Physics-Alternative To Practical-Topicwise Papers

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1 Astudent investigates the balancing of a metre rule. Fig. 1.1 shows the arrangement. Fig. 1.4 (a) The student places the metre rule on the pivot at the 50.0cm mark. He places an object Q on. the metre rule with its centre at the 90.0cm mark. He places a load of weight P = 2.0N on the metre rule and adjusts the position of the load so that the metre rule is as near as possible to being balanced. He measures the distance x from the centre of the load to the pivot. He repeats the procedure using loads of weight P = 3.0N, 4.0N, 5.0N and 6.0N. All the values of P and x are recorded in Table 1.1. Table .4 em | nem | 8/5, 20 200 30 270 40 20.0 50 168 6.0 13.3 Calculate, and recordin Table 1.1, the values of +. a 0) Pete rah of PN ans) gains! / eau) Stat bah aes tein (00 4) (c) In this experiment, x,,,,, the maximum possible value for xis 50.0em. Calculate a 4 max = om Use the graph to determine the minimum value of P required to balance the metre rule in this experiment. Show clearly on the graph how you determined this value. minimum value of P= i} (d) In this experiment, the width of object Q is slightly greater than the width of the metre rule. Explain briefly how you would place the object Q as accurately as possible on the 90.0cm ‘mark of the metre rule. You may draw a diagram. (@) In this experiment, itis difficult to determine the exact position of the load that will make the metre rule balance. (i) Explain briefly why this is difficult 1 Explain briefly how you would find the best position of the load that will make the metre rule balance. a (Total: 11] 4A student investigates the period of a pendulum. Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show the apparatus she ‘one complete ‘oscillation Fig. 14 Fig. 12 (2) Explain briefly, with the help of a diagram, how you would use a metre rule and set square to measure the length d of a pendulum as accurately as possible. Diagram: 8 (b) The student adjusts the pendulum so that d = 50.0em. She displaces the bob slightly and releases it so that it swings. Fig. 1.2 shows one complete oscillation of the pendulum. ‘She measures the time f, for 20 complete oscillatons. (Record the time t, shown in Fig. 1.3. a (ii) Calculate the period T, of the pendulum. The period is the time for one complete oscilation. 1) (©). The student adjusts the pendulum until the distance d is 100.0cm, ‘She repeats the procedure and records the time t, for 20 oscillations and the period T,, Sms... 1.998 ‘She measures the mass m, of the pendulum bob. The reading on the balance is shown in Fig. 1.4, Fig. 1.4 Record mass m, of the pendulum bob to the nearest gram. m, gf) The student repeats the procedure using a pendulum bob of mass mg 109. m, 9. She obtains these results: distance d= 50.0¢m, 1.398 Tee Usa te rests 7, Te Tend 7, forte penod reach ore penculums tox ye response that matches your results within the limits of experimental accuracy. the period T is affected by d only the period T'is affected by both d and m the period Tis affected by m only the period Tis not affected by d or m mM (ii) Justify your answer to (d)(i) by reference to the results. io) (e) The student now investigates the effect of the size of the oscillations on the period of the pendulum. (W) Suggest briefly how you would measure the size of an oscillation. You may draw a diagram, 2 (ii) State one variable that you would keep constant during this part of the investigation. 1 Total: 11] 1 Asstudent determines the weight of a metre rule. She uses the apparatus shown in Fig. 1.1 The metre rule is supported by a pivot at the 10.0cm mark and is suspended from a forcemeter by loop of thread at the 90.00m mark. stand roms forcemeter. FY 1006 fi non —l. 90.0cm _-2.0N weight Joop of thread. mark PP sot Tnetre rule bench Fig. 14 (a) The student places a 2.0N weight at a distance Lfrom the pivot. ‘She then adjusts the height of the clamp holding the pivot so that the metre rule is horizontal, ‘She reads the force Fon the forcemeter. Fig. 1.2 ehows the weight and the metre rule from above. Fig. 1.3 shows the reading on the forcemeter. metre rule 2.0N weight zz. ez 4 82, Fig. 1.2 (not to scale) (i) Calculate the value of [from readings taken from Fig. 1.2. Show your working clearly. om 2] fo.0 los 1.0- 1.5: l2.0 metre rule Fig. 1.3 (ii) Read the value F shown on the forcemeter in Fig. 1.3. FE -N ft] Explain how the student makes sure that the rule is horizontal before taking the reading. You may draw a diagram, (1) (b) The student carries out the procedure for values of [= 20.0cm, 30.0¢m, 40.0cm, 50.0cm and 60.0cm. Her readings are shown in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 em FIN 20.0 1.35 300 1.60 40.0 1.90 50.0 2.16 600 2.45 Plot a graph of F/N (y-axis) against Iicm (x-axis). Start your axes from the origin (0,0). 