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Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Light: Mirrors and Lenses

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Images Formed by Plane
1 Mirrors

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Predict the qualitative characteristics (Location, orientation, type and magnification)
of images formed by plane mirrors;
2. Identify ways in which the properties of plane mirrors determine their uses in optical

What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A clock hang on the wall is facing a plane mirror hanged on the opposite wall. As you see
the reflection of the clock on the mirror, the clock shows the time of 9:00. What is the real
A. 2:00
B. 3:00
C. 4:00
D. 5:00

2. If a man stands 4 feet in front of a plane mirror, how far away is the ma’s image from the
A. Nearer than the man from the mirror
B. Twice as far as the man from the mirror
C. Three times as far as the man from the mirror
D. The same distance as the man from the mirror

3. The entire two opposite walls in your room consist of plane mirrors, how much larger will
your room seem to appear?
A. 2x larger B. 3x larger C. 4x larger D. Infinite

What’s New

How do you see yourself in a mirror? How do you compare the way you look and the
way your image look? Can you explain how your image is formed on the mirror? This new
lesson will lead you to the answer to these questions.

Light Reflection Defined

Reflection is the turning back of light rays when it hits a shiny surface like a mirror.

The Laws of Reflection:

There are two laws of reflection:

• The angle of incident ray is equal to the angle of reflected ray.

• The angle between the normal line and the reflected ray is the angle of

The Two Kinds of Rays:

• Incident ray is the ray of light approaching the mirror.
• Reflected ray is the ray of light which leaves the mirror.

Normal Line:
• Normal line is an imaginary line that can be drawn perpendicular to the
surface of the mirror and used as reference point in determining the angle of
reflection and angle of incidence.

What is It

Reflection is the bouncing of light rays when it hits a surface like a plane mirror.
Plane mirrors exhibits regular reflection where the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
reflection. All plane shiny surfaces exhibit this kind of reflection. Irregular or diffused
reflection illuminates shaded areas such as under the trees and inside buildings. This is
observed in objects with irregular surfaces such as rocks, buildings etc.
The first law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
reflection. The angle is measured between the normal line and the incident ray while the
angle of reflection is measured between the normal line and the reflected ray. The
arrowhead shows the direction of light.
The second law states that the normal line, incident ray and reflected ray all lie in the
same plane. That means, what you see on the mirror is an image which appears to be at the
back of the mirror.
The characteristics of images formed by plane mirrors is describe in terms of type of
image, orientation, location and size. For plane mirrors, the type of image is virtual formed
behind. Virtual image is an image formed when an outgoing ray from an object always
diverge (move apart). The image you see when you are looking at yourself in a plane mirror
is virtual. This image is formed by extending the light rays behind the mirror. The image
orientation is erect, laterally inverted
The image is located at the same distance from the mirror as the object distance.
The image formed is of the same size as the object. In other words, the image and the object
in plane mirrors has the same characteristics except that the image is seen as laterally
inverted. Lateral inversion is a phenomenon wherein what is left on the object appears as
right on the image and vice versa, This is due to the direction that light follows when it strikes
a reflecting surface generally like a mirror.

What’s More

The following activities will deepen your understanding of what we have discussed
about reflection of light in mirrors. There will be three activities for you to undergo. These
activities are designed in a manner that you can do it at home while we are waiting for the
normal classroom setting to come back. Meantime, just enjoy learning these activities
through this module.

Activity 1.1 Reflection of Light in Mirrors

1. Determine the height, width and the distance from the mirror of the image formed by
a plane mirror.
2. Compare the actual height, width and the distance from the mirror of the object with
that of the image formed by plane mirrors.
Picture of complete set-up

1. Examine this figure of an image and object characteristics in plane mirrors.

Image Source:

Q1. Compare the distance from the mirror of the object with that of the image.
Q2. How does the height and width of the object compare with that of the image?

