Appellation Proclamation For Latrivia Rice

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me Cc empire state ov morocco united states for north america moorishe national republic federal governmente midwest territory so ~sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos~ moorishe bivpne anbe nationall muvemente ob the earthe northe weste amexemt + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate all abdjoining isstands 4s ~tempel ob the moon ande sun~ the true anbe be jure naturall peeples + heirs ob the Lande we mi s.Lame & EE ie empire state ov morocco unniversall sovereiqne ovigeneall inndigeneous annciente naturall Divyne appellatione proklamatione latrivia ann rice all rize ande stande ande remain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle ii moorishe al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise latrivia ann rice in capi nolo, in red propria persona sui juris, in proprio soio, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen nationall appellatione is kimki makita auckia el in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui ju i is, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne Enneiente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov Kemet ande ov the fannciente moabites ande canaanites, our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origencall inndigeneous raturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall fovernmente. we herebye exercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nung pro tung i, latrivia ann rice, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, being duly affirrmed, standinge squarelly, deeclare, ande proclaime, upon divyne law, naytures law, unniversall law, moorishe bearthrights, inntemationall law, ande constitutionall law, declare ande state that i, tatrivia ann rice, being previously unlawfully iddentified by the [Union States Society Of North ‘America — U.S.A] ande by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] ande its agents principals heirs assignes ande any deerivatives thereof], unnder the colorable (wardship name] of {Latrivia Ann Rice], ande the [CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE WAR NAME] of [LATRIVIA ANN RICE}, ande the [name] ov [latrivia ann rice] in capitis diminutio nolo issued in [BLACK-ATLAW] [DEAD] [trademarkel, do hereby reebut thee fraude ande proclaime my true sovereigne status. i deeslare ‘nde affirme my true stattus ande that i, latrivia ann rice, am alivve ande in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, ande i proclaime my rightfulle lyfe ande my sovereigne moor Pmerican natione; in accorde withe my moorishe natione of northe weste amexem northe america, exxercising all of my bearthrightes having lawfullie konsented to ande proclaimmed my moorishe Gherican nationalitie ande bearthrighte appellatione ande noblle living title, in harmonye ande in corde withe divyne law, thee unniversall sovereigne custtoms ande thee laws, rulles, ande ussages of the moorishe divyne ande national movemente. beeing origeneall ande inndigeneous, ande parte ande parcll of the norhe american lande by bloode line, by primogenittre, by bearthright, by natural bear by universal divyne law ande by inheritance. i hereby proclaim for the record, i have rebutted the presumed [FOREIGN], [Foreign] [CORPORATION] [Corporation] [corporation] cognomen, ande Fictitious misnomer back to the (coloniall possessors] of its peddegree. i am now rightfullie deeclaring, publishing, ande proclaiminge my own free national! status, appellatione ande esstat, aiming. my Teotual,rightfulle, ande sovereigne stattus as decedens spiritum reeturned allive’, my moorishe american Konsanguine bloode line ande nationall ande unniversall honoure, lett it be declared, knowne, published, ande reesolved that i am latrivia ann rice, in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona si Jars, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes by bearth righte ande inheritance withoutt the [United Sates) the [UNITED STATES) nor the foreigne, immposed collor of law, of assumede due processe of the [Union States Society) all laws made by the state to the kontrary of the constittione ande its treaties ie not withe sttanding. the suppreme laws of the lande are the governinge principalls on our lande to innelude but nott limmited to: 1. free moorishe american zodiac constitutione: (zodiac constitutione ande bearth rights of the moorishe americans) being ali, bey, el, dey, ande al), arrticle two (2), paragraphe two (2). 2. united states terratories; deepartmente of justice: moorishe american kredentialls: aa222141 truthe al. 3. united states supreme courte: supreme law —actts of state, 44, united states constitutione: arrticle iii (3), sectione two (2), ammendmente v (5) (libberty cllause) ande ammendmente ix (9) (reeservatione of the rightes of the peepel). 5. universal deeclaration of hueman rightes; united nationes hueman rightes 5 (arrticle fifteene (15). 6.tightes of inndigeneous peepels; united nationes gennerall assemblie- parte 1, arrticle 4 wherrefore, i, latrivia ann rice, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, beinge parte ande parcell naimed hereinn, ande by bearth righte, primogenitture, ande innheritance, make a law fulle kommande of affidavid ande pubblic notificatione of Tationalitie proclamatione, appellatione notificatione kommande, deeclaratione, affirmatione, ande applicatione, herewithe published for the pubblic reckorde. all sovereigne origeneall innbigencous annciente dibpne moorishe amerikan autografts affirming this ande all sovereigne origeneall innbigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the be jure moorishe nationall republic federall governmente Dockumentes are on the public reckorde at amerika, annciente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste affriea, the narthe gate, turtle islande, gaia’, midguarde, arte. hronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee ego sum — uk Madde Audi 2 se vizier ministar pra persona sul juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes. cipal. knovtise to principal is knowtise to agente ‘empire state ob morocco tunited states of morocco moorishe nationall reepublick federall governmente mibivest territory c/o 1824 strada Drive Apt 6 Meear Corporate [St. Louis, Missouri] Zip Except ‘annciente land of nod, northe weste african, morocco Latitude: north longitude: west cunniversall naturall airea cabbe: x axis: y-axis {in capitis diminuto noo, in red ‘knowtise to agent is know

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