Andksc Advantages of Being A S

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Andamon, Juan Miguelle
Astillero, James Matthew
Cajegas, Faith Andrei
Gementiza, Charilou
Loveroz, Trisha
Panes, Ashlei Krystel
Plaza, Shekinah
Sarael, Asiyah
Valdez, Harold Jay

Ms. ED Goldilaine N. Flores

1. Rationale

Good grades in college can lead to course credit, academic scholarships, access
to graduate degree programs, and, of course, the awarding of a degree (Cohen,
2000; Rosovsky & Hartley, 2002). Poor grades might mean no course credit, the
removal from courses of study, and lowered employment prospects. Furthermore,
since grades have large persistence effects (Ost, 2010; Rask, 2010; Stinebrickner &
Stinebrickner, 2011) it is reasonable to wonder if unfair grading might be a
contributor to systemic group differences in S.T.E.M. enrollment (Cromley et al.,
2016). The S.T.E.M. strand strives to develop students' abilities in communication,
problem-solving, and curiosity.
But, some students may find it difficult to apply what they learn in the STEM strand to
real-world situations, or they may become terrified of the S.T.E.M. strand's two main
courses (science and math). Students who freeze at the sight of numbers or
equations will most certainly underperform (Hewson S., 2011).

2. Objectives

The primary purpose of this study is to encourage more students to enroll in

S.T.E.M. -related higher education programs, which are crucial for growth and
 Additionally, it is to give learners a solid foundation in math and science, both
subjects that are necessary for many college degrees and occupations.
 Students' knowledge of how things work should be increased, and their
proficiency with different programs should be enhanced, through a true
S.T.E.M. education.

3. Review Related Literature (RRL)

Even in non-STEM careers, those with STEM degrees earn more money,
according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Thus, in the United States, S.T.E.M.
areas are among the highest paying and fastest growing, according to the National
Center for Education Statistics. Due to the strong demand for S.T.E.M. professionals,
there won't likely be a scarcity of employment opportunities once you graduate. This
increases your options for careers and your capacity to keep discovering novel
applications for your particular skills. Companies are now searching for graduates
that are curious, innovative, enjoy experimenting with new things, and can solve
complicated challenges. S.T.E.M. education instills these skills in pupils at a young
age. Special Programs in S.T.E.M. takes many forms, with various objectives,
programming elements, curricular focuses, and placement along the students' path
to a degree as mentioned by Gregg-Jolly (et al., 2016)

4. Methodology

This study aims to offer a rational, systematic approach to problem-solving,

S.T.E.M. courses typically rely on hands-on activities. The study will be conducted
based on how the S.T.E.M. students think and determine the advantages that they
think would be beneficial in their college life.
 How effective is S.T.E.M.'s approach to teaching?
 Are S.T.E.M. students familiar with the subjects covered by this strand?
 Are the topics in S.T.E.M. advantageous enough to continue on to college?
This study will sample all S.T.E.M. Students of Panabo City National High School.
An online survey through Google Forms will be conducted. Data from the survey will
be gathered for the study, and descriptive statistics, which will include a graphical
display of the data, preferably pie charts will be used to interpret the data.

5. Innovation

The aim of this study is to identify strategies and suggested practices that will
increase the likelihood of S.T.E.M. pupils being admitted into colleges. Because
S.T.E.M. is largely known for its high educational standards, many students chose
this area of study despite the fact that it is challenging. Many students have already
left S.T.E.M. due to the extreme stress they were under because they had no time to
think about the implications of leaving.
The S.T.EM. industries need to be more diverse and inclusive. In order to
ensure that students are learning the skills necessary for both today's and
tomorrow's occupations, business and education must work together more closely.
Finally, additional funding is needed to support S.T.E.M. research and development
in order to encourage innovation and advancements in these fields.
6. Expected activity result

It can be rewarding and difficult to study S.T.E.M. (science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics). The huge workload and challenging curriculum that
S.T.E.M. students must complete one of their biggest challenges. The amount of
time spent on homework, lab work, and projects in many S.T.E.M. programs leave
little time for extracurricular activities or even just downtime. Additionally, students
may experience stress and burnout in S.T.E.M. areas due to the intense competition
and pressure to do well.
Despite these challenges, it is important to continue pursuing them because of the
numerous opportunities available when entering college. A S.T.E.M. Education
provides students with a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics, which are in high demand in today's job market. Graduates with a
S.T.E.M. degree have a wide range of career options to choose from, including jobs
in technology, engineering, healthcare, finance, and more.

7. Timeline

This research is expected to be completed in 2 months and 2 weeks with the

following indicated as the activity durations for every section of the research project  

Activity Duration

1. Creation of Study                            3 weeks

2. Collecting of Data                            1 week

3. Classification of Study                            2 weeks

4. Reviewing the data

                           1 week
                           2 weeks
5. Provide background or
summarize existing research
1 week
6. Reviewing of the collected data
and finishing the concept paper
8. References

 Ashley C. (2022.).  Top 6 benefits of earning a STEM degree.

 Bybee, R. W. (2010). What Is STEM
 Indeed Editorial Team (2021.)  What are STEM fields? (with benefits and
 Kids, P. B. E. F. (2016, February 28). Why is STEM education so
 Lane , T. B. L., Morgan, K. L., & Lopez, M. L. (2017, September 13). “A Bridge
Between High School and College”: A Case Study of a STEM Intervention
Program Enhancing College Readiness Among Underserved Students.
Retrieved January 22, 2023,
 Maddocks, K. G. (2022). What Nobody Told You About Being a STEM
 Nagpal, A. (2022, June 27). Top 8 benefits of STEM Education you should
 Rhodes, S. (2017). Challenges to STEM Education and How to Overcome
 Runge, S. (2017). Pros and Cons of S.T.E.M.

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