Simulado 7

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Simulado 07

01) True or False: The primary reason one might choose a four-week Sprint is when the work is
too large for a two-week Sprint and cannot be decomposed further.
A) True
B) False

02) During the Sprint, the Scrum Master's role is to: (choose the best two answers)
A) Facilitate inspection and adaptation opportunities as requested or needed
B) Assign tasks within the Scrum Team
C) Ensure the Product Owner attends all scrum events
D) Escalate team conflicts to functional line managers
E) Remove impediments
F) Monitor the progress of the Developers

03) The Developers should not be interrupted during the Sprint. The Sprint Goal should remain
intact. These are conditions that foster creativity, quality, and productivity. Based on this,
which of the following is FALSE? (choose the best answer)
A) As a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog Items, the Sprint Backlog changes
and may grow as the work emerges
B) The Sprint Backlog and its contents are fully formulated in the Sprint Planning meeting
and do not change during the Sprint
C) The Developers may work with the Product Owner to remove or add work if it finds it
has more or less capacity than it expected
D) The Product Owner can help clarify or optimize the Sprint when asked by the

04) The Product Owner remains distant. He/she has handed over the required Product Backlog
for the Sprint but is not collaborating with the Developers during the Sprint. What are
valuable actions for a Scrum Master? (choose the best two answers)
A) Coach the Product Owner in the values of scrum and incremental delivery
B) Bring up the problem in the Sprint Retrospective
C) Stop the Sprint, send the Product Owner to a course and restart
D) Nominate a proxy Product Owner

05) How much of the Sprint Backlog must be defined during the Sprint Planning meeting?
(choose the best answer)
A) Enough so the Developers can create its best forecast of what it can do, and to start
the first several days of the Sprint
B) Just enough tasks for the Scrum Master to be confident in the Developers´
understanding of the Sprint
C) All the potential work: The Sprint Planning meeting isn`t over until 100% of the work is
identified and estimated
D) Just enough to understand design and architectural implications
06) Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as an outcome of the Sprint Planning?
(choose the best answer)
A) It is a task list where every Developers has signed up for all the tasks that he/she
intends to do in the Sprint
B) It is a decomposition of Product Backlog items such that enough work is decomposed
for at least the first days of the Sprint
C) It must be ordered by the Product Owner
D) It is an exhaustive list of all tasks for the Sprint, and tasks must be estimated in hours
E) It is a list of the user stories estimated in story points, and a list of corresponding tasks
that are estimated in hours

07) Which two behaviors demonstrate that a team is self-managing? (choose the best two
A) Developers collaboratively select their own work during the Sprint
B) The Developers creates their own Sprint Backlog, reflecting all work that is part of the
definition of "Done"
C) The Scrum Master is no longer needed
D) The Developers work within the boundaries of their functional description and nicely
hand off work from analyst to developer to tester to integration
E) The Developers invites external people to the Sprint Planning to ask them how to turn
Product Backlog items into an Increment via a complete and detailed Sprint Backlog

08) True or False: The Sprint Goal is a result of Sprint Planning, as is the Sprint Backlog.
A) True
B) False

09) The IT Manager asks a Developers for a status report describing the progress throughout
the Sprint. The Developers asks the Scrum Master for advice. The Scrum Master should:
(choose the best answer)
A) Ask the Product Owner to send the manager the report.
B) Tell the Developers to figure it out themselves.
C) Talk to the IT Manager and explain that progress in Scrum comes from inspecting
an Increment at the Sprint Review.
D) Create and deliver the report to the manager herself.
E) Tell the Developers to fit the report into the Sprint Backlog.

10) Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning? (choose the best
A) Who is on the team and what team member roles will be
B) How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve
C) Why do, what can be done and how to do it
D) What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently in this Sprint
E) What to do and who will do it

11) How do you know that a Scrum Team is cross-functional? (choose the best answer)
A) There are no conflicts within the Scrum Team.
B) A few of the Developers pair program and do Test Driven Development.
C) Developers has all the skills to create a releasable increment by the end of every
D) Every member of the Developers is able to perform every task.
12) What are some consequences if the Developers does not have a consistent definition of
"Done" from Sprint to Sprint? (choose the best answer)
A) The Developers may not know how many Product Backlog items it can do in a Sprint
B) The Product Owner may not know what he/she is inspecting at the Sprint Review
C) The Product Owner may be unable to gauge the progress toward his/her goals
D) The Developers may not know what work is entailed in completing selected Product
Backlog items
E) All of the above

13) Which Scrum Value is affected by a lack of trust in the Scrum Team? (choose the best
A) Focus
B) Commitment
C) Courage
D) Openness
E) Respect
F) All of the above