4) (©) (From your graph determine F, the value of F when [= 0. fo Nit (li) Calculate the weight We of the metre rule, using the equation Wa, = 2 Fo, Wey = sonencesnn Ni (d) Another student carrying out this experiment finds it difficult to be sure that he has placed the 1 centre of the 2.0N weight on the metre rule at the correct value of L ‘Suggest a more precise method of applying a 2.0N load to the metre rule in this experiment. Explain why this method is an improvement. m [otal: 11] A student is determining the density of wood by two methods. He is using the wooden rod shown in Fig. 1.1. wooden rod. loop of thread Fig. 1.1 Method 1 ‘The dimensions of the wooden rod are shown full size in Fig. 1.2. u Fig. 1.2 (a) (i) Measure the length Land the diameter d of the wooden rod in Fig. 1.2. Ie d (li) Suggest an acourate method for measuring the diameter of the wooden rod in this experiment List any additional apparatus that might be required and briefly describe how you would determine the diameter. You may draw a diagram if it helps to explain your answer. (b) The student uses a balance to measure the mass m of the wooden rod as shown in Fig. 1.3. wooden rod. —— C(O 7.89 Fig. 13 Record the mass m of the od. MF vo oo Calculate a value p, forthe density ofthe wooden rod. Use your values from (ay) and (b) and te equation , = 2%. nce a sublet ‘Method 2 (€) The student pours water into a measuring cylinder as shown in Fig. 1.4 He then floats the wooden rod in the water as shown in Fig. 1.5. Record the reading V, of the water level in the measuring cylinder as shown in Fig. 1.4 em? Record the new reading Vp ofthe water level in the measuring cylinder withthe rod floating in ‘the water as shown in Fig. 15. em? a (d) The student removes the rod and lowers a piece of modeling clay into the water as shown in Fig. 1.8. He then hooks the rod to the modelling clay and lowers them into the water as shown in Fig. 17. Fig. 1.6 Fig. 1.7 He records the new reading V, of the water level in the measuring cylinder with the modelling olay. He records the reading V, of the water level in the measuring cylinder with the modelling clay and rod. 164 Ms Calculate another value p, for the density of the wooden rod. Use the values from (c) and (d) (Vp ~ V4) 7 3 and the equation p, = (y.—y.) *k where k= 1.0g/em?. ls 2) 2020 0625/62/F 7120 [Turn over @ Fig. 1.8 On Fig. 1.8, draw an arrow showing the correct line of sight for reading the volume of water in the measuring cylinder. t (f) Suggest a possible source of inaccuracy in Method 2, even if it was carried out carefully. ~ () (Total: 11] 1. Astudent determines the weight of a metre rule using a balancing method. Fig. 1.1. shows the apparatus '50.0¢m mark 120.06 mark @ + 0 i) pivot The student places the metre rule on the pivot He places the load P, labelled 1.5, on the metre rule at the 90.0¢m mark Keeping P at the 90.0cm mark, he adjusts the position of the metre rule on the pivot so that the metre rule is as near as possible to being balanced. In Table 1.1, he records the distance a from the 50.0em mark to the pivot. Calculate, and record in Table 1.1, the distance b between the centre of load P and the pivot. Cato % Record its vali in Tab. 1 (O] (b) The student repeats the procedure using loads of 1.2N, 1.0N, 0.8N and 0.5N. The readings and results are shown in Table 1.1 Table 1.1 mn | avon biem Z 15 234 12 212 188 148 19 189 aid 0.900 oa 168 232 area 05 125 275 0.485 Plot a graph of weight of load P/N (y-axis) against > (x-axis). You do not need to begin your axes at the origin, (0,0). io) (©) Determine the gradient G of the graph. Show clearly on the graph how you obtained the necessary information. 