Activity 1.2: Angle of Incidence vs. Angle of Reflection

1. Compare the angle of reflection and the angle of incidence.
2. State one of the Laws of Reflection.


3. Examine the figure below. Give a statement on the angle of incidence and angle of
reflection. Remember that the angle of incidence is the angle between the normal line
and the incident ray. The angle of reflection is the angle between the normal line and the
reflected ray. The normal line is a line drawn perpendicular to the mirror.

Image Source:

Note: If, you have an available plane mirror at home, an ordinary laser light and a
protractor, you may try doing the activity given below. It would be an exciting learning
experience. Simply follow the set-up shown on the figure.

Caution: Be careful in handling the mirror and laser light.Never focus the laser to
your eyes or to anybody’s eyes as it may cause damage to the eyes.
Q3. How does the angle of incidence compare with the angle of reflection?

Activity 1.3: Mirror Left Right Reversal

1. Using all capital letters, try writing your name on a piece of paper so it would read
correctly when read through a mirror. Try if how many times you will do it before you
get it correctly done.

Q4. What concept you have learned from the lesson is applied? Explain.

Images Formed by Curved
2 Mirror

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Predict the qualitative characteristics (Location, orientation, type and
magnification) of images formed by curved mirrors;

2. Identify ways in which the properties of curved mirrors determine their uses in
optical instruments (e.g. cameras and binoculars)

What I Know

1. Which of the following statements can best describe the image formed by a concave
mirror when the object is at a distance farther than the center of curvature (C) of the

A. Virtual, erect and bigger than the object

B. Real, inverted and bigger than the object
C. Real, inverted and smaller than the object
D. Virtual, upright and smaller than the object

2. What will be the exact description of the image that will be formed on the given illustration
of a concave mirror showing object location between C and F?

A. Virtual, upright, enlarged

B. Real, enlarged and inverted
C. Smaller than the object, inverted and real
D. Smaller than the object, upright and virtual

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you learned about the characteristics of images formed by
plane mirrors. This new lesson will allow you to explore curved mirrors. You are as well
expected to determine the characteristics of images formed by curved mirrors.
Have you tried looking at your face on a spoon? How does your image look on the
concave part? How about on the convex side? What kind of mirrors are used in Department
stores? Why?

What’s New

To give you an idea of the next lesson, try looking at your image on both sides
(concave and convex) of your spoon. What have you noticed? This is a reflection on curved
A curved mirror is a reflecting surface in which its section is a section of a sphere.
There are two kinds of curved mirrors, the concave and the convex. A spoon is a kind of
curved mirror with a concave side (front side) and the convex side (back).

What is It

A concave mirror is called converging mirror because the parallel incident rays
converge or meet/intersect at a focal point. Remember that a focal point as you can see on
the illustration is the point at which rays meet after reflection.

Image Source:


A convex mirror is called diverging mirror because the parallel incident rays diverge
after reflection. When extending the reflected rays behind the mirror as shown, the rays
converge at the focus behind the mirror. Now try to explore further on the characteristics of
images formed by curved mirrors.

Image Source:


What’s More

Plane mirrors and convex mirrors both produce only a virtual image. A real image
can only be seen in a concave mirror at a condition that the object will be placed at a
distance greater than the focal length from the surface of the mirror. The image formed will
be in an upright position and reduced in size.
The Law of reflection for plane mirrors remains true for both concave and convex
mirrors. When light rays reflect off a concave mirror, the rays converge at a point called the
focus. The focal length is measured from the reflective surface to the focus. The image
produced by concave mirrors are reduced in size and it is a real image. Convex mirrors on
the other hand create an image bigger than the object which is virtual.
Here is an illustration of a curved mirror.

Image Source:

If you have internet connection, watch the video for you to discover the
characteristics of images formed by curved mirrors. After watching the video, complete the
table below.
Video 1: Characteristics of Images formed by Concave Mirrors

Video 2: Characteristics of Images Formed by Convex Mirrors


Note: For the size of the object, you will simply indicate whether the image is bigger or
smaller than the object, position is upright or inverted and the type of image as virtual or real.
Table 2: Characteristics of Images formed by Curved Mirrors.

