The Beauty of Life

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The Beauty of Life

To enjoy life, you must travel through deep waters and

dark days in order to learn how to value the good things
and to perceive beauty in all forms. Literature is a genre of
art in which words are utilized to portray feelings and
emotions. One literary work, Jon Krakauer's nonfiction
book "Into the Wild," taught me to enjoy life and to discover
beauty in it. Chris McCandless is the subject of this book.
He was a young man who was fascinated by lifestyle and
desired to depart from it. Chris broke out from the
establishment after graduation and moved on to forge his
own career. He burned all of his worldly possessions,
donated his savings, abandoned his family, and set off on
his trek into the Alaskan wilderness. Hunters discovered
his body four months later, in a stunning turn of events.
"Happiness is only real when shared," Chris said, that's so
true; we humans are social animals who cannot exist
alone, so we must share our joys or life would be
meaningless. Nobody's life is indeed ideal. Everybody's life
has difficulties. And these issues are, in fact, stepping
stones to our development. This book depicts the beauty of
life in several facets, including nature, family,
companionship, and society. There may be numerous
circumstances, but that's life. Without imperfections, life
would be unattractive.

By: Sheila Mae B. Sabidalas

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