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PROBLEMS 1947 -1948

By: Ms. Maira Arif
Initial Difficulties
1. Choice of Capital and Establishment of Govt.
2. Unfair Boundary Distribution
3. The massacre of Muslim refugees in India
4. Division of Military and Financial Assets
5. Canal water dispute
6. Kashmir dispute
7. Constitutional problem
8. Electricity problem
9. Death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Radcliffe Award
• …. Many Muslim Majority areas (Gurdaspur & Ferozepur) were
given to India
• ….This aggravated the refugee issue
• ….Led to Kashmir Dispute
• …..Ferozepur led to Indus Water Dispute
• …..Calcutta was given to India –though surrounded by Muslim
majority territories being industrial hub.
Geographical Problems
• ….Two parts, 1000 miles apart
• ….Hard to administer
• ….Differing cultures
• ….Jinnah tried to fix this through speeches
• ….Jinnah insisted on Urdu as national language
Political/Administrative Problems
• ….Poor Administration and Infrastructure
• ….Civil Servants, Govt. buildings, Furniture, human resource, etc.
• ….Jinnah flew experienced Govt. officials to Karachi in special trains,
• ….Constitution was not made
• ….Framework for setting up constitution was delayed
• ….Constituent Assembly members were mainly retired civil servants and
,military officers, wealthy landlords – inexperience and self centered
• ….Jinnah was chief executive, didn’t start work nor outline the time to

The Accession of Princely States

• ….Junagardh & Hyderabad Deccan – the price was Muslim but the
majority of the population was Non Muslim – no connecting border with
Pakistan – helped Pakistan a lot mainly financially – later ceased by India
• …..Pakistan lacked proper Industries
• ….Jute production was in East Pakistan, Mills went to India
• ….Suffered because of Canal Water Dispute

• ….5 nationalities/population groups
• ….Culturally different
• ….Most of Pakistan lacked educational Infrastructure
• ….Plus a lack of Health Services
• ….Pakistan, a poor piece of land and East Pakistan was poorer than
• ….5 provinces, all different from each other with nothing common
except religion

Financial Asset division

• ….India refused to pay assets
• ….Pakistan was supposed to get 750m
• …Got 200m, war started and India didn’t gave.
• ….Gandhi’s hunger strike made them give 500m more
Military Asset Division
• ….Pakistan needed 4000 officers
• ….Had only 2500. 500 British brought in
• ….No ordnance factories,
• ….Jinnah made them send 60million rupees for ordinance
• ….Supplies sent to Pakistan were old, worn, damaged.

Canal Water Dispute

• …April 1948 India stopped water supply to Pakistan,
• ….Agrarian Economy threatened
• ….May 1948, Temporary agreement till Pakistan gets
other sources by Jinnah
• ….T e m p o r a r y agreement via May 1948
Q. Why was the Military asset division a problem?[7]
• Pakistan needed 4000 officers
• Had only 2500. 500 British brought in
• No ordnance factories,
• Jinnah made them send 60m for ordinance factories
• India had 36:64 ratio. Supplies sent to Pakistan were late
old, worn, damaged

Q. Why was Radcliffe award unfair? [7]

• India got Ferozepur
• India got Gurdaspur
• India got Calcutta (surrounding areas were Muslim
majority, Jinnah’s referendum was denied)
Q1. Why was the division of financial
assets a problem for Pakistan? [7]

• For Governmental Expenses – to run the country- finance

the life and blood of any country – Expense is more than
the Revenue

• To deal with the refugee crisis

• To establish the infrastructure and institutions

Q2. Why was distribution of military assets
a problem for Pakistan? [7]
• Pakistan was a nascent country – no Defense mechanism at all – on the
verge of establishing it - Not enough sufficient military supplies/officers, to
meet the demand

• It was having a border dispute over Kashmir over India due to which it
needed an army to be prepared if a war breaks out over Kashmir in
would be at a disadvantage

• - Afghanistan Pakhtoonistan problem as it claimed some parts of N.W.F.P

so Pakistan needed an armed force and military as seats which it was
• ….Pakistan needed 4000 officers
• ….Had only 2500. 500 British brought in
• ….No ordnance factories,
• ….Jinnah made them send 60m for ordinance factories
• ….India had 36:64 ratio. Supplies sent to Pakistan were late old, worn,
Refugee Issue
• ….Unfair Radcliffe award (Gurdaspur, Ferozepur)
• ….20m homeless, Different groups turned on each other
• ….Pakistan and India worked together in an attempt to evacuate
and accommodate.
• ….Jinnah declared himself “Protector general of minorities” Set
up a relief fund
• ….Jinnah Shifted center to Lahore
• …These weren’t accommodated properly. No houses, jobs etc.
• ….Muslim population wanted Pakistan, Hindu leader wanted
• ….Border uncertain
• ….Both laid claims, conflict and tension
• ….Jinnah was unable to solve it
• ….Hyderabad and Junagadh and similar problems.
Q3. Why was Pakistan faced with refugee
problem in 1947? (Nov06/Q4b)
• LEVEL 1: Simplistic answer, for example: Refugees wanted to
live in Pakistan. [1]
• LEVEL 2: Identifies reasons, for example: Muslims were being
massacred by the Hindus and Sikhs. [2-4]
• LEVEL 3: Explains reasons, for example: During 1947, violence
between Hindus and Muslims increased dramatically. Muslims
fearful of being killed were forced to leave all their possessions
and cross into Pakistan to seek shelter. The Boundary Award
had made the problems worse between the two. Since Pakistan
had become independent so Muslims were leaving India for their
homeland, often with little or no possessions. It was argued that
India deliberately made difficulties for the new Pakistani
government by forcing Muslims across the border. Hindus and
Sikhs, perhaps fearful of reprisals and a genuine desire to live in
a Hindu nation, also contributed to the refugee problem by
crossing from Pakistan to India. [5-7]
• Muslims in wrong areas, Gurdaspur, Ferozepur were not
fairly partitioned

• Muslims in India were subject to violence, large scale

massacres by Hindus, Sikhs etc.