Location of the Object
Location Orientation Size Type

A. Farther than the center of
B. At the center of curvature
C. Between the center of
curvature and the Focal
D. At the Focal Point
E. Between the Focal Point
and the vertex

All Locations

Q10. When the object is brought closer to the concave mirror. What happens to
it’s size and location?

Q11. What generalization can you arrive at from the nature of images formed by
Convex and concave mirrors.

Now, let us determine the characteristics of the images formed by curved mirrors using
mirror equation.
1/f = 1/p + 1/q Mirror Equation
f - is the focal length or distance from the mirror and the focal point (F)
p - Distance of the object from the mirror
q - distance of the image from the mirror

The sign convention for mirrors:

• f is + if the mirror is concave

• f is – if the lens is convex

• q is + if the image is real and located on the object side of the mirror
• q is – if the image is virtual and located behind the mirror
• h’ is + if the image is upright
• h’ is – if the image is inverted

f - is the focal length or distance from the mirror
q - is the distance of the image from the mirror
h’ - is the height of the image

Sample Exercises using the mirror equation:

1. A 5.00 cm. tall light bulb is placed at a distance of 45.0 cm from a concave mirror having
a focal length of 10.5 cm Determine the image distance and the image size.
Height of the object h=5.00 cm
Distance of the object =45.0 cm
Focal point = 10.5 cm
Distance of the image, q=?
Height of the image, h =?

1/f = 1/p + 1/q

1/10.5 cm = 1/45.0 cm + 1/q
q=13.7 cm
The image height can be determined using the magnification equation. Since
three of the four quantities in the equation are known, the fourth quantity can be
h’/5.00 cm = -13.7/45.0 cm
h’= (5.00 cm) (-13.7 cm)/45.0 cm
h’= -1.52 cm
Note: A negative value for image height indicates an inverted image

Exercises: Do it yourself.
1. What is the image distance and image height if a 7.00 cm tall object is placed
30.0 cm from a concave mirror having a focal length of 10.0 cm?

2. What is the focal length of a convex mirror that produces an image that appears
15.0 cm behind the mirror when the object is 27.5 cm from the mirror?

What I Have Learned

1. Using the equation 1/f = 1/p + 1/q, for all locations in front of a convex
mirror, where does the image seem to appear always? Explain. (5 pts.)
2. It is therefore considered that the value of image distance, q is negative.
What does the negative value for image distance mean? (5 pts.)
3. In the same manner, the focus, F in a concave mirror is located on the
other side of the mirror (behind the mirror), thus the focal length is also
negative. What is meant by the negative value of a focal length in a
concave mirror?

What I Can Do

1. Cite a situation in your daily routine which uses the concept of reflection? Explain.
2. Why are curved mirrors used in supermarkets?

Lesson 2: Assessment

1. If you wish to have a magnified image of your face for applying makeup or shaving, the
mirror you will use must be:
A. Plane mirror
B. Concave mirror
C. Convex mirror
D. Concave mirror

2. What kind of mirror is used by department stores to give a wider area and smaller image
of the shoppers?

A. Plane mirror
B. Convex mirror
C. Concave mirror
D. None of the above

3. Which of the following statements can best describe the image formed by a concave
mirror when the object is at a distance farther than the center of curvature (C) of the

A. Virtual, erect and bigger than the object

B. Virtual, upright and smaller than the object
C. Real, inverted and smaller than the object
D. Real, inverted and bigger than the object

4. An object is placed at the focus of a concave mirror. The image will be
A. real, upright, same size at the focus
B. real, inverted, same size at the focus
C. real, inverted, highly enlarged at infinity
C. virtual, inverted, highly enlarged at infinity

