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Name & surname(s): SANDRA MONLEÓN GARCÍA


1.Reflexive questions

2.Creative writing
Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. Who are the main characters in the book? Give a brief description
of each of them.
The main characters in this books are:
Auggie, Via, Jack Will, Summer, Isabel Pullman, Nate Pullman, Miranda, Justin,
Julian, Mr Brown and Mrs Tushman

Auggie: He is the protagonist of the book. He is a boy who is 10 years old, and
who suffers a rare disease. Since he was a child has gone through various
operations, which have helped him to breathe, to see, and to eat, so he could
lead a normal life. Auggie has studied at home since kindergarten because his
parents prefered him to be homeschooled in case he felt rejected or marginated
by the other children.
Jack Will: Jack is a classmate of Auggie, and one of his best friends. Early in
the course Mr Trushman asked him to show Auggie around the school and
welcome him so that Auggie wouldn´t feel lonley on his first day at school. Jack
is kind, affectionate and attentive boy with others, because when he becomes
friends with Auggie, they become inseparable.
Summer: She is the first friend that Auggie has after getting angry with Jack
Will, Auggie shares with her a relationship of friendship full of fun and kindness
Via: Via is Auggie's older sister, and she is the one who always takes care of
him when their parents are not at home, and the one who is always willing to
help her family and friends when something happens. She is a very calm,
reserved and shy person. Via wants to be known for who she is, not for being
the sister of.
Isabel Pulman: Isabel is the mother of Auggie, she is a tall and has dark hair,
she is always smiling, even in the worst moments. She has raised her son since
he was born, and has protected him from all external danger. She didn’t want
him to go to school, so she decided to teach him at home, until there was a
point where they had to sign him up for school because she could not keep
teaching him anymore, since the subjects were becoming more and more
difficult for her. Before giving birth to Auggie, she was an illustrator of children's
books, that's why Auggie loves space, because his mother Isabel always drew
him as an astronaut in her books.
Nate Pulman: He is Auggie's dad, and he is a tall, blond man, who is always
making jokes to his wife and children to make them laugh. Nate didn’t want
Auggie to go to a normal school because he thought they would make fun of
him and hurt him and like any father, he doesn’t want anyone to make his son
Miranda: Miranda is very close to Auggie's family, since Via is her best friend
since they were little. She has seen Auggie growing up since he was little, so
she considers him a little brother, and feels very protective when it comes to
Justin: He is Via's boyfriend from school, he is a funny and extrovert boy, he is
the one who gives Via space so that she can express herself and be herself
Julian: Julian is in the same class as Auggie, and laughs at him for being
different, since his parents have educated him by instilling in him that people
who are not like him are "weird". He is a selfish and big-headed child who wants
to have everything, but he reaches a point in the book where he decides to
change and apologize to Auggie and try to be friends.
Mr Browne: Mr Browne is Auggie's tutor and teacher at school, he is a very
attentive and friendly person, Auggie can always count on him, and in the end
he takes a lot of affection for Auggie.
Mr Tushman: He is the director of Auggie's school, and he always defends him
because he knows there can be other children who may mess with him and try
to hurt him. He is a tall, calm and very wise person, one of his best speeches
was when he showed Julian the reality and made him realize all the damage he
had caused to Auggie.

2. What do you think Auggie means by “the only reason I’m not
ordinary is that no one else sees me that way.”?
I think Auggie refers to when the others see him and realize that he doesn’t
have a normal physical appearance, they get scared and laugh at him for not
being like them. That's why he says that others do not see him normal because
nobody has stopped to look at him that way. But if the others knew him and
spent time with him they would not notice if he is different from them and they
would learn that not everyone is perfect or equal. He didn’t want the other kids
running away because of him, he wanted to be a ordinary kid, but he got used
to his reality.
3. In Chapter 4, Auggie thinks, “I wanted Dad to win the fight (to not
go to school). Though part of me knew Mom was right.” What do
you think he means by this? Explain.
Auggie has never been to school like the other children, he had always studied
at home because of his illness and his mother was the one who helped him to
study and the one who taught him the rest of the subjects.

