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J: -Hello dear viewers I'm glad to see you again.

Today we host a special guest Dr

Abdulraheem late doctor ________________ (1) to the show

D: -Hi Sukena! thank you for having me

J: -Doctor, what must young people do to have

a good health?

D: -Good question to have a good health…

- First, young people ________________ (2) eat healthy balanced food that consists
of a variety of fruits and vegetables
- Second, they must drink enough water during the day

J: -Dr abdulraheem, ________ _________ (3) water do you think they must drink?

D: -Well… they ________ ____________ (4) about three liters a day

- third, young people must exercise regularly two to three times a week
- fourth, they must have enough sleep during the night
- they must sleep at least eight hours
- finally… they must practice meditation from time to time to get rid of stress. Yoga
can be a good meditation exercise.

J: -Very interesting doctor now… What mustn't

young people do to have a good health?

D: -Well…
- first, they __________ (5) eat too much fast and processed food
- second, they mustn't smoke cigarettes
- third, they mustn't drink any sort of alcoholic drinks
- finally… young ___________ ___________ (6) stay up late at night
J: -Thank you Dr Abderrahim for all these invaluable ideas and tips
dear viewers.
- The show ends here, I hope you have learned something new about how
to have a good health

J: -_______________ (7)!

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