5. A person views his image in front of a mirror. His image appeared to be real, inverted and
larger than him. What kind of mirror did he used?
A. Concave Mirror B. Convex mirror C. Magic Mirror D. Plane Mirror

6. Where must a candle flame be placed to produce an image that is upright and magnified?
A. At the focus
B. Inside the focus
C. Outside the focus
D. Anywhere in front of the lens

7. A convex mirror will always produce an image that is _____.

A. virtual, upright, larger
B. virtual, upright, smaller
C. virtual, upright, same size
D. real, upside down, smaller

8. As the distance of an object from a converging mirror decreases, the image:

A. increases in size and moves toward the mirror.
B. decreases in size and moves toward the mirror
C. decreases in size and moves away from the mirror.
D. increases in size and moves away from the mirror.

9. The reason why convex mirrors are used as rear-view mirrors in vehicles is:
A. It is more attractive
B. It has wider field view
B. It produces real image
C. It produces virtual image

10. What will be the exact description of the image that will be formed on the given
illustration of a concave mirror showing object location between C and F?

A. Virtual, upright, enlarged

B. Real, enlarged and inverted
C. Smaller than the object, inverted and real
D. Smaller than the object, upright and virtual

11. Rays of light traveling parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror will come together

A. at infinity
B. at the focal point
C. at the center of curvature
D. at a point half way to the focal point.

12. A candle is placed in front of a concave mirror. The image produced by the mirror is:
A. Virtual, upright, magnified
B. Real, inverted and magnified
C. Real, inverted and demagnified
D. Virtual, upright and demagnified

13. As the distance of an object from a converging mirror decreases, the image:
A. moves toward the mirror and increases in size
B. moves towards the mirror and decreases in size
C. moves away from the mirror and increases in size
D. moves away from the mirror and decreases in size

14. Which of the following statements can best describe the image formed by a concave
mirror when the object is at a distance farther than the center of curvature (C) of the

A. Virtual, erect and bigger than the object

B. Real, inverted and smaller than the object
C. Real, inverted and bigger than the object
D. Virtual, upright and smaller than the object

15. Farsightedness is corrected by a:

A. convex lens
B. convex mirror
C. concave lens
D. concave mirror

Additional Activities

1. Holding a metal spoon in front of you, observe your image on the back side of the
spoon. Describe your image. What kind of mirror does this side represent? Bring
the spoon closer and farther to your face. What happens to your image as it is
move closer and farther from the spoon on the back side?

2. Observe your image on the front side of the spoon. What kind of image do you
see? What kind of mirror does this side represent? Bring the spoon closer and
farther to your face. What happens to your image as it is move closer and farther
from the spoon on the front side?

3. Look at an image formed by a water droplet. Explain. What kind of lens does it


3 Images Formed by Lenses

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Predict the qualitative characteristics (Location, orientation, type and magnification) of
images formed by lenses;

2. Identify ways in which the properties of lenses determine their uses in optical
instruments (e.g. cameras and binoculars)

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Sun’s rays are observed to focus at a point behind the fishbowl near the window. The
fishbowl act as what type of lens?
A. Converging lens
B. Diverging lens
C. Focusing lens
D. None of the above

2. The lens which diverges light from a single point.

A. convex lens
B. concave lens
C. biconvex lens
D. all of the above

3. As light passes from air to water, its speed decreases. Describe the refracted ray.
A. It is reflected
B. It travels at the normal line
C. It is bent towards the normal
D. It is bent away from the normal

14. Different objects at different distances are seen by the eye. The parameter that remains
constant is

A. the focal length of the eye lens

B. the object distance from the eye lens
C. the radii of curvature of the eye lens
D. the image distance from the eye lens