14) Who creates a Product Backlog Item's estimate? (choose the best answer)
A) The Developers after clarifying requirements with the Product Owner
B) The Product Owner with input from the Developers
C) The Scrum Master
D) The most senior people in the organization, including architects and subject matter
E) The Developers alone

15) Why does a Scrum Team need a Sprint Goal? (choose the best answer)
A) Sprint goals are not valuable because everything is known from the Product Backlog
B) The Scrum Team is more focused through a common yet specific goal
C) A Sprint goal ensures that all the Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are
D) A Sprint Goal gives only purpose to Sprint 0

16) As Scrum Teams mature, it is expected that the following decision is likely to be taken:
(choose the best answer)
A) The Sprint Retrospectives will grow to be longer than 4 hours
B) A Scrum Master is no longer needed since they are a mature team now
C) They will improve their definition of done to include more stringent criteria
D) Sprint Reviews will no longer be needed
E) There is no need for a time-boxed Sprint, since time-boxes are only for new Scrum

17) For which is the Scrum Master responsible? (choose the best answer)
A) The Scrum process being adopted and used properl
B) The meetings and the objectives that a Scrum Team set for itself
C) Keeping track of resource allocation
D) Managing the performance of the Scrum Team

18) Developers step up to own a Sprint Backlog item: (choose the best answer)
A) Whenever a team member can accommodate more work
B) Never - all Sprint Backlog items are "owned" by the entire Scrum Team, even
though each one may be done by an individual Developer.
C) During the Daily Scrum
D) At the Sprint Planning meeting
19) Who is responsible for registering the work estimates during a Sprint? (choose the best
A) The most junior member of the team
B) The Scrum Master
C) The Product Owner
D) The Developers

20) During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the Sprint
Backlog? (choose the best answer)
A) When the Product Owner identifies a new work
B) As soon as possible after they are identified
C) During the Daily Scrum after the Developers approves them
D) When the Scrum Master has time to enter them

21) What are two good ways for a Scrum Team to ensure that security concerns are
satisfied? (choose the best two answers)
A) Have the Scrum Team create Product Backlog items for each concern
B) Add a Sprint to specifically resolve all security concerns
C) Delegate the work to the concerned department
D) Postpone the work until a specialist can perform a security audit and create a list of
security-related Product Backlog items
E) Add security concerns to the definition of "Done"

22) The Product Backlog is ordered by: (choose the best answer)
A) Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner
B) Items are randomly arranged
C) Small items at the top to large items at the bottom
D) Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom
E) Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom

23) Self-managing works best when there are goals and boundaries. Select two
requirements from the Scrum framework that are key for a Scrum Master to teach teams
to help them self-organize. (choose the best two answers)
A) Maintaining and preferably increasing velocity
B) Having an even number of team members to be able to do pair programming
C) Time-boxing events to manage risks
D) Forming teams happens by the Product Owner selecting each member
E) Creating a releasable Increment by the end of each Sprint

24) The Product Owner must ship each Sprint increment... (choose the best answer)
A) ... to make sure the Developers is done every Sprint
B) ... without exception
C) ... when it makes sense
D) ... whenever the increment is free of defects

25) During the Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master's role is to: (choose the best answer)
A) Facilitate discussions of the Developers
B) Ensure that all three questions have been answered
C) Ensure that each developer has a chance to speak
D) Teach the Developers to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute time-box
E) All answers apply.
26) Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint? (choose the best two
A) The length of the Sprint should be proportional to the work that is done in between
B) All Sprints must be 1 month or less
C) It is best to have Sprints of consistent length throughout a development effort
D) Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should hold the time it will
take to code the planned features in the upcoming Sprint, but does not include time
for any testing
E) Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should be long enough to
make sure the Developers can deliver what is to be accomplished in the upcoming

27) A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Scrum Team. The Scrum Team has
decided that a retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take?
(choose the best answer)
A) Comply with the decision of the self-managing team
B) Begin facilitating productive, useful retrospectives
C) Consult with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation
D) Call a meeting between the Scrum Team and senior management

28) What is the purpose of a Scrum of Scrums? (choose the best answer)
A) Align Product Backlogs of related products by bringing their Product Owners
B) Align plans for different Scrum Teams by bringing the Scrum Masters together every
C) Share cross-team experiences of different Scrum Masters
D) Meet to report to stakeholders
E) Align plans of different Developers working on the same product

29) Which are two ways of creating Scrum Teams consistent with Scrum´s values? (choose
the best two answers)
A) Managers personally re-assign current subordinates to new teams
B) The chief Product Owner determines the new team structures and assignments
C) Bring all the developers together and let them self-organize into Developers
D) Existing teams propose how they would like to go about organizing into the new
E) Managers collaborate to assign individuals to specific teams

30) At the end of a Sprint a Product Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet
the definition of "Done". What two things should happen with the undone Product
Backlog. (choose the best two answers)
A) Put it on the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it.
B) If the stakeholders agree, the Product Owner can accept it and release it to the
C) Review the item, add the"Done" part of the estimate to the velocity and create a
Story for the remaining work.
D) Do not include the item in the Increment this Sprint.