When Auggie found out that his mother wanted him to start school, he got very
angry and he said that he didn’t want to go to school because he prefers to be
homeschooled. On the other hand, his father Nate didn’t want it either, because
he didn’t want him to feel weird with other children at his new school, he also
thought that if Auggie isn’t ready to go to his new school he doesen’t have to do
But in the other hand Isabel wanted Auggie to go, because she couldn’t keep
teaching him at home since his schedule became more and more complicated
and she didn’t know that much.
I think Auggie means "I wanted Dad to win the fight (to not go to school).
Although I knew that Mom was right, " that he was afraid of never having been
in contact with other children and he feared that his physical defect was a
problem when it came to having friends.
That's why he wanted his father Nate to win this fight with his mother Isabel, but
on the other hand he knew that there would come a point where his mother
could no longer give him more class and that's why Isabell wants Auggie to go
to school.

4. Auggie’s attendance at Beecher Prep creates issues for students,

parents, teachers and the principal. What are some of the
challenges that arise? What do you think about Mr Tushman’s
When Auggie's parents decide to send him to school, they sign him up to
Beecher Prep School, which is an elementary school.
Mr. Tushman is the principal of the school, and decides that a week before
starting school he would show Auggie around school and introduce him to three
students so that the first day of the course he would not feel so alone and
When the students saw that Auggie was different because of his physical
appearance, they made fun of him and fled because his face scared them, in
class nobody wanted to sit with him and the same happened at lunchtime. They
left him aside because they thought that if they approached him or touched him
he would infect them with his illness.
With parents there were also problems, especially with Julian's. They thought
that being a good school a person with Auggie's disease and deformity, could
not attend the same school as their son. There were such problems that they
found a photo that they had taken in Julian's class, where they had trimmed
Auggie with Photoshop. The director thinking it was Julian, called his parents to
explain that Julian had been messing with Auggie, but found out that the mother
was the one who encouraged Julian to be like that with him.
One of the challenges that arises is the adaptation of Auggie, since he is
different from the other childs at his school.
I think that Mr Tushman reacts firmly, given that the situation is new for all of
them. He puts himself in Auggie's place since he believes that you shouldn’t do
what you do not like to be done, we are all the same and all we have the right to
a friendship, and an education.

5. Kids that are different are often bullied in some way. How does
Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully?
¿In what subtle ways does Julian bully Auggie?
When Auggie went to school to see it and meet some kids, he already realized
that Julian would be one of those people who would make fun of him and hurt
him. It was all because Auggie always looked down because he was ashamed
to show his face, so when he looked at the feet of other people, he realized
what social class they belonged to.
When he noticed Julian's shoes, he saw that he was wearing very expensive
shoes and realized that he was the typical posh kid, believing that he had
everything he wanted and that he got involved with other children to make them
suffer and leave them alone.
Also, Auggie knows that julian will be his bully because the first day they meet,
Julian was asking inappropiate questions to Auggie to laugh at him, and when
they strated the school julian drew Auggie like a mosnter and put it in his
6. Discuss the characteristics of a good friend. Which of Auggie’s
friends demonstrate these qualities?
A good friend is one who is always with you, helps you in everything he can.
When you are sad he tries to get you a smile through and encourages you.
Friendship means to respect each other, love each other and get the best of
each other. Another qualitiy of good friend is that he is always going to be
honest with you and when he has something to say he will do it without hurting
your feelings, he will care about you just as you do for him
Jack is the first friend Auggies has and with whom he really discovers what
friendship is. They have had good and bad moments, adventures, laughs, fights
... and the friendship they have is more than an ordinary friend, they love each
other, and support each other.
So, the characteristics of a good friend are:
- Respect for each other
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Affection
- Listening to each other
- Friendliness
- Love

7. There are so many ways that Auggie and Via are different, but
there are also several ways that they are alike. Name some things
that they have in common. (Chapter 47)
Auggie and Via are different in physical appearance, but physical appearance
does not determine a person. Via is an independent person who has made
herself based on being alone. On the contrary, Auggie is a child who depends a
lot on the support of their parents because, due to his physical appearance and
his illness, he doesen’t usually fit into society. Via has always felt very lonely
because of her family, because they give more attention to her brother. Auggie
on the other hand has always been surrounded by people to make him feel
Auggie and Via have several ways that they are alike; both Via and Auggie feel
like they don’t find their place in school, many times they hate their friends for
making them feel they are nothing. When something happens to one of them
and they are sad, they are the first to give themselves love and support, since
the relationship that unites them surpasses the rest.
8. Why do you think Miranda got “sick” on opening night? (Chapter
Via and Miranda participated in the same school performance, and the two
prepared the same role, the only thing was that the leading role was given to
Miranda and Via was not given the role, but she could only act if Miranda was
The day they opened the performance, they went to see Via, her brother Auggie
and her parents Isabel and Nate, When Via saw them sitting there, she was
surprised because her parents, due to her brother's condition, had never been
to see anything at her school. At the time Miranda saw that Via's parents were
there, she was also surprised because she knew that they had never gone to
see Via do anything, so to give them and her best friend a joy, she decided to
pretend she was sick, so that Via would play the leading role and show her
parents and the audience that she was very good at acting, and Miranda would
be able to demonstrate Via that they were still best friends, despite everything
that had happened between them.