15. What kind of image is formed by a concave lens irrespective of the position of the

A. real, upright , diminished

B. real, inverted and magnified
C. virtual, upright and magnified
D. virtual, upright and diminished

What’s In

Have you ever asked yourself why we see a colorful array of colors in a sky
(rainbow)? Have you observed the appearance of a pencil placed in a glass half filled with
water? Or have you notice how your body looks when standing on a waist deep water in a
swimming pool? What might have caused all these phenomena?
Refraction is the bending of light rays due to change in its speed as it travels from
one medium to another. A lens is a molded piece of transparent material that refracts light
rays in such a way as to form an image. As a ray of light enters a lens, it is refracted, and as
the same ray of light exits the lens, it is again refracted.
A lens is an optical device that disperses light beam by way of refraction. To
determine the exact location and size of the image formed in lenses, a lens equation is
needed. The mirror equation also applies to both concave and convex lens.

What’s New

A lens is a transparent glass with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light
rays. Some devices which use lenses are cameras, binoculars, telescopes and microscopes.
Probably, you have already tried using a magnifying lens. What have you notice as you vary
the distance between the object and the lens, and the image and the lens? We will be
describing the images formed by lenses based on the location of the object in relation to the
lens as we proceed to the lesson.

What is It?

Convex Lens:
A lens that is thicker in the center than at the edges is called a convex lens, they are
bent towards the center.

Image Source:

The point at which the light converge is the focal point. Light is refracted as it enters a
lens and again as it leaves the lens. The amount of refraction will depend on the degree to
which the lens is curved. A very curved lens will refract light more than a lens whose surface
is only slightly curved. In a very curved lens, the converging rays will meet at a focal point
closer to the lens. Thus, the focal length of a very curved lens is shorter than that of a slightly
curved lens. Because a lens converges light, it can form a real image. However, a convex
lens can also form a virtual image. The kind of image a convex lens forms depends on the
position of the object.
If an object is placed more than one focal length, but less than two focal lengths
beyond a convex lens, the image formed is inverted and larger than the object. An example
of this image is the image formed by a convex lens in a microscope and a slide projector.
If an object is placed between a convex lens and it’s focal point, a virtual image is
formed. The virtual image is erect and larger than the object. For this reason, convex lenses
can be used as magnifying glass.
The lens of your eye is a convex lens. It is not a hard and rigid lens, but rather a soft
and flexible one. So, it can easily change shape to allow you to see clear images of objects
both near and far.
Ideally, the image formed by the convex lens of the eye should fall directly on the
retina. In certain cases, the image falls in front of the retina because the eyeball is too long.
This is called near sightedness. The lens of a near sighted person is too convex. A concave
lens is used to correct near sightedness.

If the eyeball is too short, the image is focused behind the retina. This condition is
called farsightedness. The lens of a farsighted person is not convex enough. The rays of
light converge at a point behind the retina. A convex lens is used to correct farsightedness.

Concave Lens:
A lens that is thicker at the edges and thinner at the center is a concave lens. As
parallel rays of light pass through a concave lens, they are bent toward the edges and the
light rays diverge.
All images produced by concave lenses are erect and smaller than the object.
Concave lenses are most often used along with convex lenses to help form a sharper image.
Let us use the lens equation to determine the characteristics of the images formed by
lenses. For a concave lens, the image will always be located on the side where the object is
also located. It this case, the value of image distance is negative. The focal length of a
concave lens is negative while positive for a convex lens. The negative value for image
height means an inverted image
When lens equation is used in determining the characteristics of images formed by
lenses, we will refer to this sign convention for lenses.
The sign convention for lenses:

• f is + if the lens is double convex

• f is – if the lens is double concave
• q is + if the image is real and located behind the lens
• q is – if the image is virtual and located on the object side of the lens
• h’ is + if the image is upright (also virtual)
• h’ is – if the image is inverted (also real)


• f is the focal length and distance of the object from the lens
• q is the distance of the image from the lens
• h’ is the height of the image

This equation called the mirror equation applies to both concave and convex lenses.
There are two cases which we are going to consider:
1/f = 1/p + 1/q
f – is the focal length or distance from the mirror and the focal point (F)
p – Distance of the object from the mirror
q – distance of the image from the mirror