6 ica) (@) The gradient Gis numerically equal to the weight Wot the metre rule. Write down the value of Wo an appropriate number of significant figures for this experiment. Include the unit. (@) The student has assumed that the centre of mass of the metre rule is at the 50.0cm mark. Explain briefly how you would find as accurately as possible the position of the centre of ‘mass of the metre rule, No extra apparatus or materials are available. SUCLES 2019 oszsisvonuie [Turn over () Brietly state the main difficulty that you would have when carrying out this type of balancing experiment. ~ (1) (otal: 12] 1 Astudent investigates a pendulum. Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show some of the apparatus used, lamp clamp: ‘one complete cscillation Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2 (a) The student adjusts the length of the pendulum until the distance d, measured to the centre of the bob, is 50.0cm. State one precaution that you would take to obtain the length of 50.0cm ‘as accurately as possible. (b) The student displaces the bob slightly and releases it so that it swings. Fig. 1.2 shows one complete oscillation of the pendulum. He measures the time tfor 20 complete oscillations. The time tis shown on the stopwatch in Fig. 1.3, Fig. 1.3 In the first row of Table 1.1, record the time t shown in Fig. 1.3. ty (i) Calculate, and record in Table 1.1, the period T of the pendulum. The period is the time for one complete oscillation. (1) (ili) Calculate T2, Record its value in Table 1.1 fo} 3 (©) The student repeats the procedure in (b) using d = 60.0¢m, 70.0cm, 80.0em and 100.0cm. The readings are shown in Table 1.1 Table 1.1 dicm ts Tis Ts? 50.0 60.0 30.00 1.50 2.25 70.0 33.20 1.66 276 80.0 35.80 1.79 3.20 100.0 39.80 1.99 3.96 iota graph of T2/s? (yaxis) against d/cm (x-axis). You do not need to start your axes at the origin (0,0). (d) Determine the gradient G of the line. Show clearly on the graph how you obtained the necessary information. (2) Ductes 2019 05251620N19 [Turn over (e) Calculate the acceleration a fre tall gin m/s using the equation gradient trom (a), 2998, wnere G's your Write down the value of g to a suitable number of significant figures for this experiment. 9 mis? [2] Total: 12} 3 The class is investigating the behaviour of a spring, and then using the spring to determine the weight of an object. ‘The apparatus is shown in Fig. 3.1. clamp. spring Fig. 3.1 (a) The stretched length Jof the spring, indicated in Fig. 3.1, is to be measured, Daseribe two precautions that could be taken when measuring the length of the stationary spring, to ensure an acourate reading. You may draw a diagram. (b) Astudent measures the length J, of the spring without any load. Various loads L are hung on the spring. ‘The stretched length Lof the spring for each load is recorded in Table 3.1. Calculate, and record in Table 3.1, the extension e of the spring for each load L. Use the equation e: Table 3.1 LN vom | elom 1.0 63 20 105 3.0 147 =). (€) The loads are removed and an object X is suspended trom the spring Fig. 3.2 () Measure the stretched length J, of the spring on Fig. 3.2. ke (i) Estimate the weight W, of object X. Explain how you obtained your answer. _N (2) (d)_Astudent measures the weight of a ditferent load using a similar method. He gives the weight as 4.532N. Explain why this is not a suitable number of significant figures for this experiment. (e) (i) Another student suggests that ¢ is directly proportional to L. ‘State whether the results support her suggestion. Use values from the results in Table 3.1 to justify your statement. staternent justification al (ii) The student wishes to plot a graph of L against e to test if the two quantities are directly proportional ‘State how her graph line could show that e is directly proportional to L. a (Total: 11] 1 Astudent is determining the spring constant k of a spring by two methods, Fig, 1.2 shows how the apparatus is used, Method 1 (@)_On Fig, 1.1, measure the unstretched length , of the spring, in mm. Fig. 1.1 4 sec A [1] (b) The student attaches the spring to the clamp as shown in Fig. 1.2. He hangs a 300g mass on the spring, clamp holding spring ‘clamp holding ‘cork Fig. 1.2 He measures the new length Lof the spring. mm 3 ()_ Calculate the extension e of the spring using the equation e. mm [1] Gil) Calculate a value for the spring constant k using the equation k = , where F=3.0N. N/mm [1] (©) The student pulls the mass down a short distance and releases itso that it oscillates up and down. Fig. 1.3 shows the time f taken for 10 complete oscillations. Fig. 1.3 (i) Record the time t taken for 10 complete oscillations. (ii) 1. Calculate the time Ttaken for one complete oscillation. 