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Quarter 3-Module 2
Media-Based Arts and Design
in the Philippines

About the Module

Welcome to another chapter for Arts in grade 10! In the previous quarter, you learned
about the different electronic and digital media available in today's technology-driven
world. This quarter will bring you to the modern techniques and trends in
photography, film, print media, digital media, and product and industrial design.
Featuring the talent, creativity, and quality workmanship of Filipino artists and
designers in all these fields as well.

This module is divided into two lessons namely;

• Lesson 1 – Photography
• Lesson 2 – Film

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify art elements in the various media-based arts in the Philippines;

2. identify representative artists as well as distinct characteristics of media-
based arts and design in the Philippines;
3. discuss the truism that Filipino ingenuity is distinct, exceptional, and on par
with global standards;
4. discuss the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and
combination of art elements and principles; and
5. use artworks to derive the traditions / history of a community.

What I Know

Find out how familiar you are with media-based artworks and designs made by
Filipinos. Read the questions and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Who is the award-winning ASEAN travel photographer who won twice in Pacific
Asia Tourism Association (PATA) Gold awards and first place in the 2011 National
Geographic Photo Contest?
A. George Tapan C. Laurice Guillen
B. John K. Chua D. Brillante Mendoza

2. Who is best known as an advertising and commercial photographer, with over

40 years of experience in this field and has won numerous local and international
awards for his work?
A. George Tapan C. Laurice Guillen
B. John K. Chua D. Brillante Mendoza

3. What is the title of this photograph by George Tapan?
A. Movement
B. Snake Island
C. Gulf of Davao
D. Into the Green Zone
4. Which is a photograph of John K. Chua?

A. C.

B. D.

5. Which element or principle of arts is used in

this photograph to emphasize movement?
A. proportion
B. line
C. shape
D. form

6. Which situation shows how photography requires creativity and imagination?

A.Kevin took a picture of his neighbor crying.
B.Jary took a picture of her mother smiling during her birthday.
C.Rica took a picture of candle vendors in front of the church while dancing.
D.Mikay took a picture of street children running around while splashing
water to one another.
7. When was film first introduced in the Philippines?
A. 1780 B. 1897 C. 1901 D. 1952
8. Who among the crew conceptualizes the scenes, directs the acting, supervises
the cinematography and finally the editing and sound dubbing?
A. director B. actor C. cameraman D. producer
9. What is the art of film camera work which captures the director’s vision of each
scene through camera placement and movement, lighting, and other special
A. acting C. set design
B. promotion D. cinematography

10. What recreates in physical terms—through location, scenery, sets, lighting,
costumes, and props—the mental image that the director had of how each scene
should look?
A. acting C. set design
B. promotion D. cinematography
11. Who is the award-winning director of the movies “Salome, Tanging Yaman”, and
“Sa’yo Lamang”?

A. Marilou Diaz-Abaya C. Brillante Mendoza

B. Laurice Guillen D. Lino Brocka
12. Who captured the attention and respect of the viewing public with her powerful
films such as “Jose Rizal”, “Muro-Ami”, and “Bagong Buwan”?

A. Marilou Diaz-Abaya C. Brillante Mendoza

B. Laurice Guillen D. Lino Brocka
13. Which movie is directed by Maryo J. delos Reyes?

A. Kinatay C. Ang Tanging Ina

B. Magnifico D. Santa Santita
14. Which statement shows good cinematography technique of a film?

A. Mark turned down the lights in the set to capture a clear view of the actors.
B. Mae arranged the props and furniture according to what the director
C. Ken zoomed the camera to the actor’s face when he is told to capture the
D. Sheree did a long shot to capture the horizons behind the actors during a
scene on the shore.
15. Which statement describes filmmaking as a form of communication art in the

A. It uses original Filipino materials and props during tapings.

B. It informs people of certain truths and events in the country.
C. It captures the beauty, culture, and brilliance of the Filipinos.
D. It shows the creativity and excellence of Filipino in the filmmaking


Week 1-2

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. tell why photography is considered and art;

2. capture a photo that emphasizes Filipino beauty; and
3. define beauty as something individually unique through a photograph.

What’s In

Am I Beautiful?

Look at the image.

It shows three smiling Filipino children living in an

urban poor community. Do you think the picture
is beautiful? If yes, how does the photograph show
beauty on these children despite their

What’s New & What is It

From the moment photography was invented to the middle of the 1900s, it had
started a heated debate on whether it is a form of art, or simply a way to document
reality. Now, you have known that photography is indeed an art form, moreover, its
unique features make it able to capture the beauty in any person, object, or event.