Table 3: Location, Orientation, Size and Type of Images Formed by Lenses

Location of Object Orientation Size (Same,
Type (Real or
Location (Upright or Reduced or
Inverted) Enlarged)
Convex Lens
Beyond 2F
Between 2F and F
At the Focal Point
Between F and V
Concave Lens:
At 2F
Location of Object Orientation Size (Same,
Type (Real or
Location (Upright or Reduced or
Inverted) Enlarged)
At the Focal Point
Between F and V

What’s More

1. Construct your own pinhole camera and explore on the images formed by lenses.
The materials you need here is just found in your home. You don’t need to
buy a cardboard. You simply need here a shoe box. A video on how to do it is
provided for you. So, prepare your shoe box, a cutter, a scotch tape, a small needle
and a wax paper. If wax paper is not available, you can use onion skin bond paper.

CAUTION: Be careful in using the cutter and needle.

Video: How to Make a Pinhole Camera – Class 6 Science
Video Link:

Assessment (Unit Test)

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How do you describe the kind of the image shown on the given illustration?
A. Real image
B. Virtual image
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

Image Source:


2. Light is incident on a flat surface, making an angle of 10 o with that surface, as

shown on the figure below. (a) What is the angle of incidence? (b) What is the
angle of reflection?

.A. Angle of incidence is 80o and angle of reflection is 10o

B. Angle of incidence is 80o and angle of reflection is 80o
C. Angle of incidence is 10o and angle of reflection is 10o
D. Angle of incidence is 10o and angle of reflection is 180

3. On the given illustration, which is the incident ray?

A. A B.B C.C D.D

4. A boy is running at a speed of 5 m/s towards a plane mirror. The boy and his image in the
mirror are moving:
A. Towards each other at a speed of 5 m/s
B. Towards each other at a speed of 10 m/s
C. Away from each other at a speed of 5 m/s
D. Away from each other at a speed of 10 m/s

5. On the illustration given in item number 6 , the arrow which is labeled A is called the:

A. Incident ray C. Principal axis

B. Normal Line D. Reflected Ray

6. The lens which diverges light from a single point.

A. convex lens C. biconvex lens
B. concave lens D. all of the above

7. As light passes from air to water, its speed decreases. Describe the refracted ray.
A. It is reflected
B. It travels at the normal line
C. It is bent towards the normal
D. It is bent away from the normal

8. Sun’s rays are observed to focus at a point behind the fishbowl near the window. The
fishbowl act as what type of lens?
A. Converging lens
B. Diverging lens
C. Focusing lens
D. None of the above

9. Describe the image formed by the human eye.

A. Magnified and real
B. Diminished and real
C. Magnified and virtual
D. Diminished and virtual

10. A person’s legs appear to be shorter when standing waist deep in a swimming
pool due to:
A. Diffraction
B. Refraction
C. Reflection
D. Polarization

11. Rays of light traveling parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror will come

A. at infinity
B. at the focal point
C. at the center of curvature
D. at a point half way to the focal point.

12. A candle is placed in front of a concave mirror. The image produced by the mirror is:
A. Virtual, upright, magnified
B. Real, inverted and magnified
C. Real, inverted and de magnified
D. Virtual, upright and de magnified

13. As the distance of an object from a converging mirror decreases, the image:
A. moves toward the mirror and increases in size
B. moves towards the mirror and decreases in size
C. moves away from the mirror and increases in size
D. moves away from the mirror and decreases in size

14. Which of the following statements can best describe the image formed by a concave
mirror when the object is at a distance farther than the center of curvature (C) of the
A. Virtual, erect and bigger than the object
B. Real, inverted and smaller than the object
C. Real, inverted and bigger than the object
D. Virtual, upright and smaller than the object

15. Farsightedness is corrected by a:

A. convex lens
B. convex mirror
C. concave lens
D. concave mirror


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