2 Calculate T?. (ii) Calculate the spring constant k using the equation k = 0-040 where m .300kg. a sevecee N/MM [1] (0) State and explain whether your two values for kare the same within the limits of experimental accuracy. statement @ (e) A student states that repeating Method 1 with different masses would improve the reliability of the value obtained for k. ‘Suggest additional values for the mass m that you would use when repeating the experiment ‘to improve the reliability. - co - 7 ose (2 Total: 14] 11 Astudent is determining the spring constant k of a spring. Fig. 1-1 shows the apparatus used. Fig. 1.1 (@) On Fig. 1.1, measure the unstretched length [, ofthe colled par ot the spring, in mm, Record this value of length Zin Table 1.1 for L = 0.00N. Mm (b) On Fig. 1.1, show how a set-square could be used to take readings in order to determine the length [, of he coiled par of the spring. t) (©) The student places a 0.20N load on the spring. He records the new length Zof the spring in Table 1.1. (©) The student places a 0.20N load on the spring. He records the new length Lof the spring in Table 1.1 He repeats the procedure using loads of 0.40N, 0.60N, 0.80N and 1.00N. All the readings are recorded in Table 1.1. (i) Calculate the extension @ of the spring for each value of load L, using the equation I [,). Record the values of en Table 1.1 1" (ii) Complete the column headings in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 u uv el 0.00 ° 0.20 3t 0.40 0.60 o.80 Bla) s/s 1.00 1) (d) Plot a graph of L/N (y-axis) against e/mm (x-axis). (e) Determine the gradient G of the graph. Show clearly on the graph how you obtained the necessary information. eucies 2018 (f) The gradient Gis numerically equal tothe spring constant k. Write down a value for kto a suitable numberof significant figures for this experiment. k Nien [1] (Total: 11] 7 Astudentis determining the density of modeling clay. He is using the block shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 4.2. Fig. 1.4 Fig. 1.2 (side view) (2) (Measure the dimensions of the block of modelling clay, as shown in Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2. length t= cm with w= sc seve EM. height h= cm t] (W)Calculate the volume V, of the block, using your measurements from (aX) and the equation V, = 1x wh em ft] (b) Suggest a possible source of inaccuracy in measuring the dimensions of the block and describe an improvement to the procedure that will produce more reliable measurements of improvement Ql (©). The student suspends the piece of modelling clay from a forcemeter, as shown in Fig. 1.3. forcemeter o.4| | 08} 41.0} Seane ‘modelling clay. Fig. 1.3 Record the weight W of the block of modelling clay shown in Fig. 1.3. We conics NEY (@) Calculate a value p, for the density of the modeling clay, using your results from (ai) and (6) and the equation Wok a where k= 100g/N. (e)_ The student pours some water into a measuring cylinder, as shown in Fig. 1.4. Fig. 1.4 (Record the volume V, of the water in the measuring cylinder shown in Fig. 1.4. Vp = sense ss m9 [9] (il) Describe how a measuring cylinder is read to obtain an accurate value for the volume of water. You may draw a diagram to help you. os 1 (f) The student lowers the modelling clay into the water, as shown in Fig. 1.5. modelling clay Fig. 1.5 (+ Record the new reading V, of the measuring cylinder in Fig. 1.5, withthe block of ‘modelling clay in the water. * Calculate another value p, forthe density of modelling clay, using your value for Vs, your readings from (c) and (e)(i) and the equation pea lak wy Pa i (ii) Suggest which of p, or py is likely to be the more accurate value for the density of the modelling clay. Justify your answer by referring to the procedure. [Total: 11]

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