Photography as an Art
Capturing the beauty of nature provides an immense pleasure. You can also start
photography with your cellphone. Here are reasons why Photography is an art
according to

A. Photography requires imagination and
Getting that perfect shot requires varying
levels of creativity and lots of imagination, and
this is a widely accepted knowledge.
Photographers know that they should capture
ordinary things and find many ways to present
it to the world through extraordinary stills.
B. Photography captures emotions
What separates artistic photos from ordinary
snaps are the timing and anticipation of small
details of the big moments. These small details
are where the powerful emotions reside, and
experienced photographers know this. It’s the
peaceful moments in a noisy world is what
really counts.
C. Photography required analytical skills
Freezing a perfect moment and preserving
them forever require technical skills that
every photographer develops through years of
practice. Similar to artist painters which use
different sets of brushes or mediums,
photographers have shutter speeds,
apertures, and other number-based aspects
to consider when taking shots.
D. Photographers understand physics
Experienced photographers know that they must also have an understanding
of how optics, cameras, angles, and lighting works. Utilizing the science
behind photography will be a huge advantage for every photographer.
E. Photographers understand
In general terms, abstraction, in
general, is a process where information
is carefully but intentionally left out,
resulting in a shot that is open for
different interpretations. Abstraction
also requires an understanding of
geometric shapes, texture, lines, color,
and some other related elements.

You have the reasons why photography is considered an art form, but it also
important to be aware that all pictures are artistic in nature. The right photo is an
art itself because of the reasons discussed above.

Noteworthy Filipino Photographers
The Philippines has joined the rest of the world in applying the wonders of modern
photography to every aspect of life—from personal to professional to national to
global. And with our country’s natural beauty, several of our local photographers
have taken on the Philippines and the Filipinos as major focuses of their lenses.
Among these are George Tapan, John K. Chua and many other talented members of
the Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF).
George Tapan is an award-winning George Tapan
travel photographer who has won two
Pacific Asia Tourism Association
(PATA) Gold awards, an ASEAN
Tourism Association award, and first
place in the 2011 National Geographic
Photo Contest. His highly acclaimed
work has been published in five travel
photography books.

Into the Green Zone

Tapan’s 1st place-winning
image in the 2011 National
Geographic Photo Contest

The lines and details of
this photo are as dynamic
as an Impressionist
John K. Chua is best known as an advertising and
commercial photographer, with over 40 years of
experience in this field and numerous local and
international award for his work. At the same time, he has
applied his photo artistry to showcasing the beauty of the

Snake Island,

Gulf of Davao

Taal Volcano

What I Have Learned

The mentioned photographers are very prominent names in the world of advertising
the Philippines. How do they exactly promote our country to the world using
photography? Write a 3-sentence explanation on this.

Name: ____________________________Section: ______________ Date:_____________

Lesson 1: What I Have Learned
How do Filipino Photographers promote the Philippines?
(3 sentence explanation)

Note: If you do not have any available

camera or cellphone at home, contact
What I Can Do your teacher for another related
activity for your output.

Try to Take a Shot 2!

Using any camera or cellphone you have at home and the techniques you know, take
one picture showing a uniqueness in Filipino beauty. You may print your photo on a
short bond paper or send it to your teacher using messenger or email.

Subject: “Filipino Beauty”

Art Form: Photography
Medium: Any available camera or cellphone with camera

Photograph Criteria

Hello fellow photographer! Use the criteria below as your guide on how the teacher
will rate your artwork.
o Relevance to the topic 30 pts
o Impact 30 pts.
o Composition & Creativity 20 pts.
o Technical Quality 20 pts.
Total 100 pts.


Week 3-4

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. describe the Philippine Film making industry;

2. create a short film about Filipino families; and
3. edit an original video using cellphone, or any camera available.

What’s In

Do you enjoy watching television shows and


In a 2016 survey conducted by media

intelligence firm Kantar Media, 96.6 percent
of Filipinos watch TV daily from 91.2
percent in 2014.

But how did filmmaking start in the

Philippines? And which films and
filmmakers made a huge contribution to the
filmmaking industry in the country?

