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What is HDI ? hdi is an acronym that stads for human development index.

it is a set
of criteria that are sued to determine the developemnt a nation numerically
speaking. the criteria are knowledge, income and longevity.
How has it evolved?
initially the developemnt of a country was measured by the level of
industrialisation it was at.

Who coined the terms First and Third world?

a french demographer alfred sauvy wrtoe about three worlds one planet.
Explain what they mean.
he used first world ocuntries to refer to the most developed countires who happened
to be western and NATO countries. second world ocuntries were the ones that had a
communist system of governenace such as the ocuntries in the warsaw pact. the third
world countries were the rest of the world who were poor and agrarian relative to
the other two categories.

What is the Fourth World?

the foruth world is a country of great wealth such as the US where some parts of
cosirty live miserable lives with no upwards mobilityon the fringes of society. in
short, they have third worls living conditions despite living in a first world.

Why is Norway seen as a top developed country? Norway is seen as a top developed
because its population is among the happiest in the world.
per capita gdp is one of the highest in the world due to their low population for
the average inceom is 35k and very few work long hours. all norwegians can expect
good aspects of quality of life such as work life balance, school, education,
housing, social engagement.

HDI has three mian categories

environmental sus, eco sus and social sus.

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