9. Do you agree with what Auggie’s dad did with the astronaut
helmet? Was it best for Auggie? Explain. (Chapter 117)
I think Nate, Auggie's father, did well to hide his helmet for a while, because
when Auggie was little and they gave him the astronaut's helmet, he hid in it for
the simple fact that he was ashamed to show his true face to other people. He
also hid behind it when something bad happened to him and he wanted to
"disappear" in the space.
For Auggie the helmet was a mechanism of defense, protection and fantasies,
he liked the space so much and he always fantasized about being an astronaut
and living in space. When he put it on, it was like he was in a totally different
dimension where other children saw him as an equal and nobody laughed at
him for being different.
His father Nate, hides it because he thinks he should not have the obssesion
that when something bad happens you have to lock yourself in. He thinks that
he has to face the problems and be responsible for the consequences.
So yes, I agree with what Nate Auggie's father does with his helmet, because in
the end he ends up removing Auggie insecurities he has thinking that by
wearing the helmet things will be different.
10.What is, in your opinion, the most important message in this
The book of wonder has taught me to see beyond the physical appearance, the
school refusal and especially the overcoming of the protagonist every day.
Auggie in this book is the protagonist, suffering from a disease called Treacher
Collins syndrome, which is a malformation, so he looks different from other
children, and that's why the children of his school mess with him, only for being
Auggie's overcoming of the bad moments caused by school acceptance and
adaptation to his new life is one of the most important messages, because,
even if bad times have come, you always have to be strong and keep going.
That's what Auggie does, he goes through the bad spells and despite them he
meets some real friends who will be with him during the rest of his school year.
With them he also experiences what friendship is.
But for me, the most important message of this book has been, bullying, as
today is a very important issue given that many children suffer it or know of
someone who suffers it.
It is an issue that has impacted me a lot because for both me and my family,
something similar has happened to us. It hurts me to see how we hurt each
other, for the simple fact of being different. We should know how to respect
ourselves and try to change things, because we cannot educate new
generations by making them think that if they are different they are worse, so
we must educate them on equality between people and respect.
Choose ONE of the following options and write a text of between 250-300
A. Write a diary entry from the point of view of Mr Tushman.

Dear Diary,
My name is Julian and I am 10 years old, I am studying primary at Becheer
Preep school, I have a lot of friends and one of the things I like most is playing
video games.
I am a child who gets everything he wants, whenever I ask for my parents buy it
for me, that's why I am one of the first children to have play games and new
toys, and i’m the most popular of my group, and the one who leads it.
When I arrive to my house from my holidays there was only one week left to
start school and one day Mr Tushman called my parents to tell them that if they
didn’t care that I went to school to show a new child around, and I was surprised
because they don’t usually do those things with the others.
We were introduced to the new boy whose name was Auggie, he wasn’t like us,
he was very different and ugly, his face was deformed and he was not very
talkative. I was very curious because as the director had said that he had never
been to school, I didn’t know if he knew what were the things that were there in
our class, so i started to ask him questions.
When I started school I laughed at him because he was alone and nobody
wanted to relate to him, it’s very strange. He seemed to like the movie of Star
Wars because he wore a braid in his hair like the padawan’s, but he would
never look like them, he’s more like Chewbacca.
When I saw that Jack Will was the bestfriend of Auggie, I got very angry
because I didn’t understand why a normal person wants to get together with an
ugly and deformed boy.
After running out of friends, I realized that having been getting involved with
Auggie brought me problems and with that, I learned to not judge people by
their physical appearance and before knowing them.

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