31) Which of the following two items are NOT topics of discussion within a Sprint
Retrospective? (choose the best two answers)
A) Definition of "Done"
B) Team relations
C) Functionality implemented as a result of the Sprint
D) Process improvements
E) Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint
32) What is the timebox for a Daily Scrum? (choose the best answer)
A) 4 hours
B) 15 minutes
C) Two minutes per person
D) The same time of day every day
E) 15 minutes for a 4-week Sprint; for shorter Sprints it is usually shorter

33) The maximum length of the Sprint Review (its timebox) is: (choose the best answer)
A) 2 hours
B) 1 day
C) 4 hours and longer as needed
D) As long as needed
E) 4 hours for a monthly Sprint; for shorter Sprints it is usually shorter

34) During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible? (choose the
best answer)
A) Prioritizing the resulting action items
B) Participating as a Scrum Team member and facilitating as requested or needed
C) Acting as a scribe to capture the Developers´ answers
D) Summarizing and reporting the discussions to management

35) If quality assurance work does not occur as part of the development work within a
Sprint, which benefits are lost? (choose the best three answers)
A) The increment is probably not releasable
B) Future Sprints will probably be interrupted with bugs that are being found
C) The indication of progress on the Product Backlog is not transparente
D) The project manager cannot effectively update the plan

36) A Scrum Master is working with a Scrum Team that has members in different physical
locations. The Scrum Team meets in a variety of meeting rooms and has much to do
logistically (for example, set up conference calls) before the Daily Scrum. What action
should the Scrum Master take? (choose the best answer)
A) Inform management and ask them to solve it
B) Allow the Scrum Team to self-managing and determine for itself what to do
C) Ask the Scrum Team members to alternate who is responsible for meeting setup
D) Set up the meeting and tell the Scrum Team that is how it will be done

37) Who is responsible for clearly expressing Product Backlog items? (choose the best
A) The Product Owner.
B) The Scrum Master
C) The business analyst who represents the Product Owner in the Developers
D) The Stakeholders

38) Which of the following best describes an increment of working software? (choose the
best answer)
A) UML diagrams that describe how to deliver functionality in future iterations
B) A decomposition of all Product Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog
C) Additional features in a useable state that complement those delivered in previous
D) A new user interface design for functionality delivered in previous iterations
E) An automated test suite to verify functionality delivered in previous iterations
39) Items on the Product Backlog trend to be: (choose the best answer)
A) The same size as the items in the Sprint Backlog
B) It depends
C) Larger than the items in the Sprint Backlog
D) Smaller than the items in the Sprint Backlog

40) Which of the following are NOT time-boxed events in Scrum? (choose the best four
A) Sprint 0
B) Sprint testing
C) Release testing
D) Sprint Retrospective
E) Daily Scrum
F) Release Retrospective
G) Sprint Planning

41) What are two responsibilities of testers in a Scrum Team? (choose the best two
A) Everyone in the Developers is responsible for quality
B) Finding bugs
C) Tracking quality metrics
D) Scrum has no "tester" role
E) Verifying the work of programmers

42) Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders? (choose the best answer)
A) The Developers
B) The Team Manager
C) The Project Manager
D) The Business Analyst
E) The Product Owner

43) Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role? (choose the best three
A) Multiple people can share the Product Owner role on a Scrum Team
B) The Product Owner can be influenced by a committee
C) The Product Owner role can be played by a committee or a team of people
D) The Product Owner is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog
E) The Product Owner is one person

44) When is implementation of a Product Backlog item considered complete? (choose the
best answer)
A) When QA reports that it passes all acceptance criteria
B) At the end of the Sprint
C) When all work in the Sprint Backlog that is related to it is complete
D) The item has no work remaining that must still be done before it can be used by its
end user

45) Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint? (choose the best answer)
A) Developer’s managers
B) Subject matter experts
C) The Developers
D) Architects
E) The Scrum Master
46) A Sprint Retrospective should be held: (choose the best answer)
A) At the beginning of each Sprint
B) At the end of the last Sprint in a project or a release
C) Only when the Scrum Team determines it needs one
D) At the end of each Sprint