• They were short of food, shelter due to new Govts.

Q4. Why was Radcliffe award unfair?

• …India got Ferozepur
• …India got Gurdaspur
• …India got Calcutta (surrounding areas were Muslim
majority, Jinnah’s referendum was denied)
Other Contributions of Jinnah
• Acting as a leader
• Building a Nation
• State bank of Pakistan in 1948
• ….Thus economic and monetary policies developed
• Civil service recognized, rules drafted
• ….insisted officials to work for nation’s sake
• Economic Plan & Industrial Policy Statement
• Establishing National Security
Connectives are words or
phrases that join the thoughts of a
speech together and indicate the
relationship between
them. Connectives are essential
to help the audience focus on
main ideas without having them
guess which ideas the speaker
thinks are important. They make
your writing more powerful. Brings
in expression and Coherence: in
writing is the logical bridge
between words, sentences, and
paragraphs. Coherent
writing uses devices to connect
ideas within each sentence and
paragraph. Main ideas and
meaning can be difficult for the
reader to follow if
the writing lacks coherence
Q. ‘The formation of a government was the most important problem facing the newly
established country of Pakistan in 1947.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your
answer. [14] (N2009/P1/4c)
To reach a Level 4 mark, candidates had to ensure that they included the problem relating to the
formation of a government as well as other factors since this was included in the stem of the
question. Explain the factors including the formation of a government. Also produces a
judgement or evaluation.

It was essential following the creation of Pakistan to have a new government immediately.
However there was a shortage of properly qualified and experienced personnel which made the
task of running a government department extremely difficult. Pakistan had been awarded 750
million rupees under the final settlement but only received 200 million at first. This put enormous
strain on the new government since they were unable to use the money appropriately. It was
also the case with the division of the armed forces and military assets. Much of the assets
awarded were obsolete or out of order. However there were other difficulties such as the
problem of coping with the Muslim refugees from India. These refugees had been submitted to
terrible atrocities and so thousands fled to Pakistan. They needed food and shelter and placed
great strain on the new government. The Canal Water Dispute was one of the most serious
problems since India now controlled the water supply to Pakistan which brought tensions to a
head between the two countries as Pakistan had to depend on India for its water supply. The
problem dragged on until 1959. The accession of the Princely States and especially Kashmir
was a problem. The population of Kashmir was largely Muslim and wanted to join Pakistan
whereas the ruler was Hindu and wanted to join India. The border was uncertain between India
and Pakistan with respect to Kashmir and this inevitably caused problems.
Planning 14 mark questions 15 min
• Simplistic statement ….introductory statement… open the
answer…..neutral … can be a separate statement or can be
the part of 1st para
• 1st para.. Formation of government…..explain & relate 7/14
• 2ndpara… mentioning the rest of the problems
• 3rd para…. Pick one or two similar (other) problems and
explain & relate 9/14
• 4th para …. Two more problems and explain & relate 11/14
• 5th para …. Two more problems and explain & relate 13/14
• 6th para …. Conclusion 14/14
• 7 points …. 1 point … identify, explain & link/relate 14marks
• 5 points….10mark question
Q ‘The government of Pakistan was totally successful in solving the problems of
Partition during 1947 and 1948.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]
• Quaid-e-Azam Relief Fund created to help refugees. He appealed to
the people to help the
• refugees.
• He toured the provinces encouraging and motivating the people.
• Declared himself ‘Protector-General’of religious minorities.
• State Bank of Pakistan set up.
• Karachi made capital of Pakistan.
• Civil Services re-organised.
• Joined United Nations and attempted to draw their attention to
Kashmir problem.

• Kashmir and other Princely States issues not resolved.
• Canal Water Dispute not resolved until 1959.
• Millions made homeless or died as a result of Partition….
Examiners Comment
In their responses to part (c) on the level of success in
solving the problems of Partition in 1947 and 1948 most
candidates found some difficulty in scoring highly. Most
candidates were able to identify the problems facing the
newly formed government of Pakistan in 1947 and also the
ways in which these were overcome. However, the
question was more than that, requiring candidates to
explain how successfully these problems were solved. As a
result many answers were limited to a mark within level 2.
Only the better candidates were able to offer explanations
on the successes and failures of the Pakistani government
in these years.
• 1. Choice of Capital and Establishment of Govt.
• 2. Unfair Boundary Distribution
• 3. The massacre of Muslim refugees in India
• 4. Division of Military and Financial Assets
• 5. Canal water dispute
• 6. Kashmir dispute
• 7. Constitutional problem
• 8. Electricity problem
• 9. Death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Two factors Three factors

• Comparative analysis • Level 3 7/14 factor

• 7 points
present in the question…
one point
• 1st factor: 4/3
• 1st factor:3-4
• 1st point: 7/14 Level 3
• 2nd point: 8/14 • 2nd factor:2-3
• 3rd point: 9/14 • 3rd factor: 1-2
• 4th point: 10/14 • 13/14…. link
• 2nd factor: 4/3 • Conclusion 14/14
• 5th 11/14
• 10 mark 5 points
• 6th 12/14
• 3vs2
• 7th 13/14
Conclusion 14/14

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