What’s New & What is It

Film, as the youngest of the Philippine arts, has evolved to become the most popular
of all the art forms. Introduced only in 1897, films have ranged from silent movies to
black and white to color. Outdoing the earlier arts by gaining public acceptance, from
one end of the country to the other.
As an art form, it reflects the culture and the beliefs of the people it caters to and
most times, is the one who shapes their consciousness. (From:

The Collaborative Art of Filmmaking

Filmmaking, because of its technical

complexity, involves entire teams of artists,
writers, and production experts, supported by
technicians taking charge of the cameras,
lighting equipment, sets, props, costumes, and
the like—all under the supervision of a film

Film directing - It is the director, like the

painter and sculptor in traditional art, who
envisions the final effect of the film on its
viewers, visually, mentally, and emotionally. While the painter and sculptor work
with physical materials, the film director works with ideas, images, sounds, and
other effects to create this unique piece of art. He or she conceptualizes the scenes,
directs the acting, supervises the cinematography and finally the editing and
sound dubbing in much the same way as a visual artist composes an artwork.
Clearly, however, the director does not do all these alone.

Acting - First and foremost, there was the art of acting for film. With live theater
as the only form of acting at that time, film actors had to learn to express
themselves without the exaggerated facial expressions and gestures used on stage.
With the addition of sound in the 1930s, they then had to learn to deliver their
lines naturally and believably.

Cinematography - Behind the scenes, there was cinematography or the art of film
camera work. This captured the director’s vision of each scene through camera
placement and movement, lighting, and other special techniques. Editing - This
was joined by film editing, the art of selecting the precise sections of film, then
sequencing and joining them to achieve the director’s desired visual and emotional
effect. Sound editing was also developed, as films began to include more ambitious
effects beyond the dialogue and background music.

Production/Set design - Underlying all these was the art of production and set
design. This recreated in physical terms—through location, scenery, sets, lighting,
costumes, and props—the mental image that the director had of how each scene
should look, what period it should depict, and what atmosphere it should convey.
This included creating worlds that did not exist as well as worlds that were long
gone, designing each production component down to the very last detail.

Again, all these allied arts were made possible through the advances of modern
technology. From cumbersome machines that could barely be moved, today’s
highly sophisticated cameras and accessories can handle even the most
demanding camera work. From the era of silent films, today’s films incorporate a
vast range of voice, music, and sound effects to suit an ever-widening array of film
genres. From manual rendering, today’s animated films use the awesome
capabilities of computers to amaze moviegoers of all ages.

Filipino Filmmakers

Award-winning and well-respected Filipino directors include Marilou Diaz-Abaya,

Laurice Guillen, Olivia Lamasan, Carlitos Siguion-Reyna, Ishmael Bernal, Joel
Lamangan, Jose Javier Reyes and Lino Brocka (deceased). The Filipino film "100"
directed by Chris Martinez won the Audience Award at the 2008 Pusan International
Film Festival.

Laurice Guillen’s Salome (1981) earned international acclaim at

the Toronto International Film Festival. Her more recent films,
such as Tanging Yaman, (2001) which won Best Picture in the
Metro Manila Film Festival, American Adobo (2002), Santa
Santita (2004), and Sa ‘Yo Lamang (2010), all gained her
recognition among the current generation of Filipino
Laurice Guillen

Salome, 1981 2

Marilou Diaz Abaya captured the attention and respect of the

viewing public with powerful films such as Jose Rizal (1998),
perfectly timed for the centennial celebration of Philippine
independence; Muro-ami (1999), which bravely exposed the deadly
practice of using child-divers to pound for fish in the Philippines’
coral reefs; and Bagong Buwan (2001), which dealt with the
Marilou Diaz - -
human cost of the Muslim-Christian conflict in Mindanao.

Crossing over easily between projects for television and for
the big screen is veteran film director Maryo J. delos
Reyes. The heartwarming drama film Magnifico won for him
the Best Director distinction at the 2003 FAMAS Awards
and garnered other local and international film awards as
well. Delos Reyes continues to be active in both film and
television media, having become known for well-loved
teleseryes (television drama series).
Maryo J. delos Reyes


Another Filipino film director who has brought the country to

the cinema world’s attention is Brillante Mendoza. He was
originally a production designer for films, commercials, and
music videos, and started directing films in 2005. But in just
four years, his film Kinatay (The Execution of P) won him the
Best Director award at the highly prestigious Cannes Film
Festival of 2009.

Brillante Mendoza

Kinatay , 2009

What I Have Learned

What new learnings did you gain about filmmaking in this lesson? Are you a little bit
inspired to become a film director, an actor, a producer or even a cameraman? Write
a 5-sentence paragraph about your learnings using this format.