47) When can a Developers cancel a Sprint? (choose the best answer)
A) The Product Owner is absent too often
B) Functional expectations are not well understood
C) It can´t - only Product Owners can cancel Sprints
D) A technical dependency cannot be resolved
E) The forecast for the Sprint becomes un-achievable
F) Answers A or D

48) Every Scrum Team must have a Product Owner and a Scrum Master. (choose the best
A) False; a Product Owner can be replaced by a business analyst in the Developers
B) True; each must be 100% dedicated to the Scrum Team
C) True; outcomes are affected by their participation and availability
D) False; a Scrum Master is only required when asked for by the Developers

49) Which technique is the LEAST productive way for the Scrum Master to ensure that the
Developers communicates effectively with the Product Owner? (choose the best
A) Teach the team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives
B) Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the Sprints
C) Act as a go-between for them
D) Monitor communications between them

50) Which of the following is true about Scrum? (choose the best three answers)
A) Scrum is like traditional processes but with self-organization to replace project
B) Scrum is based on empirical process control theory
C) Scrum is a methodology where you can pick and choose which parts of scrum you
think will work for your environment
D) Scrum is a framework for developing and maintaining complex products
E) Each component of scrum serves a specific purpose, and is essential to scrum´s
success and your usage of scrum to develop complex products

51) The definition of “Done” is used to: (choose the best three answers)
A) Describe the work that must be done before the Sprint can end
B) Guide the Developers on how many Product Backlog Items to do in a Sprint
C) Describe purpose, objective, and timebox of each Scrum event
D) Create a shared understanding of when work is complete
E) Increase transparency

52) Which of these may a Scrum Team deliver at the end of a Sprint? (choose the best
A) Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance tests for the next Sprint
B) An increment of software with minor known bugs in it
C) A single document if that is what the Scrum Master asked for
D) An increment of working software that is "Done"
53) Which does a self-managing Scrum Team choose? (choose the best answer)
A) When to release, based on its progress
B) Product backlog ordering
C) Sprint length
D) How to best accomplish its work
E) Stakeholders for the Sprint Review

54) What are three benefits of self-managing? (choose the best three answers)
A) Increased self-accountability
B) Increased rule compliance
C) Increased commitment
D) Increased creativity
E) Increased predictability

55) Which phrase best describes a Product Owner? (choose the best answer)
A) Value optimizer
B) Requirements engineer
C) Team manager
D) Go-between between Developers and customers

56) Why should the Product Owner be present at the Daily Scrum? (choose the best answer)
A) To participate as a Scrum Team member
B) To represent the stakeholders´ point of view
C) He/She doesn´t need to be there
D) To hear about impediments in functionality

57) True or False: The Product Owner makes sure the team selects enough from the Product
Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the stakeholders.
A) True
B) False

58) What happens if the Developers cannot complete its work by the end of a time-box?
(choose the best answer)
A) Scrum should be abandoned
B) The time-box holds, and the Developers continuously learns what is possible to do
within a time-box
C) The time-box is adjusted permanently to reflect reality
D) The time-box is extended temporarily; lessons are taken to ensure it doesn´t
happen again.

59) An abnormal termination of a Sprint is called when? (choose the best answer)
A) When the team feels that the work is too hard
B) When it is clear at the end of a Sprint that everything won´t be finished
C) When the Product Owner determines that it makes no sense to finish it
D) When sales have an important opportunity

60) Which of the following is true about the Scrum Master role? (choose the best two
A) The Scrum Master teaches the Developers to keep the scrum meetings to their
B) At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been "Done" and what
has not been "Done"
C) The Scrum Master assigns tasks to Developers when they need work
D) The Scrum Master is responsible for updating the Sprint burndown
E) The Scrum Master helps those outside the team interact with the Scrum Team
61) Who determines when it is appropriate to change the Sprint Backlog during a Sprint?
(choose the best answer)
A) The Project Manager.
B) The Scrum Team.
C) The Developers
D) The Product Owner.

62) What are the three main topics that the Sprint planning meeting covers? (choose the
best answer)
A) Why do, What will be done and who will do it.
B) How business conditions change and how Product Backlog should evolve.
C) Who is on the team and what will be the roles of team members?
D) What will be delivered and how will the necessary work be done.
E) What went wrong last sprint and what to do differently in the current sprint

63) When can the Developers adjust its development practices? (choose the best answer)
A) After they have discussed and agreed at the end of a Sprint Retrospective.
B) Whenever necessary.
C) Before a new Sprint begins.
D) Just before starting a project.
E) During Sprint Planning.

