KW. The time taken to reach the top of the ‘mountain is 30 minutes. Calculate the efficiency of the engine in raising the 80 passengers 1600m to the top of the ‘mountain. efficiency = a Total: 7] (2) Complote the statement by wring inthe blank spaces. ‘The moment of afore about a piva is equal 9 mutiplied by. a (b) Fig. 3.1 shows a horizontal rod of length 2.4m and weight 160N. The weight of the rod acts atts centre, The rod is suspended by two vertical ropes X and Y. The tension in each rope is, BON, eon @0N 2am 4 rope x rope Y | ves 160N (State the name given to the point at which the weight ofthe rod acts. 10} (i) Calculate the mass ofthe rod mass = oft) (lil) The rod isin equitxium. Using data trom Fig. 3.1, explain why. 7 _ 4) (otal: 7] ‘Cambridge International Examinations ‘Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education ‘CANDIDATE NAME, CENTRE CANDIDATE NUMBER NUMBER PHysics 0625/41 Paper 4 Theory (Extended) Mayldune 2018, ‘hour 15 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additonal Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST \Wite your Centre number, candidate number and name on all he work you hand in, |Wiite in dark blue or black pa, You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper cips, glue oF correction fu. DO NOT WRITE INANY BARCODES. ‘Answer all questions. Electron calulators may be used. ‘You may lose marks i you donot show your working orf you do not use appropriate units. ‘Take the woight of 1.0kg tobe TON (accoleraton of ree fal = 10m/s2). At the end ofthe examination, fasten all your work securely together. “The numberof marks i given in brackets [ Jat the end of each question or part question. 2 1. Fig. 1.1 shows the speed-time graph for a vehicle accelerating from rest 20- 25: 20: 15: 10: 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 time/s (@) Calculate the acceleration of the vehicle at time = 30s, acceleration (2) (b) Without further calculation, state how the acceleration at time = 100s compares to the acceleration at time = 10's. Suggest, in terms of force, a reason why any change has taken place. (3) (©) Determine the distance travelled by the vehicle between time = 120s and time = 160s. distance 13 (Total: 8) 2. Fig. 21 shows a forklift ruck lifting a box. Fig. 24 ‘The electric motor that drives the lifting mechanism is powered by batteries. {a) State the form of the energy stored in the batteries, (1 (b) The iting mechanism raises a box of mass 32kg through a vertical distance of 25m in 5.4s. (Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the box. ‘gravitational potential energy (ii) The efficiency ofthe lifting mechanism is 0.65 (65%). CCaleulate the input power tothe lifting mechanism, 8) input power (c) The batteries are recharged from a mains voltage supply that is generated in an oilfred ower station, ‘By comparison with a wind farm, state one advantage and one disadvantage of running a power station using ol advantage .. disadvantage Total: 8} oucies 2018 orasieinuane [Turn over 3. A rectangular container has a base of dimensions 0.2m x 0.16m. The container is filed with a liquid, The mass of the liquid in the container is 4.8kg, (a) Calculate (the weight of liquid in the container, weight = io (ii) the pressure due to the liquid on the base of the container. pressure = rc (b) Explain why the total pressure on the base ofthe containers greatar than the value calculated inca i] (c) The depth of iquid in the container is 0.2m. Calculate the density ofthe liquid. density (2) Total: 6} 1 2 (@) Fig. 1.1 shows the axes of a distance-time graph for an object moving in a straight line. distance/m Ocaarcarecer ety time/s. Fig. 14 4. On Fig, 1.1, draw between time = 0 and time = 105, the graph for an object moving with @ constant speed of 5.0m/s. Start your graph at distance = Om, 2. State the property of the graph that represents speed. 2 10s and time = 20s the object accelerates, The speed at time = 20s is Between time e.0mis. Calculate the average acceleration between time = 108 and time 08. acceleration rc) (b) Fig. 1.2 shows the axes of a speed-time graph for a different object. speed m/s time/s Fig. 1.2 (i) The object has an initial speed of 50m/s and decelerates uniformly at 0.35m/s? for 100s. ‘On Fig. 1.2, draw the graph to represent the motion of the object. 2 (ii) Calculate the distance travelled by the object from time = 0 to time = 100s. Total: 9} Fig. 21 shows a hollow metal cylinder containing air, floating in the sea. Fig. 2.4 (a) Tho density of the metal used to make the cylinder is greater than the density of seawater. Explain why the cylinder floats. ft {b) The cylinder has a length of 1.8m. It floats with 1.2m submerged in the sea. The bottom of the cylinder has an area of cross-section of 0.80m?. ‘The density of seawater is 1020kg/m?. Calculate the force exerted on the bottom of the cylinder due to the depth of the seawater. force = (4 (c)_Deduce the weight of the cylinder. Explain your answer. explanation .... (otal: 7) Ductes 2018 onasuonuura 3. Fig. 3.1 shows an aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Fig. 34 The sircraft accelerates from rest along the deck. At take-off, the aircraft has a speed of 75m/s. The mass ofthe aircraft is 9500kg, (a) Calculate the kinatic energy of the aircraft at take-of. kinetic energy = (31 (b) On an aircraft carrer, a catapult provides an accelerating force on the aircraft. The catapult P 9 force provides a constant force for a distance of 150m along the deck. Calculate the resultant force on the aircraft as it accelerates. Assume that all of the kinetic ‘energy at take-off is from the work done on the aircraft by the catapult. F018 = os 7 soonenneneel2) Total: 5}

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