Name: ____________________________Section: ______________ Date:_____________

Lesson 2: What I Have Learned
Philippine Filmmaking
(5 sentence - paragraph)

What I Can Do Note: If you do not have any available
camera or cellphone at home, contact
your teacher for another related
activity for your output.

Film It!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Try making your own short film at home. Ask your family members to be the actors
and part of your production team. Create your own plot/story as long it will be all
about showing what a Filipino family is. Follow the details below as your guide.
Subject: “A Filipino Family” (be creative in making your own story)
Time Length: 5 minutes only
Art Form: Film
Medium: Smartphones, camera, and video editing applications

Film Criteria:
Criteria for grading your short film.
o Story/Plot - 30 points
o Performance/Acting - 20 points
o Production Design - 10 points
(Props, costume, location set-up)
o Cinematography - 20 points
(camera angles, camera movements,
lighting, framing of shots)
o Editing - 20 points
(video editing and visual enhancements)
Total - 100 points


1. Which element or principle of Arts is used in

this photograph to emphasize movement?
A. proportion
B. line
C. shape
D. form

2. Who is the award-winning ASEAN travel photographer who won twice in Pacific
Asia Tourism Association (PATA) Gold awards and first place in the 2011
National Geographic Photo Contest?
A. George Tapan C. Laurice Guillen
B. John K. Chua D. Brillante Mendoza

3. What is the title of this photograph by George Tapan?

A. Movement
B. Snake Island
C. Gulf of Davao
D. Into the Green Zone

4. Who is best known as an advertising and commercial photographer, with over

40 years of experience in this field and has won numerous local and
international award for his work?
A. George Tapan C. Laurice Guillen
B. John K. Chua D. Brillante Mendoza
5. Which is a photograph of John K. Chua?

A. C.

B. D.

6. When was film first introduced in the Philippines?

A. 1780 B. 1897 C. 1901 D. 1952

7. Which situation shows how photography requires creativity and imagination?
A. Kevin took a picture of his neighbor crying.
B. Jary took a picture of her mother smiling during her birthday.
C. Rica took a picture of candle vendors in front of the church while
D. Mikay took a picture of street children running around while splashing
water to one another.
8. Who is the award-winning director of the movies “Salome, Tanging Yaman”, and
“Sa’yo Lamang”?
A. Marilou Diaz-Abaya C. Brillante Mendoza
B. Laurice Guillen D. Lino Brocka
9. What is the art of film camera work which captures the director’s vision of each
scene through camera placement and movement, lighting, and other special
A. acting B. promotion C. set design D. cinematography
10. Who among the crew conceptualizes the scenes, directs the acting, supervises
the cinematography and finally the editing and sound dubbing?
A. director B. actor C. cameraman D. producer
11. Which movie is directed by Maryo J. delos Reyes?
A. Kinatay C. Ang Tanging Ina
B. Magnifico D. Santa Santita
12. What recreates in physical terms—through location, scenery, sets, lighting,
costumes, and props—the mental image that the director had of how each scene
should look?
A. acting B. promotion C. set design D. cinematography
13. Who captured the attention and respect of the viewing public with her powerful
films such as “Jose Rizal”, “Muro-Ami”, and “Bagong Buwan”?
A. Marilou Diaz-Abaya C. Brillante Mendoza
B. Laurice Guillen D. Lino Brocka
14. Which statement describes filmmaking as a form of communication art in the
A. It uses original Filipino materials and props during tapings.
B. It informs people of certain truths and events in the country.
C. It captures the beauty, culture, and brilliance of the Filipinos.
D. It shows the creativity and excellence of Filipino in the filmmaking
15. Which statement shows good cinematography technique of a film?
A. Mark turned down the lights in the set to capture a clear view of the
B. Mae arranged the props and furniture according to what the director
C. Ken zoomed the camera to the actor’s face when he is told to capture
the surroundings.
D. Sheree did a long shot to capture the horizons behind the actors during
a scene on the shore.

Raul M. Sunico, PhD, 2015. Horizons: Music and Arts Appreciation for Young
Filipinos: Grade 10 Learner's Material. Tawid Publications. Page 257-265.

Online References
Bautista, Arsenio “Boots”. n.d. Accessed March 14, 2021.
Daily, Art. 2021. March 03. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Hays, Jeffrey. 2015. Facts and Details. Accessed March 14, 2021.
asia/Philippines/sub5_6e/entry3899.html. n.d. Accessed March 14, 2021.
n.d. Accessed March 14, 2021.
Shanidze, Irakly. 2018. Art Photo Academy. May 25. Accessed March 13, 2021.
eve n%20there.


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