64) What is the maximum duration of a sprint? (choose the best answer)
A) Not so long that the risk becomes unacceptable to the Product Owner.
B) Not so long that other business events cannot be readily synchronized with
development work.
C) No more than one calendar month.
D) All the above answer options are correct.

65) True or False: A good Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint and may still
have several Release Sprints.
A) True
B) False

66) What are two things that the Developers will certainly NOT do during the first Sprint?
(choose the best two answers)
A) Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality.
B) Develop a plan for the rest of the project.
C) Deliver an increment of potentially usable functionality.
D) Fully define the architecture and infrastructure of the software.

67) Which of the events below are Scrum Time Boxes? (choose the best five answers)
A) Sprint 0.
B) Sprint
C) Sprint Planning Meeting
D) Daily meeting
E) Release Test.
F) Sprint Retrospective.
G) Release Retrospective.
H) Sprint Test
I) Sprint Review
68) When should the Product Owner choose to deploy in the production environment the
product (or software) increment generated at the end of a Sprint? (choose the best
A) Whenever the increment goes through a test battery and is fault free.
B) When it is certain that the Developers has done all the work according to the
definition of "done".
C) When there is a sense or need from the customer business to use the newly
released functionality.
D) Never.

69) What does Sprint's burndown chart measure? (choose the best answer)
A) The earned value accrued by the functionality that has been completed.
B) Sprint Backlog items remaining over time in a Sprint.
C) Sprint's accumulated cost so far.
D) The individual productivity of each developer.

70) How often is Sprint Burndown Chart indicated to update? (choose the best answer)
A) Daily.
B) Weekly.
C) Biweekly.

71) What does a Burndown Release Chart measure? (Choose the best answer)
A) The Product Backlog remaining over time for a release plan.
B) The time remaining over the time of a release plan.
C) The budget remaining over time for a release plan.
D) The time spent over the time of a release plan.

72) What does the trend line on the Release Burndown Chart indicate? (choose the best
A) When the remaining work is likely to be completed if no changes are made to the
Product Backlog or the Developers.
B) Project Cost.
C) When the project will end if the Product Owner removes work that has not been
D) When all Sprint Backlog work is “Done”, and the Scrum Team will be released for
further work.

73) Who should be responsible for producing and / or updating the Release Burndown
Chart? (choose the best answer)
A) The Product Owner.
B) The Scrum Master.
C) Members of the Developers.

74) Who is most interested in knowing progress against the release plan? (choose the best
A) The Developers
B) The Scrum Master.
C) The Product Owner.
D) The Project Manager

75) Should every Scrum Team have a Product Owner and a Scrum Master? (choose the best
A) Yes. And they must be 100% dedicated to each team.
B) Yes. And they can serve more than one team, knowing that team performance can
be affected by their smaller participation.
C) Do not.
76) One company implemented Scrum 12 months ago. Everyone is happy to be delivering
software running every 3 months and the project manager always reports to the director
how motivated the team is. Given this scenario, it is clear that: (choose the best answer)
A) The company did not understand what Scrum is and is not performing its practices
B) The company understood what Scrum is and its philosophy but has adapted Scrum
to its reality.
C) The company did not understand Scrum because the project manager must be
called Scrum Master and cannot report team performance to the board.
D) The company understood what Scrum is and is reaping excellent results, as before
the adoption of Scrum delivered software every 6 months.

77) The developer team that has been working with Scrum for 6 months has decided to no
longer perform some basic practices in the Scrum framework. (choose the best answer)
A) The developer team has this freedom, after all else they can get organized the way
they want. In Scrum, teams are self-organized.
B) The developer team cannot fail to do any basic Scrum practices. They are indeed
self-organizing, but they need to do so by following Scrum practices.
C) The developer team does not have this freedom. If this happens, it is best to call an
outside consultant to reinforce the concepts of Scrum.
D) The developer team is right. They can stop doing any Scrum practice they do not
like anymore.

78) What are the three pillars of Scrum? (choose the best answer)
A) Transparency, Inspection and Realization.
B) Inspection, Adaptation and Speaking the Truth.
C) Adaptation, Inspection and Ethics.
D) Inspection, Transparency and Adaptation.

79) True or False: When a team adopts Scrum, it should deliver software running from 4 to
6 months, giving preference to longer periods, as it facilitates the planning of activities.
A) True
B) False

80) True or False: At the beginning of a Scrum project, the first thing the team should do is
to plan the entire software architecture in detail, as this architecture will serve as the
basis for developing the rest of the software.
A) True
B) False

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